package; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import; import; import games.strategy.ui.SwingAction; import games.strategy.ui.Util; import; public final class CanalDefinitionsPanel extends ImageScrollPanePanel { private static final String MSG_TITLE_AUTO_FILL_RESULT = "Auto-Fill Result"; // TODO: consider rework HTML strings for XML file creation and parsing static final String HTML_CANAL_KEY_POSTFIX = ": "; static final String HTML_CANAL_KEY_PREFIX = "<br/> - "; private static final double PI_HALF = Math.PI / 2; private static final String NEW_CANAL_OPTION = "<new Canal>"; private Set<String> selectedLandTerritories = new TreeSet<>(); private Set<String> selectedWaterTerritories = new TreeSet<>(); private Optional<String> currentCanalName = Optional.empty(); private CanalDefinitionsPanel() {} public static void layout(final MapXmlCreator mapXmlCreator) { setMapXmlCreator(mapXmlCreator); final CanalDefinitionsPanel panel = new CanalDefinitionsPanel(); panel.layout(mapXmlCreator.getStepActionPanel()); mapXmlCreator.setAutoFillAction(SwingAction.of(e -> { final int prevCanalCount = MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().size(); if (prevCanalCount > 0) { if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != MapXmlUIHelper.showYesNoOptionDialog("Auto-Fill Warning", "All current canal definitions will be deleted.\rDo you want to continue with Auto-Fill?", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE)) { return; } MapXmlHelper.clearCanalDefinitions(); } panel.clearSelection(); final Map<String, Set<String>> landWaterTerritoyConnections = MapXmlData.getLandWaterTerritoryConnections(); MapXmlHelper.validateAndAddCanalDefinitions(landWaterTerritoyConnections); final boolean noNewCanalsBuild = MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().isEmpty(); if (noNewCanalsBuild) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "No canals have been build!", MSG_TITLE_AUTO_FILL_RESULT, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } else { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, MapXmlHelper.getHtmlStringFromCanalDefinitions(), MSG_TITLE_AUTO_FILL_RESULT, JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } if (prevCanalCount > 0 || !noNewCanalsBuild) { panel.repaint(); } })); } @Override protected void paintCenterSpecifics(final Graphics g, final String centerName, final FontMetrics fontMetrics, final Point item, final int textStartX) { if (selectedLandTerritories.contains(centerName) || selectedWaterTerritories.contains(centerName)) { final Rectangle2D stringBounds = fontMetrics.getStringBounds(centerName, g); g.setColor(Color.yellow); g.fillRect(Math.max(0, textStartX - 2), Math.max(0, item.y - 6), (int) stringBounds.getWidth() + 4, (int) stringBounds.getHeight()); g.setColor(; g.drawString(centerName, Math.max(0, textStartX), item.y + 5); } g.setColor(; } @Override protected void paintPreparation(final Map<String, Point> centers) {} @Override protected void paintOwnSpecifics(final Graphics g, final Map<String, Point> centers) { final Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g; final FontMetrics fontMetrics = g.getFontMetrics(); for (final Entry<String, CanalTerritoriesTuple> canalDef : MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap() .entrySet()) { final Set<String> terrSet1 = canalDef.getValue().getWaterTerritories(); final Set<String> remainingTerrs = new TreeSet<>(terrSet1); paintOwnSpecificsToWaterTerritories(centers, g2d, fontMetrics, terrSet1, remainingTerrs, canalDef.getKey()); paintOwnSpecificsToLandTerritories(g, centers, canalDef); } } public void paintOwnSpecificsToLandTerritories(final Graphics g, final Map<String, Point> centers, final Entry<String, CanalTerritoriesTuple> canalDef) { g.setColor(Color.GREEN); final Set<String> terrLandSet = canalDef.getValue().getLandTerritories(); final Set<String> terrLandRemainingSet = new TreeSet<>(terrLandSet); for (final String terrLand : terrLandSet) { final Point centerLandTerr = centers.get(terrLand); terrLandRemainingSet.remove(terrLand); for (final String terrLandRemaining : terrLandRemainingSet) { final Point centerLandRemainingTerr = centers.get(terrLandRemaining); g.drawLine(centerLandTerr.x, centerLandTerr.y, centerLandRemainingTerr.x, centerLandRemainingTerr.y); } } } public