package games.strategy.triplea.attachments; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.triplea.Constants; import games.strategy.triplea.MapSupport; import games.strategy.triplea.Properties; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.Matches; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.TechTracker; import games.strategy.triplea.formatter.MyFormatter; import games.strategy.util.CompositeMatchAnd; import games.strategy.util.IntegerMap; import games.strategy.util.Match; import games.strategy.util.Tuple; /** * Despite the misleading name, this attaches not to individual Units but to UnitTypes. * Please follow this naming convention: * if the property is called "m_fooBar" * then you must have a "setFooBar" and "getFooBar", * and if the set method adds to a list or map, then you also need a "clearFooBar". * Do not change the name fooBar to make it plural or any other crap. */ @MapSupport public class UnitAttachment extends DefaultAttachment { private static final long serialVersionUID = -2946748686268541820L; /** * Convenience method. */ public static UnitAttachment get(final UnitType type) { final UnitAttachment rVal = (UnitAttachment) type.getAttachment(Constants.UNIT_ATTACHMENT_NAME); if (rVal == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No unit type attachment for:" + type.getName()); } return rVal; } public static UnitAttachment get(final UnitType type, final String nameOfAttachment) { final UnitAttachment rVal = (UnitAttachment) type.getAttachment(nameOfAttachment); if (rVal == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "No unit type attachment for:" + type.getName() + " with name:" + nameOfAttachment); } return rVal; } private static Collection<UnitType> getUnitTypesFromUnitList(final Collection<Unit> units) { final Collection<UnitType> types = new ArrayList<>(); for (final Unit u : units) { if (!types.contains(u.getType())) { types.add(u.getType()); } } return types; } public static final String UNITSMAYNOTLANDONCARRIER = "unitsMayNotLandOnCarrier"; public static final String UNITSMAYNOTLEAVEALLIEDCARRIER = "unitsMayNotLeaveAlliedCarrier"; // movement related private boolean m_isAir = false; private boolean m_isSea = false; private int m_movement = 0; private boolean m_canBlitz = false; private boolean m_isKamikaze = false; // a colon delimited list of transports where this unit may invade from, it supports "none" // and if empty it allows you to invade from all private String[] m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = null; private IntegerMap<Resource> m_fuelCost = new IntegerMap<>(); private boolean m_canNotMoveDuringCombatMove = false; private Tuple<Integer, String> m_movementLimit = null; // combat related private int m_attack = 0; private int m_defense = 0; private boolean m_isInfrastructure = false; private boolean m_canBombard = false; private int m_bombard = -1; private boolean m_isSub = false; private boolean m_isDestroyer = false; private boolean m_artillery = false; private boolean m_artillerySupportable = false; private int m_unitSupportCount = -1; private int m_isMarine = 0; private boolean m_isSuicide = false; private Tuple<Integer, String> m_attackingLimit = null; private int m_attackRolls = 1; private int m_defenseRolls = 1; private boolean m_chooseBestRoll = false; // transportation related private boolean m_isCombatTransport = false; // -1 if cant transport private int m_transportCapacity = -1; // -1 if cant be transported private int m_transportCost = -1; // -1 if cant act as a carrier private int m_carrierCapacity = -1; // -1 if cant land on a carrier private int m_carrierCost = -1; private boolean m_isAirTransport = false; private boolean m_isAirTransportable = false; private boolean m_isInfantry = false; private boolean m_isLandTransport = false; // aa related // "isAA" and "isAAmovement" are also valid setters, used as shortcuts for calling multiple aa related setters. Must // keep. private boolean m_isAAforCombatOnly = false; private boolean m_isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly = false; private boolean m_isAAforFlyOverOnly = false; private boolean m_isRocket = false; private int m_attackAA = 1; private int m_offensiveAttackAA = 0; private int m_attackAAmaxDieSides = -1; private int m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides = -1; // -1 means infinite private int m_maxAAattacks = -1; // -1 means infinite private int m_maxRoundsAA = 1; // default value for when it is not set private String m_typeAA = "AA"; // null means targeting air units only private HashSet<UnitType> m_targetsAA = null; // if false, we cannot shoot more times than there are number of planes private boolean m_mayOverStackAA = false; // if false, we instantly kill anything our AA shot hits private boolean m_damageableAA = false; // if these enemy units are present, the gun does not fire at all private HashSet<UnitType> m_willNotFireIfPresent = new HashSet<>(); // strategic bombing related private boolean m_isStrategicBomber = false; private int m_bombingMaxDieSides = -1; private int m_bombingBonus = -1; private boolean m_canIntercept = false; private boolean m_canEscort = false; private boolean m_canAirBattle = false; private int m_airDefense = 0; private int m_airAttack = 0; // null means they can target any unit that can be damaged private HashSet<UnitType> m_bombingTargets = null; // production related // this has been split into canProduceUnits, isConstruction, canBeDamaged, and isInfrastructure // private boolean m_isFactory = false; private boolean m_canProduceUnits = false; // -1 means either it can't produce any, or it produces at the value of the territory it is located in private int m_canProduceXUnits = -1; private IntegerMap<UnitType> m_createsUnitsList = new IntegerMap<>(); private IntegerMap<Resource> m_createsResourcesList = new IntegerMap<>(); // damage related private int m_hitPoints = 1; private boolean m_canBeDamaged = false; // this is bombing damage, not hitpoints. default of 2 means that factories will take 2x the territory value // they are in, of damage. private int m_maxDamage = 2; // -1 if can't be disabled private int m_maxOperationalDamage = -1; private boolean m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage = false; // placement related private boolean m_isConstruction = false; // can be any String except for "none" if isConstruction is true private String m_constructionType = "none"; // -1 if not set, is meaningless private int m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn = -1; // -1 if not set, is meaningless private int m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr = -1; // -1 means anywhere private int m_canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX = -1; // multiple colon delimited lists of the unit combos required for // this unit to be built somewhere. (units must be in same // territory, owned by player, not be disabled) private ArrayList<String[]> m_requiresUnits = new ArrayList<>(); private IntegerMap<UnitType> m_consumesUnits = new IntegerMap<>(); // a colon delimited list of territories where this unit may not be placed // also an allowed setter is "setUnitPlacementOnlyAllowedIn", // which just creates m_unitPlacementRestrictions with an inverted list of territories private String[] m_unitPlacementRestrictions = null; // -1 if infinite (infinite is default) private int m_maxBuiltPerPlayer = -1; private Tuple<Integer, String> m_placementLimit = null; // scrambling related private boolean m_canScramble = false; private boolean m_isAirBase = false; // -1 if can't scramble private int m_maxScrambleDistance = -1; // -1 for infinite private int m_maxScrambleCount = -1; // special abilities private int m_blockade = 0; // a colon delimited list of the units this unit can repair. // (units must be in same territory, unless this unit is land // and the repaired unit is sea) private IntegerMap<UnitType> m_repairsUnits = new IntegerMap<>(); private IntegerMap<UnitType> m_givesMovement = new IntegerMap<>(); private ArrayList<Tuple<String, PlayerID>> m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy = new ArrayList<>(); // also an allowed setter is "setDestroyedWhenCapturedFrom" which will just create m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy with a // specific list private LinkedHashMap<String, Tuple<String, IntegerMap<UnitType>>> m_whenCapturedChangesInto = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private ArrayList<PlayerID> m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList<PlayerID> m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo = new ArrayList<>(); // a set of information for dealing with special abilities or // loss of abilities when a unit takes x-y amount of damage private ArrayList<Tuple<Tuple<Integer, Integer>, Tuple<String, String>>> m_whenCombatDamaged = new ArrayList<>(); // a kind of support attachment for giving actual unit // attachment abilities or other to a unit, when in the // precense or on the same route with another unit private ArrayList<String> m_receivesAbilityWhenWith = new ArrayList<>(); // currently used for: placement in original territories only private HashSet<String> m_special = new HashSet<>(); /** Creates new UnitAttachment. */ public UnitAttachment(final String name, final Attachable attachable, final GameData gameData) { super(name, attachable, gameData); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanIntercept(final String value) { m_canIntercept = getBool(value); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanIntercept(final boolean value) { m_canIntercept = value; } public boolean getCanIntercept() { return m_canIntercept; } public void resetCanIntercept() { m_canIntercept = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanEscort(final String value) { m_canEscort = getBool(value); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanEscort(final boolean value) { m_canEscort = value; } public boolean getCanEscort() { return m_canEscort; } public void resetCanEscort() { m_canEscort = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanAirBattle(final String value) { m_canAirBattle = getBool(value); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanAirBattle(final Boolean value) { m_canAirBattle = value; } public boolean getCanAirBattle() { return m_canAirBattle; } public void resetCanAirBattle() { m_canAirBattle = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAirDefense(final String value) { m_airDefense = getInt(value); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAirDefense(final Integer value) { m_airDefense = value; } public int getAirDefense(final PlayerID player) { return (Math.min(getData().getDiceSides(), Math.max(0, m_airDefense + TechAbilityAttachment.getAirDefenseBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData())))); } public void resetAirDefense() { m_airDefense = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAirAttack(final String value) { m_airAttack = getInt(value); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAirAttack(final Integer value) { m_airAttack = value; } public int getAirAttack(final PlayerID player) { return (Math.min(getData().getDiceSides(), Math.max(0, m_airAttack + TechAbilityAttachment.getAirAttackBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData())))); } public void resetAirAttack() { m_airAttack = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAirTransport(final String s) { m_isAirTransport = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAirTransport(final Boolean s) { m_isAirTransport = s; } public boolean getIsAirTransport() { return m_isAirTransport; } public void resetIsAirTransport() { m_isAirTransport = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAirTransportable(final String s) { m_isAirTransportable = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAirTransportable(final Boolean s) { m_isAirTransportable = s; } public boolean getIsAirTransportable() { return m_isAirTransportable; } public void resetIsAirTransportable() { m_isAirTransportable = false; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setCanBeGivenByTerritoryTo(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] temp = value.split(":"); for (final String name : temp) { final PlayerID tempPlayer = getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID(name); if (tempPlayer != null) { m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo.add(tempPlayer); } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || name.