package games.strategy.triplea.delegate.dataObjects; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.IBattle.BattleType; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.dataObjects.BattleRecord.BattleResultDescription; import games.strategy.triplea.oddsCalculator.ta.BattleResults; /** * The Purpose of this class is to record various information about combat, * in order to use it for conditions and other things later. */ public class BattleRecords implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1473664374777905497L; private final HashMap<PlayerID, HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord>> m_records; public BattleRecords() { this.m_records = new HashMap<>(); } public BattleRecords(final HashMap<PlayerID, HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord>> records) { this.m_records = records; } @SerializationProxySupport public Object writeReplace() { return new SerializationProxy(this); } @SerializationProxySupport private static class SerializationProxy implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3837818110273155404L; private final HashMap<PlayerID, HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord>> records; public SerializationProxy(final BattleRecords battleRecords) { this.records = battleRecords.m_records; } private Object readResolve() { return new BattleRecords(records); } } // Create copy public BattleRecords(final BattleRecords records) { m_records = new HashMap<>(); for (final Entry<PlayerID, HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord>> entry : records.m_records.entrySet()) { final PlayerID p = entry.getKey(); final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> record = entry.getValue(); final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> map = new HashMap<>(); for (final Entry<GUID, BattleRecord> entry2 : record.entrySet()) { map.put(entry2.getKey(), new BattleRecord(entry2.getValue())); } m_records.put(p, map); } } public static Collection<BattleRecord> getAllRecords(final BattleRecords brs) { final Collection<BattleRecord> records = new ArrayList<>(); for (final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> playerMap : brs.m_records.values()) { for (final BattleRecord r : playerMap.values()) { records.add(r); } } return records; } public static Collection<BattleRecord> getRecordsForPlayerID(final PlayerID player, final BattleRecords brs) { final Collection<BattleRecord> playerRecords = new ArrayList<>(); if (brs.m_records.get(player) == null) { return playerRecords; } for (final Entry<GUID, BattleRecord> entry : brs.m_records.get(player).entrySet()) { playerRecords.add(entry.getValue()); } return playerRecords; } public static int getLostTUVforBattleRecords(final Collection<BattleRecord> brs, final boolean attackerLostTUV, final boolean includeNullPlayer) { int totalLostTUV = 0; for (final BattleRecord br : brs) { if (!includeNullPlayer && (br.getDefender() == null || br.getAttacker() == null || br.getDefender().isNull() || br.getAttacker().isNull())) { continue; } if (attackerLostTUV) { totalLostTUV += br.getAttackerLostTUV(); } else { totalLostTUV += br.getDefenderLostTUV(); } } return totalLostTUV; } public static boolean getWereThereBattlesInTerritoriesMatching(final Collection<BattleRecord> brs, final PlayerID attacker, final PlayerID defender, final String battleType, final Collection<Territory> anyOfTheseTerritories) { for (final BattleRecord br : brs) { if (anyOfTheseTerritories.contains(br.getBattleSite())) { if (attacker != null && !attacker.equals(br.getAttacker())) { continue; } if (defender != null && !defender.equals(br.getDefender())) { continue; } if (!battleType.equalsIgnoreCase("any")) { continue; } return true; // TODO: do more types.... (maybe make a much better enum class that covers both WhoWon and // BattleResultDescription in a single enum // with multiple variables for each enum to cover the different tiers of detail (ie: won/lost/draw vs // conquer/blitz/etc.) } } return false; } public void removeBattle(final PlayerID currentPlayer, final GUID battleID) { final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> current = m_records.get(currentPlayer); // we can't count on this being the current player. If we created a battle using edit mode, then the battle might be // under a different // player. if (current == null || !current.containsKey(battleID)) { for (final Entry<PlayerID, HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord>> entry : m_records.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() != null && entry.getValue().containsKey(battleID)) { entry.getValue().remove(battleID); return; } } throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to remove info from battle records that do not exist"); } current.remove(battleID); } public void addRecord(final BattleRecords other) { for (final PlayerID p : other.m_records.keySet()) { final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> currentRecord = m_records.get(p); if (currentRecord != null) { // this only comes up if we use edit mode to create an attack for a player who's already had their turn and // therefore already has // their record. final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> additionalRecords = other.m_records.get(p); for (final Entry<GUID, BattleRecord> entry : additionalRecords.entrySet()) { final GUID guid = entry.getKey(); final BattleRecord br = entry.getValue(); if (currentRecord.containsKey(guid)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should not be adding battle record for player " + p.getName() + " when they are already on the record. " + "Trying to add: " + br.toString()); } else { currentRecord.put(guid, br); } } m_records.put(p, currentRecord); } else { m_records.put(p, other.m_records.get(p)); } } } public void removeRecord(final BattleRecords other) { for (final PlayerID p : other.m_records.keySet()) { final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> currentRecord = m_records.get(p); if (currentRecord == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to remove a player records but records do not exist"); } final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> toRemoveRecords = other.m_records.get(p); for (final Entry<GUID, BattleRecord> entry : toRemoveRecords.entrySet()) { final GUID guid = entry.getKey(); if (!currentRecord.containsKey(guid)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to remove a battle record but record does not exist"); } else { currentRecord.remove(guid); } } } } public void addBattle(final PlayerID currentPlayerAndAttacker, final GUID battleID, final Territory battleSite, final BattleType battleType) { HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> current = m_records.get(currentPlayerAndAttacker); if (current == null) { current = new HashMap<>(); } final BattleRecord initial = new BattleRecord(battleSite, currentPlayerAndAttacker, battleType); current.put(battleID, initial); m_records.put(currentPlayerAndAttacker, current); } public void addResultToBattle(final PlayerID currentPlayer, final GUID battleID, final PlayerID defender, final int attackerLostTUV, final int defenderLostTUV, final BattleResultDescription battleResultDescription, final BattleResults battleResults) { final HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord> current = m_records.get(currentPlayer); if (current == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to add info to battle records that do not exist"); } if (!current.containsKey(battleID)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to add info to a battle that does not exist"); } final BattleRecord record = current.get(battleID); record.setResult(defender, attackerLostTUV, defenderLostTUV, battleResultDescription, battleResults); } public void clear() { m_records.clear(); } public boolean isEmpty() { return m_records.isEmpty(); } @Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("["); for (final Entry<PlayerID, HashMap<GUID, BattleRecord>> entry : m_records.entrySet()) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(entry.getKey().getName()); sb.append("={"); final StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(""); for (final Entry<GUID, BattleRecord> entry2 : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { sb2.append(", "); final String guid = entry2.getKey().toString(); sb2.append(guid.substring(Math.max(0, Math.min(guid.length(), 7 * guid.length() / 8)), guid.length())); sb2.append(":"); sb2.append(entry2.getValue().toString()); } sb.append(sb2.toString().replaceFirst(", ", "")); sb.append("}"); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString().replaceFirst(", ", ""); } }