package; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridBagConstraints; import java.awt.GridBagLayout; import java.awt.Insets; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import games.strategy.ui.SwingAction; public class GameSettingsPanel extends DynamicRowsPanel { static final String allSettings = "mapName, notes, Neutral Flyover Allowed, More Constructions with Factory, " + "Unlimited Constructions, Move existing fighters to new carriers, More Constructions without Factory, " + "Produce new fighters on old carriers, MaxFactoriesPerTerritory, Multiple AA Per Territory, " + "Land existing fighters on new carriers, Kamikaze Airplanes, Multiply PUs, Submersible Subs, " + "Units Repair Hits Start Turn, Battleships repair at end of round, Choose AA Casualties, WW2V2, Low Luck, " + "Low Luck for AntiAircraft, Low Luck for Technology, Low Luck for Bombing and Territory Damage, Use Triggers, " + "neutralCharge, maxFactoriesPerTerritory, Always on AA, Produce fighters on carriers, " + "LHTR Carrier production rules, Two hit battleship, 4th Edition, Partial Amphibious Retreat, Total Victory, " + "Honorable Surrender, Projection of Power, All Rockets Attack, Neutrals Are Impassable, " + "Neutrals Are Blitzable, Rockets Can Violate Neutrality, Rockets Can Fly Over Impassables, Pacific Edition, " + "Anniversary Edition, No Economic Victory, Anniversary Edition Land Production, Anniversary Edition Air Naval, " + "Placement Restricted By Factory, Selectable Tech Roll, AA50 Tech Model, Tech Development, " + "Transport Restricted Unload, Random AA Casualties, Roll AA Individually, " + "Limit SBR Damage To Factory Production, Limit SBR Damage To Factory Production, Limit SBR Damage Per Turn, " + "Limit Rocket Damage Per Turn, Territory Turn Limit, SBR Victory Points, Rocket Attack Per Factory Restricted, " + "Allied Air Dependents, Defending Subs Sneak Attack, Attacker Retreat Planes, Surviving Air Move To Land, " + "Naval Bombard Casualties Return Fire, Blitz Through Factories And AA Restricted, " + "Unit Placement In Enemy Seas, Sub Control Sea Zone Restricted, Transport Control Sea Zone, " + "Production Per X Territories Restricted, Production Per Valued Territory Restricted, Place in Any Territory, " + "Unit Placement Per Territory Restricted, Movement By Territory Restricted, Transport Casualties Restricted, " + "Ignore Transport In Movement, Ignore Sub In Movement, Hari-Kari Units, Occupied Territories, " + "Unplaced units live when not placed, Air Attack Sub Restricted, Sub Retreat Before Battle, " + "Sub Retreat DD Restricted, Shore Bombard Per Ground Unit Restricted, " + "Damage From Bombing Done To Units Instead Of Territories, AA Territory Restricted, National Objectives, " + "Continuous Research"; public static enum SETTING_TYPE { NORMAL, PER_PLAYER, PER_ALLY } public static SETTING_TYPE getSettingType(final String setting) { if (setting.endsWith(" bid")) { return SETTING_TYPE.PER_PLAYER; } else if (setting.endsWith(" Honorable Victory VCs")) { return SETTING_TYPE.PER_ALLY; } else { return SETTING_TYPE.NORMAL; } } public static boolean isBoolean(final String setting) { return (getSettingType(setting).equals(SETTING_TYPE.NORMAL) || setting.equals("MaxFactoriesPerTerritory")); // TODO: maybe list is incomplete! } private final TreeSet<String> settingNames = new TreeSet<>(); public GameSettingsPanel(final JPanel stepActionPanel) { super(stepActionPanel); } public static void layout(final MapXmlCreator mapXmlCreator) { if (! || !(me.get() instanceof GameSettingsPanel)) { me = Optional.of(new GameSettingsPanel(mapXmlCreator.getStepActionPanel())); } DynamicRowsPanel.layout(mapXmlCreator); } @Override protected ActionListener getAutoFillAction() { return null; } @Override protected void layoutComponents() { final JLabel labelSettingName = new JLabel("Setting Name"); Dimension dimension = labelSettingName.getPreferredSize(); labelSettingName.setPreferredSize(dimension); final JLabel labelValue = new JLabel("Value"); dimension = (Dimension) dimension.clone(); dimension.width = DynamicRow.INPUT_FIELD_SIZE_SMALL; labelValue.setPreferredSize(dimension); final JLabel labelEditable = new JLabel("Editable"); dimension = (Dimension) dimension.clone(); dimension.width = DynamicRow.INPUT_FIELD_SIZE_SMALL; labelEditable.setPreferredSize(dimension); final JLabel labelMinNumber = new JLabel("Min. N."); dimension = (Dimension) dimension.clone(); labelMinNumber.setPreferredSize(dimension); final JLabel labelMaxNumber = new JLabel("Max. N."); dimension = (Dimension) dimension.clone(); labelMaxNumber.setPreferredSize(dimension); // <1> Set panel layout final GridBagLayout gbl_stepActionPanel = new GridBagLayout(); setColumns(gbl_stepActionPanel); setRows(gbl_stepActionPanel, MapXmlHelper.getGameSettingsMap().size()); getOwnPanel().setLayout(gbl_stepActionPanel); // <2> Add Row Labels: Setting Name, Alliance Name, Buy Quantity final GridBagConstraints gridBadConstLabelSettingName = new GridBagConstraints(); gridBadConstLabelSettingName.