package; import static; import static; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Function; import; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.DefaultListModel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JEditorPane; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JSplitPane; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import javax.swing.event.ListSelectionListener; import games.strategy.engine.ClientContext; import games.strategy.engine.framework.GameRunner; import games.strategy.engine.framework.ui.background.BackgroundTaskRunner; import games.strategy.ui.SwingComponents; import games.strategy.util.Version; /** Window that allows for map downloads and removal. */ public class DownloadMapsWindow extends JFrame { private enum MapAction { INSTALL, UPDATE, REMOVE } private static final long serialVersionUID = -1542210716764178580L; private static final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 1200; private static final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 700; private static final int DIVIDER_POSITION = WINDOW_HEIGHT - 150; private final MapDownloadProgressPanel progressPanel; public static Version getVersion(final File zipFile) { final DownloadFileProperties props = DownloadFileProperties.loadForZip(zipFile); return props.getVersion(); } /** * Shows the download window and begins downloading the specified map right away. * If the map cannot be downloaded a message prompt is shown to the user. */ public static void showDownloadMapsWindow(final String mapName) { showDownloadMapsWindow(Optional.of(mapName)); } public static void showDownloadMapsWindow() { showDownloadMapsWindow(Optional.empty()); } private static void showDownloadMapsWindow(Optional<String> mapName) { Runnable downloadAndShowWindow = () -> { final List<DownloadFileDescription> games = new DownloadRunnable(ClientContext.mapListingSource().getMapListDownloadSite()).getDownloads(); checkNotNull(games); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { final DownloadMapsWindow dia = new DownloadMapsWindow(mapName, games); dia.setSize(WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT); dia.setLocationRelativeTo(null); dia.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(200, 200)); dia.setVisible(true); dia.requestFocus(); dia.toFront(); }); }; final String popupWindowTitle = "Downloading list of availabe maps...."; BackgroundTaskRunner.runInBackground(popupWindowTitle, downloadAndShowWindow); } private DownloadMapsWindow(final Optional<String> mapName, final List<DownloadFileDescription> games) { super("Download Maps"); setIconImage(GameRunner.getGameIcon(this)); progressPanel = new MapDownloadProgressPanel(this); if (mapName.isPresent()) { final Optional<DownloadFileDescription> mapDownload = findMap(mapName.get(), games); if (mapDownload.isPresent()) {; } else { SwingComponents.newMessageDialog("Unable to download map, could not find: " + mapName.get()); } } SwingComponents.addWindowCloseListener(this, () -> progressPanel.cancel()); final JTabbedPane outerTabs = new JTabbedPane(); final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps = filterMaps(games, download -> download.isMap()); outerTabs.add("Maps", createdTabbedPanelForMaps(maps)); final List<DownloadFileDescription> skins = filterMaps(games, download -> download.isMapSkin()); outerTabs.add("Skins", createAvailableInstalledTabbedPanel(mapName, skins)); final List<DownloadFileDescription> tools = filterMaps(games, download -> download.isMapTool()); outerTabs.add("Tools", createAvailableInstalledTabbedPanel(mapName, tools)); final JSplitPane splitPane = new JSplitPane(JSplitPane.VERTICAL_SPLIT, outerTabs, SwingComponents.newJScrollPane(progressPanel)); splitPane.setDividerLocation(DIVIDER_POSITION); add(splitPane); } private Component createdTabbedPanelForMaps(List<DownloadFileDescription> maps) { JTabbedPane mapTabs = SwingComponents.newJTabbedPane(); for (DownloadFileDescription.MapCategory mapCategory : Arrays .asList(DownloadFileDescription.MapCategory.values())) { List<DownloadFileDescription> mapsByCategory = -> map.getMapCategory() == mapCategory).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!mapsByCategory.isEmpty()) { JTabbedPane subTab = createAvailableInstalledTabbedPanel(Optional.of(mapCategory.toString()), mapsByCategory); mapTabs.add(mapCategory.toString(), subTab); } } return mapTabs; } private static Optional<DownloadFileDescription> findMap(final String mapName, final List<DownloadFileDescription> games) { final String normalizedName = normalizeName(mapName); for (final DownloadFileDescription download : games) { if (download.getMapName().equalsIgnoreCase(mapName) || normalizedName.equals(normalizeName(download.getMapName()))) { return Optional.of(download); } } return Optional.empty(); } private static String normalizeName(final String mapName) { return