package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Predicate; import javax.swing.JProgressBar; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import games.strategy.debug.ClientLogger; import games.strategy.util.ThreadUtil; /** * Class that accepts and queues download requests. Download requests are started in background * thread, this class ensures N are in progress until all are done. */ public class DownloadCoordinator { private static final int MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOAD = 3; private final Map<DownloadFile, Runnable> downloadMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Set<DownloadFileDescription> downloadSet = new HashSet<>(); private volatile boolean cancelled = false; DownloadCoordinator() { new Thread(() -> { while (!cancelled) { try { startNextDownloads(); // pause for a brief while before the next iteration, helps avoid a Github too many requests error ThreadUtil.sleep(250); } catch (final Exception e) { ClientLogger.logQuietly(e); throw e; } } }).start(); } private void startNextDownloads() { final long downloadingCount = countDownloadsInProgress(); if (downloadMap != null && downloadingCount < MAX_CONCURRENT_DOWNLOAD) { startNextDownload(); } } private long countDownloadsInProgress() { return count(download -> download.isInProgress()); } private long count(final Predicate<DownloadFile> filter) { return downloadMap.keySet().stream().filter(filter).count(); } private void startNextDownload() { for (final Map.Entry<DownloadFile, Runnable> download : downloadMap.entrySet()) { if (download.getKey().isWaiting()) { new Thread(download.getValue()).start(); download.getKey().startAsyncDownload(); break; } } } /** * Queues up a download request, sending notification to a progress listener and a final notification * to a download complete listener. * * @param download A single map download to queue, may or may not be started immediately. * @param progressUpdateListener A listener for progress updates, the value passed to the progress listener will be * the size of the downloaded file in bytes. * @param completionListener A listener that is called when this specific download finishes. */ public void accept(final DownloadFileDescription download, final Consumer<Integer> progressUpdateListener, final Runnable completionListener, final JProgressBar progressBar) { // To avoid double acceptance, hold a lock while we check the 'downloadSet' synchronized (this) { if (downloadSet.contains(download)) { return; } else { downloadSet.add(download); } } DownloadFile downloadFile = new DownloadFile(download, progressUpdateListener, completionListener); Runnable progressBarStarter = () -> { final Optional<Integer> length = DownloadUtils.getDownloadLength(download.newURL()); if (length.isPresent()) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> { progressBar.setMinimum(0); progressBar.setMaximum(length.get()); }); } }; downloadMap.put(downloadFile, progressBarStarter); } /** * Will prevent any new downloads from starting. Downloads in progress will continue, but they * are downloaded to a temp file which will not be moved after cancel. */ public void cancelDownloads() { cancelled = true; for (final DownloadFile download : downloadMap.keySet()) { download.cancelDownload(); } } }