/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ package com.sun.hotspot.igv.graph; import com.sun.hotspot.igv.data.InputBlock; import com.sun.hotspot.igv.data.InputEdge; import com.sun.hotspot.igv.data.InputGraph; import com.sun.hotspot.igv.data.InputNode; import com.sun.hotspot.igv.data.Properties; import com.sun.hotspot.igv.data.Properties.StringPropertyMatcher; import java.awt.Font; import java.util.*; /** * * @author Thomas Wuerthinger */ public class Diagram { private List<Figure> figures; private Map<InputBlock, Block> blocks; private InputGraph graph; private int curId; private String nodeText; private final Font font; private final Font slotFont; private final Font boldFont; public Font getFont() { return font; } public Font getSlotFont() { return slotFont; } public Font getBoldFont() { return boldFont; } private Diagram() { figures = new ArrayList<>(); blocks = new LinkedHashMap<>(8); this.nodeText = ""; this.font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12); this.slotFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 10); this.boldFont = this.font.deriveFont(Font.BOLD); } public Block getBlock(InputBlock b) { assert blocks.containsKey(b); return blocks.get(b); } public String getNodeText() { return nodeText; } public void updateBlocks() { blocks.clear(); for (InputBlock b : graph.getBlocks()) { Block curBlock = new Block(b, this); blocks.put(b, curBlock); } } public Diagram getNext() { return Diagram.createDiagram(graph.getNext(), nodeText); } public Collection<Block> getBlocks() { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(blocks.values()); } public Diagram getPrev() { return Diagram.createDiagram(graph.getPrev(), nodeText); } public List<Figure> getFigures() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(figures); } public Figure createFigure() { Figure f = new Figure(this, curId); curId++; this.figures.add(f); return f; } public Connection createConnection(InputSlot inputSlot, OutputSlot outputSlot, String label, String type) { assert inputSlot.getFigure().getDiagram() == this; assert outputSlot.getFigure().getDiagram() == this; return new Connection(inputSlot, outputSlot, label, type); } public Map<InputNode, Set<Figure>> calcSourceToFigureRelation() { Map<InputNode, Set<Figure>> map = new HashMap<>(); for(InputNode node : this.getGraph().getNodes()) { map.put(node, new HashSet<Figure>()); } for(Figure f : this.getFigures()) { for(InputNode node : f.getSource().getSourceNodes()) { map.get(node).add(f); } } return map; } public static Diagram createDiagram(InputGraph graph, String nodeText) { if (graph == null) { return null; } Diagram d = new Diagram(); d.graph = graph; d.nodeText = nodeText; d.updateBlocks(); Collection<InputNode> nodes = graph.getNodes(); Hashtable<Integer, Figure> figureHash = new Hashtable<>(); for (InputNode n : nodes) { Figure f = d.createFigure(); f.getSource().addSourceNode(n); f.getProperties().add(n.getProperties()); f.setSubgraphs(n.getSubgraphs()); figureHash.put(n.getId(), f); } for (InputEdge e : graph.getEdges()) { int from = e.getFrom(); int to = e.getTo(); Figure fromFigure = figureHash.get(from); Figure toFigure = figureHash.get(to); if(fromFigure == null || toFigure == null) continue; assert fromFigure != null && toFigure != null; int fromIndex = e.getFromIndex(); while (fromFigure.getOutputSlots().size() <= fromIndex) { fromFigure.createOutputSlot(); } OutputSlot outputSlot = fromFigure.getOutputSlots().get(fromIndex); int toIndex = e.getToIndex(); while (toFigure.getInputSlots().size() <= toIndex) { toFigure.createInputSlot(); } InputSlot inputSlot = toFigure.getInputSlots().get(toIndex); Connection c = d.createConnection(inputSlot, outputSlot, e.getLabel(), e.getType()); if (e.getState() == InputEdge.State.NEW) { c.setStyle(Connection.ConnectionStyle.BOLD); } else if (e.getState() == InputEdge.State.DELETED) { c.setStyle(Connection.ConnectionStyle.DASHED); } } return d; } public void removeAllFigures(Set<Figure> figuresToRemove) { for (Figure f : figuresToRemove) { freeFigure(f); } ArrayList<Figure> newFigures = new ArrayList<>(); for (Figure f : this.figures) { if (!figuresToRemove.contains(f)) { newFigures.add(f); } } figures = newFigures; } private void freeFigure(Figure succ) { List<InputSlot> inputSlots = new ArrayList<>(succ.getInputSlots()); for (InputSlot s : inputSlots) { succ.removeInputSlot(s); } List<OutputSlot> outputSlots = new ArrayList<>(succ.getOutputSlots()); for (OutputSlot s : outputSlots) { succ.removeOutputSlot(s); } assert succ.getInputSlots().size() == 0; assert succ.getOutputSlots().size() == 0; assert succ.getPredecessors().size() == 0; assert succ.getSuccessors().size() == 0; } public void removeFigure(Figure succ) { assert this.figures.contains(succ); freeFigure(succ); this.figures.remove(succ); } public String getName() { return graph.getName(); } public InputGraph getGraph() { return graph; } public Set<Connection> getConnections() { Set<Connection> connections = new HashSet<>(); for (Figure f : figures) { for (InputSlot s : f.getInputSlots()) { connections.addAll(s.getConnections()); } } return connections; } public Figure getRootFigure() { Properties.PropertySelector<Figure> selector = new Properties.PropertySelector<>(figures); Figure root = selector.selectSingle(new StringPropertyMatcher("name", "Root")); if (root == null) { root = selector.selectSingle(new StringPropertyMatcher("name", "Start")); } if (root == null) { List<Figure> rootFigures = getRootFigures(); if (rootFigures.size() > 0) { root = rootFigures.get(0); } else if (figures.size() > 0) { root = figures.get(0); } } return root; } public void printStatistics() { System.out.println("============================================================="); System.out.println("Diagram statistics"); List<Figure> tmpFigures = getFigures(); Set<Connection> connections = getConnections(); System.out.println("Number of figures: " + tmpFigures.size()); System.out.println("Number of connections: " + connections.size()); List<Figure> figuresSorted = new ArrayList<>(tmpFigures); Collections.sort(figuresSorted, new Comparator<Figure>() { @Override public int compare(Figure a, Figure b) { return b.getPredecessors().size() + b.getSuccessors().size() - a.getPredecessors().size() - a.getSuccessors().size(); } }); final int COUNT = 10; int z = 0; for (Figure f : figuresSorted) { z++; int sum = f.getPredecessors().size() + f.getSuccessors().size(); System.out.println("#" + z + ": " + f + ", predCount=" + f.getPredecessors().size() + " succCount=" + f.getSuccessors().size()); if (sum < COUNT) { break; } } System.out.println("============================================================="); } public List<Figure> getRootFigures() { ArrayList<Figure> rootFigures = new ArrayList<>(); for (Figure f : figures) { if (f.getPredecessors().size() == 0) { rootFigures.add(f); } } return rootFigures; } }