mapName.replace(' ', '_').toLowerCase(); } private static List<DownloadFileDescription> filterMaps(final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final Function<DownloadFileDescription, Boolean> filter) { maps.forEach(map -> checkNotNull("Maps list contained null element: " + maps, map)); return -> filter.apply(map)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private JTabbedPane createAvailableInstalledTabbedPanel(final Optional<String> mapName, final List<DownloadFileDescription> games) { final MapDownloadList mapList = new MapDownloadList(games, new FileSystemAccessStrategy()); final JTabbedPane tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane(); JPanel outOfDate = null; if (!mapList.getOutOfDate().isEmpty()) { outOfDate = createMapSelectionPanel(mapName, mapList.getOutOfDate(), MapAction.UPDATE); } // For the UX, always show an available maps tab, even if it is empty final JPanel available = createMapSelectionPanel(mapName, mapList.getAvailable(), MapAction.INSTALL); // if there is a map to preselect, show the available map list first if (mapName.isPresent()) { tabbedPane.addTab("Available", available); } // otherwise show the updates first if (outOfDate != null) { tabbedPane.addTab("Update", outOfDate); } // finally make sure we are always showing the 'available' tab, this condition will be // true if the first 'mapName.isPresent()' is false if (!mapName.isPresent()) { tabbedPane.addTab("Available", available); } if (!mapList.getInstalled().isEmpty()) { final JPanel installed = createMapSelectionPanel(mapName, mapList.getInstalled(), MapAction.REMOVE); tabbedPane.addTab("Installed", installed); } return tabbedPane; } private JPanel createMapSelectionPanel(final Optional<String> selectedMap, final List<DownloadFileDescription> unsortedMaps, final MapAction action) { final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps = MapDownloadListSort.sortByMapName(unsortedMaps); final JPanel main = SwingComponents.newBorderedPanel(30); final JEditorPane descriptionPane = SwingComponents.newHtmlJEditorPane(); main.add(SwingComponents.newJScrollPane(descriptionPane), BorderLayout.CENTER); final JLabel mapSizeLabel = new JLabel(" "); final DefaultListModel<String> model = SwingComponents.newJListModel(maps, map -> map.getMapName()); if (maps.size() > 0) { final DownloadFileDescription mapToSelect = determineCurrentMapSelection(maps, selectedMap); final JList<String> gamesList = createGameSelectionList(mapToSelect, maps, descriptionPane, model); gamesList.addListSelectionListener(createDescriptionPanelUpdatingSelectionListener( descriptionPane, gamesList, maps, action, mapSizeLabel)); DownloadMapsWindow.updateMapUrlAndSizeLabel(mapToSelect, action, mapSizeLabel); main.add(SwingComponents.newJScrollPane(gamesList), BorderLayout.WEST); final JPanel southPanel = SwingComponents.gridPanel(2, 1); southPanel.add(mapSizeLabel); southPanel.add(createButtonsPanel(action, gamesList, maps, model)); main.add(southPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH); } return main; } private DownloadFileDescription determineCurrentMapSelection(final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final Optional<String> mapToSelect) { checkArgument(maps.size() > 0); if (mapToSelect.isPresent()) { final Optional<DownloadFileDescription> potentialMap = -> m.getMapName().equalsIgnoreCase(mapToSelect.get())).findFirst(); if (potentialMap.isPresent()) { return potentialMap.get(); } } // just return the first map if nothing selected or could not find one return maps.get(0); } private static JList<String> createGameSelectionList(final DownloadFileDescription selectedMap, final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final JEditorPane descriptionPanel, final DefaultListModel<String> model) { final JList<String> gamesList = SwingComponents.newJList(model); final int selectedIndex = maps.indexOf(selectedMap); gamesList.setSelectedIndex(selectedIndex); final String text = maps.get(selectedIndex).toHtmlString(); descriptionPanel.setText(text); descriptionPanel.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); return gamesList; } private static ListSelectionListener createDescriptionPanelUpdatingSelectionListener( final JEditorPane descriptionPanel, final JList<String> gamesList, final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final MapAction action, final JLabel mapSizeLabelToUpdate) { return e -> { final int index = gamesList.getSelectedIndex(); final boolean somethingIsSelected = index >= 0; if (somethingIsSelected) { final String mapName = gamesList.getModel().getElementAt(index); // find the map description by map name and update the map download detail panel final Optional<DownloadFileDescription> map = -> mapDescription.getMapName().equals(mapName)).findFirst(); if (map.isPresent()) { final String text = map.get().toHtmlString(); descriptionPanel.setText(text); descriptionPanel.