/* * @test /nodynamiccopyright/ * @bug 4249111 * @summary 'new' of inner class should not be allowed unless outer is constructed * * @compile/fail/ref=NewBeforeOuterConstructed.out -XDrawDiagnostics NewBeforeOuterConstructed.java */ import java.io.*; public class NewBeforeOuterConstructed extends PrintStream { private class NullOutputStream extends OutputStream { public NullOutputStream() { super(); } public void write(int b) { } public void write(byte b[]) { } public void write(byte b[], int off, int len) { } public void flush() { } public void close() { } } public NewBeforeOuterConstructed() { // The 'new' below is illegal, as the outer // constructor has not been called when the // implicit reference to 'this' is evaluated // during the new instance expression. super(new NullOutputStream()); } }