void paintOwnSpecificsToWaterTerritories(final Map<String, Point> centers, final Graphics2D g2d, final FontMetrics fontMetrics, final Set<String> terrSet1, final Set<String> remainingTerrs, final String canalName) { g2d.setColor(Color.BLUE); for (final String terr1 : terrSet1) { final Point center1 = centers.get(terr1); remainingTerrs.remove(terr1); for (final String terr2 : remainingTerrs) { final Point center2 = centers.get(terr2); g2d.drawLine(center1.x, center1.y, center2.x, center2.y); final Rectangle2D stringBounds = fontMetrics.getStringBounds(canalName, g2d); final int dX = center2.x - center1.x; final int dY = center2.y - center1.y; final Point lineCenter = new Point(center1.x + dX / 2, center1.y + dY / 2); final double centerDistance = center2.distance(center1); if (centerDistance > stringBounds.getWidth()) { drawRotate(g2d, lineCenter.x, lineCenter.y, Math.atan2(dY, dX), canalName, (int) (stringBounds.getWidth()) / -2); } else { g2d.drawString(canalName, lineCenter.x, lineCenter.y); } } } } public static void drawRotate(final Graphics2D g2d, final double x, final double y, double radianAngle, final String text, final int textX) { g2d.translate((float) x, (float) y); if (radianAngle > PI_HALF) { radianAngle -= Math.PI; } else if (radianAngle < -PI_HALF) { radianAngle += Math.PI; } g2d.rotate(radianAngle); g2d.drawString(text, textX, -2); g2d.rotate(-radianAngle); g2d.translate(-(float) x, -(float) y); } @Override protected void mouseClickedOnImage(final Map<String, Point> centers, final MouseEvent e) { if (SwingUtilities.isRightMouseButton(e)) { mouseRightClickedOnImage(); return; } final Optional<String> newTerrNameOptional = Util.findTerritoryName(e.getPoint(), polygons); if (!newTerrNameOptional.isPresent()) { return; } final String newTerrName = newTerrNameOptional.get(); Boolean newTerrIsWater = MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryDefintionsMap().get(newTerrName).get(DEFINITION.IS_WATER); if (newTerrIsWater == null) { newTerrIsWater = false; } final Set<String> newTerrNeighborsDiffType = getNeighborsByType(newTerrName, !newTerrIsWater); final List<String> terrCanals = getCanalsLinkedToTerritory(newTerrName, newTerrIsWater); if (!evaluateSelectedTerritoryToCurrentCanal(newTerrName, newTerrIsWater, newTerrNeighborsDiffType, terrCanals)) { return; } if (!handleSelectedTerritoryToCurrentCanal(newTerrName, newTerrIsWater, newTerrNeighborsDiffType)) { return; } repaint(); } /** * @param newTerrName - territory name. * @param newTerrIsWater - IS_WATER property of newTerrName territory * @param newTerrNeighborsDiffType - list of neighbor territories with/without (defined by newTerrIsWater) property * IS_WATER * @return whether handling was successful or not */ private boolean handleSelectedTerritoryToCurrentCanal(final String newTerrName, final boolean newTerrIsWater, final Set<String> newTerrNeighborsDiffType) { if (currentCanalName.isPresent()) { setSelectedTerritoriesFromTerritory(); final Set<String> selectedTerrsSameType; if (newTerrIsWater) { selectedTerrsSameType = selectedWaterTerritories; } else { selectedTerrsSameType = selectedLandTerritories; } if (selectedTerrsSameType.size() > 0) { final Set<String> commonNeighborsDiffType = getCommonNeighborsOfType(selectedTerrsSameType, !newTerrIsWater); commonNeighborsDiffType.retainAll(newTerrNeighborsDiffType); if (commonNeighborsDiffType.size() < 2) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, getMessageTextOnToFewSuitableNeighbors(newTerrIsWater, selectedTerrsSameType.size()), "Input Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } } if (selectedTerrsSameType.contains(newTerrName)) { selectedTerrsSameType.remove(newTerrName); } else { selectedTerrsSameType.add(newTerrName); } } return true; } private void setSelectedTerritoriesFromTerritory() { CanalTerritoriesTuple canalTerrs = MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().get(currentCanalName.get()); if (canalTerrs == null) { canalTerrs = new CanalTerritoriesTuple(); MapXmlHelper.putCanalDefinitions(currentCanalName.get(), canalTerrs); } selectedWaterTerritories = canalTerrs.getWaterTerritories(); selectedLandTerritories = canalTerrs.getLandTerritories(); } /** * The method evaluated the current