/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ package jdk.vm.ci.meta; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.lang.reflect.Type; /** * Represents a resolved Java method. Methods, like fields and types, are resolved through * {@link ConstantPool constant pools}. */ public interface ResolvedJavaMethod extends JavaMethod, InvokeTarget, ModifiersProvider, AnnotatedElement { /** * Returns the bytecode of this method, if the method has code. The returned byte array does not * contain breakpoints or non-Java bytecodes. This may return null if the * {@link #getDeclaringClass() holder} is not {@link ResolvedJavaType#isLinked() linked}. * * The contained constant pool indices may not be the ones found in the original class file but * they can be used with the JVMCI API (e.g. methods in {@link ConstantPool}). * * @return the bytecode of the method, or {@code null} if {@code getCodeSize() == 0} or if the * code is not ready. */ byte[] getCode(); /** * Returns the size of the bytecode of this method, if the method has code. This is equivalent * to {@link #getCode()}. {@code length} if the method has code. * * @return the size of the bytecode in bytes, or 0 if no bytecode is available */ int getCodeSize(); /** * Returns the {@link ResolvedJavaType} object representing the class or interface that declares * this method. */ ResolvedJavaType getDeclaringClass(); /** * Returns the maximum number of locals used in this method's bytecodes. */ int getMaxLocals(); /** * Returns the maximum number of stack slots used in this method's bytecodes. */ int getMaxStackSize(); default boolean isFinal() { return ModifiersProvider.super.isFinalFlagSet(); } /** * Determines if this method is a synthetic method as defined by the Java Language * Specification. */ boolean isSynthetic(); /** * Checks that the method is a * <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.6">varargs</a> * method. * * @return whether the method is a varargs method */ boolean isVarArgs(); /** * Checks that the method is a * <a href="http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.6">bridge</a> * method. * * @return whether the method is a bridge method */ boolean isBridge(); /** * Returns {@code true} if this method is a default method; returns {@code false} otherwise. * * A default method is a public non-abstract instance method, that is, a non-static method with * a body, declared in an interface type. * * @return true if and only if this method is a default method as defined by the Java Language * Specification. */ boolean isDefault(); /** * Checks whether this method is a class initializer. * * @return {@code true} if the method is a class initializer */ boolean isClassInitializer(); /** * Checks whether this method is a constructor. * * @return {@code true} if the method is a constructor */ boolean isConstructor(); /** * Checks whether this method can be statically bound (usually, that means it is final or * private or static, but not abstract, or the declaring class is final). * * @return {@code true} if this method can be statically bound */ boolean canBeStaticallyBound(); /** * Returns the list of exception handlers for this method. */ ExceptionHandler[] getExceptionHandlers(); /** * Returns a stack trace element for this method and a given bytecode index. */ StackTraceElement asStackTraceElement(int bci); /** * Returns an object that provides access to the profiling information recorded for this method. */ default ProfilingInfo getProfilingInfo() { return getProfilingInfo(true, true); } /** * Returns an object that provides access to the profiling information recorded for this method. * * @param includeNormal if true, * {@linkplain ProfilingInfo#getDeoptimizationCount(DeoptimizationReason) * deoptimization counts} will include deoptimization that happened during execution * of standard non-osr methods. * @param includeOSR if true, * {@linkplain ProfilingInfo#getDeoptimizationCount(DeoptimizationReason) * deoptimization counts} will include deoptimization that happened during execution * of on-stack-replacement methods. */ ProfilingInfo getProfilingInfo(boolean includeNormal, boolean includeOSR); /** * Invalidates the profiling information and restarts profiling upon the next invocation. */ void reprofile(); /** * Returns the constant pool of this method. */ ConstantPool getConstantPool(); /** * A {@code Parameter} provides information about method parameters. */ public static class Parameter implements AnnotatedElement { private final String name; private final ResolvedJavaMethod method; private final int modifiers; private final int index; /** * Constructor for {@code Parameter}. * * @param name the name of the parameter * @param modifiers the modifier flags for the parameter * @param method the method which defines this parameter * @param index the index of the parameter */ public Parameter(String name, int modifiers, ResolvedJavaMethod method, int index) { this.name = name; this.modifiers = modifiers; this.method = method; this.index = index; } /** * Gets the name of the parameter. */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Gets the method declaring the parameter. */ public ResolvedJavaMethod getDeclaringMethod() { return method; } /** * Get the modifier flags for the parameter */ public int getModifiers() { return modifiers; } /** * Gets the kind of the parameter. */ public JavaKind getKind() { return method.getSignature().getParameterKind(index); } /** * Gets the formal type of the parameter. */ public Type getParameterizedType() { return