package games.strategy.triplea.player; import; import; import games.strategy.engine.gamePlayer.IGamePlayer; import games.strategy.engine.gamePlayer.IPlayerBridge; import games.strategy.util.ThreadUtil; /** * As a rule, nothing that changes GameData should be in here (it should be in a delegate, and done through an IDelegate * using a change). */ public abstract class AbstractBasePlayer implements IGamePlayer { private final String name; // what nation are we playing? ex: "Americans" private final String type; // what are we? ex: "Human" or "AI" private PlayerID playerID; private IPlayerBridge playerBridge; private boolean isStoppedGame = false; /** * @param name * - the name of the player. */ public AbstractBasePlayer(final String name, final String type) { = name; this.type = type; } /** * Anything that overrides this MUST call super.initialize(iPlayerBridge, playerID); */ @Override public void initialize(final IPlayerBridge iPlayerBridge, final PlayerID playerID) { playerBridge = iPlayerBridge; this.playerID = playerID; } /** * Get the GameData for the game. */ public GameData getGameData() { return playerBridge.getGameData(); } /** * Get the IPlayerBridge for this game player. * (This is not a delegate bridge, and we cannot send changes on this. Changes should only be done within a delegate, * never through a * player.) */ protected final IPlayerBridge getPlayerBridge() { return playerBridge; } @Override public final String getName() { return name; } @Override public final String getType() { return type; } @Override public final PlayerID getPlayerID() { return playerID; } @Override public String toString() { return (playerID == null || playerID.getName() == null || !playerID.getName().equals(name)) ? (type + ":" + name + ":" + (playerID == null ? "NullID" : playerID.getName())) : (type + ":" + name); } /** * The given phase has started. We parse the phase name and call the appropriate method. */ @Override public void start(final String stepName) { if (stepName != null) { // PlayerBridge is on a different thread than this one, and so it will be updated asynchronously. Need to wait for // it. String bridgeStep = getPlayerBridge().getStepName(); int i = 0; boolean shownErrorMessage = false; while (!stepName.equals(bridgeStep)) { ThreadUtil.sleep(100); i++; if (i > 30 && !shownErrorMessage) { System.out.println("Start step: " + stepName + " does not match player bridge step: " + bridgeStep + ". Player Bridge GameOver=" + getPlayerBridge().isGameOver() + ", PlayerID: " + getPlayerID().getName() + ", Game: " + getGameData().getGameName() + ". Something wrong or very laggy. Will keep trying for 30 more seconds. "); shownErrorMessage = true; } // TODO: what is the right amount of time to wait before we give up? if (i > 310) { System.err.println("Start step: " + stepName + " still does not match player bridge step: " + bridgeStep + " even after waiting more than 30 seconds. This will probably result in a ClassCastException very " + "soon. Player Bridge GameOver=" + getPlayerBridge().isGameOver() + ", PlayerID: " + getPlayerID().getName() + ", Game: " + getGameData().getGameName()); // getPlayerBridge().printErrorStatus(); // waited more than 30 seconds, so just let stuff run (an error will pop up surely...) break; } bridgeStep = getPlayerBridge().getStepName(); } } } @Override public void stopGame() { isStoppedGame = true; } public boolean isGameStopped() { return isStoppedGame; } // public abstract Class<?> getRemotePlayerType(); }