selected territory with the current canal name and provides some message feedback * in case of problems (either by an error message or by the possibility to refine the selection purpose). * * @param imagePanel - JPanel * @param newTerrName - territory name * @param newTerrIsWater - IS_WATER property of newTerrName territory * @param newTerrNeighborsDiffType - list of neighbor territories with/without (defined by newTerrIsWater) property * IS_WATER * @param terrCanals - list of canals the newTerrName territory is linked to * @return evaluation result */ private boolean evaluateSelectedTerritoryToCurrentCanal(final String newTerrName, final boolean newTerrIsWater, final Set<String> newTerrNeighborsDiffType, final List<String> terrCanals) { if (currentCanalName.isPresent()) { if (newTerrNeighborsDiffType.size() < 2) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The selected " + (newTerrIsWater ? "water" : "land") + " territory is connected to less than 2 " + (!newTerrIsWater ? "water" : "land") + " territories!", "Input Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); return false; } if (!terrCanals.isEmpty()) { terrCanals.add(NEW_CANAL_OPTION); currentCanalName = Optional.ofNullable((String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Which canal should be selected for territory '" + newTerrName + "?", "Choose Canal", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, terrCanals.toArray(new String[terrCanals.size()]), // Array of choices terrCanals.get(0))); // Initial choice } if (terrCanals.isEmpty() || NEW_CANAL_OPTION.equals(currentCanalName.orElse(""))) { final String suggestedCanalName = getSuggestedCanalName(); currentCanalName = Optional.ofNullable(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Which canal should be selected for territory '" + newTerrName + "?", suggestedCanalName)); while (MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().keySet().contains(currentCanalName.get())) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The canal name " + currentCanalName + " is already in use!", "Input Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); currentCanalName = Optional.ofNullable(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Which canal should be selected for territory '" + newTerrName + "?", currentCanalName)); } } else if (currentCanalName.isPresent()) { final CanalTerritoriesTuple canalTerrs = MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().get(currentCanalName.get()); selectedWaterTerritories = canalTerrs.getWaterTerritories(); selectedLandTerritories = canalTerrs.getLandTerritories(); repaint(); return false; } if (!currentCanalName.isPresent()) { return false; } } return true; } private void mouseRightClickedOnImage() { if (currentCanalName.isPresent() && (selectedLandTerritories.size() < 2 || selectedWaterTerritories.size() < 2)) { if (JOptionPane.YES_OPTION != MapXmlUIHelper.showYesNoOptionDialog("Canal incomplete", "Canal '" + currentCanalName + "' is incomplete. A canal needs at least 2 land and 2 water territories.\r" + "Do you want to continue to deselect the canal?", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE)) { return; } MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().remove(currentCanalName.get()); } currentCanalName = Optional.empty(); if (!selectedLandTerritories.isEmpty() || !selectedWaterTerritories.isEmpty()) { clearSelection(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> getImagePanel().repaint()); } } /** * @param newTerrName - base territory. * @param newTerrIsWater - IS_WATER property of base territory * @param terrCanals - list of canals the base territory is linked to */ private List<String> getCanalsLinkedToTerritory(final String newTerrName, final boolean newTerrIsWater) { final List<String> terrCanals = new ArrayList<>(); if (newTerrIsWater) { for (final Entry<String, CanalTerritoriesTuple> canalDef : MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap() .entrySet()) { if (canalDef.getValue().getWaterTerritories().contains(newTerrName)) { terrCanals.add(canalDef.getKey()); } } } else { for (final Entry<String, CanalTerritoriesTuple> canalDef : MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap() .entrySet()) { if (canalDef.getValue().getLandTerritories().contains(newTerrName)) { terrCanals.add(canalDef.getKey()); } } } return terrCanals; } private String getMessageTextOnToFewSuitableNeighbors(final boolean newTerrIsWater, final int selectedTerrsSameTypeCount) { return "The selected " + (newTerrIsWater ? "water" : "land") + " territory is connected to less than 2 common " + (!newTerrIsWater ? "water" : "land") + " territories with the other " + (newTerrIsWater ? "water" : "land") + " territor" + (selectedTerrsSameTypeCount == 1 ? "y" : "ies") + "!