method.getGenericParameterTypes()[index]; } /** * Gets the type of the parameter. */ public JavaType getType() { return method.getSignature().getParameterType(index, method.getDeclaringClass()); } /** * Determines if the parameter represents a variable argument list. */ public boolean isVarArgs() { return method.isVarArgs() && index == method.getSignature().getParameterCount(false) - 1; } public <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass) { return method.getParameterAnnotations(annotationClass)[index]; } public Annotation[] getAnnotations() { return method.getParameterAnnotations()[index]; } public Annotation[] getDeclaredAnnotations() { return getAnnotations(); } @Override public String toString() { Type type = getParameterizedType(); String typename = type.getTypeName(); if (isVarArgs()) { typename = typename.replaceFirst("\\[\\]$", "..."); } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(Modifier.toString(getModifiers())); if (sb.length() != 0) { sb.append(' '); } return sb.append(typename).append(' ').append(getName()).toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Parameter) { Parameter other = (Parameter) obj; return (other.method.equals(method) && other.index == index); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return method.hashCode() ^ index; } } /** * Returns an array of {@code Parameter} objects that represent all the parameters to this * method. Returns an array of length 0 if this method has no parameters. Returns {@code null} * if the parameter information is unavailable. */ default Parameter[] getParameters() { return null; } /** * Returns an array of arrays that represent the annotations on the formal parameters, in * declaration order, of this method. * * @see Method#getParameterAnnotations() */ Annotation[][] getParameterAnnotations(); /** * Returns an array of {@link Type} objects that represent the formal parameter types, in * declaration order, of this method. * * @see Method#getGenericParameterTypes() */ Type[] getGenericParameterTypes(); /** * Returns {@code true} if this method is not excluded from inlining and has associated Java * bytecodes (@see {@link ResolvedJavaMethod#hasBytecodes()}). */ boolean canBeInlined(); /** * Returns {@code true} if the inlining of this method should be forced. */ boolean shouldBeInlined(); /** * Returns the LineNumberTable of this method or null if this method does not have a line * numbers table. */ LineNumberTable getLineNumberTable(); /** * Returns the local variable table of this method or null if this method does not have a local * variable table. */ LocalVariableTable getLocalVariableTable(); /** * Gets the encoding of (that is, a constant representing the value of) this method. * * @return a constant representing a reference to this method */ Constant getEncoding(); /** * Checks if this method is present in the virtual table for subtypes of the specified * {@linkplain ResolvedJavaType type}. * * @return true is this method is present in the virtual table for subtypes of this type. */ boolean isInVirtualMethodTable(ResolvedJavaType resolved); /** * Gets the annotation of a particular type for a formal parameter of this method. * * @param annotationClass the Class object corresponding to the annotation type * @param parameterIndex the index of a formal parameter of {@code method} * @return the annotation of type {@code annotationClass} for the formal parameter present, else * null * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if {@code parameterIndex} does not denote a formal * parameter */ default <T extends Annotation> T getParameterAnnotation(Class<T> annotationClass, int parameterIndex) { if (parameterIndex >= 0) { Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = getParameterAnnotations(); for (Annotation a : parameterAnnotations[parameterIndex]) { if (a.annotationType() == annotationClass) { return annotationClass.cast(a); } } } return null; } default JavaType[] toParameterTypes() { JavaType receiver = isStatic() || isConstructor() ? null : getDeclaringClass(); return getSignature().toParameterTypes(receiver); } /** * Gets the annotations of a particular type for the formal parameters of this method. * * @param annotationClass the Class object corresponding to the annotation type * @return the annotation of type {@code annotationClass} (if any) for each formal parameter * present */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") default <T extends Annotation> T[] getParameterAnnotations(Class<T> annotationClass) { Annotation[][] parameterAnnotations = getParameterAnnotations(); T[] result = (T[]) Array.newInstance(annotationClass, parameterAnnotations.length); for (int i = 0; i < parameterAnnotations.length; i++) { for (Annotation a : parameterAnnotations[i]) { if (a.annotationType() == annotationClass) { result[i] = annotationClass.cast(a); } } } return result; } /** * Checks whether the method has bytecodes associated with it. Methods without bytecodes are * either abstract or native methods. * * @return whether the definition of this method is Java bytecodes */ default boolean hasBytecodes() { return isConcrete() && !isNative(); } /** * Checks whether the method has a receiver parameter - i.e., whether it is not static. * * @return whether the method has a receiver parameter */ default boolean hasReceiver() { return !isStatic(); } /** * Determines if this method is {@link java.lang.Object#Object()}. */ default boolean isJavaLangObjectInit() { return getDeclaringClass().isJavaLangObject() && getName().equals("<init>"); } SpeculationLog getSpeculationLog(); }