package games.strategy.triplea; import java.awt.Frame; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import games.strategy.debug.ClientLogger; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.engine.framework.IGame; import games.strategy.engine.framework.IGameLoader; import games.strategy.engine.framework.LocalPlayers; import games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame; import games.strategy.engine.gamePlayer.IGamePlayer; import games.strategy.engine.message.IChannelSubscribor; import games.strategy.engine.message.IRemote; import games.strategy.sound.ClipPlayer; import games.strategy.sound.DefaultSoundChannel; import games.strategy.sound.HeadlessSoundChannel; import games.strategy.sound.ISound; import games.strategy.sound.SoundPath; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.EditDelegate; import games.strategy.triplea.player.ITripleAPlayer; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.HeadlessUIContext; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.IUIContext; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.TripleAFrame; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.display.HeadlessDisplay; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.display.ITripleADisplay; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.display.TripleADisplay; @MapSupport public class TripleA implements IGameLoader { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8374315848374732436L; public static final String HUMAN_PLAYER_TYPE = "Human"; public static final String WEAK_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE = "Easy (AI)"; public static final String FAST_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE = "Fast (AI)"; public static final String PRO_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE = "Hard (AI)"; public static final String DOESNOTHINGAI_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE = "Does Nothing (AI)"; protected transient ITripleADisplay display; protected transient ISound soundChannel; protected transient IGame game; @Override public Set<IGamePlayer> createPlayers(final Map<String, String> playerNames) { final Set<IGamePlayer> players = new HashSet<>(); for (final String name : playerNames.keySet()) { final String type = playerNames.get(name); if (type.equals(WEAK_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE)) { players.add(new WeakAI(name, type)); } else if (type.equals(FAST_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE)) { players.add(new FastAI(name, type)); } else if (type.equals(PRO_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE)) { players.add(new ProAI(name, type)); } else if (type.equals(DOESNOTHINGAI_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE)) { players.add(new DoesNothingAI(name, type)); } else if (type.equals(HUMAN_PLAYER_TYPE) || type.equals(CLIENT_PLAYER_TYPE)) { final TripleAPlayer player = new TripleAPlayer(name, type); players.add(player); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Player type not recognized:" + type); } } return players; } @Override public void shutDown() { if (game != null && soundChannel != null) { game.removeSoundChannel(soundChannel); // set sound channel to null to handle the case of shutdown being called multiple times. // If/when shutdown is called exactly once, then the null assignment should be unnecessary. soundChannel = null; } if (display != null) { game.removeDisplay(display); display.shutDown(); display = null; } } @Override public void startGame(final IGame game, final Set<IGamePlayer> players, final boolean headless) throws InvocationTargetException { = game; if (game.getData().getDelegateList().getDelegate("edit") == null) { // An evil hack: instead of modifying the XML, force an EditDelegate by adding one here final EditDelegate delegate = new EditDelegate(); delegate.initialize("edit", "edit"); game.getData().getDelegateList().addDelegate(delegate); if (game instanceof ServerGame) { ((ServerGame) game).addDelegateMessenger(delegate); } } final LocalPlayers localPlayers = new LocalPlayers(players); if (headless) { final IUIContext uiContext = new HeadlessUIContext(); uiContext.setDefaultMapDir(game.getData()); uiContext.setLocalPlayers(localPlayers); display = new HeadlessDisplay(); soundChannel = new HeadlessSoundChannel(); game.addDisplay(display); game.addSoundChannel(soundChannel); // technically not needed because we won't have any "local human players" in a headless game. connectPlayers(players, null); } else { try { SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(() -> { final TripleAFrame frame; frame = new TripleAFrame(game, localPlayers); display = new TripleADisplay(frame); game.addDisplay(display); soundChannel = new DefaultSoundChannel(localPlayers); game.addSoundChannel(soundChannel); frame.setSize(700, 400); frame.setVisible(true);; connectPlayers(players, frame); frame.setExtendedState(Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); frame.toFront(); }); } catch (InterruptedException e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } } } private static void connectPlayers(final Set<IGamePlayer> players, final TripleAFrame frame) { for (final IGamePlayer player : players) { if (player instanceof TripleAPlayer) { ((TripleAPlayer) player).setFrame(frame); } } } /** * Return an array of player types that can play on the server. */ @Override public String[] getServerPlayerTypes() { return new String[] {HUMAN_PLAYER_TYPE, WEAK_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE, FAST_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE, PRO_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE, DOESNOTHINGAI_COMPUTER_PLAYER_TYPE}; } @Override public Class<? extends IChannelSubscribor> getDisplayType() { return ITripleADisplay.class; } @Override public Class<? extends IChannelSubscribor> getSoundType() { return ISound.class; } @Override public Class<? extends IRemote> getRemotePlayerType() { return ITripleAPlayer.class; } @Override public IUnitFactory getUnitFactory() { return new IUnitFactory() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5684926837825766505L; @Override public Unit createUnit(final UnitType type, final PlayerID owner, final GameData data) { return new TripleAUnit(type, owner, data); } }; } }