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo.clear(); } else { throw new GameParseException("No player named: " + name + thisErrorMsg()); } } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBeGivenByTerritoryTo(final ArrayList<PlayerID> value) { m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo = value; } public ArrayList<PlayerID> getCanBeGivenByTerritoryTo() { return m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo; } public void clearCanBeGivenByTerritoryTo() { m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo.clear(); } public void resetCanBeGivenByTerritoryTo() { m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setCanBeCapturedOnEnteringBy(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] temp = value.split(":"); for (final String name : temp) { final PlayerID tempPlayer = getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID(name); if (tempPlayer != null) { m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy.add(tempPlayer); } else { throw new GameParseException("No player named: " + name + thisErrorMsg()); } } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBeCapturedOnEnteringBy(final ArrayList<PlayerID> value) { m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy = value; } public ArrayList<PlayerID> getCanBeCapturedOnEnteringBy() { return m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy; } public void clearCanBeCapturedOnEnteringBy() { m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy.clear(); } public void resetCanBeCapturedOnEnteringBy() { m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setWhenCapturedChangesInto(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length < 5 || (s.length - 1) % 2 != 0) { throw new GameParseException("whenCapturedChangesInto must have 5 or more values, " + "playerFrom:playerTo:keepAttributes:unitType:howMany " + "(you may have additional unitType:howMany:unitType:howMany, etc" + thisErrorMsg()); } final PlayerID pfrom = getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID(s[0]); if (pfrom == null && !s[0].equals("any")) { throw new GameParseException("whenCapturedChangesInto: No player named: " + s[0] + thisErrorMsg()); } final PlayerID pto = getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID(s[1]); if (pto == null && !s[1].equals("any")) { throw new GameParseException("whenCapturedChangesInto: No player named: " + s[1] + thisErrorMsg()); } getBool(s[2]); final IntegerMap<UnitType> unitsToMake = new IntegerMap<>(); for (int i = 3; i < s.length; i++) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(s[i]); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("whenCapturedChangesInto: No unit named: " + s[3] + thisErrorMsg()); } i++; final int howMany = getInt(s[i]); unitsToMake.put(ut, howMany); } m_whenCapturedChangesInto.put(s[0] + ":" + s[1], Tuple.of(s[2], unitsToMake)); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setWhenCapturedChangesInto(final LinkedHashMap<String, Tuple<String, IntegerMap<UnitType>>> value) { m_whenCapturedChangesInto = value; } public LinkedHashMap<String, Tuple<String, IntegerMap<UnitType>>> getWhenCapturedChangesInto() { return m_whenCapturedChangesInto; } public void clearWhenCapturedChangesInto() { m_whenCapturedChangesInto.clear(); } public void resetWhenCapturedChangesInto() { m_whenCapturedChangesInto = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setDestroyedWhenCapturedBy(String value) throws GameParseException { // We can prefix this value with "BY" or "FROM" to change the setting. If no setting, default to "BY" since this // this is called by // destroyedWhenCapturedBy String byOrFrom = "BY"; if (value.startsWith("BY:") && getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID("BY") == null) { byOrFrom = "BY"; value = value.replaceFirst("BY:", ""); } else if (value.startsWith("FROM:") && getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID("FROM") == null) { byOrFrom = "FROM"; value = value.replaceFirst("FROM:", ""); } final String[] temp = value.split(":"); for (final String name : temp) { final PlayerID tempPlayer = getData().getPlayerList().getPlayerID(name); if (tempPlayer != null) { m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy.add(Tuple.of(byOrFrom, tempPlayer)); } else { throw new GameParseException("No player named: " + name + thisErrorMsg()); } } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDestroyedWhenCapturedBy(final ArrayList<Tuple<String, PlayerID>> value) { m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy = value; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setDestroyedWhenCapturedFrom(String value) throws GameParseException { if (!(value.startsWith("BY:") || value.startsWith("FROM:"))) { value = "FROM:" + value; } setDestroyedWhenCapturedBy(value); } public ArrayList<Tuple<String, PlayerID>> getDestroyedWhenCapturedBy() { return m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy; } public void clearDestroyedWhenCapturedBy() { m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy.clear(); } public void resetDestroyedWhenCapturedBy() { m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy = new ArrayList<>(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBlitz(final String s) { m_canBlitz = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBlitz(final Boolean s) { m_canBlitz = s; } public boolean getCanBlitz(final PlayerID player) { if (m_canBlitz) { return true; } return TechAbilityAttachment.getUnitAbilitiesGained(TechAbilityAttachment.ABILITY_CAN_BLITZ, (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData()); } public void resetCanBlitz() { m_canBlitz = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsSub(final String s) { m_isSub = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsSub(final Boolean s) { m_isSub = s; } public boolean getIsSub() { return m_isSub; } public void resetIsSub() { m_isSub = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsCombatTransport(final String s) { m_isCombatTransport = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsCombatTransport(final Boolean s) { m_isCombatTransport = s; } public boolean getIsCombatTransport() { return m_isCombatTransport; } public void resetIsCombatTransport() { m_isCombatTransport = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsStrategicBomber(final String s) { m_isStrategicBomber = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsStrategicBomber(final Boolean s) { m_isStrategicBomber = s; } public boolean getIsStrategicBomber() { return m_isStrategicBomber; } public void resetIsStrategicBomber() { m_isStrategicBomber = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsDestroyer(final String s) { m_isDestroyer = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsDestroyer(final Boolean s) { m_isDestroyer = s; } public boolean getIsDestroyer() { return m_isDestroyer; } public void resetIsDestroyer() { m_isDestroyer = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBombard(final String s) { m_canBombard = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBombard(final Boolean s) { m_canBombard = s; } public boolean getCanBombard(final PlayerID player) { if (m_canBombard) { return true; } return TechAbilityAttachment.getUnitAbilitiesGained(TechAbilityAttachment.ABILITY_CAN_BOMBARD, (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData()); } public void resetCanBombard() { m_canBombard = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAir(final String s) { m_isAir = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAir(final Boolean s) { m_isAir = s; } public boolean getIsAir() { return m_isAir; } public void resetIsAir() { m_isAir = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsSea(final String s) { m_isSea = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsSea(final Boolean s) { m_isSea = s; } public boolean getIsSea() { return m_isSea; } public void resetIsSea() { m_isSea = false; } // DO NOT REMOVE, this is an important convenience method for xmls @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsFactory(final String s) { setIsFactory(getBool(s)); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsFactory(final Boolean s) { setCanBeDamaged(s); setIsInfrastructure(s); setCanProduceUnits(s); setIsConstruction(s); if (s) { setConstructionType(Constants.CONSTRUCTION_TYPE_FACTORY); setMaxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr("1"); setConstructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn("1"); } else { // return to defaults setConstructionType("none"); setMaxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr("-1"); setConstructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn("-1"); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanProduceUnits(final String s) { m_canProduceUnits = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanProduceUnits(final Boolean s) { m_canProduceUnits = s; } public boolean getCanProduceUnits() { return m_canProduceUnits; } public void resetCanProduceUnits() { m_canProduceUnits = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanProduceXUnits(final String s) { m_canProduceXUnits = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanProduceXUnits(final Integer s) { m_canProduceXUnits = s; } public int getCanProduceXUnits() { return m_canProduceXUnits; } public void resetCanProduceXUnits() { m_canProduceXUnits = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX(final String s) { m_canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX(final Integer s) { m_canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX = s; } public int getCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX() { return m_canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX; } public void resetCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX() { m_canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUnitPlacementRestrictions(final String value) { if (value == null) { m_unitPlacementRestrictions = null; return; } m_unitPlacementRestrictions = value.split(":"); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUnitPlacementRestrictions(final String[] value) { m_unitPlacementRestrictions = value; } public String[] getUnitPlacementRestrictions() { return m_unitPlacementRestrictions; } public void resetUnitPlacementRestrictions() { m_unitPlacementRestrictions = null; } // no m_ variable for this, since it is the inverse of m_unitPlacementRestrictions // we might as well just use m_unitPlacementRestrictions @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setUnitPlacementOnlyAllowedIn(final String value) throws GameParseException { final Collection<Territory> allowedTerritories = getListedTerritories(value.split(":")); final Collection<Territory> restrictedTerritories = new HashSet<>(getData().getMap().getTerritories()); restrictedTerritories.removeAll(allowedTerritories); m_unitPlacementRestrictions = .map(Territory::getName) .toArray(size -> new String[size]); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setRepairsUnits(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length <= 0) { throw new GameParseException("repairsUnits cannot be empty" + thisErrorMsg()); } int amount = 1; int i = 0; try { amount = Integer.parseInt(s[0]); i++; } catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) { amount = 1; } for (; i < s.length; i++) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(s[i]); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("No unit called:" + s[i] + thisErrorMsg()); } m_repairsUnits.put(ut, amount); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setRepairsUnits(final IntegerMap<UnitType> value) { m_repairsUnits = value; } public IntegerMap<UnitType> getRepairsUnits() { return m_repairsUnits; } public void clearRepairsUnits() { m_repairsUnits.clear(); } public void resetRepairsUnits() { m_repairsUnits = new IntegerMap<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setSpecial(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); for (final String option : s) { if (!