/* * Copyright (c) 2001, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.win32.coff; /** Various enumerated values used in type leaves */ public interface DebugVC50TypeEnums { /** LF_MODIFIER attributes */ public static final int MODIFIER_CONST_MASK = 0x01; public static final int MODIFIER_VOLATILE_MASK = 0x02; public static final int MODIFIER_UNALIGNED_MASK = 0x04; /** LF_POINTER bitfields */ // FIXME: verify these are correct // ptrtype field public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_MASK = 0x0000001F; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_SHIFT = 0; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_NEAR = 0; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_FAR = 1; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_HUGE = 2; /** Obsolete */ public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_SEGMENT = 3; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_VALUE = 4; /** Obsolete */ public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_SEGMENT_OF_VALUE = 5; /** Obsolete */ public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_ADDRESS_OF_SYMBOL = 6; /** Obsolete */ public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_SEGMENT_OF_SYMBOL_ADDRESS = 7; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_TYPE = 8; /** Obsolete */ public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_BASED_ON_SELF = 9; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_NEAR_32_BIT = 10; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_FAR_32_BIT = 11; public static final int POINTER_PTRTYPE_64_BIT = 12; // ptrmode field // FIXME: verify these are correct public static final int POINTER_PTRMODE_MASK = 0x000000E0; public static final int POINTER_PTRMODE_SHIFT = 5; public static final int POINTER_PTRMODE_POINTER = 0; public static final int POINTER_PTRMODE_REFERENCE = 1; public static final int POINTER_PTRMODE_PTR_TO_DATA_MEMBER = 2; public static final int POINTER_PTRMODE_PTR_TO_METHOD = 3; // FIXME: verify this is correct public static final int POINTER_ISFLAT32_MASK = 0x00000100; // FIXME: verify this is correct public static final int POINTER_VOLATILE_MASK = 0x00000200; // FIXME: verify this is correct public static final int POINTER_CONST_MASK = 0x00000400; // FIXME: verify this is correct public static final int POINTER_UNALIGNED_MASK = 0x00000800; // FIXME: verify this is correct public static final int POINTER_RESTRICT_MASK = 0x00001000; /** <p> 16:32 data for classes with or without virtual functions and no virtual bases. Pointer layout is: </p> <p> <table width = "15%"> <tr> <td> 4 <tr> <td> mdisp </table> </p> <p> <i>mdisp</i>: displacement to data </p> <p> NULL value is 0x80000000. </p> */ public static final short PTR_FORMAT_DATA_NVF_NVB = (short) 3; /** <p> 16:32 data for class with virtual bases. Pointer layout is:</p> <p> <table width = "45%"> <tr> <td> 4 <td> 4 <td> 4 <tr> <td> mdisp <td> pdisp> <td> vdisp </table> </p> <p> <i>mdisp</i>: displacement to data </p> <p> <i>pdisp</i>: <b>this</b> pointer displacement to virtual base table pointer </p> <p> <i>vdisp</i>: displacement within virtual base table </p> <p> NULL value is (*,*,0xffffffff). </p> */ public static final short PTR_FORMAT_DATA_VB = (short) 4; /** <p> 16:32 method nonvirtual bases with single address point. Pointer layout is: </p> <p> <table width = "15%"> <tr> <td> 4 <tr> <td> off </table> </p> <p> <i>off</i>: offset of function </p> <p> NULL value is 0L. </p> */ public static final short PTR_FORMAT_METHOD_NVB_SAP = (short) 11; /** <p> 16:32 method nonvirtual bases with multiple address points. Pointer layout is: </p> <p> <table width = "30%"> <tr> <td> 4 <td> 4 <tr> <td> off <td> disp </table> </p> <p> <i>off</i>: offset of function </p> <p> <i>disp</i>: displacement of address point. </p> <p> NULL value is (0L : 0L). </p> */ public static final short PTR_FORMAT_METHOD_NVB_MAP = (short) 12; /** <p> 16:32 method with virtual bases. Pointer layout is: </p> <p> <table width = "60%"> <tr> <td> 4 <td> 4 <td> 4 <td> 4 <tr> <td> off <td> mdisp <td> pdisp <td> vdisp </table> </p> <p> <i>off</i>: offset of function </p> <p> <i>mdisp</i>: displacement to data </p> <p> <i>pdisp</i>: <b>this</b> pointer displacement to virtual base table pointer </p> <p> <i>vdisp</i>: displacement within virtual base table </p> NULL value is (0L, *, *, *). */ public static final short PTR_FORMAT_METHOD_VB = (short) 13; /** Class, structure, union, and enum properties */ // FIXME: verify these are correct /** Structure is packed */ public static final short PROPERTY_PACKED = (short) 0x001; /** Class has constructors and/or destructors */ public static final short PROPERTY_CTOR = (short) 0x002; /** Class has overloaded operators */ public static final short PROPERTY_OVEROPS = (short) 0x004; /** Class is a nested class */ public static final short PROPERTY_ISNESTED = (short) 0x008; /** Class contains nested classes */ public static final short PROPERTY_CNESTED = (short) 0x010; /** Class has overloaded assignment */ public static final short PROPERTY_OPASSIGN = (short) 0x020; /** Class has casting methods */ public static final short PROPERTY_OPCAST = (short) 0x040; /** Class/structure is a forward (incomplete) reference */ public static final short PROPERTY_FWDREF = (short) 0x080; /** This is a scoped definition */ public