package games.strategy.triplea.attachments; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.triplea.Constants; import games.strategy.triplea.MapSupport; @MapSupport public class UnitSupportAttachment extends DefaultAttachment { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3015679930172496082L; private HashSet<UnitType> m_unitType = null; @InternalDoNotExport // Do Not Export private boolean m_offence = false; @InternalDoNotExport // Do Not Export private boolean m_defence = false; @InternalDoNotExport private boolean m_roll = false; @InternalDoNotExport private boolean m_strength = false; private int m_bonus = 0; private int m_number = 0; @InternalDoNotExport private boolean m_allied = false; @InternalDoNotExport private boolean m_enemy = false; private String m_bonusType = null; private ArrayList<PlayerID> m_players = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean m_impArtTech = false; // strings // roll or strength private String m_dice; // offence or defence private String m_side; private String m_faction; public UnitSupportAttachment(final String name, final Attachable attachable, final GameData gameData) { super(name, attachable, gameData); } public static Set<UnitSupportAttachment> get(final UnitType u) { final Set<UnitSupportAttachment> supports = new HashSet<>(); final Map<String, IAttachment> map = u.getAttachments(); final Iterator<String> objsIter = map.keySet().iterator(); while (objsIter.hasNext()) { final IAttachment attachment = map.get(; final String name = attachment.getName(); if (name.startsWith(Constants.SUPPORT_ATTACHMENT_PREFIX)) { supports.add((UnitSupportAttachment) attachment); } } return supports; } public static UnitSupportAttachment get(final UnitType u, final String nameOfAttachment) { final UnitSupportAttachment rVal = (UnitSupportAttachment) u.getAttachment(nameOfAttachment); if (rVal == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No unit type attachment for:" + u.getName() + " with name:" + nameOfAttachment); } return rVal; } public static Set<UnitSupportAttachment> get(final GameData data) { final Set<UnitSupportAttachment> supports = new HashSet<>(); data.acquireReadLock(); try { final Iterator<UnitType> i = data.getUnitTypeList().iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { supports.addAll(get(; } } finally { data.releaseReadLock(); } return supports; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUnitType(final String names) throws GameParseException { if (names == null) { m_unitType = null; return; } m_unitType = new HashSet<>(); final String[] s = names.split(":"); for (final String element : s) { final UnitType type = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(element); if (type == null) { throw new GameParseException("Could not find unitType. name:" + element + thisErrorMsg()); } m_unitType.add(type); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUnitType(final HashSet<UnitType> value) { m_unitType = value; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setFaction(final String faction) throws GameParseException { m_faction = faction; if (faction == null) { resetFaction(); return; } m_allied = false; m_enemy = false; final String[] s = faction.split(":"); for (final String element : s) { if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("allied")) { m_allied = true; } else if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("enemy")) { m_enemy = true; } else { throw new GameParseException(faction + " faction must be allied, or enemy" + thisErrorMsg()); } } } public String getFaction() { return m_faction; } public void resetFaction() { m_allied = false; m_enemy = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setSide(final String side) throws GameParseException { if (side == null) { resetSide(); return; } m_defence = false; m_offence = false; final String[] s = side.split(":"); for (final String element : s) { if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("defence")) { m_defence = true; } else if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("offence")) { m_offence = true; } else { throw new GameParseException(side + " side must be defence or offence" + thisErrorMsg()); } } m_side = side; } public String getSide() { return m_side; } public void resetSide() { m_side = null; m_offence = false; m_defence = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDice(final String dice) throws GameParseException { if (dice == null) { resetDice(); return; } m_roll = false; m_strength = false; final String[] s = dice.split(":"); for (final String element : s) { if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("roll")) { m_roll = true; } else if (element.equalsIgnoreCase("strength")) { m_strength = true; } else { throw new GameParseException(dice + " dice must be roll or strength" + thisErrorMsg()); } } m_dice = dice; } public String getDice() { return m_dice; } public void resetDice() { m_dice = null; m_roll = false; m_strength = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBonus(final