(option.equals("none") || option.equals("canOnlyPlaceInOriginalTerritories"))) { throw new GameParseException("special does not allow: " + option + thisErrorMsg()); } m_special.add(option); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setSpecial(final HashSet<String> value) { m_special = value; } public HashSet<String> getSpecial() { return m_special; } public void clearSpecial() { m_special.clear(); } public void resetSpecial() { m_special = new HashSet<>(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanInvadeOnlyFrom(final String value) { if (value == null) { m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = null; return; } final String[] canOnlyInvadeFrom = value.split(":"); if (canOnlyInvadeFrom[0].toLowerCase().equals("none")) { m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = new String[] {"none"}; return; } if (canOnlyInvadeFrom[0].toLowerCase().equals("all")) { m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = new String[] {"all"}; return; } m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = canOnlyInvadeFrom; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanInvadeOnlyFrom(final String[] value) { m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = value; } public boolean canInvadeFrom(final String transport) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(transport); if (ut == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No unit called:" + transport + thisErrorMsg()); } // (UnitAttachment) ut.getAttachments().values().iterator().next(); // UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(ut); // Units may be considered transported if they are on a carrier, or if they are paratroopers, or if they are mech // infantry. The // "transporter" may not be an actual transport, so we should not check for that here. if (m_canInvadeOnlyFrom == null || Arrays.asList(m_canInvadeOnlyFrom).isEmpty() || m_canInvadeOnlyFrom[0].equals("") || m_canInvadeOnlyFrom[0].equals("all")) { return true; } return Arrays.asList(m_canInvadeOnlyFrom).contains(transport); } public void resetCanInvadeOnlyFrom() { m_canInvadeOnlyFrom = null; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setRequiresUnits(final String value) { m_requiresUnits.add(value.split(":")); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setRequiresUnits(final ArrayList<String[]> value) { m_requiresUnits = value; } public ArrayList<String[]> getRequiresUnits() { return m_requiresUnits; } public void clearRequiresUnits() { m_requiresUnits.clear(); } public void resetRequiresUnits() { m_requiresUnits = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setWhenCombatDamaged(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (!(s.length == 3 || s.length == 4)) { throw new GameParseException( "whenCombatDamaged must have 3 or 4 parts: value=effect:optionalNumber, count=integer:integer" + thisErrorMsg()); } final int from = getInt(s[0]); final int to = getInt(s[1]); if (from < 0 || to < 0 || to < from) { throw new GameParseException("whenCombatDamaged damaged integers must be positive, and the second integer must " + "be equal to or greater than the first" + thisErrorMsg()); } final Tuple<Integer, Integer> fromTo = Tuple.of(from, to); Tuple<String, String> effectNum; if (s.length == 3) { effectNum = Tuple.of(s[2], null); } else { effectNum = Tuple.of(s[2], s[3]); } m_whenCombatDamaged.add(Tuple.of(fromTo, effectNum)); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setWhenCombatDamaged(final ArrayList<Tuple<Tuple<Integer, Integer>, Tuple<String, String>>> value) { m_whenCombatDamaged = value; } public ArrayList<Tuple<Tuple<Integer, Integer>, Tuple<String, String>>> getWhenCombatDamaged() { return m_whenCombatDamaged; } public void clearWhenCombatDamaged() { m_whenCombatDamaged.clear(); } public void resetWhenCombatDamaged() { m_whenCombatDamaged = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setReceivesAbilityWhenWith(final String value) { m_receivesAbilityWhenWith.add(value); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setReceivesAbilityWhenWith(final ArrayList<String> value) { m_receivesAbilityWhenWith = value; } public ArrayList<String> getReceivesAbilityWhenWith() { return m_receivesAbilityWhenWith; } public void clearReceivesAbilityWhenWith() { m_receivesAbilityWhenWith.clear(); } public void resetReceivesAbilityWhenWith() { m_receivesAbilityWhenWith = new ArrayList<>(); } private static IntegerMap<Tuple<String, String>> getReceivesAbilityWhenWithMap(final Collection<Unit> units, final String filterForAbility, final GameData data) { final IntegerMap<Tuple<String, String>> map = new IntegerMap<>(); final Collection<UnitType> canReceive = getUnitTypesFromUnitList(Match.getMatches(units, Matches.UnitCanReceivesAbilityWhenWith())); for (final UnitType ut : canReceive) { final Collection<String> receives = UnitAttachment.get(ut).getReceivesAbilityWhenWith(); for (final String receive : receives) { final String[] s = receive.split(":"); if (filterForAbility != null && !filterForAbility.equals(s[0])) { continue; } map.put(Tuple.of(s[0], s[1]), Match.countMatches(units, Matches.unitIsOfType(data.getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(s[1])))); } } return map; } public static Collection<Unit> getUnitsWhichReceivesAbilityWhenWith(final Collection<Unit> units, final String filterForAbility, final GameData data) { if (Match.noneMatch(units, Matches.UnitCanReceivesAbilityWhenWith())) { return new ArrayList<>(); } final Collection<Unit> unitsCopy = new ArrayList<>(units); final HashSet<Unit> whichReceiveNoDuplicates = new HashSet<>(); final IntegerMap<Tuple<String, String>> whichGive = getReceivesAbilityWhenWithMap(unitsCopy, filterForAbility, data); for (final Tuple<String, String> abilityUnitType : whichGive.keySet()) { final Collection<Unit> receives = Match.getNMatches(unitsCopy, whichGive.getInt(abilityUnitType), Matches.UnitCanReceivesAbilityWhenWith(filterForAbility, abilityUnitType.getSecond())); whichReceiveNoDuplicates.addAll(receives); unitsCopy.removeAll(receives); } return whichReceiveNoDuplicates; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsConstruction(final String s) { m_isConstruction = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsConstruction(final Boolean s) { m_isConstruction = s; } public boolean getIsConstruction() { return m_isConstruction; } public void resetIsConstruction() { m_isConstruction = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setConstructionType(final String s) { m_constructionType = s; } public String getConstructionType() { return m_constructionType; } public void resetConstructionType() { m_constructionType = "none"; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setConstructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn(final String s) { m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setConstructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn(final Integer s) { m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn = s; } public int getConstructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn() { return m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn; } public void resetConstructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn() { m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr(final String s) { m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr(final Integer s) { m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr = s; } public int getMaxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr() { return m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr; } public void resetMaxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr() { m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsMarine(final String s) { if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.PROPERTY_TRUE)) { m_isMarine = 1; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.PROPERTY_FALSE)) { m_isMarine = 0; } else { m_isMarine = getInt(s); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsMarine(final Integer s) { m_isMarine = s; } public int getIsMarine() { return m_isMarine; } public void resetIsMarine() { m_isMarine = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsInfantry(final String s) { m_isInfantry = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsInfantry(final Boolean s) { m_isInfantry = s; } public boolean getIsInfantry() { return m_isInfantry; } public void resetIsInfantry() { m_isInfantry = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsLandTransport(final String s) { m_isLandTransport = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsLandTransport(final Boolean s) { m_isLandTransport = s; } public boolean isLandTransport() { return m_isLandTransport; } public boolean getIsLandTransport() { return m_isLandTransport; } public void resetIsLandTransport() { m_isLandTransport = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setTransportCapacity(final String s) { m_transportCapacity = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setTransportCapacity(final Integer s) { m_transportCapacity = s; } public int getTransportCapacity() { return m_transportCapacity; } public void resetTransportCapacity() { m_transportCapacity = -1; } /** * DO NOT REMOVE. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsTwoHit(final String s) { m_hitPoints = getBool(s) ? 2 : 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setHitPoints(final String s) { m_hitPoints = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setHitPoints(final Integer value) { m_hitPoints = value; } public int getHitPoints() { return m_hitPoints; } public void resetHitPoints() { m_hitPoints = 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setTransportCost(final String s) { m_transportCost = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setTransportCost(final Integer s) { m_transportCost = s; } public int getTransportCost() { return m_transportCost; } public void resetTransportCost() { m_transportCost = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxBuiltPerPlayer(final String s) { m_maxBuiltPerPlayer = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxBuiltPerPlayer(final Integer s) { m_maxBuiltPerPlayer = s; } public int getMaxBuiltPerPlayer() { return m_maxBuiltPerPlayer; } public void resetMaxBuiltPerPlayer() { m_maxBuiltPerPlayer = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCarrierCapacity(final String s) { m_carrierCapacity = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCarrierCapacity(final Integer s) { m_carrierCapacity = s; } public int getCarrierCapacity() { return m_carrierCapacity; } public void resetCarrierCapacity() { m_carrierCapacity = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCarrierCost(final String s) { m_carrierCost = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCarrierCost(final Integer s) { m_carrierCost = s; } public int getCarrierCost() { return m_carrierCost; } public void resetCarrierCost() { m_carrierCost = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setArtillery(final String s) throws GameParseException { m_artillery = getBool(s); if (m_artillery) { UnitSupportAttachment.addRule((UnitType) getAttachedTo(), getData(), false); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setArtillery(final Boolean s) throws GameParseException { m_artillery = s; if (m_artillery) { UnitSupportAttachment.addRule((UnitType) getAttachedTo(), getData(), false); } } public boolean getArtillery() { return m_artillery; } public void resetArtillery() { throw new IllegalStateException( "Resetting Artillery (UnitAttachment) is not allowed, please use Support Attachments instead."); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setArtillerySupportable(final String s) throws GameParseException { m_artillerySupportable = getBool(s); if (m_artillerySupportable) { UnitSupportAttachment.addTarget((UnitType) getAttachedTo(), getData()); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setArtillerySupportable(final Boolean s) throws GameParseException { m_artillerySupportable = s; if (m_artillerySupportable) { UnitSupportAttachment.addTarget((UnitType) getAttachedTo(), getData()); } } public boolean getArtillerySupportable() { return m_artillerySupportable; } public void resetArtillerySupportable() { throw new IllegalStateException( "Resetting Artillery Supportable (UnitAttachment) is not allowed, please use Support Attachments instead."); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setUnitSupportCount(final String s) { m_unitSupportCount = getInt(s); UnitSupportAttachment.setOldSupportCount((UnitType) getAttachedTo(), getData(), s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setUnitSupportCount(final Integer s) { m_unitSupportCount = s; UnitSupportAttachment.setOldSupportCount((UnitType) getAttachedTo(), getData(), s.toString()); } public int getUnitSupportCount() { return m_unitSupportCount > 0 ? m_unitSupportCount : 1; } public void resetUnitSupportCount() { throw new IllegalStateException( "Resetting Artillery Support Count (UnitAttachment) is not allowed, please use Support Attachments instead."); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombard(final String s) { m_bombard = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombard(final Integer s) { m_bombard = s; } public int getBombard(final PlayerID player) { return m_bombard > 0 ? m_bombard : m_attack; } public void resetBombard() { m_bombard = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMovement(final String s) { m_movement = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMovement(final Integer s) { m_movement = s; } public int getMovement(final PlayerID player) { return Math.max(0, m_movement + TechAbilityAttachment.getMovementBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData())); } public void resetMovement() { m_movement = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttack(final String s) { m_attack = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttack(final int s) { m_attack = s; } public int getAttack(final PlayerID player) { int attackValue = m_attack + TechAbilityAttachment.getAttackBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData()); if (attackValue > 0 && player.isAI()) { attackValue += games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getAIBonusAttack(getData()); } return Math.min(getData().getDiceSides(), Math.max(0, attackValue)); } int getRawAttack() { return m_attack; } public void resetAttack() { m_attack = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackRolls(final String s) { m_attackRolls = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackRolls(final Integer s) { m_attackRolls = s; } public int getAttackRolls(final PlayerID player) { return Math.max(0, m_attackRolls + TechAbilityAttachment.getAttackRollsBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData())); } public void resetAttackRolls() { m_attackRolls = 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDefense(final String s) { m_defense = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDefense(final Integer s) { m_defense = s; } public int getDefense(final PlayerID player) { int defenseValue = m_defense + TechAbilityAttachment.getDefenseBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData()); if (defenseValue > 0 && m_isSub && TechTracker.hasSuperSubs(player)) { final int bonus = games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getSuper_Sub_Defense_Bonus(getData()); defenseValue += bonus; } if (defenseValue > 0 && player.isAI()) { defenseValue += games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getAIBonusDefense(getData()); } return Math.min(getData().getDiceSides(), Math.max(0, defenseValue)); } int getRawDefense() { return m_defense; } public void resetDefense() { m_defense = 0; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDefenseRolls(final String s) { m_defenseRolls = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDefenseRolls(final Integer s) { m_defenseRolls = s; } public int getDefenseRolls(final PlayerID player) { return Math.max(0, m_defenseRolls + TechAbilityAttachment.getDefenseRollsBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData())); } public void resetDefenseRolls() { m_defenseRolls = 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setChooseBestRoll(final String s) { m_chooseBestRoll = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setChooseBestRoll(final Boolean s) { m_chooseBestRoll = s; } public boolean getChooseBestRoll() { return m_chooseBestRoll; } public void resetChooseBestRoll() { m_chooseBestRoll = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanScramble(final String s) { m_canScramble = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanScramble(final Boolean s) { m_canScramble = s; } public boolean getCanScramble() { return m_canScramble; } public void resetCanScramble() { m_canScramble = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxScrambleCount(final String s) { m_maxScrambleCount = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxScrambleCount(final Integer s) { m_maxScrambleCount = s; } public int getMaxScrambleCount() { return m_maxScrambleCount; } public void resetMaxScrambleCount() { m_maxScrambleCount = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxScrambleDistance(final String s) { m_maxScrambleDistance = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxScrambleDistance(final Integer s) { m_maxScrambleDistance = s; } public int getMaxScrambleDistance() { return m_maxScrambleDistance; } public void resetMaxScrambleDistance() { m_maxScrambleDistance = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxOperationalDamage(final String s) { m_maxOperationalDamage = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxOperationalDamage(final Integer s) { m_maxOperationalDamage = s; } public int getMaxOperationalDamage() { return m_maxOperationalDamage; } public void resetMaxOperationalDamage() { m_maxOperationalDamage = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxDamage(final String s) { m_maxDamage = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxDamage(final Integer s) { m_maxDamage = s; } public int getMaxDamage() { return m_maxDamage; } public void resetMaxDamage() { m_maxDamage = 2; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAirBase(final String s) { m_isAirBase = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAirBase(final Boolean s) { m_isAirBase = s; } public boolean getIsAirBase() { return m_isAirBase; } public void resetIsAirBase() { m_isAirBase = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsInfrastructure(final String s) { m_isInfrastructure = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsInfrastructure(final Boolean s) { m_isInfrastructure = s; } public boolean getIsInfrastructure() { return m_isInfrastructure; } public void resetIsInfrastructure() { m_isInfrastructure = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBeDamaged(final String s) { m_canBeDamaged = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanBeDamaged(final Boolean s) { m_canBeDamaged = s; } public boolean getCanBeDamaged() { return m_canBeDamaged; } public void resetCanBeDamaged() { m_canBeDamaged = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanDieFromReachingMaxDamage(final String s) { m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanDieFromReachingMaxDamage(final Boolean s) { m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage = s; } public boolean getCanDieFromReachingMaxDamage() { return m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage; } public void resetCanDieFromReachingMaxDamage() { m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsSuicide(final String s) { m_isSuicide = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsSuicide(final boolean s) { m_isSuicide = s; } public boolean getIsSuicide() { return m_isSuicide; } public void resetIsSuicide() { m_isSuicide = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsKamikaze(final String s) { m_isKamikaze = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsKamikaze(final boolean s) { m_isKamikaze = s; } public boolean getIsKamikaze() { return m_isKamikaze; } public void resetIsKamikaze() { m_isKamikaze = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBlockade(final String s) { m_blockade = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBlockade(final int s) { m_blockade = s; } public int getBlockade() { return m_blockade; } public void resetBlockade() { m_blockade = 0; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setGivesMovement(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length <= 0 || s.length > 2) { throw new GameParseException("givesMovement cannot be empty or have more than two fields" + thisErrorMsg()); } String unitTypeToProduce; unitTypeToProduce = s[1]; // validate that this unit exists in the xml final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(unitTypeToProduce); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("No unit called:" + unitTypeToProduce + thisErrorMsg()); } // we should allow positive and negative numbers, since you can give bonuses to units or take away a unit's movement final int n = getInt(s[0]); m_givesMovement.put(ut, n); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setGivesMovement(final IntegerMap<UnitType> value) { m_givesMovement = value; } public IntegerMap<UnitType> getGivesMovement() { return m_givesMovement; } public void clearGivesMovement() { m_givesMovement.clear(); } public void resetGivesMovement() { m_givesMovement = new IntegerMap<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setConsumesUnits(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("consumesUnits must have two fields" + thisErrorMsg()); } String unitTypeToProduce; unitTypeToProduce = s[1]; // validate that this unit exists in the xml final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(unitTypeToProduce); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("No unit called:" + unitTypeToProduce + thisErrorMsg()); } final int n = getInt(s[0]); if (n < 1) { throw new GameParseException("consumesUnits must have positive values" + thisErrorMsg()); } m_consumesUnits.put(ut, n); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setConsumesUnits(final IntegerMap<UnitType> value) { m_consumesUnits = value; } public IntegerMap<UnitType> getConsumesUnits() { return m_consumesUnits; } public void clearConsumesUnits() { m_consumesUnits.clear(); } public void resetConsumesUnits() { m_consumesUnits = new IntegerMap<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setCreatesUnitsList(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length <= 0 || s.length > 2) { throw new GameParseException("createsUnitsList cannot be empty or have more than two fields" + thisErrorMsg()); } String unitTypeToProduce; unitTypeToProduce = s[1]; // validate that this unit exists in the xml final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(unitTypeToProduce); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("createsUnitsList: No unit called:" + unitTypeToProduce + thisErrorMsg()); } final int n = getInt(s[0]); if (n < 1) { throw new GameParseException("createsUnitsList must have positive values" + thisErrorMsg()); } m_createsUnitsList.put(ut, n); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCreatesUnitsList(final IntegerMap<UnitType> value) { m_createsUnitsList = value; } public IntegerMap<UnitType> getCreatesUnitsList() { return m_createsUnitsList; } public void clearCreatesUnitsList() { m_createsUnitsList.clear(); } public void resetCreatesUnitsList() { m_createsUnitsList = new IntegerMap<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setCreatesResourcesList(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length <= 0 || s.length > 2) { throw new GameParseException( "createsResourcesList cannot be empty or have more than two fields" + thisErrorMsg()); } String resourceToProduce; resourceToProduce = s[1]; // validate that this resource exists in the xml final Resource r = getData().getResourceList().getResource(resourceToProduce); if (r == null) { throw new GameParseException("createsResourcesList: No resource called:" + resourceToProduce + thisErrorMsg()); } final int n = getInt(s[0]); m_createsResourcesList.put(r, n); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCreatesResourcesList(final IntegerMap<Resource> value) { m_createsResourcesList = value; } public IntegerMap<Resource> getCreatesResourcesList() { return m_createsResourcesList; } public void clearCreatesResourcesList() { m_createsResourcesList.clear(); } public void resetCreatesResourcesList() { m_createsResourcesList = new IntegerMap<>(); } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setFuelCost(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("fuelCost must have two fields" + thisErrorMsg()); } String resourceToProduce; resourceToProduce = s[1]; // validate that this resource exists in the xml final Resource r = getData().getResourceList().getResource(resourceToProduce); if (r == null) { throw new GameParseException("fuelCost: No resource called:" + resourceToProduce + thisErrorMsg()); } final int n = getInt(s[0]); if (n < 0) { throw new GameParseException("fuelCost must have positive values" + thisErrorMsg()); } m_fuelCost.put(r, n); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setFuelCost(final