/* * Copyright (c) 2013, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * @test * @bug 8005681 * @summary Repeated annotations on new,array,cast. * @modules jdk.jdeps/com.sun.tools.classfile */ import java.lang.annotation.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.List; import com.sun.tools.classfile.*; import java.lang.annotation.*; import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.*; import static java.lang.annotation.ElementType.*; public class TestNewCastArray { int errors = 0; List<String> failedTests = new java.util.LinkedList<>(); // 'b' tests fail with only even numbers of annotations (8005681). String[] testclasses = {"Test1", "Test2a", "Test3a", "Test4a", "Test5a", "Test2b", "Test3b", "Test4b", "Test5b" }; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { new TestNewCastArray().run(); } void check(String testcase, int expected, int actual) { String res = testcase + ": (expected) " + expected + ", " + actual + " (actual): "; if(expected == actual) { res = res.concat("PASS"); } else { errors++; res = res.concat("FAIL"); failedTests.add(res); } System.out.println(res); } void report() { if(errors!=0) { System.err.println("Failed tests: " + errors + "\nfailed test cases:\n"); for(String t: failedTests) System.err.println(" " + t); throw new RuntimeException("FAIL: There were test failures."); } else System.out.println("PASS"); } void test(String clazz, String ttype, ClassFile cf, Method m, Field f, String name, boolean codeattr) { int actual = 0; int expected = 0, cexpected = 0; int index = 0; String memberName = null; Attribute attr = null; Code_attribute cAttr = null; String testcase = "undefined"; try { switch(ttype) { case "METHOD": index = m.attributes.getIndex(cf.constant_pool, name); memberName = m.getName(cf.constant_pool); if(index != -1) attr = m.attributes.get(index); break; case "MCODE": memberName = m.getName(cf.constant_pool); //fetch index of and code attribute and annotations from code attribute. index = m.attributes.getIndex(cf.constant_pool, Attribute.Code); if(index!= -1) { attr = m.attributes.get(index); assert attr instanceof Code_attribute; cAttr = (Code_attribute)attr; index = cAttr.attributes.getIndex(cf.constant_pool, name); if(index!= -1) attr = cAttr.attributes.get(index); } break; case "FIELD": index = f.attributes.getIndex(cf.constant_pool, name); memberName = f.getName(cf.constant_pool); if(index != -1) attr = f.attributes.get(index); break; case "CODE": memberName = f.getName(cf.constant_pool); //fetch index of and code attribute and annotations from code attribute. index = cf.attributes.getIndex(cf.constant_pool, Attribute.Code); if(index!= -1) { attr = cf.attributes.get(index); assert attr instanceof Code_attribute; cAttr = (Code_attribute)attr; index = cAttr.attributes.getIndex(cf.constant_pool, name); if(index!= -1) attr = cAttr.attributes.get(index); } break; default: break; } } catch(ConstantPoolException cpe) { cpe.printStackTrace(); } testcase = clazz+" "+ttype + ": " + memberName + ", " + name; if(index != -1) { //count RuntimeTypeAnnotations assert attr instanceof RuntimeTypeAnnotations_attribute; RuntimeTypeAnnotations_attribute tAttr = (RuntimeTypeAnnotations_attribute)attr; actual += tAttr.annotations.length; } if(memberName.compareTo("<init>")==0) memberName=clazz+memberName; switch ( memberName ) { //METHOD: case "Test1<init>": expected=0; break; case "testr22_22": expected=4; break; case "testr11_11": expected=4; break; case "testr12_21": expected=4; break; case "testr20_02": expected=2; break; case "Test2a<init>": cexpected=0; break; case "test00_00_11_11": cexpected=4; break; case "test21_12_21_12": cexpected=8; break; case "test_new1": cexpected=2; break; case "test_new2": cexpected=2; break; case "test_cast1": cexpected=2; break; case "test_cast2": cexpected=2; break; case "Test2b<init>": cexpected=0; break; case "test20_02_20_02": cexpected=4; break; case "test22_22_22_22": cexpected=8; break; case "test_new3": cexpected=1; break; case "test_new4": cexpected=1; break; case "test_new5": cexpected=2; break; case "test_cast3": cexpected=1; break; case "test_cast4": cexpected=2; break; case "Test3a<init>": cexpected=10; break; case "SA_21_12c": cexpected = 0; break; case "SA_01_10c": expected = 0; break; case "SA_11_11c": expected = 0; break; case "Test3b<init>": cexpected=6; break; case "SA_22_22c": cexpected = 0; break; case "SA_20_02c": cexpected = 0; break; case "Test3c<init>": cexpected=8; break; case "SA_10_10": cexpected = 0; break; case "SA_10_01": cexpected = 0; break; case "SA_21_12": cexpected = 0; break; case "Test3d<init>": cexpected=6; break; case "SA_20_02": cexpected = 0; break; case "SA_22_22": cexpected = 0; break; case "Test4a<init>": cexpected=4; break; case "nS_21": cexpected = 0; break; case "nS_12": cexpected = 0; break; case "Test4b<init>": cexpected=4; break; case "nS20": cexpected = 0; break; case "nS02": cexpected = 0; break; case "nS22": cexpected = 0; break; case "Test5a<init>": cexpected=4; break; case "ci11": expected = 0; break; case "ci21": expected = 0; break; case "Test5b<init>": cexpected=3; break; case "ci2": expected = 0; break; case "ci22": expected = 0; break; default: expected = 0; break; } if(codeattr) check(testcase, cexpected, actual); else check(testcase, expected, actual); } public