/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 8003280 * @summary Add lambda tests * check that candidates with incompatible SAM descriptor args length are removed from the set of applicable methods * @compile/fail/ref=TargetType22.out -Xlint:unchecked -XDrawDiagnostics TargetType22.java */ class TargetType22 { interface Sam0 { void m(); } interface Sam1<A> { void m(A a); } interface Sam2<A> { void m(A a1, A a2); } interface Sam3<A> { void m(A a1, A a2, A a3); } interface SamX<A> { void m(A... as); } void call(Sam0 s) { } void call(Sam1<String> s) { } void call(Sam2<String> s) { } void call(Sam3<String> s) { } void call(SamX<String> s) { } void test() { call(() -> { }); call(a1 -> { }); //ambiguous - both call(Sam1) and call(SamX) match call((a1, a2) -> { }); call((a1, a2, a3) -> { }); } }