package games.strategy.engine.framework; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import games.strategy.debug.ClientLogger; import games.strategy.debug.ErrorConsole; import games.strategy.engine.ClientContext; import games.strategy.engine.GameOverException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.AutoSave; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.DefaultDelegateBridge; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.DelegateExecutionManager; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.IDelegate; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.IDelegateBridge; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.IPersistentDelegate; import games.strategy.engine.framework.headlessGameServer.HeadlessGameServer; import; import games.strategy.engine.framework.startup.ui.InGameLobbyWatcherWrapper; import games.strategy.engine.framework.ui.SaveGameFileChooser; import games.strategy.engine.gamePlayer.IGamePlayer; import games.strategy.engine.history.DelegateHistoryWriter; import games.strategy.engine.history.Event; import games.strategy.engine.history.EventChild; import games.strategy.engine.history.HistoryNode; import games.strategy.engine.history.Step; import games.strategy.engine.message.ConnectionLostException; import games.strategy.engine.message.IRemote; import games.strategy.engine.message.MessageContext; import games.strategy.engine.message.RemoteName; import games.strategy.engine.random.IRandomSource; import games.strategy.engine.random.IRemoteRandom; import games.strategy.engine.random.PlainRandomSource; import games.strategy.engine.random.RandomStats; import; import; import games.strategy.triplea.TripleAPlayer; /** * Represents a running game. * Lookups to get a GamePlayer from PlayerId and the current Delegate. */ public class ServerGame extends AbstractGame { public static final RemoteName SERVER_REMOTE = new RemoteName("games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.SERVER_REMOTE", IServerRemote.class); public static final String GAME_HAS_BEEN_SAVED_PROPERTY = "games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.GameHasBeenSaved"; // maps PlayerID->GamePlayer private final RandomStats m_randomStats; private IRandomSource m_randomSource = new PlainRandomSource(); private IRandomSource m_delegateRandomSource; private final DelegateExecutionManager m_delegateExecutionManager = new DelegateExecutionManager(); private InGameLobbyWatcherWrapper m_inGameLobbyWatcher; private boolean m_needToInitialize = true; /** * When the delegate execution is stopped, we countdown on this latch to prevent the startgame(...) method from * returning. */ private final CountDownLatch m_delegateExecutionStoppedLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); /** * Has the delegate signaled that delegate execution should stop. */ private volatile boolean m_delegateExecutionStopped = false; /** * @param data * game data. * @param localPlayers * Set - A set of GamePlayers * @param remotePlayerMapping * Map * @param messengers * IServerMessenger */ public ServerGame(final GameData data, final Set<IGamePlayer> localPlayers, final Map<String, INode> remotePlayerMapping, final Messengers messengers) { super(data, localPlayers, remotePlayerMapping, messengers); m_gameModifiedChannel = new IGameModifiedChannel() { @Override public void gameDataChanged(final Change aChange) { assertCorrectCaller(); m_data.performChange(aChange); m_data.getHistory().getHistoryWriter().addChange(aChange); } private void assertCorrectCaller() { if (!MessageContext.getSender().equals(getMessenger().getServerNode())) { throw new IllegalStateException("Only server can change game data"); } } @Override public void startHistoryEvent(final String event, final Object renderingData) { startHistoryEvent(event); if (renderingData != null) { setRenderingData(renderingData); } } @Override public void startHistoryEvent(final String event) { assertCorrectCaller(); m_data.getHistory().getHistoryWriter().startEvent(event); } @Override public void addChildToEvent(final String text, final Object renderingData) { assertCorrectCaller(); m_data.getHistory().getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent(new EventChild(text, renderingData)); } protected void setRenderingData(final Object