IntegerMap<Resource> value) { m_fuelCost = value; } public IntegerMap<Resource> getFuelCost() { return m_fuelCost; } public void clearFuelCost() { m_fuelCost.clear(); } public void resetFuelCost() { m_fuelCost = new IntegerMap<>(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombingBonus(final String s) { m_bombingBonus = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombingBonus(final int s) { m_bombingBonus = s; } public int getBombingBonus() { return m_bombingBonus; } public void resetBombingBonus() { m_bombingBonus = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombingMaxDieSides(final String s) { m_bombingMaxDieSides = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombingMaxDieSides(final int s) { m_bombingMaxDieSides = s; } public int getBombingMaxDieSides() { return m_bombingMaxDieSides; } public void resetBombingMaxDieSides() { m_bombingMaxDieSides = -1; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setBombingTargets(final String value) throws GameParseException { if (value == null) { m_bombingTargets = null; return; } if (m_bombingTargets == null) { m_bombingTargets = new HashSet<>(); } final String[] s = value.split(":"); for (final String u : s) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(u); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("bombingTargets: no such unit type: " + u + thisErrorMsg()); } m_bombingTargets.add(ut); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setBombingTargets(final HashSet<UnitType> value) { m_bombingTargets = value; } public HashSet<UnitType> getBombingTargets(final GameData data) { if (m_bombingTargets != null) { return m_bombingTargets; } return new HashSet<>(data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes()); } public void clearBombingTargets() { m_bombingTargets.clear(); } public void resetBombingTargets() { m_bombingTargets = null; } public static Set<UnitType> getAllowedBombingTargetsIntersection(final Collection<Unit> bombersOrRockets, final GameData data) { if (bombersOrRockets.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<>(); } Collection<UnitType> allowedTargets = data.getUnitTypeList().getAllUnitTypes(); for (final Unit u : bombersOrRockets) { final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(u.getType()); final HashSet<UnitType> bombingTargets = ua.getBombingTargets(data); if (bombingTargets != null) { allowedTargets = games.strategy.util.Util.intersection(allowedTargets, bombingTargets); } } return new HashSet<>(allowedTargets); } // Do not delete, we keep this both for backwards compatibility, and for user convenience when making maps @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAA(final String s) throws GameParseException { setIsAA(getBool(s)); } // Do not delete, we keep this both for backwards compatibility, and for user convenience when making maps @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAA(final Boolean s) throws GameParseException { setIsAAforCombatOnly(s); setIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly(s); setIsAAforFlyOverOnly(s); setIsAAmovement(s); setIsRocket(s); setIsInfrastructure(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackAA(final String s) { m_attackAA = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackAA(final int s) { m_attackAA = s; } public int getAttackAA(final PlayerID player) { // TODO: this may cause major problems with Low Luck, if they have diceSides equal to something other than 6, or it // does not divide // perfectly into attackAAmaxDieSides return Math.max(0, Math.min(getAttackAAmaxDieSides(), m_attackAA + TechAbilityAttachment.getRadarBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData()))); } public void resetAttackAA() { m_attackAA = 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setOffensiveAttackAA(final String s) { m_offensiveAttackAA = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setOffensiveAttackAA(final Integer s) { m_offensiveAttackAA = s; } public int getOffensiveAttackAA(final PlayerID player) { // TODO: this may cause major problems with Low Luck, if they have diceSides equal to something other than 6, or it // does not divide // perfectly into attackAAmaxDieSides return Math.max(0, Math.min(getOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides(), m_offensiveAttackAA + TechAbilityAttachment.getRadarBonus((UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(), player, getData()))); } public void resetOffensiveAttackAA() { m_offensiveAttackAA = 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackAAmaxDieSides(final String s) { m_attackAAmaxDieSides = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackAAmaxDieSides(final Integer s) { m_attackAAmaxDieSides = s; } public int getAttackAAmaxDieSides() { if (m_attackAAmaxDieSides < 0) { return getData().getDiceSides(); } return m_attackAAmaxDieSides; } public void resetAttackAAmaxDieSides() { m_attackAAmaxDieSides = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides(final String s) { m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides(final Integer s) { m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides = s; } public int getOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides() { if (m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides < 0) { return getData().getDiceSides(); } return m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides; } public void resetOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides() { m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxAAattacks(final String s) throws GameParseException { final int attacks = getInt(s); if (attacks < -1) { throw new GameParseException("maxAAattacks must be positive (or -1 for attacking all) " + thisErrorMsg()); } m_maxAAattacks = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxAAattacks(final Integer s) { m_maxAAattacks = s; } public int getMaxAAattacks() { return m_maxAAattacks; } public void resetMaxAAattacks() { m_maxAAattacks = -1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxRoundsAA(final String s) throws GameParseException { final int attacks = getInt(s); if (attacks < -1) { throw new GameParseException("maxRoundsAA must be positive (or -1 for infinite) " + thisErrorMsg()); } m_maxRoundsAA = getInt(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMaxRoundsAA(final Integer s) { m_maxRoundsAA = s; } public int getMaxRoundsAA() { return m_maxRoundsAA; } public void resetMaxRoundsAA() { m_maxRoundsAA = 1; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMayOverStackAA(final String s) { m_mayOverStackAA = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMayOverStackAA(final Boolean s) { m_mayOverStackAA = s; } public boolean getMayOverStackAA() { return m_mayOverStackAA; } public void resetMayOverStackAA() { m_mayOverStackAA = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDamageableAA(final String s) { m_damageableAA = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setDamageableAA(final Boolean s) { m_damageableAA = s; } public boolean getDamageableAA() { return m_damageableAA; } public void resetDamageableAA() { m_damageableAA = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAforCombatOnly(final String s) { m_isAAforCombatOnly = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAforCombatOnly(final Boolean s) { m_isAAforCombatOnly = s; } public boolean getIsAAforCombatOnly() { return m_isAAforCombatOnly; } public void resetIsAAforCombatOnly() { m_isAAforCombatOnly = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly(final String s) { m_isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly(final Boolean s) { m_isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly = s; } public boolean getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() { return m_isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly; } public void resetIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() { m_isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAforFlyOverOnly(final String s) { m_isAAforFlyOverOnly = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAforFlyOverOnly(final Boolean s) { m_isAAforFlyOverOnly = s; } public boolean getIsAAforFlyOverOnly() { return m_isAAforFlyOverOnly; } public void resetIsAAforFlyOverOnly() { m_isAAforFlyOverOnly = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsRocket(final String s) { m_isRocket = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsRocket(final Boolean s) { m_isRocket = s; } public boolean getIsRocket() { return m_isRocket; } public void resetIsRocket() { m_isRocket = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setTypeAA(final String s) { m_typeAA = s; } public String getTypeAA() { return m_typeAA; } public void resetTypeAA() { m_typeAA = "AA"; } public static Set<String> getAllOfTypeAAs(final Collection<Unit> aaUnits, final Collection<Unit> targets, final Match<Unit> typeOfAA, final HashMap<String, HashSet<UnitType>> airborneTechTargetsAllowed) { final Set<String> rVal = new HashSet<>(); for (final Unit u : Match.getMatches(aaUnits, Matches.UnitIsAAthatCanHitTheseUnits(targets, typeOfAA, airborneTechTargetsAllowed))) { rVal.add(UnitAttachment.get(u.getType()).getTypeAA()); } return rVal; } public static List<String> getAllOfTypeAAs(final Collection<Unit> aaUnitsAlreadyVerified) { final Set<String> aaSet = new HashSet<>(); for (final Unit u : aaUnitsAlreadyVerified) { aaSet.add(UnitAttachment.get(u.getType()).getTypeAA()); } final List<String> rVal = new ArrayList<>(aaSet); Collections.sort(rVal); return rVal; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setTargetsAA(final String value) throws GameParseException { if (value == null) { m_targetsAA = null; return; } if (m_targetsAA == null) { m_targetsAA = new HashSet<>(); } final String[] s = value.split(":"); for (final String u : s) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(u); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("AAtargets: no such unit type: " + u + thisErrorMsg()); } m_targetsAA.add(ut); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setTargetsAA(final HashSet<UnitType> value) { m_targetsAA = value; } public HashSet<UnitType> getTargetsAA(final GameData data) { if (m_targetsAA != null) { return m_targetsAA; } final HashSet<UnitType> airTypes = new HashSet<>(); final Iterator<UnitType> utIter = data.getUnitTypeList().iterator(); while (utIter.hasNext()) { final UnitType ut =; if (UnitAttachment.get(ut).getIsAir()) { airTypes.add(ut); } } return airTypes; } public void clearTargetsAA() { m_targetsAA.clear(); } public void resetTargetsAA() { m_targetsAA = null; } /** * Adds to, not sets. Anything that adds to instead of setting needs a clear function as well. */ @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = true) public void setWillNotFireIfPresent(final String value) throws GameParseException { final String[] s = value.split(":"); for (final String u : s) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(u); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("willNotFireIfPresent: no such unit type: " + u + thisErrorMsg()); } m_willNotFireIfPresent.add(ut); } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setWillNotFireIfPresent(final HashSet<UnitType> value) { m_willNotFireIfPresent = value; } public HashSet<UnitType> getWillNotFireIfPresent() { return m_willNotFireIfPresent; } public void clearWillNotFireIfPresent() { m_willNotFireIfPresent.clear(); } public void resetWillNotFireIfPresent() { m_willNotFireIfPresent = new HashSet<>(); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAmovement(final String s) throws GameParseException { setIsAAmovement(getBool(s)); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setIsAAmovement(final Boolean s) throws GameParseException { setCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove(s); if (s) { setMovementLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE + ":allied"); setAttackingLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE + ":allied"); setPlacementLimit(Integer.MAX_VALUE + ":allied"); } else { m_movementLimit = null; m_attackingLimit = null; m_placementLimit = null; } } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove(final String s) { m_canNotMoveDuringCombatMove = getBool(s); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove(final Boolean s) { m_canNotMoveDuringCombatMove = s; } public boolean getCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove() { return m_canNotMoveDuringCombatMove; } public void resetCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove() { m_canNotMoveDuringCombatMove = false; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMovementLimit(final String value) throws GameParseException { if (value == null) { m_movementLimit = null; return; } final UnitType ut = (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("getAttachedTo returned null" + thisErrorMsg()); } final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("movementLimit must have 2 fields, value and count" + thisErrorMsg()); } final int max = getInt(s[0]); if (max < 0) { throw new GameParseException("movementLimit count must have a positive number" + thisErrorMsg()); } if (!