package; import java.awt.Image; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import games.strategy.debug.ClientLogger; import games.strategy.triplea.TripleAUnit; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.UnitAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.image.UnitImageFactory; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.IUIContext; import games.strategy.triplea.ui.TooltipProperties; import games.strategy.util.LocalizeHTML; /** * A prototype for units. */ public class UnitType extends NamedAttachable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4885339076798905247L; public UnitType(final String name, final GameData data) { super(name, data); } public List<Unit> create(final int quantity, final PlayerID owner) { return create(quantity, owner, false); } public List<Unit> create(final int quantity, final PlayerID owner, final boolean isTemp) { return create(quantity, owner, isTemp, 0, 0); } public List<Unit> create(final int quantity, final PlayerID owner, final boolean isTemp, final int hitsTaken, final int bombingUnitDamage) { final List<Unit> collection = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++) { collection.add(create(owner, isTemp, hitsTaken, bombingUnitDamage)); } return collection; } private Unit create(final PlayerID owner, final boolean isTemp, final int hitsTaken, final int bombingUnitDamage) { final Unit u = getData().getGameLoader().getUnitFactory().createUnit(this, owner, getData()); u.setHits(hitsTaken); if (u instanceof TripleAUnit) { ((TripleAUnit) u).setUnitDamage(bombingUnitDamage); } if (!isTemp) { getData().getUnits().put(u); } return u; } public Unit create(final PlayerID owner) { return create(owner, false, 0, 0); } @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (o == null) { return false; } if (!(o instanceof UnitType)) { return false; } return ((UnitType) o).getName().equals(this.getName()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getName().hashCode(); } public String getTooltip(final PlayerID playerId) { final String customTip = TooltipProperties.getInstance().getToolTip(this, playerId); if (customTip == null || customTip.trim().length() <= 0) { return UnitAttachment.get(this).toStringShortAndOnlyImportantDifferences( (playerId == null ? PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID : playerId), true, false); } else { return LocalizeHTML.localizeImgLinksInHTML(customTip.trim()); } } /** * Will return a key of NULL for any units which we do not have art for. */ public static Map<PlayerID, List<UnitType>> getAllPlayerUnitsWithImages(final GameData data, final IUIContext uiContext, final boolean forceIncludeNeutralPlayer) { final LinkedHashMap<PlayerID, List<UnitType>> rVal = new LinkedHashMap<>(); data.acquireReadLock(); try { for (final PlayerID p : data.getPlayerList().getPlayers()) { rVal.put(p, getPlayerUnitsWithImages(p, data, uiContext)); } final HashSet<UnitType> unitsSoFar = new HashSet<>(); for (final List<UnitType> l : rVal.values()) { unitsSoFar.addAll(l); } final Set<UnitType> all = data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(); all.removeAll(unitsSoFar); if (forceIncludeNeutralPlayer || !all.isEmpty()) { rVal.put(PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID, getPlayerUnitsWithImages(PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID, data, uiContext)); unitsSoFar.addAll(rVal.get(PlayerID.NULL_PLAYERID)); all.removeAll(unitsSoFar); if (!all.isEmpty()) { rVal.put(null, new ArrayList<>(all)); } } } finally { data.releaseReadLock(); } return rVal; } private static List<UnitType> getPlayerUnitsWithImages(final PlayerID player, final GameData data, final IUIContext uiContext) { final ArrayList<UnitType> rVal = new ArrayList<>(); data.acquireReadLock(); try { // add first based on current production ability if (player.getProductionFrontier() != null) { for (final ProductionRule productionRule : player.getProductionFrontier()) { for (final Entry<NamedAttachable, Integer> entry : productionRule.getResults().entrySet()) { if (UnitType.class.isAssignableFrom(entry.getKey().getClass())) { final UnitType ut = (UnitType) entry.getKey(); if (!rVal.contains(ut)) { rVal.add(ut); } } } } } // this next part is purely to allow people to "add" neutral (null player) units to territories. // This is because the null player does not have a production frontier, and we also do not know what units we have // art for, so only // use the units on a map. for (final Territory t : data.getMap()) { for (final Unit u : t.getUnits()) { if (u.getOwner().equals(player)) { final UnitType ut = u.getType(); if (!rVal.contains(ut)) { rVal.add(ut); } } } } // now check if we have the art for anything that is left for (final UnitType ut : data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes()) { if (!rVal.contains(ut)) { try { final UnitImageFactory imageFactory = uiContext.getUnitImageFactory(); if (imageFactory != null) { final Optional<Image> unitImage = imageFactory.getImage(ut, player, data, false, false); if (unitImage.isPresent()) { if (!rVal.contains(ut)) { rVal.add(ut); } } } } catch (final Exception e) { // TODO: does this cause excessive logging noise, or is the message useful? ClientLogger.logQuietly("Quietly ignoring an exception while drawing unit type: " + ut + ", ", e); } } } } finally { data.releaseReadLock(); } return rVal; } }