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 5, 5); gridBadConstLabelSettingName.gridy = 0; gridBadConstLabelSettingName.gridx = 0; gridBadConstLabelSettingName.anchor = GridBagConstraints.WEST; getOwnPanel().add(labelSettingName, gridBadConstLabelSettingName); final GridBagConstraints gridBadConstLabelValue = (GridBagConstraints) gridBadConstLabelSettingName.clone(); gridBadConstLabelValue.gridx = 1; getOwnPanel().add(labelValue, gridBadConstLabelValue); final GridBagConstraints gridBadConstLabelEditable = (GridBagConstraints) gridBadConstLabelSettingName.clone(); gridBadConstLabelEditable.gridx = 2; getOwnPanel().add(labelEditable, gridBadConstLabelEditable); final GridBagConstraints gridBadConstLabelMinNumber = (GridBagConstraints) gridBadConstLabelSettingName.clone(); gridBadConstLabelMinNumber.gridx = 3; getOwnPanel().add(labelMinNumber, gridBadConstLabelMinNumber); final GridBagConstraints gridBadConstLabelMaxNumber = (GridBagConstraints) gridBadConstLabelSettingName.clone(); gridBadConstLabelMaxNumber.gridx = 4; getOwnPanel().add(labelMaxNumber, gridBadConstLabelMaxNumber); // <3> Add Main Input Rows int rowIndex = 1; final String[] settingNamesArray = settingNames.toArray(new String[settingNames.size()]); for (final Entry<String, List<String>> settingEntry : MapXmlHelper.getGameSettingsMap().entrySet()) { final GridBagConstraints gbc_tValue = (GridBagConstraints) gridBadConstLabelSettingName.clone(); gbc_tValue.gridx = 0; gridBadConstLabelValue.gridy = rowIndex; final List<String> settingValue = settingEntry.getValue(); int minValueInteger; int maxValueInteger; try { minValueInteger = Integer.parseInt(settingValue.get(2)); maxValueInteger = Integer.parseInt(settingValue.get(3)); } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { minValueInteger = 0; maxValueInteger = 0; } final GameSettingsRow newRow = new GameSettingsRow(this, getOwnPanel(), settingEntry.getKey(), settingNamesArray, settingValue.get(0), settingValue.get(1), minValueInteger, maxValueInteger); newRow.addToParentComponentWithGbc(getOwnPanel(), rowIndex, gbc_tValue); rows.add(newRow); ++rowIndex; } // <4> Add Final Button Row final JButton buttonAddValue = new JButton("Add Game Setting"); buttonAddValue.setFont(MapXmlUIHelper.defaultMapXMLCreatorFont); buttonAddValue.addActionListener(SwingAction.of("Add Game Setting", e -> { final String suggestedSettingName = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getOwnPanel(), "Which game setting should be added?", "Choose Game Setting", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, settingNames.toArray(new String[settingNames.size()]), // Array of choices settingNames.iterator().next()); // Initial choice if (suggestedSettingName == null || suggestedSettingName.isEmpty()) { return; } final ArrayList<String> newSettingValue = new ArrayList<>(); final boolean settingIsBoolean = isBoolean(suggestedSettingName); final String newValue = settingIsBoolean ? "true" : "0"; newSettingValue.add(newValue); newSettingValue.add("true"); newSettingValue.add("0"); newSettingValue.add("0"); MapXmlHelper.putGameSettings(suggestedSettingName, newSettingValue); // UI Update setRows((GridBagLayout) getOwnPanel().getLayout(), MapXmlHelper.getGameSettingsMap().size()); addRowWith(suggestedSettingName, newValue, "true", 0, 0); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { getOwnPanel().revalidate(); getOwnPanel().repaint(); }); })); addButton(buttonAddValue); final GridBagConstraints gridBadConstButtonAddUnit = (GridBagConstraints) gridBadConstLabelSettingName.clone(); gridBadConstButtonAddUnit.gridx = 0; gridBadConstButtonAddUnit.gridy = rowIndex; addFinalButtonRow(gridBadConstButtonAddUnit); } private DynamicRow addRowWith(final String settingName, final String newValue, final String editable, final int minNumber, final int maxNumber) { final GameSettingsRow newRow = new GameSettingsRow(this, getOwnPanel(), settingName, settingNames.toArray(new String[settingNames.size()]), newValue, editable, minNumber, maxNumber); addRow(newRow); return newRow; } @Override protected void initializeSpecifics() { settingNames.clear(); settingNames.addAll(Arrays.asList(allSettings.split(", "))); for (final String player : MapXmlHelper.getPlayerNames()) { settingNames.add(player + " bid"); } for (final String ally : MapXmlHelper.getPlayerAllianceMap().values()) { settingNames.add(ally + " Honorable Victory VCs"); } } @Override protected void setColumns(final GridBagLayout gblPanel) { gblPanel.columnWidths = new int[] {60, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30}; gblPanel.columnWeights = new double[] {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; } }