(s[1].equals("owned") || s[1].equals("allied") || s[1].equals("total"))) { throw new GameParseException("movementLimit value must owned, allied, or total" + thisErrorMsg()); } m_movementLimit = Tuple.of(max, s[1]); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setMovementLimit(final Tuple<Integer, String> value) { m_movementLimit = value; } public Tuple<Integer, String> getMovementLimit() { return m_movementLimit; } public void resetMovementLimit() { m_movementLimit = null; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackingLimit(final String value) throws GameParseException { if (value == null) { m_attackingLimit = null; return; } final UnitType ut = (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("getAttachedTo returned null" + thisErrorMsg()); } final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("attackingLimit must have 2 fields, value and count" + thisErrorMsg()); } final int max = getInt(s[0]); if (max < 0) { throw new GameParseException("attackingLimit count must have a positive number" + thisErrorMsg()); } if (!(s[1].equals("owned") || s[1].equals("allied") || s[1].equals("total"))) { throw new GameParseException("attackingLimit value must owned, allied, or total" + thisErrorMsg()); } m_attackingLimit = Tuple.of(max, s[1]); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setAttackingLimit(final Tuple<Integer, String> value) { m_attackingLimit = value; } public Tuple<Integer, String> getAttackingLimit() { return m_attackingLimit; } public void resetAttackingLimit() { m_attackingLimit = null; } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setPlacementLimit(final String value) throws GameParseException { if (value == null) { m_placementLimit = null; return; } final UnitType ut = (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("getAttachedTo returned null" + thisErrorMsg()); } final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("placementLimit must have 2 fields, value and count" + thisErrorMsg()); } final int max = getInt(s[0]); if (max < 0) { throw new GameParseException("placementLimit count must have a positive number" + thisErrorMsg()); } if (!(s[1].equals("owned") || s[1].equals("allied") || s[1].equals("total"))) { throw new GameParseException("placementLimit value must owned, allied, or total" + thisErrorMsg()); } m_placementLimit = Tuple.of(max, s[1]); } @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = true, adds = false) public void setPlacementLimit(final Tuple<Integer, String> value) { m_placementLimit = value; } public Tuple<Integer, String> getPlacementLimit() { return m_placementLimit; } public void resetPlacementLimit() { m_placementLimit = null; } public static int getMaximumNumberOfThisUnitTypeToReachStackingLimit(final String limitType, final UnitType ut, final Territory t, final PlayerID owner, final GameData data) { final UnitAttachment ua = UnitAttachment.get(ut); final Tuple<Integer, String> stackingLimit; if (limitType.equals("movementLimit")) { stackingLimit = ua.getMovementLimit(); } else if (limitType.equals("attackingLimit")) { stackingLimit = ua.getAttackingLimit(); } else if (limitType.equals("placementLimit")) { stackingLimit = ua.getPlacementLimit(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException( "getMaximumNumberOfThisUnitTypeToReachStackingLimit does not allow limitType: " + limitType); } if (stackingLimit == null) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } int max = stackingLimit.getFirst(); if (max == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (ua.getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() || ua.getIsAAforCombatOnly())) { // under certain rules (classic rules) there can only be 1 aa gun in a territory. if (!(games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V2(data) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V3(data) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getMultipleAAPerTerritory(data))) { max = 1; } } final CompositeMatchAnd<Unit> stackingMatch = new CompositeMatchAnd<>(Matches.unitIsOfType(ut)); final String stackingType = stackingLimit.getSecond(); if (stackingType.equals("owned")) { stackingMatch.add(Matches.unitIsOwnedBy(owner)); } else if (stackingType.equals("allied")) { stackingMatch.add(Matches.isUnitAllied(owner, data)); } // else if (stackingType.equals("total")) final int totalInTerritory = Match.countMatches(t.getUnits().getUnits(), stackingMatch); return Math.max(0, max - totalInTerritory); } @Override public void validate(final GameData data) throws GameParseException { if (m_isAir) { if (m_isSea /* || m_isFactory */ || m_isSub || m_transportCost != -1 || m_carrierCapacity != -1 || m_canBlitz || m_canBombard || m_isMarine != 0 || m_isInfantry || m_isLandTransport || m_isAirTransportable || m_isCombatTransport) { throw new GameParseException("air units cannot have certain properties, " + thisErrorMsg()); } } else if (m_isSea) { if (m_canBlitz || m_isAir /* || m_isFactory */ || m_isStrategicBomber || m_carrierCost != -1 || m_transportCost != -1 || m_isMarine != 0 || m_isInfantry || m_isLandTransport || m_isAirTransportable || m_isAirTransport || m_isKamikaze) { throw new GameParseException("sea units cannot have certain properties, " + thisErrorMsg()); } } else { // if land if (m_canBombard || m_isStrategicBomber || m_isSub || m_carrierCapacity != -1 || m_bombard != -1 || m_transportCapacity != -1 || m_isAirTransport || m_isCombatTransport || m_isKamikaze) { throw new GameParseException("land units cannot have certain properties, " + thisErrorMsg()); } } if (m_hitPoints < 1) { throw new GameParseException("hitPoints cannot be zero or negative, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_attackAA < 0 || m_attackAAmaxDieSides < -1 || m_attackAAmaxDieSides > 200 || m_offensiveAttackAA < 0 || m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides < -1 || m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides > 200) { throw new GameParseException( "attackAA or attackAAmaxDieSides or offensiveAttackAA or offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides is wrong, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_carrierCapacity != -1 && m_carrierCost != -1) { throw new GameParseException("carrierCost and carrierCapacity cannot be set at same time, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_transportCost != -1 && m_transportCapacity != -1) { throw new GameParseException( "transportCost and transportCapacity cannot be set at same time, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (((m_bombingBonus >= 0 || m_bombingMaxDieSides >= 0) && !(m_isStrategicBomber || m_isRocket)) || (m_bombingBonus < -1 || m_bombingMaxDieSides < -1) || (m_bombingBonus > 10000 || m_bombingMaxDieSides > 200)) { throw new GameParseException("something wrong with bombingBonus or bombingMaxDieSides, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_maxBuiltPerPlayer < -1) { throw new GameParseException("maxBuiltPerPlayer cannot be negative, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_isCombatTransport && m_transportCapacity < 1) { throw new GameParseException( "cannot have isCombatTransport on unit without transportCapacity, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_isSea && m_transportCapacity != -1 && Properties.getTransportCasualtiesRestricted(data) && (m_attack > 0 || m_defense > 0) && !m_isCombatTransport) { throw new GameParseException("Restricted transports cannot have attack or defense, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_isConstruction && (m_constructionType == null || m_constructionType.equals("none") || m_constructionType.equals("") || m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn < 0 || m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr < 0)) { throw new GameParseException("Constructions must have constructionType and positive constructionsPerTerrPerType " + "and maxConstructionsPerType, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (!m_isConstruction && (!(m_constructionType == null || m_constructionType.equals("none") || m_constructionType.equals("")) || m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn >= 0 || m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr >= 0)) { throw new GameParseException("Constructions must have isConstruction true, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn > m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr) { throw new GameParseException( "Constructions must have constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn Less than maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_unitPlacementRestrictions != null) { getListedTerritories(m_unitPlacementRestrictions); } if (m_requiresUnits != null) { for (final String[] combo : m_requiresUnits) { getListedUnits(combo); } } if ((m_canBeDamaged && m_maxDamage < 1) || (m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage && m_maxDamage < 1) || (!m_canBeDamaged && m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage)) { throw new GameParseException( "something wrong with canBeDamaged or maxDamage or canDieFromReachingMaxDamage or isFactory, " + thisErrorMsg()); } if (m_canInvadeOnlyFrom != null && !m_canInvadeOnlyFrom[0].equals("all") && !m_canInvadeOnlyFrom[0].equals("none")) { for (final String transport : m_canInvadeOnlyFrom) { final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(transport); if (ut == null) { throw new GameParseException("No unit called:" + transport + thisErrorMsg()); } if (ut.getAttachments() == null || ut.getAttachments().isEmpty()) { throw new GameParseException(transport + " has no attachments, please declare " + transport + " in the xml before using it as a transport" + thisErrorMsg()); // Units may be considered transported if they are on a carrier, or if they are paratroopers, or if they are // mech infantry. The // "transporter" may not be an actual transport, so we should not check for that here. } } } if (!m_receivesAbilityWhenWith.isEmpty()) { for (final String value : m_receivesAbilityWhenWith) { // first is ability, second is unit that we get it from final String[] s = value.split(":"); if (s.length != 2) { throw new GameParseException("receivesAbilityWhenWith must have 2 parts, 'ability:unit'" + thisErrorMsg()); } if (getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(s[1]) == null) { throw new GameParseException("receivesAbilityWhenWith, unit does not exist, name:" + s[1] + thisErrorMsg()); } // currently only supports canBlitz (m_canBlitz) if (!s[0].equals("canBlitz")) { throw new GameParseException("receivesAbilityWhenWith so far only supports: canBlitz" + thisErrorMsg()); } } } if (!m_whenCombatDamaged.isEmpty()) { for (final Tuple<Tuple<Integer, Integer>, Tuple<String, String>> key : m_whenCombatDamaged) { final String obj = key.getSecond().getFirst(); if (obj.equals(UNITSMAYNOTLANDONCARRIER)) { continue; } if (obj.equals(UNITSMAYNOTLEAVEALLIEDCARRIER)) { continue; } throw new GameParseException("m_whenCombatDamaged so far only supports: " + UNITSMAYNOTLANDONCARRIER + ", " + UNITSMAYNOTLEAVEALLIEDCARRIER + thisErrorMsg()); } } } public Collection<UnitType> getListedUnits(final String[] list) { final List<UnitType> rVal = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String name : list) { // Validate all units exist final UnitType ut = getData().getUnitTypeList().getUnitType(name); if (ut == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No unit called: " + name + thisErrorMsg()); } rVal.add(ut); } return rVal; } public Collection<Territory> getListedTerritories(final String[] list) throws GameParseException { final List<Territory> rVal = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String name : list) { // Validate all territories exist final Territory territory = getData().getMap().getTerritory(name); if (territory == null) { throw new GameParseException("No territory called: " + name + thisErrorMsg()); } rVal.add(territory); } return rVal; } private boolean playerHasRockets(final PlayerID player) { final TechAttachment ta = (TechAttachment) player.getAttachment(Constants.TECH_ATTACHMENT_NAME); if (ta == null) { return false; } return ta.getRocket(); } private boolean playerHasMechInf(final PlayerID player) { final TechAttachment ta = (TechAttachment) player.getAttachment(Constants.TECH_ATTACHMENT_NAME); if (ta == null) { return false; } return ta.getMechanizedInfantry(); } private boolean playerHasParatroopers(final PlayerID player) { final TechAttachment ta = (TechAttachment) player.getAttachment(Constants.TECH_ATTACHMENT_NAME); if (ta == null) { return false; } return ta.getParatroopers(); } @Override public String toString() { // Any overriding method for toString on an attachment needs to include at least the Class, m_attachedTo, and // m_name. Or call // super.toString() return super.toString(); } public String allUnitStatsForExporter() { // should cover ALL fields stored in UnitAttachment // remember to test for null and fix arrays // the stats exporter relies on this toString having two spaces after each entry, so do not change this please, // except to add new // abilities onto the end return this.getAttachedTo().toString().replaceFirst("", "") + " with:" + " isAir:" + m_isAir + " isSea:" + m_isSea + " movement:" + m_movement + " attack:" + m_attack + " defense:" + m_defense + " hitPoints:" + m_hitPoints // + " isFactory:" + m_isFactory + " canBlitz:" + m_canBlitz + " artillerySupportable:" + m_artillerySupportable + " artillery:" + m_artillery + " unitSupportCount:" + m_unitSupportCount + " attackRolls:" + m_attackRolls + " defenseRolls:" + m_defenseRolls + " chooseBestRoll:" + m_chooseBestRoll + " isMarine:" + m_isMarine + " isInfantry:" + m_isInfantry + " isLandTransport:" + m_isLandTransport + " isAirTransportable:" + m_isAirTransportable + " isAirTransport:" + m_isAirTransport + " isStrategicBomber:" + m_isStrategicBomber + " transportCapacity:" + m_transportCapacity + " transportCost:" + m_transportCost + " carrierCapacity:" + m_carrierCapacity + " carrierCost:" + m_carrierCost + " isSub:" + m_isSub + " isDestroyer:" + m_isDestroyer + " canBombard:" + m_canBombard + " bombard:" + m_bombard + " isAAforCombatOnly:" + m_isAAforCombatOnly + " isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly:" + m_isAAforBombingThisUnitOnly + " isAAforFlyOverOnly:" + m_isAAforFlyOverOnly + " attackAA:" + m_attackAA + " offensiveAttackAA:" + m_offensiveAttackAA + " attackAAmaxDieSides:" + m_attackAAmaxDieSides + " offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides:" + m_offensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides + " maxAAattacks:" + m_maxAAattacks + " maxRoundsAA:" + m_maxRoundsAA + " mayOverStackAA:" + m_mayOverStackAA + " damageableAA:" + m_damageableAA + " typeAA:" + m_typeAA + " targetsAA:" + (m_targetsAA != null ? (m_targetsAA.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_targetsAA.toString()) : "all air units") + " willNotFireIfPresent:" + (m_willNotFireIfPresent != null ? (m_willNotFireIfPresent.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_willNotFireIfPresent.toString()) : "null") + " isRocket:" + m_isRocket + " canProduceUnits:" + m_canProduceUnits + " canProduceXUnits:" + m_canProduceXUnits + " createsUnitsList:" + (m_createsUnitsList != null ? (m_createsUnitsList.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_createsUnitsList.toString()) : "null") + " createsResourcesList:" + (m_createsResourcesList != null ? (m_createsResourcesList.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_createsResourcesList.toString()) : "null") + " fuelCost:" + (m_fuelCost != null ? (m_fuelCost.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_fuelCost.toString()) : "null") + " isInfrastructure:" + m_isInfrastructure + " isConstruction:" + m_isConstruction + " constructionType:" + m_constructionType + " constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn:" + m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn + " maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr:" + m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr + " destroyedWhenCapturedBy:" + (m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy != null ? (m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy.toString()) : "null") + " canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy:" + (m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy != null ? (m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy.toString()) : "null") + " canBeDamaged:" + m_canBeDamaged + " canDieFromReachingMaxDamage:" + m_canDieFromReachingMaxDamage + " maxOperationalDamage:" + m_maxOperationalDamage + " maxDamage:" + m_maxDamage + " unitPlacementRestrictions:" + (m_unitPlacementRestrictions != null ? (m_unitPlacementRestrictions.length == 0 ? "empty" : Arrays.toString(m_unitPlacementRestrictions)) : "null") + " requiresUnits:" + (m_requiresUnits != null ? (m_requiresUnits.size() == 0 ? "empty" : MyFormatter.listOfArraysToString(m_requiresUnits)) : "null") + " consumesUnits:" + (m_consumesUnits != null ? (m_consumesUnits.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_consumesUnits.toString()) : "null") + " canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX:" + m_canOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX + " maxBuiltPerPlayer:" + m_maxBuiltPerPlayer + " special:" + (m_special != null ? (m_special.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_special.toString()) : "null") + " isSuicide:" + m_isSuicide + " isSuicide:" + m_isSuicide + " isCombatTransport:" + m_isCombatTransport + " canInvadeOnlyFrom:" + (m_canInvadeOnlyFrom != null ? (m_canInvadeOnlyFrom.length == 0 ? "empty" : Arrays.toString(m_canInvadeOnlyFrom)) : "null") + " canBeGivenByTerritoryTo:" + (m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo != null ? (m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo.toString()) : "null") + " receivesAbilityWhenWith:" + (m_receivesAbilityWhenWith != null ? (m_receivesAbilityWhenWith.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_receivesAbilityWhenWith.toString()) : "null") + " whenCombatDamaged:" + (m_whenCombatDamaged != null ? (m_whenCombatDamaged.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_whenCombatDamaged.toString()) : "null") + " blockade:" + m_blockade + " bombingMaxDieSides:" + m_bombingMaxDieSides + " bombingBonus:" + m_bombingBonus + " bombingTargets:" + m_bombingTargets + " givesMovement:" + (m_givesMovement != null ? (m_givesMovement.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_givesMovement.toString()) : "null") + " repairsUnits:" + (m_repairsUnits != null ? (m_repairsUnits.isEmpty() ? "empty" : m_repairsUnits.toString()) : "null") + " canScramble:" + m_canScramble + " maxScrambleDistance:" + m_maxScrambleDistance + " isAirBase:" + m_isAirBase + " maxScrambleCount:" + m_maxScrambleCount + " whenCapturedChangesInto:" + (m_whenCapturedChangesInto != null ? (m_whenCapturedChangesInto.size() == 0 ? "empty" : m_whenCapturedChangesInto.toString()) : "null") + " canIntercept:" + m_canIntercept + " canEscort:" + m_canEscort + " canAirBattle:" + m_canAirBattle + " airDefense:" + m_airDefense + " airAttack:" + m_airAttack + " canNotMoveDuringCombatMove:" + m_canNotMoveDuringCombatMove + " movementLimit:" + (m_movementLimit != null ? m_movementLimit.toString() : "null") + " attackingLimit:" + (m_attackingLimit != null ? m_attackingLimit.toString() : "null") + " placementLimit:" + (m_placementLimit != null ? m_placementLimit.toString() : "null"); } public String toStringShortAndOnlyImportantDifferences(final PlayerID player, final boolean useHTML, final boolean includeAttachedToName) { // displays everything in a very short form, in English rather than as xml stuff // shows all except for: m_constructionType, m_constructionsPerTerrPerTypePerTurn, m_maxConstructionsPerTypePerTerr, // m_canBeGivenByTerritoryTo, m_destroyedWhenCapturedBy, m_canBeCapturedOnEnteringBy final StringBuilder stats = new StringBuilder(); final UnitType unitType = (UnitType) this.getAttachedTo(); if (includeAttachedToName && unitType != null) { stats.append(unitType.getName()).append(": "); } if (getIsAir()) { stats.append("Air unit, "); } else if (getIsSea()) { stats.append("Sea unit, "); } else { stats.append("Land unit, "); } final int attackRolls = getAttackRolls(player); final int defenseRolls = getDefenseRolls(player); if (getAttack(player) > 0) { stats.append(attackRolls > 1 ? (attackRolls + "x ") : "").append(getAttack(player)).append(" Attack, "); } if (getDefense(player) > 0) { stats.append(defenseRolls > 1 ? (defenseRolls + "x ") : "").append(getDefense(player)).append(" Defense, "); } if (getMovement(player) > 0) { stats.append(getMovement(player)).append(" Movement, "); } if (getHitPoints() > 1) { stats.append(getHitPoints()).append(" Hitpoints, "); } if (getCanProduceUnits() && getCanProduceXUnits() < 0) { stats.append("can Produce Units Up To Territory Value, "); } else if (getCanProduceUnits() && getCanProduceXUnits() > 0) { stats.append("can Produce ").append(getCanProduceXUnits()).append(" Units, "); } if (getCreatesUnitsList() != null && getCreatesUnitsList().size() > 0) { if (getCreatesUnitsList().size() > 4) { stats.append("Produces ").append(getCreatesUnitsList().totalValues()).append(" Units Each Turn, "); } else { stats.append("Produces "); for (final Entry<UnitType, Integer> entry : getCreatesUnitsList().entrySet()) { stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" "); } stats.append("Each Turn, "); } } if (getCreatesResourcesList() != null && getCreatesResourcesList().size() > 0) { if (getCreatesResourcesList().size() > 4) { stats.append("Produces ").append(getCreatesResourcesList().totalValues()).append(" Resources Each Turn, "); } else { stats.append("Produces "); for (final Entry<Resource, Integer> entry : getCreatesResourcesList().entrySet()) { stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" "); } stats.append("Each Turn, "); } } if (getFuelCost() != null && getFuelCost().size() > 0) { if (getFuelCost().size() > 4) { stats.append("Uses ").append(m_fuelCost.totalValues()).append(" Resources Each movement point, "); } else { stats.append("Uses "); for (final Entry<Resource, Integer> entry : getFuelCost().entrySet()) { stats.append(entry.getValue()).append("x").append(entry.getKey().getName()).append(" "); } stats.append("Each movement point, "); } } if ((getIsAAforCombatOnly() || getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAAforFlyOverOnly()) && (getAttackAA(player) > 0 || getOffensiveAttackAA(player) > 0)) { if (getOffensiveAttackAA(player) > 0) { stats.append(getOffensiveAttackAA(player)).append("/").append( getOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides() != -1 ? getOffensiveAttackAAmaxDieSides() : getData().getDiceSides()) .append(" att "); } if (getAttackAA(player) > 0) { stats.append(getAttackAA(player)).append("/") .append(getAttackAAmaxDieSides() != -1 ? getAttackAAmaxDieSides() : getData().getDiceSides()) .append(" def "); } if (getIsAAforCombatOnly() && getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() && getIsAAforFlyOverOnly()) { stats.append(getTypeAA()).append(", "); } else if (getIsAAforCombatOnly() && getIsAAforFlyOverOnly() && !games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getAATerritoryRestricted(getData())) { stats.append(getTypeAA()).append(" for Combat & Move Through, "); } else if (getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() && getIsAAforFlyOverOnly() && !games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getAATerritoryRestricted(getData())) { stats.append(getTypeAA()).append(" for Raids & Move Through, "); } else if (getIsAAforCombatOnly()) { stats.append(getTypeAA()).append(" for Combat, "); } else if (getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly()) { stats.append(getTypeAA()).append(" for Raids, "); } else if (getIsAAforFlyOverOnly()) { stats.append(getTypeAA()).append(" for Move Through, "); } if (getMaxAAattacks() > -1) { stats.append(getMaxAAattacks()).append(" ").append(getTypeAA()).append(" Attacks, "); } } if (getIsRocket() && playerHasRockets(player)) { stats.append("can Rocket Attack, "); final int bombingBonus = getBombingBonus(); if ((getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 || bombingBonus != -1) && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getUseBombingMaxDiceSidesAndBonus(getData())) { stats.append(bombingBonus != -1 ? bombingBonus + 1 : 1).append("-") .append(getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 ? getBombingMaxDieSides() + (bombingBonus != -1 ? bombingBonus : 0) : getData().getDiceSides() + (bombingBonus != -1 ? bombingBonus : 0)) .append(" Rocket Damage, "); } else { stats.append("1-").append(getData().getDiceSides()).append(" Rocket Damage, "); } } // line break if (useHTML) { stats.append("<br />      "); } if (getIsInfrastructure()) { stats.append("can be Captured, "); } if (getIsConstruction()) { stats.append("can be Placed Without Factory, "); } if ((getCanBeDamaged()) && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getDamageFromBombingDoneToUnitsInsteadOfTerritories(getData())) { stats.append("can be Damaged By Raids, "); if (getMaxOperationalDamage() > -1) { stats.append(getMaxOperationalDamage()).append(" Max Operational Damage, "); } if ((getCanProduceUnits()) && getCanProduceXUnits() < 0) { stats.append("Total Damage up to ").append(getMaxDamage() > -1 ? getMaxDamage() : 2) .append("x Territory Value, "); } else if (getMaxDamage() > -1) { stats.append(getMaxDamage()).append(" Max Total Damage, "); } if (getCanDieFromReachingMaxDamage()) { stats.append("will Die If Max Damage Reached, "); } } else if (getCanBeDamaged()) { stats.append("can be Attacked By Raids, "); } if (getIsAirBase() && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getScramble_Rules_In_Effect(getData())) { stats.append("can Allow Scrambling, "); } if (getCanScramble() && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getScramble_Rules_In_Effect(getData())) { stats.append("can Scramble ").append(getMaxScrambleDistance() > 0 ? getMaxScrambleDistance() : 1) .append(" Distance, "); } if (getArtillery()) { stats.append("can Give Attack Bonus To Other Units, "); } else { final List<UnitSupportAttachment> supports = Match.getMatches(UnitSupportAttachment.get(unitType), Matches.UnitSupportAttachmentCanBeUsedByPlayer(player)); if (supports.size() > 0) { if (supports.size() > 2) { stats.append("can Modify Power Of Other Units, "); } else { for (final UnitSupportAttachment support : supports) { if (support.getUnitType() == null || support.getUnitType().isEmpty()) { continue; } stats.append("gives ").append(support.getBonus()) .append(support.getStrength() && support.getRoll() ? " Power&Rolls" : (support.getStrength() ? " Power" : " Rolls")) .append(" to ").append(support.getNumber()) .append(support.getAllied() && support.getEnemy() ? " Allied&Enemy " : (support.getAllied() ? " Allied " : " Enemy ")) .append(support.getUnitType().size() > 4 ? "Units" : MyFormatter.defaultNamedToTextList(support.getUnitType(), "/", false)) .append(" when ") .append(support.getOffence() && support.getDefence() ? "Att/Def" : (support.getOffence() ? "Attacking" : "Defending")) .append(", "); } } } } if (getArtillerySupportable()) { stats.append("can Receive Attack Bonus From Other Units, "); } if (getIsMarine() != 0) { stats.append(getIsMarine()).append(" Amphibious Attack Modifier, "); } if (getCanBlitz(player)) { stats.append("can Blitz, "); } if (!getReceivesAbilityWhenWith().isEmpty()) { if (getReceivesAbilityWhenWith().size() <= 2) { for (final String ability : getReceivesAbilityWhenWith()) { stats.append("receives ").append(ability.split(":")[0]).append(" when paired with ") .append(ability.split(":")[1]).append(", "); } } else { stats.append("receives Abilities When Paired with Other Units, "); } } if (getIsStrategicBomber()) { stats.append("can Perform Raids, "); final int bombingBonus = getBombingBonus(); if ((getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 || bombingBonus != -1) && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getUseBombingMaxDiceSidesAndBonus(getData())) { stats.append(bombingBonus != -1 ? bombingBonus + 1 : 1).append("-") .append(getBombingMaxDieSides() != -1 ? getBombingMaxDieSides() + (bombingBonus != -1 ? bombingBonus : 0) : getData().getDiceSides() + (bombingBonus != -1 ? bombingBonus : 0)) .append(" Raid Damage, "); } else { stats.append("1-").append(getData().getDiceSides()).append(" Raid Damage, "); } } final int airAttack = getAirAttack(player); final int airDefense = getAirDefense(player); if (airAttack > 0 && (getIsStrategicBomber() || getCanEscort() || getCanAirBattle())) { stats.append(attackRolls > 1 ? (attackRolls + "x ") : "").append(airAttack).append(" Air Attack, "); } if (airDefense > 0 && (getCanIntercept() || getCanAirBattle())) { stats.append(defenseRolls > 1 ? (defenseRolls + "x ") : "").append(airAttack).append(" Air Defense, "); } if (getIsSub()) { stats.append("is Stealth, "); } if (getIsDestroyer()) { stats.append("is Anti-Stealth, "); } if (getCanBombard(player) && getBombard(player) > 0) { stats.append(getBombard(player)).append(" Bombard, "); } if (getBlockade() > 0) { stats.append(getBlockade()).append(" Blockade Loss, "); } if (getIsSuicide()) { stats.append("Suicide/Munition Unit, "); } if (getIsAir() && (getIsKamikaze() || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getKamikaze_Airplanes(getData()))) { stats.append("can use All Movement To Attack Target, "); } if (getIsInfantry() && playerHasMechInf(player)) { stats.append("can be Transported By Land, "); } if (getIsLandTransport() && playerHasMechInf(player)) { stats.append("is a Land Transport, "); } if (getIsAirTransportable() && playerHasParatroopers(player)) { stats.append("can be Transported By Air, "); } if (getIsAirTransport() && playerHasParatroopers(player)) { stats.append("is an Air Transport, "); } if (getIsCombatTransport() && getTransportCapacity() > 0) { stats.append("is a Combat Transport, "); } else if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && getIsSea()) { stats.append("is a Sea Transport, "); } if (getTransportCost() > -1) { stats.append(getTransportCost()).append(" Transporting Cost, "); } if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && getIsSea()) { stats.append(getTransportCapacity()).append(" Transporting Capacity, "); } else if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && getIsAir() && playerHasParatroopers(player)) { stats.append(getTransportCapacity()).append(" Transporting Capacity, "); } else if (getTransportCapacity() > 0 && playerHasMechInf(player) && !getIsSea() && !getIsAir()) { stats.append(getTransportCapacity()).append(" Transporting Capacity, "); } if (getCarrierCost() > -1) { stats.append(getCarrierCost()).append(" Carrier Cost, "); } if (getCarrierCapacity() > 0) { stats.append(getCarrierCapacity()).append(" Carrier Capacity, "); } if (!getWhenCombatDamaged().isEmpty()) { stats.append("when hit this unit loses certain abilities, "); } // line break if (useHTML) { stats.append("<br />      "); } if (getMaxBuiltPerPlayer() > -1) { stats.append(getMaxBuiltPerPlayer()).append(" Max Built Allowed, "); } if (getRepairsUnits() != null && !getRepairsUnits().isEmpty() && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getTwoHitPointUnitsRequireRepairFacilities(getData()) && (games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getBattleshipsRepairAtBeginningOfRound(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getBattleshipsRepairAtEndOfRound(getData()))) { if (getRepairsUnits().size() <= 4) { stats.append("can Repair: ") .append(MyFormatter.integerDefaultNamedMapToString(getRepairsUnits(), " ", "=", false)).append(", "); } else { stats.append("can Repair Some Units, "); } } if (getGivesMovement() != null && getGivesMovement().totalValues() > 0 && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getUnitsMayGiveBonusMovement(getData())) { if (getGivesMovement().size() <= 4) { stats.append("can Modify Unit Movement: ") .append(MyFormatter.integerDefaultNamedMapToString(getGivesMovement(), " ", "=", false)).append(", "); } else { stats.append("can Modify Unit Movement, "); } } if (getConsumesUnits() != null && getConsumesUnits().totalValues() == 1) { stats.append("unit is an Upgrade Of ").append(getConsumesUnits().keySet().iterator().next().getName()) .append(", "); } else if (getConsumesUnits() != null && getConsumesUnits().totalValues() > 0) { if (getConsumesUnits().size() <= 4) { stats.append("unit Consumes On Placement: ") .append(MyFormatter.integerDefaultNamedMapToString(getConsumesUnits(), " ", "x", true)).append(", "); } else { stats.append("unit Consumes Other Units On Placement, "); } } if (getRequiresUnits() != null && getRequiresUnits().size() > 0 && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getUnitPlacementRestrictions(getData())) { final List<String> totalUnitsListed = new ArrayList<>(); for (final String[] list : getRequiresUnits()) { totalUnitsListed.addAll(Arrays.asList(list)); } if (totalUnitsListed.size() > 4) { stats.append("unit Requires Other Units Present To Be Placed, "); } else { stats.append("unit can only be Placed Where There Is: "); final Iterator<String[]> requiredIter = getRequiresUnits().iterator(); while (requiredIter.hasNext()) { final String[] required =; if (required.length == 1) { stats.append(required[0]); } else { stats.append(Arrays.toString(required)); } if (requiredIter.hasNext()) { stats.append(" Or "); } } stats.append(", "); } } if (getUnitPlacementRestrictions() != null && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getUnitPlacementRestrictions(getData())) { stats.append("has Placement Restrictions, "); } if (getCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX() > 0 && games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getUnitPlacementRestrictions(getData())) { stats.append("must be Placed In Territory Valued >=").append(getCanOnlyBePlacedInTerritoryValuedAtX()) .append(", "); } if (getCanNotMoveDuringCombatMove()) { stats.append("cannot Combat Move, "); } if (getMovementLimit() != null) { if (getMovementLimit().getFirst() == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAAforCombatOnly()) && !(games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V2(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V3(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getMultipleAAPerTerritory(getData()))) { stats.append("max of 1 ").append(getMovementLimit().getSecond()).append(" moving per territory, "); } else if (getMovementLimit().getFirst() < 10000) { stats.append("max of ").append(getMovementLimit().getFirst()).append(" ").append(getMovementLimit().getSecond()) .append(" moving per territory, "); } } if (getAttackingLimit() != null) { if (getAttackingLimit().getFirst() == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAAforCombatOnly()) && !(games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V2(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V3(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getMultipleAAPerTerritory(getData()))) { stats.append("max of 1 ").append(getAttackingLimit().getSecond()).append(" attacking per territory, "); } else if (getAttackingLimit().getFirst() < 10000) { stats.append("max of ").append(getAttackingLimit().getFirst()).append(" ") .append(getAttackingLimit().getSecond()).append(" attacking per territory, "); } } if (getPlacementLimit() != null) { if (getPlacementLimit().getFirst() == Integer.MAX_VALUE && (getIsAAforBombingThisUnitOnly() || getIsAAforCombatOnly()) && !(games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V2(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V3(getData()) || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getMultipleAAPerTerritory(getData()))) { stats.append("max of 1 ").append(getPlacementLimit().getSecond()).append(" placed per territory, "); } else if (getPlacementLimit().getFirst() < 10000) { stats.append("max of ").append(getPlacementLimit().getFirst()).append(" ") .append(getPlacementLimit().getSecond()).append(" placed per territory, "); } } if (stats.indexOf(", ") > -1) { stats.delete(stats.lastIndexOf(", "), stats.length() - 1); } return stats.toString(); } /** * @deprecated does nothing, kept to avoid breaking maps, do not remove. */ @Deprecated @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setIsParatroop(final String s) {} /** * @deprecated does nothing, used to keep compatibility with older xml files, do not remove. */ @Deprecated @GameProperty(xmlProperty = true, gameProperty = false, adds = false) public void setIsMechanized(final String s) {} }