\rRight click to deselect current canal '" + currentCanalName + "'."; } /** * @return suggested canal name. */ private String getSuggestedCanalName() { String suggestedCanalName; int counter = MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().size(); do { suggestedCanalName = "Canal" + counter; ++counter; } while (MapXmlHelper.getCanalDefinitionsMap().keySet().contains(suggestedCanalName)); return suggestedCanalName; } protected void clearSelection() { currentCanalName = Optional.empty(); selectedLandTerritories = new TreeSet<>(); selectedWaterTerritories = new TreeSet<>(); } /** * * @param newTerrName - territory name. * @param waterNeighbors - whether IS_WATER property is supposed to be present or not * @return list of neighbor territories with/without (defined by waterNeighbors) property IS_WATER */ protected Set<String> getNeighborsByType(final String newTerrName, final boolean waterNeighbors) { final Set<String> neighborsByType = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); final Set<String> neighbors = MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryConnectionsMap().get(newTerrName); for (final Entry<String, Set<String>> terrConnEntry : MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryConnectionsMap().entrySet()) { if (MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryDefintionsMap().get(terrConnEntry.getKey()) .get(DEFINITION.IS_WATER) == waterNeighbors && terrConnEntry.getValue().contains(newTerrName)) { neighborsByType.add(terrConnEntry.getKey()); } } if (neighbors != null) { for (final String neighbor : neighbors) { if (MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryDefintionsMap().get(neighbor).get(DEFINITION.IS_WATER) == waterNeighbors) { neighborsByType.add(neighbor); } } } return neighborsByType; } private Set<String> getCommonNeighborsOfType(final Set<String> terrList, final boolean typeIsWater) { final Set<String> commonNeighborsOfType = new TreeSet<>(); final Map<String, Collection<String>> neighborsMap = getNeighborsMapWaterDefinitionBeing(terrList, typeIsWater); commonNeighborsOfType.addAll(neighborsMap.values().iterator().next()); if (commonNeighborsOfType.size() >= 2) { for (final Collection<String> waterNeighors : neighborsMap.values()) { commonNeighborsOfType.retainAll(waterNeighors); if (commonNeighborsOfType.size() < 2) { break; } } } return commonNeighborsOfType; } /** * @param terrList - list of territories for which neighbors should be evaluated. * @param typeIsWater - filter criteria of neighbors by their property IS_WATER * @return map of terrList list territory entry -> neighbor territories with/without (defined by typeIsWater) IS_WATER * property */ private Map<String, Collection<String>> getNeighborsMapWaterDefinitionBeing(final Set<String> terrList, final boolean typeIsWater) { final Map<String, Collection<String>> neighborsMap = Maps.newHashMap(); for (final String terr : terrList) { neighborsMap.put(terr, new ArrayList<>()); } for (final Entry<String, Set<String>> terrConnEntry : MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryConnectionsMap().entrySet()) { final String terr1 = terrConnEntry.getKey(); if (terrList.contains(terr1)) { for (final String terr2 : terrConnEntry.getValue()) { if (MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryDefintionsMap().get(terr2).get(DEFINITION.IS_WATER) == typeIsWater) { neighborsMap.get(terr1).add(terr2); } } } else { if (MapXmlHelper.getTerritoryDefintionsMap().get(terr1).get(DEFINITION.IS_WATER) == typeIsWater) { final SortedSet<String> selectedTerritoriesCopy = new TreeSet<>(terrList); selectedTerritoriesCopy.retainAll(terrConnEntry.getValue()); for (final String terr2 : selectedTerritoriesCopy) { neighborsMap.get(terr2).add(terr1); } } } } return neighborsMap; } }