static final short PROPERTY_SCOPED = (short) 0x100; /** Calling conventions */ /** Arguments pushed right to left, caller pops arguments. */ public static final byte CALLCONV_NEAR_C = (byte) 0; public static final byte CALLCONV_FAR_C = (byte) 1; public static final byte CALLCONV_NEAR_PASCAL = (byte) 2; /** Arguments pushed left to right, callee pops arguments. */ public static final byte CALLCONV_FAR_PASCAL = (byte) 3; public static final byte CALLCONV_NEAR_FASTCALL = (byte) 4; public static final byte CALLCONV_FAR_FASTCALL = (byte) 5; public static final byte CALLCONV_RESERVED = (byte) 6; public static final byte CALLCONV_NEAR_STDCALL = (byte) 7; public static final byte CALLCONV_FAR_STDCALL = (byte) 8; public static final byte CALLCONV_NEAR_SYSCALL = (byte) 9; public static final byte CALLCONV_FAR_SYSCALL = (byte) 10; public static final byte CALLCONV_THIS_CALL = (byte) 11; public static final byte CALLCONV_MIPS_CALL = (byte) 12; public static final byte CALLCONV_GENERIC = (byte) 13; /** vtable entry descriptors */ public static final int VTENTRY_NEAR = 0; public static final int VTENTRY_FAR = 1; public static final int VTENTRY_THIN = 2; /** Address point displacement to outermost class. This is at entry[-1] from table address. */ public static final int VTENTRY_ADDRESS_PT_DISP = 3; /** Far pointer to metaclass descriptor. This is at entry[-2] from table address. */ public static final int VTENTRY_FAR_PTR_TO_METACLASS = 4; public static final int VTENTRY_NEAR_32 = 5; public static final int VTENTRY_FAR_32 = 6; /** Label addressing modes */ public static final short LABEL_ADDR_MODE_NEAR = (short) 0; public static final short LABEL_ADDR_MODE_FAR = (short) 4; // // Primitive/reserved type enumerations // // FIXME: verify these are correct // Type field public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_MASK = 0x070; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_SPECIAL = 0x000; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_SIGNED_INT = 0x010; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT = 0x020; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_BOOLEAN = 0x030; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_REAL = 0x040; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_COMPLEX = 0x050; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_SPECIAL2 = 0x060; public static final int RESERVED_TYPE_REALLY_INT = 0x070; // Mode field public static final int RESERVED_MODE_MASK = 0x700; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_DIRECT = 0x000; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_NEAR_PTR = 0x100; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_FAR_PTR = 0x200; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_HUGE_PTR = 0x300; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_NEAR_32_PTR = 0x400; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_FAR_32_PTR = 0x500; public static final int RESERVED_MODE_NEAR_64_PTR = 0x600; // Size field for each of the types above. // Has different meanings based on type. public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_MASK = 0x7; // Special type public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_NO_TYPE = 0x0; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_ABSOLUTE_SYMBOL = 0x1; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_SEGMENT = 0x2; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_VOID = 0x3; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_BASIC_8_BYTE = 0x4; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_NEAR_BASIC_STRING = 0x5; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_FAR_BASIC_STRING = 0x6; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL_UNTRANSLATED = 0x7; // Signed, unsigned and boolean types public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_INT_1_BYTE = 0x0; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_INT_2_BYTE = 0x1; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_INT_4_BYTE = 0x2; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_INT_8_BYTE = 0x3; // Real and complex types public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_32_BIT = 0x0; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_64_BIT = 0x1; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_80_BIT = 0x2; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_128_BIT = 0x3; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REAL_48_BIT = 0x4; // Special2 type public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL2_BIT = 0x0; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_SPECIAL2_PASCAL_CHAR = 0x1; // Really int type public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_CHAR = 0x0; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_WCHAR = 0x1; public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_2_BYTE = 0x2; // 2 byte signed integer public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_2_BYTE_U = 0x3; // 2 byte unsigned integer public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_4_BYTE = 0x4; // 4 byte signed integer public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_4_BYTE_U = 0x5; // 4 byte unsigned integer public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_8_BYTE = 0x6; // 8 byte signed integer public static final int RESERVED_SIZE_REALLY_INT_8_BYTE_U = 0x7; // 8 byte unsigned integer }