String bonus) { m_bonus = getInt(bonus); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBonus(final Integer bonus) { m_bonus = bonus; } public void resetBonus() { m_bonus = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setNumber(final String number) { m_number = getInt(number); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setNumber(final Integer number) { m_number = number; } public void resetNumber() { m_number = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBonusType(final String type) { if (type == null) { m_bonusType = null; return; } m_bonusType = type; } public void resetBonusType() { m_bonusType = null; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setPlayers(final String names) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = names.split(":"); for (final String element : s) { final PlayerID player = getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID(element); if (player == null) { throw new GameParseException("Could not find player. name:" + element + thisErrorMsg()); } else { m_players.add(player); } } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setPlayers(final ArrayList<PlayerID> value) { m_players = value; } public ArrayList<PlayerID> getPlayers() { return m_players; } public void clearPlayers() { m_players.clear(); } public void resetPlayers() { m_players = new ArrayList<>(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setImpArtTech(final String tech) { m_impArtTech = getBool(tech); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setImpArtTech(final Boolean tech) { m_impArtTech = tech; } public void resetImpArtTech() { m_impArtTech = false; } public HashSet<UnitType> getUnitType() { return m_unitType; } public int getNumber() { return m_number; } public int getBonus() { return m_bonus; } public boolean getAllied() { return m_allied; } public boolean getEnemy() { return m_enemy; } public boolean getRoll() { return m_roll; } public boolean getStrength() { return m_strength; } public boolean getDefence() { return m_defence; } public boolean getOffence() { return m_offence; } public String getBonusType() { return m_bonusType; } public boolean getImpArtTech() { return m_impArtTech; } /* * following are all to support old artillery flags. * boolean first is a cheat, adds a bogus support to a unit * in the case that supportable units are declared before any artillery */ @InternalDoNotExport public static void addRule(final UnitType type, final GameData data, final boolean first) throws GameParseException { final String attachmentName = (first ? Constants.SUPPORT_RULE_NAME_OLD_TEMP_FIRST : Constants.SUPPORT_RULE_NAME_OLD) + type.getName(); final UnitSupportAttachment rule = new UnitSupportAttachment(attachmentName, type, data); rule.setBonus("1"); rule.setBonusType(Constants.OLD_ART_RULE_NAME); rule.setDice("strength"); rule.setFaction("allied"); rule.setImpArtTech("true"); if (first) { rule.setNumber("0"); } else { rule.setNumber("1"); } rule.setSide("offence"); if (first) { rule.addUnitTypes(Collections.singleton(type)); } else { rule.addUnitTypes(getTargets(data)); } if (!first) { rule.setPlayers(new ArrayList<>(data.getPlayerList().getPlayers())); } type.addAttachment(attachmentName, rule); } @InternalDoNotExport private static Set<UnitType> getTargets(final GameData data) { Set<UnitType> types = null; for (final UnitSupportAttachment rule : get(data)) { if (rule.getBonusType().equals(Constants.OLD_ART_RULE_NAME)) { types = rule.getUnitType(); if (rule.getName().startsWith(Constants.SUPPORT_RULE_NAME_OLD_TEMP_FIRST)) { // remove it because it is a "first", which is just a temporary one made to hold target info. what a hack. final UnitType attachedTo = (UnitType) rule.getAttachedTo(); attachedTo.removeAttachment(rule.getName()); rule.setAttachedTo(null); } } } return types; } @InternalDoNotExport private void addUnitTypes(final Set<UnitType> types) { if (types == null) { return; } if (m_unitType == null) { m_unitType = new HashSet<>(); } m_unitType.addAll(types); } @InternalDoNotExport public static void setOldSupportCount(final UnitType type, final GameData data, final String count) { for (final UnitSupportAttachment rule : get(data)) { if (rule.getBonusType().equals(Constants.OLD_ART_RULE_NAME) && rule.getAttachedTo() == type) { rule.setNumber(count); } } } @InternalDoNotExport public static void addTarget(final UnitType type, final GameData data) throws GameParseException { final Iterator<UnitSupportAttachment> iter = get(data).iterator(); boolean first = true; while (iter.hasNext()) { final UnitSupportAttachment rule =; if (rule.getBonusType().equals(Constants.OLD_ART_RULE_NAME)) { rule.addUnitTypes(Collections.singleton(type)); first = false; } } // if first, it means we do not have any support attachments created yet. so create a temporary one on this unit // just to hold the target // info. if (first) { addRule(type, data, first); } } @Override public void validate(final GameData data) throws GameParseException {} }