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0)); updateMapUrlAndSizeLabel(map.get(), action, mapSizeLabelToUpdate); } } }; } private static void updateMapUrlAndSizeLabel(final DownloadFileDescription map, final MapAction action, final JLabel mapSizeLabel) { mapSizeLabel.setText(" "); new Thread(() -> { final String labelText = createLabelText(action, map); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> mapSizeLabel.setText(labelText)); }).start(); } private static String createLabelText(final MapAction action, final DownloadFileDescription map) { final String DOUBLE_SPACE = "  "; final long mapSize; String labelText = "<html>" + map.getMapName() + DOUBLE_SPACE + " v" + map.getVersion(); if (action == MapAction.INSTALL) { if (map.newURL() == null) { mapSize = 0L; } else { mapSize = DownloadUtils.getDownloadLength(map.newURL()).orElse(-1); } } else { mapSize = map.getInstallLocation().length(); } if (mapSize > 0) { labelText += DOUBLE_SPACE + " (" + createSizeLabel(mapSize) + ")"; } labelText += "<br/>"; if (action == MapAction.INSTALL) { labelText += map.getUrl(); } else { labelText += map.getInstallLocation().getAbsolutePath(); } labelText += "</html>"; return labelText; } private static String createSizeLabel(final long bytes) { final long kiloBytes = (bytes / 1024); final long megaBytes = kiloBytes / 1024; final long kbDigits = ((kiloBytes % 1000) / 100); return megaBytes + "." + kbDigits + " MB"; } private JPanel createButtonsPanel(final MapAction action, final JList<String> gamesList, final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final DefaultListModel<String> listModel) { final JPanel buttonsPanel = SwingComponents.gridPanel(1, 5); buttonsPanel.setBorder(SwingComponents.newEmptyBorder(20)); buttonsPanel.add(buildMapActionButton(action, gamesList, maps, listModel)); buttonsPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); String toolTip = "Click this button to learn more about the map download feature in TripleA"; final JButton helpButton = SwingComponents.newJButton("Help", toolTip, e -> JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, new MapDownloadHelpPanel())); buttonsPanel.add(helpButton); toolTip = "Click this button to submit map comments and bug reports back to the map makers"; final JButton mapFeedbackButton = SwingComponents.newJButton("Give Map Feedback", toolTip, e -> FeedbackDialog.showFeedbackDialog(gamesList.getSelectedValuesList(), maps)); buttonsPanel.add(mapFeedbackButton); buttonsPanel.add(Box.createGlue()); toolTip = "Click this button to close the map download window and cancel any in-progress downloads."; final JButton closeButton = SwingComponents.newJButton("Close", toolTip, e -> { setVisible(false); dispose(); }); buttonsPanel.add(closeButton); return buttonsPanel; } private static final String MULTIPLE_SELECT_MSG = "You can select multiple maps by holding control or shift while clicking map names."; private JButton buildMapActionButton(final MapAction action, final JList<String> gamesList, final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final DefaultListModel<String> listModel) { final JButton actionButton; if (action == MapAction.REMOVE) { actionButton = SwingComponents.newJButton("Remove", removeAction(gamesList, maps, listModel)); final String hoverText = "Click this button to remove the maps selected above from your computer. " + MULTIPLE_SELECT_MSG; actionButton.setToolTipText(hoverText); } else { final String buttonText = (action == MapAction.INSTALL) ? "Install" : "Update"; actionButton = SwingComponents.newJButton(buttonText, installAction(gamesList, maps, listModel)); final String hoverText = "Click this button to download and install the maps selected above. " + MULTIPLE_SELECT_MSG; actionButton.setToolTipText(hoverText); } return actionButton; } private static ActionListener removeAction(final JList<String> gamesList, final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final DefaultListModel<String> listModel) { return (e) -> { final List<String> selectedValues = gamesList.getSelectedValuesList(); final List<DownloadFileDescription> selectedMaps = -> selectedValues.contains(map.getMapName())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (!selectedMaps.isEmpty()) { FileSystemAccessStrategy.remove(selectedMaps, listModel); } }; } private ActionListener installAction(final JList<String> gamesList, final List<DownloadFileDescription> maps, final DefaultListModel<String> listModel) { return (e) -> { final List<String> selectedValues = gamesList.getSelectedValuesList(); final List<DownloadFileDescription> downloadList = new ArrayList<>(); for (final DownloadFileDescription map : maps) { if (selectedValues.contains(map.getMapName())) { downloadList.add(map); } } if (!downloadList.isEmpty()) {; } downloadList.forEach(m -> listModel.removeElement(m.getMapName())); }; } }