import java.util.*; import Jakarta.util.FixDosOutputStream; import Jakarta.util.Util2; import*; public class MethodDcl { public void mangleBaseMethod() { AST_Modifiers baseModifiers = ( AST_Modifiers ) arg[0].arg[0]; setName( mangledName ); // remember comment in front of method declaration // and nullify it for now String savedComment = this.getComment(); this.setComment( " " ); addModifier( new ModFinal().setParms( new AstToken().setParms( " ", "final", 0 ) ) ); // remove "new" or "overrides" modifier from base if ( baseModifiers!=null ) { baseModifiers.remModifier( ); baseModifiers.remModifier( ); } // restore comment associated with method -- place at front // of method declaration. this.setComment( savedComment ); } public String GetName() { return ( ( MethodDeclarator ) this.arg[2] ).GetName(); } public void cleanUpBase( AstCursor k, Hashtable he ) { if ( isReferenced && isOverridden ) { // propagate the modifiers and throws clause of the base // to the extension. ( overriddenBy.arg[0] ).compose( ( AstNode ) arg[0].clone() ); ( overriddenBy.arg[3] ).compose( ( AstNode ) arg[3].clone() ); // mangle the base name, and add final to the declaration mangleBaseMethod(); } else if ( isReferenced && !isOverridden ) { // create a call to self and add it before the original base method String call = call2Self( GetName(), mangledName ); AstList l = AST_FieldDecl.MakeAST( call ); // we need to identify this code with some layer // but since we are manufacturing this method and it // doesn't really belong to a layer, we'll invent a layer name l.setSource( kernelConstants.globals().compclass.ManufacturedName++ + "" ); k.AddBefore( l ); // mangle original base method mangleBaseMethod(); } else if ( !isReferenced && isOverridden ) { // just delete the base method -- no one references it // and it is overridden k.Delete(); } else if ( !isReferenced && !isOverridden ) { // do nothing --leave as is } } public String call2Self( String unmangled, String mangled ) { String modifiers = arg[0].toString(); String typeName = arg[1].toString(); String methdecl = ( ( MethodDeclarator ) arg[2] ) .selfDeclarator( unmangled ); String selfcall = ( ( MethodDeclarator ) arg[2] ) .selfCall( mangled ); String throwsc = arg[3].toString(); boolean isVoid = false; if ( arg[1] instanceof PrimType && arg[1].arg[0] instanceof VoidTyp ) isVoid = true; return "\n" + modifiers + typeName + methdecl + throwsc + "{ " + ( isVoid?"":"return " ) + selfcall + "; }"; } public String signature() { return ( ( MethodDeclarator ) arg[2] ).signature(); } }