void run() { ClassFile cf = null; InputStream in = null; for( String clazz : testclasses) { String testclazz = "TestNewCastArray$" + clazz + ".class"; System.out.println("Testing " + testclazz); try { in = getClass().getResource(testclazz).openStream(); cf = ClassFile.read(in); in.close(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if(clazz.startsWith("Test1")) { for (Field f: cf.fields) test(clazz, "FIELD", cf, null, f, Attribute.RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations, false); for (Method m: cf.methods) test(clazz, "METHOD", cf, m, null, Attribute.RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations, false); } else { for (Field f: cf.fields) test(clazz, "CODE", cf, null, f, Attribute.RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations, true); for (Method m: cf.methods) test(clazz, "MCODE", cf, m, null, Attribute.RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations, true); } } report(); } //////// test class ////////////////////////// // "Test1" not in code attribute. // on arrays on and in method return static class Test1 { Test1(){} // OK expect 5, got 5 String @A @A @B @B[] @A @A @B @B [] testr22_22(Test1 this, String param, String ... vararg) { String [][] sarray = new String [2][2]; return sarray; } // OK expect 5, got 5 String @A @B [] @A @B [] testr11_11(Test1 this, String param, String ... vararg) { String [][] sarray = new String [2][2]; return sarray; } // OK expect 5, got 5 String @A @B @B []@B @B @A[] testr12_21(Test1 this, String param, String ... vararg) { String [][] sarray = new String [2][2]; return sarray; } // OK expect 3, got 3 String @A @A [] @B @B [] testr20_02(Test1 this, String param, String ... vararg) { String [][] sarray = new String [2][2]; return sarray; } } // Inside method body (in method's code attribute) static class Test2a { Test2a(){} Object o = new Integer(1); // expect 4 String[][] test00_00_11_11(Test2a this, String param, String ... vararg) { String [] [] sarray = new String @A @B[2] @A @B [2]; return sarray; } // expect 8 String[][] test21_12_21_12(Test2a this, String param, String ... vararg) { String @A @A @B [] @A @B @B [] sarray = new String @A @A @B[2] @A @B @B [2]; return sarray; } void test_new1() { String nS_21 = new @A @A @B String("Hello"); } void test_new2() { String nS_12 = new @A @B @B String("Hello"); } void test_cast1() { String tcs11 = (@A @B String)o; } void test_cast2() { String tcs21 = (@A @A @B String)o; } } static class Test2b { Test2b(){} Object o = new Integer(1); // expect 4 String[][] test20_02_20_02(Test2b this, String param, String ... vararg) { String @A @A [] @B @B [] sarray = new String @A @A[2] @B @B [2]; return sarray; } // expect 8 String[][] test22_22_22_22(Test2b this, String param, String ... vararg) { String @A @A @B @B [] @A @A @B @B [] sarray = new String @A @A @B @B [2] @A @A @B @B [2]; return sarray; } void test_new3() { String nS20 = new @A @A String("Hello"); } void test_new4() { String nS02 = new @B @B String("Hello"); } void test_new5() { String nS22 = new @A @A @B @B String("Hello"); } void test_cast3() { String tcs2 = (@A @A String)o; } void test_cast4() { String tcs22 = (@A @A @B @B String)o;} } // array levels static class Test3a { Test3a(){} // expect 4+2+4=10 String [][] SA_21_12c = new String @A @A @B [2] @A @B @B[2]; String [][] SA_01_10c = new String @B [2] @A [2]; String [][] SA_11_11c = new String @A @B [2] @A @B [2]; } static class Test3b { Test3b(){} // expect 4+2=6 String [][] SA_22_22c = new String @A @A @B @B[2] @A @A @B @B[2]; String [][] SA_20_02c = new String @A @A [2] @B @B[2]; } static class Test3c { Test3c(){} // OK expect 4 String @A [] @A[] SA_10_10 = new String [2][2]; String @A [] @B[] SA_10_01 = new String [2][2]; String @A @A @B[] @A @B @B [] SA_21_12 = new String [2][2]; } static class Test3d { Test3d(){} // OK expect 4 String @A @A [] @B @B [] SA_20_02 = new String [2][2]; String @A @A @B @B[] @A @A @B @B [] SA_22_22 = new String [2][2]; } // on new static class Test4a { Test4a(){} // expect 2+2=4 String nS_21 = new @A @A @B String("Hello"); String nS_12 = new @A @B @B String("Hello"); } static class Test4b { Test4b(){} // expect 1+1+2=4 String nS20 = new @A @A String("Hello"); String nS02 = new @B @B String("Hello"); String nS22 = new @A @A @B @B String("Hello"); } // Cast expressions static class Test5a { Test5a(){} Object o = new Integer(1); // expect 2+2=4 Integer ci11 = (@A @B Integer)o; // OK expect 3, got 3 Integer ci21 = (@A @A @B Integer)o; // OK expect 3, got 3 } static class Test5b { Test5b(){} Object o = new Integer(1); // Cast expressions // expect 1+2=3 Integer ci2 = (@A @A Integer)o; // FAIL expect 2, got 1 Integer ci22 = (@A @A @B @B Integer)o; // FAIL expect 3, got 1 } @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE}) @Repeatable( AC.class ) @interface A { } @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE}) @Repeatable( BC.class ) @interface B { } @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD}) @Repeatable( FC.class ) @interface F { } @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE}) @interface AC { A[] value(); } @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({TYPE_USE}) @interface BC { B[] value(); } @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD}) @interface FC { F[] value(); } }