renderingData) { assertCorrectCaller(); m_data.getHistory().getHistoryWriter().setRenderingData(renderingData); } @Override public void stepChanged(final String stepName, final String delegateName, final PlayerID player, final int round, final String displayName, final boolean loadedFromSavedGame) { assertCorrectCaller(); if (loadedFromSavedGame) { return; } m_data.getHistory().getHistoryWriter().startNextStep(stepName, delegateName, player, displayName); } // nothing to do, we call this @Override public void shutDown() {} }; m_channelMessenger.registerChannelSubscriber(m_gameModifiedChannel, IGame.GAME_MODIFICATION_CHANNEL); setupDelegateMessaging(data); m_randomStats = new RandomStats(m_remoteMessenger); final IServerRemote m_serverRemote = () -> { final ByteArrayOutputStream sink = new ByteArrayOutputStream(5000); try { saveGame(sink); } catch (final IOException e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); throw new IllegalStateException(e); } return sink.toByteArray(); }; m_remoteMessenger.registerRemote(m_serverRemote, SERVER_REMOTE); } public void addObserver(final IObserverWaitingToJoin blockingObserver, final IObserverWaitingToJoin nonBlockingObserver, final INode newNode) { try { if (!m_delegateExecutionManager.blockDelegateExecution(2000)) { nonBlockingObserver.cannotJoinGame("Could not block delegate execution"); return; } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { nonBlockingObserver.cannotJoinGame(e.getMessage()); return; } try { final CountDownLatch waitOnObserver = new CountDownLatch(1); final ByteArrayOutputStream sink = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1000); saveGame(sink); (new Thread(() -> { try { blockingObserver.joinGame(sink.toByteArray(), m_playerManager.getPlayerMapping()); waitOnObserver.countDown(); } catch (final ConnectionLostException cle) { System.out.println("Connection lost to observer while joining: " + newNode.getName()); } catch (final Exception e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } }, "Waiting on observer to finish joining: " + newNode.getName())).start(); try { if (!waitOnObserver.await(GameRunner.getServerObserverJoinWaitTime(), TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { nonBlockingObserver.cannotJoinGame("Taking too long to join."); } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); nonBlockingObserver.cannotJoinGame(e.getMessage()); } } catch (final Exception e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); nonBlockingObserver.cannotJoinGame(e.getMessage()); } finally { m_delegateExecutionManager.resumeDelegateExecution(); } } private void setupDelegateMessaging(final GameData data) { for (final IDelegate delegate : data.getDelegateList()) { addDelegateMessenger(delegate); } } public void addDelegateMessenger(final IDelegate delegate) { final Class<? extends IRemote> remoteType = delegate.getRemoteType(); // if its null then it shouldn't be added as an IRemote if (remoteType == null) { return; } final Object wrappedDelegate = m_delegateExecutionManager.createInboundImplementation(delegate, new Class<?>[] {delegate.getRemoteType()}); final RemoteName descriptor = getRemoteName(delegate); m_remoteMessenger.registerRemote(wrappedDelegate, descriptor); } public static RemoteName getRemoteName(final IDelegate delegate) { return new RemoteName("games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.DELEGATE_REMOTE." + delegate.getName(), delegate.getRemoteType()); } public static RemoteName getRemoteName(final PlayerID id, final GameData data) { return new RemoteName("games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.PLAYER_REMOTE." + id.getName(), data.getGameLoader().getRemotePlayerType()); } public static RemoteName getRemoteRandomName(final PlayerID id) { return new RemoteName("games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame.PLAYER_RANDOM_REMOTE" + id.getName(), IRemoteRandom.class); } private GameStep getCurrentStep() { return m_data.getSequence().getStep(); // m_data.getSequence().getStep(m_currentStepIndex); } /** * And here we go. * Starts the game in a new thread */ public void startGame() { try { // we dont want to notify that the step has been saved when reloading a saved game, since // in fact the step hasnt changed, we are just resuming where we left off final boolean gameHasBeenSaved = m_data.getProperties().get(GAME_HAS_BEEN_SAVED_PROPERTY, false); if (!gameHasBeenSaved) { m_data.getProperties().set(GAME_HAS_BEEN_SAVED_PROPERTY, Boolean.TRUE); } startPersistentDelegates(); if (gameHasBeenSaved) { runStep(gameHasBeenSaved); } while (!m_isGameOver) { if (m_delegateExecutionStopped) { // the delegate has told us to stop stepping through game steps try { // dont let this method return, as this method returning signals // that the game is over. m_delegateExecutionStoppedLatch.await(); } catch (final InterruptedException e) { // ignore } } else { runStep(false); } } } catch (final GameOverException e) { if (!m_isGameOver) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } } } public void stopGame() { // we have already shut down if (m_isGameOver) { System.out.println("Game previously stopped, cannot stop again."); return; } else if (HeadlessGameServer.headless()) { System.out.println("Attempting to stop game."); } m_isGameOver = true; m_delegateExecutionStoppedLatch.countDown(); // tell the players (especially the AI's) that the game is stopping, so stop doing stuff. for (final IGamePlayer player : m_gamePlayers.values()) { // not sure whether to put this before or after we delegate execution block, but definitely before the game loader // shutdown player.stopGame(); } // block delegate execution to prevent outbound messages to the players while we shut down. try { if (!m_delegateExecutionManager.blockDelegateExecution(16000)) { System.err.println("Could not stop delegate execution."); if (HeadlessGameServer.getInstance() != null) { HeadlessGameServer.getInstance().printThreadDumpsAndStatus(); } else { ErrorConsole.getConsole().dumpStacks(); } // Try one more time if (!m_delegateExecutionManager.blockDelegateExecution(16000)) { System.err.println("Exiting..."); System.exit(-1); } } } catch (final InterruptedException e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } // shutdown try { m_delegateExecutionManager.setGameOver(); getGameModifiedBroadcaster().shutDown(); m_randomStats.shutDown(); m_channelMessenger.unregisterChannelSubscriber(m_gameModifiedChannel, IGame.GAME_MODIFICATION_CHANNEL); m_remoteMessenger.unregisterRemote(SERVER_REMOTE); m_vault.shutDown(); final Iterator<IGamePlayer> localPlayersIter = m_gamePlayers.values().iterator(); while (localPlayersIter.hasNext()) { final IGamePlayer gp =; m_remoteMessenger.unregisterRemote(getRemoteName(gp.getPlayerID(), m_data)); } final Iterator<IDelegate> delegateIter = m_data.getDelegateList().iterator(); while (delegateIter.hasNext()) { final IDelegate delegate =; final Class<? extends IRemote> remoteType = delegate.getRemoteType(); // if its null then it shouldnt be added as an IRemote if (remoteType == null) { continue; } m_remoteMessenger.unregisterRemote(getRemoteName(delegate)); } } catch (final RuntimeException e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } finally { m_delegateExecutionManager.resumeDelegateExecution(); } m_data.getGameLoader().shutDown(); if (HeadlessGameServer.headless()) { System.out.println("StopGame successful."); } } private void autoSave() { SaveGameFileChooser.ensureMapsFolderExists(); final File f1 = new File(ClientContext.folderSettings().getSaveGamePath(), SaveGameFileChooser.getAutoSaveFileName()); final File f2 = new File(ClientContext.folderSettings().getSaveGamePath(), SaveGameFileChooser.getAutoSave2FileName()); final File f; if (f1.lastModified() > f2.lastModified()) { f = f2; } else { f = f1; } try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(f)) { saveGame(out); } catch (final Exception e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } } private void autoSaveRound() { SaveGameFileChooser.ensureMapsFolderExists(); final File autosaveFile; if (m_data.getSequence().getRound() % 2 == 0) { autosaveFile = new File(ClientContext.folderSettings().getSaveGamePath(), SaveGameFileChooser.getAutoSaveEvenFileName()); } else { autosaveFile = new File(ClientContext.folderSettings().getSaveGamePath(), SaveGameFileChooser.getAutoSaveOddFileName()); } try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(autosaveFile)) { saveGame(out); } catch (final Exception e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } } @Override public void saveGame(final File f) { try (FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(f)) { saveGame(fout); } catch (final IOException e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); } } public void saveGame(final OutputStream out) throws IOException { try { if (!m_delegateExecutionManager.blockDelegateExecution(6000)) { throw new IOException("Could not lock delegate execution"); } } catch (final InterruptedException ie) { throw new IOException(ie.getMessage()); } try { new GameDataManager().saveGame(out, m_data); } finally { m_delegateExecutionManager.resumeDelegateExecution(); } } private void runStep(final boolean stepIsRestoredFromSavedGame) { if (getCurrentStep().hasReachedMaxRunCount()) { m_data.getSequence().next(); return; } if (m_isGameOver) { return; } startStep(stepIsRestoredFromSavedGame); if (m_isGameOver) { return; } waitForPlayerToFinishStep(); if (m_isGameOver) { return; } final boolean autoSaveAfterDelegateDone = endStep(); if (m_isGameOver) { return; } if (m_data.getSequence().next()) { m_data.getHistory().getHistoryWriter().startNextRound(m_data.getSequence().getRound()); autoSaveRound(); } // save after the step has advanced // otherwise, the delegate will execute again. if (autoSaveAfterDelegateDone) { autoSave(); } } /** * @return true if the step should autosave. */ private boolean endStep() { m_delegateExecutionManager.enterDelegateExecution(); try { getCurrentStep().getDelegate().end(); } finally { m_delegateExecutionManager.leaveDelegateExecution(); } getCurrentStep().incrementRunCount(); if (m_data.getSequence().getStep().getDelegate().getClass().isAnnotationPresent(AutoSave.class)) { if (m_data.getSequence().getStep().getDelegate().getClass().getAnnotation(AutoSave.class).afterStepEnd()) { return true; } } return false; } private void startPersistentDelegates() { final Iterator<IDelegate> delegateIter = m_data.getDelegateList().iterator(); while (delegateIter.hasNext()) { final IDelegate delegate =; if (!(delegate instanceof IPersistentDelegate)) { continue; } final DefaultDelegateBridge bridge = new DefaultDelegateBridge(m_data, this, new DelegateHistoryWriter(m_channelMessenger), m_randomStats, m_delegateExecutionManager); if (m_delegateRandomSource == null) { m_delegateRandomSource = (IRandomSource) m_delegateExecutionManager.createOutboundImplementation(m_randomSource, new Class<?>[] {IRandomSource.class}); } bridge.setRandomSource(m_delegateRandomSource); m_delegateExecutionManager.enterDelegateExecution(); try { delegate.setDelegateBridgeAndPlayer(bridge); delegate.start(); } finally { m_delegateExecutionManager.leaveDelegateExecution(); } } } private void startStep(final boolean stepIsRestoredFromSavedGame) { // dont save if we just loaded if (!stepIsRestoredFromSavedGame) { if (m_data.getSequence().getStep().getDelegate().getClass().isAnnotationPresent(AutoSave.class)) { if (m_data.getSequence().getStep().getDelegate().getClass().getAnnotation(AutoSave.class).beforeStepStart()) { autoSave(); } } } final DefaultDelegateBridge bridge = new DefaultDelegateBridge(m_data, this, new DelegateHistoryWriter(m_channelMessenger), m_randomStats, m_delegateExecutionManager); if (m_delegateRandomSource == null) { m_delegateRandomSource = (IRandomSource) m_delegateExecutionManager.createOutboundImplementation(m_randomSource, new Class<?>[] {IRandomSource.class}); } bridge.setRandomSource(m_delegateRandomSource); // do any initialization of game data for all players here (not based on a delegate, and should not be) // we cannot do this the very first run through, because there are no history nodes yet. We should do after first // node is created. if (m_needToInitialize) { addPlayerTypesToGameData(m_gamePlayers.values(), m_playerManager, bridge); } notifyGameStepChanged(stepIsRestoredFromSavedGame); m_delegateExecutionManager.enterDelegateExecution(); try { final IDelegate delegate = getCurrentStep().getDelegate(); delegate.setDelegateBridgeAndPlayer(bridge); delegate.start(); } finally { m_delegateExecutionManager.leaveDelegateExecution(); } } private void waitForPlayerToFinishStep() { final PlayerID playerID = getCurrentStep().getPlayerID(); // no player specified for the given step if (playerID == null) { return; } if (!getCurrentStep().getDelegate().delegateCurrentlyRequiresUserInput()) { return; } final IGamePlayer player = m_gamePlayers.get(playerID); if (player != null) { // a