/* * Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. * */ package sun.jvm.hotspot.ci; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.memory.SystemDictionary; import sun.jvm.hotspot.runtime.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.oops.*; import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.Type; import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.TypeDataBase; import sun.jvm.hotspot.types.WrongTypeException; public class ciInstanceKlass extends ciKlass { static { VM.registerVMInitializedObserver(new Observer() { public void update(Observable o, Object data) { initialize(VM.getVM().getTypeDataBase()); } }); } private static synchronized void initialize(TypeDataBase db) throws WrongTypeException { Type type = db.lookupType("ciInstanceKlass"); initStateField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_init_state"), 0); isSharedField = new CIntField(type.getCIntegerField("_is_shared"), 0); CLASS_STATE_LINKED = db.lookupIntConstant("InstanceKlass::linked").intValue(); CLASS_STATE_FULLY_INITIALIZED = db.lookupIntConstant("InstanceKlass::fully_initialized").intValue(); } private static CIntField initStateField; private static CIntField isSharedField; private static int CLASS_STATE_LINKED; private static int CLASS_STATE_FULLY_INITIALIZED; public ciInstanceKlass(Address addr) { super(addr); } public int initState() { int initState = (int)initStateField.getValue(getAddress()); if (isShared() && initState < CLASS_STATE_LINKED) { InstanceKlass ik = (InstanceKlass)getMetadata(); initState = ik.getInitStateAsInt(); } return initState; } public boolean isShared() { return isSharedField.getValue(getAddress()) != 0; } public boolean isLinked() { return initState() >= CLASS_STATE_LINKED; } public boolean isInitialized() { return initState() == CLASS_STATE_FULLY_INITIALIZED; } public void dumpReplayData(PrintStream out) { InstanceKlass ik = (InstanceKlass)getMetadata(); ConstantPool cp = ik.getConstants(); // Try to record related loaded classes Klass sub = ik.getSubklassKlass(); while (sub != null) { if (sub instanceof InstanceKlass) { out.println("instanceKlass " + sub.getName().asString()); } sub = sub.getNextSiblingKlass(); } final int length = (int) cp.getLength(); out.print("ciInstanceKlass " + name() + " " + (isLinked() ? 1 : 0) + " " + (isInitialized() ? 1 : 0) + " " + length); for (int index = 1; index < length; index++) { out.print(" " + cp.getTags().at(index)); } out.println(); if (isInitialized()) { Field[] staticFields = ik.getStaticFields(); for (int i = 0; i < staticFields.length; i++) { Field f = staticFields[i]; Oop mirror = ik.getJavaMirror(); if (f.isFinal() && !f.hasInitialValue()) { out.print("staticfield " + name() + " " + OopUtilities.escapeString(f.getID().getName()) + " " + f.getFieldType().getSignature().asString() + " "); if (f instanceof ByteField) { ByteField bf = (ByteField)f; out.println(bf.getValue(mirror)); } else if (f instanceof BooleanField) { BooleanField bf = (BooleanField)f; out.println(bf.getValue(mirror) ? 1 : 0); } else if (f instanceof ShortField) { ShortField bf = (ShortField)f; out.println(bf.getValue(mirror)); } else if (f instanceof CharField) { CharField bf = (CharField)f; out.println(bf.getValue(mirror) & 0xffff); } else if (f instanceof IntField) { IntField bf = (IntField)f; out.println(bf.getValue(mirror)); } else if (f instanceof LongField) { LongField bf = (LongField)f; out.println(bf.getValue(mirror)); } else if (f instanceof FloatField) { FloatField bf = (FloatField)f; out.println(Float.floatToRawIntBits(bf.getValue(mirror))); } else if (f instanceof DoubleField) { DoubleField bf = (DoubleField)f; out.println(Double.doubleToRawLongBits(bf.getValue(mirror))); } else if (f instanceof OopField) { OopField bf = (OopField)f; Oop value = bf.getValue(mirror); if (value == null) { out.println("null"); } else if (value.isInstance()) { Instance inst = (Instance)value; if (inst.isA(SystemDictionary.getStringKlass())) { out.println("\"" + OopUtilities.stringOopToEscapedString(inst) + "\""); } else { out.println(inst.getKlass().getName().asString()); } } else if (value.isObjArray()) { ObjArray oa = (ObjArray)value; Klass ek = (ObjArrayKlass)oa.getKlass(); out.println(oa.getLength() + " " + ek.getName().asString()); } else if (value.isTypeArray()) { TypeArray ta = (TypeArray)value; out.println(ta.getLength()); } else { out.println(value); } } } } } } }