package GPL; import java.lang.Integer; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.HashSet; // ************************************************************************* public class Graph { // Executes MSTPrim public void run( Vertex s ) { System.out.println("MSTPrim"); Graph gaux = Prim( s ); // Graph.stopProfile(); gaux.display(); // Graph.resumeProfile(); original( s ); } public Graph Prim( Vertex r ) { Vertex root; root = r; Vertex x; // 2. and 3. Initializes the vertices for ( VertexIter vxiter = getVertices(); vxiter.hasNext(); ) { x =; x.pred = null; x.key = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } // 4. and 5. root.key = 0; root.pred = null; // 2. S <- empty set // 1. Queue <- V[G], copy the vertex in the graph in the priority queue LinkedList Queue = new LinkedList(); //dja: added for performance reasons Set indx = new HashSet( ); // Inserts the root at the head of the queue //dja: Moved from below the for loop for performance reasons Queue.add( root ); //dja: added for performance reasons indx.add( root.getName( ) ); for ( VertexIter vxiter = getVertices(); vxiter.hasNext(); ) { x =; if ( x.key != 0 ) // this means, if this is not the root { Queue.add( x ); //dja: added for performance reasons indx.add( x.getName( ) ); } } // Inserts the root at the head of the queue //dja: moved above for loop for perf. reasons // Queue.addFirst( root ); // 6. while Q!=0 Vertex ucurrent; int j,k,l; int pos; LinkedList Uneighbors; Vertex u,v; EdgeIfc en; NeighborIfc vn; int wuv; boolean isNeighborInQueue = false; // Queue is a list ordered by key values. // At the beginning all key values are INFINITUM except // for the root whose value is 0. while ( Queue.size()!=0 ) { // 7. u <- Extract-Min(Q); // Since this is an ordered queue the first element is the min u = ( Vertex )Queue.removeFirst(); //dja: added code below for per. reasons indx.remove( u.getName( ) ); // 8. for each vertex v adjacent to u Uneighbors = u.getNeighborsObj( ); // dja - fix compile erros // for( EdgeIter edgeiter = u.getEdges(); edgeiter.hasNext(); ) k = 0; for( EdgeIter edgeiter = u.getEdges(); edgeiter.hasNext(); k++ ) { vn = ( NeighborIfc )Uneighbors.get( k ); // dja - fix compile bug // en =; // en = ( Edge ); en =; v = en.getOtherVertex(u); // Check to see if the neighbor is in the queue isNeighborInQueue = false; // if the Neighor is in the queue //dja: removed 2 lines for performance reasons and added 3rd line. left 4th line alone //int indexNeighbor = Queue.indexOf( v ); //if ( indexNeighbor>=0 ) if ( indx.contains( v.getName( ) ) ) isNeighborInQueue = true; wuv = en.getWeight(); // 9. Relax (u,v w) if ( isNeighborInQueue && ( wuv < v.key ) ) { v.key = wuv; v.pred = u.getName(); Uneighbors.set( k,vn ); // adjust values in the neighbors // update the values of v in the queue // Remove v from the Queue so that we can reinsert it // in a new place according to its new value to keep // the Linked List ordered //dja: added for perf. reasons Object residue = ( Object ) v; Queue.remove( residue ); // Object residue = Queue.remove( indexNeighbor ); //dja: added for performance reasons indx.remove( v.getName( ) ); // Get the new position for v int position = Collections.binarySearch( Queue,v, new Comparator() { public int compare( Object o1, Object o2 ) { Vertex v1 = ( Vertex )o1; Vertex v2 = ( Vertex )o2; if ( v1.key < v2.key ) return -1; if ( v1.key == v2.key ) return 0; return 1; } } ); // Adds v in its new position in Queue if ( position < 0 ) // means it is not there { Queue.add( - ( position+1 ),v ); } else // means it is there { Queue.add( position,v ); } //dja: added for perf. reasons indx.add( v.getName( ) ); } // if 8-9. } // for all neighbors } // of while // Creates the new Graph that contains the SSSP String theName; Graph newGraph = new Graph(); // Creates and adds the vertices with the same name // dja - fixed compile bug // for ( i=0; i<numvertices; i++ ) for ( VertexIter vxiter = getVertices( ); vxiter.hasNext( ); ) { // dja - fixing compile bugs // theName = ( ( Vertex )vertices.get( i ) ).name; Vertex vtx = ); theName =; newGraph.addVertex( new Vertex().assignName( theName ) ); } // Creates the edges from the NewGraph Vertex theVertex, thePred; Vertex theNewVertex, theNewPred; EdgeIfc e; // Creates and adds the vertices with the same name // dja - fixed compile bug // for ( i=0; i<numvertices; i++ ) for ( VertexIter vxiter = getVertices( ); vxiter.hasNext( ); ) { // theVertex and its Predecessor // dja - fixing compile bugs // theVertex = ( Vertex )vertices.get( i ); theVertex = ); thePred = findsVertex( theVertex.pred ); // if theVertex is the source then continue we dont need // to create a new edge at all if ( thePred==null ) continue; // Find the references in the new Graph theNewVertex = newGraph.findsVertex( ); theNewPred = newGraph.findsVertex( ); // Creates the new edge from predecessor -> vertex in the newGraph // and ajusts the adorns based on the old edge // EdgeIfc theNewEdge = new Edge(); // dja - fix compile errors // theNewEdge.EdgeConstructor( theNewPred, theNewVertex ); EdgeIfc theNewEdge = newGraph.addEdge( theNewPred, theNewVertex ); // dja - fix compile errors // e = findsEdge( thePred,theVertex ); e = findsEdge( thePred,theVertex ); // dja - fix comple errors // theNewEdge.adjustAdorns( e ); theNewEdge.adjustAdorns( e ); // Adds the new edge to the newGraph // dja - fix compile errors // newGraph.addEdge( theNewEdge ); } return newGraph; } // MST }