local player player.start(getCurrentStep().getName()); } else { // a remote player final INode destination = m_playerManager.getNode(playerID.getName()); final IGameStepAdvancer advancer = (IGameStepAdvancer) m_remoteMessenger.getRemote(ClientGame.getRemoteStepAdvancerName(destination)); advancer.startPlayerStep(getCurrentStep().getName(), playerID); } } private void notifyGameStepChanged(final boolean loadedFromSavedGame) { final GameStep currentStep = getCurrentStep(); final String stepName = currentStep.getName(); final String delegateName = currentStep.getDelegate().getName(); final String displayName = currentStep.getDisplayName(); final int round = m_data.getSequence().getRound(); final PlayerID id = currentStep.getPlayerID(); notifyGameStepListeners(stepName, delegateName, id, round, displayName); getGameModifiedBroadcaster().stepChanged(stepName, delegateName, id, round, displayName, loadedFromSavedGame); } private void addPlayerTypesToGameData(final Collection<IGamePlayer> localPlayers, final PlayerManager allPlayers, final IDelegateBridge aBridge) { final GameData data = aBridge.getData(); // potential bugs with adding changes to a game that has not yet started and has no history nodes yet. So wait for // the first delegate to // start before making changes. if (getCurrentStep() == null || getCurrentStep().getPlayerID() == null || (m_firstRun)) { m_firstRun = false; return; } // we can't add a new event or add new changes if we are not in a step. final HistoryNode curNode = data.getHistory().getLastNode(); if (!(curNode instanceof Step) && !(curNode instanceof Event) && !(curNode instanceof EventChild)) { return; } final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange(); final Set<String> allPlayersString = allPlayers.getPlayers(); aBridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent("Game Loaded"); for (final IGamePlayer player : localPlayers) { allPlayersString.remove(player.getName()); final boolean isHuman = player instanceof TripleAPlayer; aBridge.getHistoryWriter() .addChildToEvent( player.getName() + ((player.getName().endsWith("s") || player.getName().endsWith("ese") || player.getName().endsWith("ish")) ? " are" : " is") + " now being played by: " + player.getType()); final PlayerID p = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerID(player.getName()); final String newWhoAmI = ((isHuman ? "Human" : "AI") + ":" + player.getType()); if (!p.getWhoAmI().equals(newWhoAmI)) { change.add(ChangeFactory.changePlayerWhoAmIChange(p, newWhoAmI)); } } final Iterator<String> playerIter = allPlayersString.iterator(); while (playerIter.hasNext()) { final String player =; playerIter.remove(); aBridge.getHistoryWriter().addChildToEvent( player + ((player.endsWith("s") || player.endsWith("ese") || player.endsWith("ish")) ? " are" : " is") + " now being played by: Human:Client"); final PlayerID p = data.getPlayerList().getPlayerID(player); final String newWhoAmI = "Human:Client"; if (!p.getWhoAmI().equals(newWhoAmI)) { change.add(ChangeFactory.changePlayerWhoAmIChange(p, newWhoAmI)); } } if (!change.isEmpty()) { aBridge.addChange(change); } m_needToInitialize = false; if (!allPlayersString.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not all Player Types (ai/human/client) could be added to game data."); } } private IGameModifiedChannel getGameModifiedBroadcaster() { return (IGameModifiedChannel) m_channelMessenger.getChannelBroadcastor(IGame.GAME_MODIFICATION_CHANNEL); } @Override public void addChange(final Change aChange) { getGameModifiedBroadcaster().gameDataChanged(aChange); // let our channel subscribor do the change, // that way all changes will happen in the same thread } @Override public boolean canSave() { return true; } @Override public IRandomSource getRandomSource() { return m_randomSource; } public void setRandomSource(final IRandomSource randomSource) { m_randomSource = randomSource; m_delegateRandomSource = null; } public InGameLobbyWatcherWrapper getInGameLobbyWatcher() { return m_inGameLobbyWatcher; } public void setInGameLobbyWatcher(final InGameLobbyWatcherWrapper inGameLobbyWatcher) { m_inGameLobbyWatcher = inGameLobbyWatcher; } public void stopGameSequence() { m_delegateExecutionStopped = true; } public boolean isGameSequenceRunning() { return !m_delegateExecutionStopped; } }