package games.strategy.triplea.attachments; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.IDelegateBridge; import games.strategy.engine.random.IRandomStats.DiceType; import games.strategy.triplea.formatter.MyFormatter; import games.strategy.triplea.player.ITripleAPlayer; import games.strategy.util.Match; import games.strategy.util.ThreadUtil; import games.strategy.util.Tuple; public abstract class AbstractTriggerAttachment extends AbstractConditionsAttachment { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5866039180681962697L; public static final String NOTIFICATION = "Notification"; public static final String AFTER = "after"; public static final String BEFORE = "before"; // "setTrigger" is also a valid setter, and it just calls "setConditions" in AbstractConditionsAttachment. Kept for // backwards // compatibility. private int m_uses = -1; @InternalDoNotExport // Do Not Export (do not include in IAttachment). private boolean m_usedThisRound = false; private String m_notification = null; private ArrayList<Tuple<String, String>> m_when = new ArrayList<>(); public AbstractTriggerAttachment(final String name, final Attachable attachable, final GameData gameData) { super(name, attachable, gameData); } public static CompositeChange triggerSetUsedForThisRound(final PlayerID player, final IDelegateBridge aBridge) { final CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange(); for (final TriggerAttachment ta : TriggerAttachment.getTriggers(player, aBridge.getData(), null)) { if (ta.getUsedThisRound()) { final int currentUses = ta.getUses(); if (currentUses > 0) { change.add(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyChange(ta, Integer.toString(currentUses - 1), "uses")); change.add(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyChange(ta, false, "usedThisRound")); } } } return change; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. * DO NOT REMOVE THIS (or else you will break a lot of older xmls) * * @deprecated please use setConditions, getConditions, clearConditions, instead. */ @Deprecated @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = true) public void setTrigger(final String conditions) throws GameParseException { setConditions(conditions); } /** * @deprecated please use setConditions, getConditions, clearConditions, instead. */ @Deprecated public List<RulesAttachment> getTrigger() { return getConditions(); } /** * @deprecated please use setConditions, getConditions, clearConditions, instead. */ @Deprecated public void clearTrigger() { clearConditions(); } /** * @deprecated please use setConditions, getConditions, clearConditions, instead. */ @Deprecated public void resetTrigger() { resetConditions(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUses(final String s) { m_uses = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUses(final Integer u) { m_uses = u; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUses(final int u) { m_uses = u; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = false, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUsedThisRound(final String s) { m_usedThisRound = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = false, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUsedThisRound(final boolean usedThisRound) { m_usedThisRound = usedThisRound; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = false, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUsedThisRound(final Boolean usedThisRound) { m_usedThisRound = usedThisRound; } public boolean getUsedThisRound() { return m_usedThisRound; } public void resetUsedThisRound() { m_usedThisRound = false; } public int getUses() { return m_uses; } public void resetUses() { m_uses = -1; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setWhen(final String when) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = when.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("when must exist in 2 parts: \"before/after:stepName\"." + thisErrorMsg()); } if (!(s[0].equals(AFTER) || s[0].equals(BEFORE))) { throw new GameParseException("when must start with: " + BEFORE + " or " + AFTER + thisErrorMsg()); } m_when.add(Tuple.of(s[0], s[1])); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setWhen(final ArrayList<Tuple<String, String>> value) { m_when = value; } public ArrayList<Tuple<String, String>> getWhen() { return m_when; } public void clearWhen() { m_when.clear(); } public void resetWhen() { m_when = new ArrayList<>(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setNotification(final String sNotification) { if (sNotification == null) { m_notification = null; return; } m_notification = sNotification; } public String getNotification() { return m_notification; } public void resetNotification() { m_notification = null; } protected void use(final IDelegateBridge aBridge) { // instead of using up a "use" with every action, we will instead use up a "use" if the trigger is fired during this // round // this is in order to let a trigger that contains multiple actions, fire all of them in a single use // we only do this for things that do not have m_when set. triggers with m_when set have their uses modified // elsewhere. if (!m_usedThisRound && m_uses > 0 && m_when.isEmpty()) { aBridge.addChange(ChangeFactory.attachmentPropertyChange(this, true, "usedThisRound")); } } protected boolean testChance(final IDelegateBridge aBridge) { // "chance" should ALWAYS be checked last! (always check all other conditions first) final int hitTarget = getChanceToHit(); final int diceSides = getChanceDiceSides(); if (diceSides <= 0 || hitTarget >= diceSides) { changeChanceDecrementOrIncrementOnSuccessOrFailure(aBridge, true, false); return true; } else if (hitTarget <= 0) { changeChanceDecrementOrIncrementOnSuccessOrFailure(aBridge, false, false); return false; } // there is an issue with maps using thousands of chance triggers: they are causing the cypted random source (ie: // live and pbem games) to lock up or error out // so we need to slow them down a bit, until we come up with a better solution (like aggregating all the chances // together, then getting a ton of random numbers at once instead of one at a time) ThreadUtil.sleep(100); final int rollResult = aBridge.getRandom(diceSides, null, DiceType.ENGINE, "Attempting the Trigger: " + MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(this.getName())) + 1; final boolean testChance = rollResult <= hitTarget; final String notificationMessage = (testChance ? TRIGGER_CHANCE_SUCCESSFUL : TRIGGER_CHANCE_FAILURE) + " (Rolled at " + hitTarget + " out of " + diceSides + " Result: " + rollResult + " for " + MyFormatter.attachmentNameToText(this.getName()) + ")"; aBridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(notificationMessage); changeChanceDecrementOrIncrementOnSuccessOrFailure(aBridge, testChance, true); ((ITripleAPlayer) aBridge.getRemotePlayer(aBridge.getPlayerID())).reportMessage(notificationMessage, notificationMessage); return testChance; } public static Match<TriggerAttachment> isSatisfiedMatch(final HashMap<ICondition, Boolean> testedConditions) { return new Match<TriggerAttachment>() { @Override public boolean match(final TriggerAttachment t) { return t.isSatisfied(testedConditions); } }; } /** * If t.getWhen() is empty, and beforeOrAfter and stepName are both null, then this returns true. * Otherwise, all must be not null, and one of when's values must match the arguments. * * @param beforeOrAfter * can be null, or must be "before" or "after" * @param stepName * can be null, or must be exact name of a specific stepName * @return true if when and both args are null, and true if all are not null and when matches the args, otherwise * false */ public static Match<TriggerAttachment> whenOrDefaultMatch(final String beforeOrAfter, final String stepName) { return new Match<TriggerAttachment>() { @Override public boolean match(final TriggerAttachment t) { if (beforeOrAfter == null && stepName == null && t.getWhen().isEmpty()) { return true; } else if (beforeOrAfter != null && stepName != null && !t.getWhen().isEmpty()) { for (final Tuple<String, String> w : t.getWhen()) { if (beforeOrAfter.equals(w.getFirst()) && stepName.equals(w.getSecond())) { return true; } } } return false; } }; } public static Match<TriggerAttachment> availableUses = new Match<TriggerAttachment>() { @Override public boolean match(final TriggerAttachment t) { return t.getUses() != 0; } }; public static Match<TriggerAttachment> notificationMatch() { return new Match<TriggerAttachment>() { @Override public boolean match(final TriggerAttachment t) { return t.getNotification() != null; } }; } protected static String getValueFromStringArrayForAllSubStrings(final String[] s) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final String subString : s) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(subString); } // remove leading colon if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.substring(0, 1).equals(":")) { sb.replace(0, 1, ""); } return sb.toString(); } protected static String getValueFromStringArrayForAllExceptLastSubstring(final String[] s) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s.length - 1; i++) { sb.append(":"); sb.append(s[i]); } // remove leading colon if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.substring(0, 1).equals(":")) { sb.replace(0, 1, ""); } return sb.toString(); } public static int getEachMultiple(final AbstractTriggerAttachment t) { int eachMultiple = 1; for (final RulesAttachment condition : t.getConditions()) { final int tempEach = condition.getEachMultiple(); if (tempEach > eachMultiple) { eachMultiple = tempEach; } } return eachMultiple; } @Override public void validate(final GameData data) throws GameParseException { super.validate(data); if (m_conditions == null) { throw new GameParseException("must contain at least one condition: " + thisErrorMsg()); } } }