package games.strategy.engine.random; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.editors.DiceServerEditor; import games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.editors.EditorPanel; import games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.editors.IBean; /** * This is not actually a dice server, it just uses the normal TripleA PlainRandomSource for dice roll * This way your dice rolls are not registered anywhere, and you do not rely on any external web based service rolling * the dice. * Because DiceServers must be serializable read resolve must be implemented */ public class InternalDiceServer implements IRemoteDiceServer { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8369097763085658445L; private transient IRandomSource _randomSource; public InternalDiceServer() { _randomSource = new PlainRandomSource(); } @Override public EditorPanel getEditor() { return new DiceServerEditor(this); } @Override public boolean sameType(final IBean other) { return other.getClass() == InternalDiceServer.class; } @Override public String postRequest(final int max, final int numDice, final String subjectMessage, final String gameID, final String gameUUID) throws IOException { // the interface is rather stupid, you have to return a string here, which is then passed back in getDice() final int[] ints = _randomSource.getRandom(max, numDice, "Internal Dice Server"); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final int i : ints) { sb.append(i).append(","); } final String intArrayString = sb.substring(0, sb.length() - 1); return intArrayString; } @Override public int[] getDice(final String string, final int count) throws IOException, InvocationTargetException { final String[] strArray = string.split(","); final int[] intArray = new int[strArray.length]; for (int i = 0; i < strArray.length; i++) { intArray[i] = Integer.parseInt(strArray[i]); } return intArray; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "Internal Dice Roller"; } @Override public String getToAddress() { return null; } @Override public void setToAddress(final String toAddress) {} @Override public String getCcAddress() { return null; } @Override public void setCcAddress(final String ccAddress) {} @Override public String getInfoText() { return "Uses the build in TripleA dice roller.\n" + "Dice are not logged, and no internet access is required.\n" + "It is technically possible (for a hacker) to modify the dice rolls."; } @Override public boolean sendsEmail() { return false; } /** * Dice servers has to be serializable, so we need to provide custom serialization since * PlainRandomSource is not serializable. * * @return a new InternalDiceServer * @throws ObjectStreamException * should never occur (unless runtime exceptions is thrown from constructor) */ public Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { return new InternalDiceServer(); } @Override public boolean supportsGameId() { return false; } @Override public void setGameId(final String gameId) {} @Override public String getGameId() { return null; } @Override public String getHelpText() { return "<html>No help</html>"; } }