package games.strategy.engine.message.unifiedmessenger; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import games.strategy.engine.message.ConnectionLostException; import games.strategy.engine.message.HubInvocationResults; import games.strategy.engine.message.HubInvoke; import games.strategy.engine.message.RemoteMethodCall; import games.strategy.engine.message.RemoteMethodCallResults; import games.strategy.engine.message.RemoteName; import games.strategy.engine.message.RemoteNotFoundException; import games.strategy.engine.message.SpokeInvocationResults; import games.strategy.engine.message.SpokeInvoke; import games.strategy.engine.message.UnifiedMessengerHub; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.util.ThreadUtil; /** * A messenger general enough that both Channel and Remote messenger can be * based on it. */ public class UnifiedMessenger { private static final Logger s_logger = Logger.getLogger(UnifiedMessenger.class.getName()); private static final ExecutorService threadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(15); // the messenger we are based on private final IMessenger m_messenger; // lock on this for modifications to create or remove local end points private final Object m_endPointMutex = new Object(); // maps String -> EndPoint // these are the end points that // have local implementors private final Map<String, EndPoint> m_localEndPoints = new HashMap<>(); private final Object m_pendingLock = new Object(); // threads wait on these latches for the hub to return invocations // the latch should be removed from the map when you countdown the last result // access should be synchronized on m_pendingLock // TODO: how do these get shutdown when we exit a game or close triplea? private final Map<GUID, CountDownLatch> m_pendingInvocations = new HashMap<>(); // after the remote has invoked, the results are placed here // access should be synchronized on m_pendingLock private final Map<GUID, RemoteMethodCallResults> m_results = new HashMap<>(); // only non null for the server private UnifiedMessengerHub m_hub; /** * Creates a new instance of UnifiedMessanger. */ public UnifiedMessenger(final IMessenger messenger) { m_messenger = messenger; final IMessageListener m_messageListener = (msg, from) -> UnifiedMessenger.this.messageReceived(msg, from); m_messenger.addMessageListener(m_messageListener); final IMessengerErrorListener m_messengerErrorListener = (messenger1, reason) -> UnifiedMessenger.this.messengerInvalid(); m_messenger.addErrorListener(m_messengerErrorListener); if (m_messenger.isServer()) { m_hub = new UnifiedMessengerHub(m_messenger, this); } } UnifiedMessengerHub getHub() { return m_hub; } private void messengerInvalid() { synchronized (m_pendingLock) { for (final GUID id : m_pendingInvocations.keySet()) { final CountDownLatch latch = m_pendingInvocations.remove(id); latch.countDown(); m_results.put(id, new RemoteMethodCallResults(new ConnectionLostException("Connection Lost"))); } } } /** * Invoke and wait for all implementors on all vms to finish executing. */ public RemoteMethodCallResults invokeAndWait(final String endPointName, final RemoteMethodCall remoteCall) { EndPoint local; synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { local = m_localEndPoints.get(endPointName); } if (local == null) { return invokeAndWaitRemote(remoteCall); // we have the implementor here, just invoke it } else { final long number = local.takeANumber(); final List<RemoteMethodCallResults> results = local.invokeLocal(remoteCall, number, getLocalNode()); if (results.size() == 0) { throw new RemoteNotFoundException("Not found:" + endPointName); } if (results.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalStateException("Too many implementors, got back:" + results); } return results.get(0); } } private RemoteMethodCallResults invokeAndWaitRemote(final RemoteMethodCall remoteCall) { final GUID methodCallID = new GUID(); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); synchronized (m_pendingLock) { m_pendingInvocations.put(methodCallID, latch); } // invoke remotely final Invoke invoke = new HubInvoke(methodCallID, true, remoteCall); send(invoke, m_messenger.getServerNode()); try { latch.await(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { s_logger.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage()); } synchronized (m_pendingLock) { final RemoteMethodCallResults results = m_results.remove(methodCallID); if (results == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No results from remote call. Method returned:" + remoteCall.getMethodName() + " for remote name:" + remoteCall.getRemoteName() + " with id:" + methodCallID); } return results; } } /** * invoke without waiting for remote nodes to respond. */ public void invoke(final String endPointName, final RemoteMethodCall call) { // send the remote invocation final Invoke invoke = new HubInvoke(null, false, call); send(invoke, m_messenger.getServerNode()); // invoke locally EndPoint endPoint; synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { endPoint = m_localEndPoints.get(endPointName); } if (endPoint != null) { final long number = endPoint.takeANumber(); final List<RemoteMethodCallResults> results = endPoint.invokeLocal(call, number, getLocalNode()); for (final RemoteMethodCallResults r : results) { if (r.getException() != null) { // don't swallow errors s_logger.log(Level.WARNING, r.getException().getMessage(), r.getException()); } } } } public void addImplementor(final RemoteName endPointDescriptor, final Object implementor, final boolean singleThreaded) { if (!endPointDescriptor.getClazz().isAssignableFrom(implementor.getClass())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(implementor + " does not implement " + endPointDescriptor.getClazz()); } final EndPoint endPoint = getLocalEndPointOrCreate(endPointDescriptor, singleThreaded); endPoint.addImplementor(implementor); } public INode getLocalNode() { return m_messenger.getLocalNode(); } /** * Get the 1 and only implementor for the endpoint. throws an exception if there are not exctly 1 implementors */ public Object getImplementor(final String name) { synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { final EndPoint endPoint = m_localEndPoints.get(name); return endPoint.getFirstImplementor(); } } public void removeImplementor(final String name, final Object implementor) { EndPoint endPoint; synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { endPoint = m_localEndPoints.get(name); if (endPoint == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No end point for:" + name); } if (implementor == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null implementor"); } final boolean noneLeft = endPoint.removeImplementor(implementor); if (noneLeft) { m_localEndPoints.remove(name); send(new NoLongerHasEndPointImplementor(name), m_messenger.getServerNode()); } } } private EndPoint getLocalEndPointOrCreate(final RemoteName endPointDescriptor, final boolean singleThreaded) { EndPoint endPoint; synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { if (m_localEndPoints.containsKey(endPointDescriptor.getName())) { return m_localEndPoints.get(endPointDescriptor.getName()); } endPoint = new EndPoint(endPointDescriptor.getName(), endPointDescriptor.getClazz(), singleThreaded); m_localEndPoints.put(endPointDescriptor.getName(), endPoint); } final HasEndPointImplementor msg = new HasEndPointImplementor(endPointDescriptor.getName()); send(msg, m_messenger.getServerNode()); return endPoint; } private void send(final Serializable msg, final INode to) { if (m_messenger.getLocalNode().equals(to)) { m_hub.messageReceived(msg, getLocalNode()); } else { m_messenger.send(msg, to); } } public boolean isServer() { return m_messenger.isServer(); } /** * Wait for the messenger to know about the given endpoint. */ public void waitForLocalImplement(final String endPointName, long timeoutMS) { // dont use Long.MAX_VALUE since that will overflow if (timeoutMS <= 0) { timeoutMS = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } final long endTime = timeoutMS + System.currentTimeMillis(); while (System.currentTimeMillis() < endTime && !hasLocalEndPoint(endPointName)) { ThreadUtil.sleep(50); } } private boolean hasLocalEndPoint(final String endPointName) { synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { return m_localEndPoints.containsKey(endPointName); } } public int getLocalEndPointCount(final RemoteName descriptor) { synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { if (!m_localEndPoints.containsKey(descriptor.getName())) { return 0; } return m_localEndPoints.get(descriptor.getName()).getLocalImplementorCount(); } } private void assertIsServer(final INode from) { if (!from.equals(m_messenger.getServerNode())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not from server! Instead from:" + from); } } public void messageReceived(final Serializable msg, final INode from) { if (msg instanceof SpokeInvoke) { // if this isn't the server, something is wrong // maybe an attempt to spoof a message assertIsServer(from); final SpokeInvoke invoke = (SpokeInvoke) msg; EndPoint local; synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { local = m_localEndPoints.get(; } // something a bit strange here, it may be the case // that the endpoint was deleted locally // regardless, the other side is expecting our reply if (local == null) { if (invoke.needReturnValues) { send(new HubInvocationResults( new RemoteMethodCallResults(new RemoteNotFoundException("No implementors for " +, invoke.methodCallID), from); } return; } // very important // we are guaranteed that here messages will be // read in the same order that they are sent from the client // however, once we delegate to the thread pool, there is no // guarantee that the thread pool task will run before // we get the next message notification // get the number for the invocation here final long methodRunNumber = local.takeANumber(); // we dont want to block the message thread, only one thread is // reading messages // per connection, so run with out thread pool final EndPoint localFinal = local; final Runnable task = () -> { final List<RemoteMethodCallResults> results = localFinal.invokeLocal(, methodRunNumber, invoke.getInvoker()); if (invoke.needReturnValues) { RemoteMethodCallResults result = null; if (results.size() == 1) { result = results.get(0); } else { result = new RemoteMethodCallResults( new IllegalStateException("Invalid result count" + results.size()) + " for end point:" + localFinal); } send(new HubInvocationResults(result, invoke.methodCallID), from); } }; threadPool.execute(task); } else if (msg instanceof SpokeInvocationResults) { // a remote machine is returning results // if this isn't the server, something is wrong // maybe an attempt to spoof a message assertIsServer(from); final SpokeInvocationResults results = (SpokeInvocationResults) msg; final GUID methodID = results.methodCallID; // both of these should already be populated // this list should be a synchronized list so we can do the add // all synchronized (m_pendingLock) { m_results.put(methodID, results.results); m_pendingInvocations.remove(methodID).countDown(); } } } public void dumpState(final PrintStream stream) { synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { stream.println("Local Endpoints:" + m_localEndPoints); } synchronized (m_endPointMutex) { stream.println("Remote nodes with implementors:" + m_results); stream.println("Remote nodes with implementors:" + m_pendingInvocations); } } @Override public String toString() { return "Server:" + m_messenger.isServer() + " EndPoints:" + m_localEndPoints; } }