package games.strategy.engine.message; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import; import games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.HasEndPointImplementor; import games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor; import games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger.UnifiedMessenger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.util.ThreadUtil; public class UnifiedMessengerHub implements IMessageListener, IConnectionChangeListener { private static final int NODE_IMPLEMENTATION_TIMEOUT = 200; private final UnifiedMessenger localUnified; // the messenger we are based on private final IMessenger messenger; // maps end points to a list of nodes with implementors private final Map<String, Collection<INode>> endPoints = new HashMap<>(); // changes to the list of endpoints, or reads to it, should be made // only while holding this lock private final Object endPointMutex = new Object(); // the invocations that are currently in progress private final Map<GUID, InvocationInProgress> invocations = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); public UnifiedMessengerHub(final IMessenger messenger, final UnifiedMessenger localUnified) { this.messenger = messenger; this.localUnified = localUnified; this.messenger.addMessageListener(this); ((IServerMessenger) this.messenger).addConnectionChangeListener(this); } private void send(final Serializable msg, final INode to) { if (messenger.getLocalNode().equals(to)) { localUnified.messageReceived(msg, messenger.getLocalNode()); } else { messenger.send(msg, to); } } @Override public void messageReceived(final Serializable msg, final INode from) { if (msg instanceof HasEndPointImplementor) { synchronized (endPointMutex) { final HasEndPointImplementor hasEndPoint = (HasEndPointImplementor) msg; Collection<INode> nodes = endPoints.computeIfAbsent(hasEndPoint.endPointName, k -> new ArrayList<>()); if (nodes.contains(from)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Already contained, new" + from + " existing, " + nodes + " name " + hasEndPoint.endPointName); } nodes.add(from); } } else if (msg instanceof NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor) { synchronized (endPointMutex) { final NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor hasEndPoint = (NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor) msg; final Collection<INode> nodes = endPoints.get(hasEndPoint.endPointName); if (nodes != null) { if (!nodes.remove(from)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not removed!"); } if (nodes.isEmpty()) { endPoints.remove(hasEndPoint.endPointName); } } } } else if (msg instanceof HubInvoke) { final HubInvoke invoke = (HubInvoke) msg; final Collection<INode> endPointCols = new ArrayList<>(); synchronized (endPointMutex) { if (endPoints.containsKey( { endPointCols.addAll(endPoints.get(; } } // the node will already have routed messages to local invokers endPointCols.remove(from); if (endPointCols.isEmpty()) { if (invoke.needReturnValues) { final RemoteMethodCallResults results = new RemoteMethodCallResults(new RemoteNotFoundException("Not found:" +; send(new SpokeInvocationResults(results, invoke.methodCallID), from); } // no end points, this is ok, we // we are a channel with no implementors } else { invoke(invoke, endPointCols, from); } } else if (msg instanceof HubInvocationResults) { final HubInvocationResults results = (HubInvocationResults) msg; results(results, from); } } private void results(final HubInvocationResults results, final INode from) { final GUID methodID = results.methodCallID; final InvocationInProgress invocationInProgress = invocations.get(methodID); final boolean done = invocationInProgress.process(results, from); if (done) { invocations.remove(methodID); if (invocationInProgress.shouldSendResults()) { sendResultsToCaller(methodID, invocationInProgress); } } } private void sendResultsToCaller(final GUID methodID, final InvocationInProgress invocationInProgress) { final RemoteMethodCallResults result = invocationInProgress.getResults(); final INode caller = invocationInProgress.getCaller(); final SpokeInvocationResults spokeResults = new SpokeInvocationResults(result, methodID); send(spokeResults, caller); } private void invoke(final HubInvoke hubInvoke, final Collection<INode> remote, final INode from) { if (hubInvoke.needReturnValues) { if (remote.size() != 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many nodes:" + remote + " for remote name " +; } final InvocationInProgress invocationInProgress = new InvocationInProgress(remote.iterator().next(), hubInvoke, from); invocations.put(hubInvoke.methodCallID, invocationInProgress); } // invoke remotely final SpokeInvoke invoke = new SpokeInvoke(hubInvoke.methodCallID, hubInvoke.needReturnValues,, from); for (final INode node : remote) { send(invoke, node); } } /** * Wait for the messenger to know about the given endpoint. * @deprecated testing code smell, should not be dependent upon wall clock timing, try to remove this method. */ @VisibleForTesting @Deprecated public void waitForNodesToImplement(final String endPointName) { final long endTime = NODE_IMPLEMENTATION_TIMEOUT + System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime && !hasImplementors(endPointName)) { if (!ThreadUtil.sleep(50)) { return; } } } public boolean hasImplementors(final String endPointName) { synchronized (endPointMutex) { return endPoints.containsKey(endPointName) && !endPoints.get(endPointName).isEmpty(); } } @Override public void connectionAdded(final INode to) {} @Override public void connectionRemoved(final INode to) { // we lost a connection to a node // any pending results should return synchronized (endPointMutex) { for (final Collection<INode> nodes : endPoints.values()) { nodes.remove(to); } } for (InvocationInProgress invocation : invocations.values()) { if (invocation.isWaitingOn(to)) { final RemoteMethodCallResults results = new RemoteMethodCallResults(new ConnectionLostException("Connection to " + to.getName() + " lost")); final HubInvocationResults hubResults = new HubInvocationResults(results, invocation.getMethodCallID()); results(hubResults, to); } } } }