package games.strategy.engine.random; import; import games.strategy.engine.framework.IGame; import games.strategy.engine.framework.ServerGame; import games.strategy.engine.vault.Vault; import games.strategy.engine.vault.VaultID; /** * A random source that generates numbers using a secure algorithm shared * between two players. * Code originally contributed by Ben Giddings. */ public class CryptoRandomSource implements IRandomSource { private final IRandomSource m_plainRandom = new PlainRandomSource(); /** * converts an int[] to a byte[]. */ public static byte[] intsToBytes(final int[] ints) { final byte[] rVal = new byte[ints.length * 4]; for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; i++) { rVal[4 * i] = (byte) (0x000000FF & ints[i]); rVal[(4 * i) + 1] = (byte) ((0x000000FF & (ints[i] >> 8))); rVal[(4 * i) + 2] = (byte) ((0x000000FF & (ints[i] >> 16))); rVal[(4 * i) + 3] = (byte) ((0x000000FF & (ints[i] >> 24))); } return rVal; } static int byteToIntUnsigned(final byte val) { return val & 0xff; } public static int[] bytesToInts(final byte[] bytes) { final int[] rVal = new int[bytes.length / 4]; for (int i = 0; i < rVal.length; i++) { rVal[i] = byteToIntUnsigned(bytes[4 * i]) + (byteToIntUnsigned(bytes[4 * i + 1]) << 8) + (byteToIntUnsigned(bytes[4 * i + 2]) << 16) + (byteToIntUnsigned(bytes[4 * i + 3]) << 24); } return rVal; } public static int[] xor(final int[] val1, final int[] val2, final int max) { if (val1.length != val2.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays not of same length"); } final int[] rVal = new int[val1.length]; for (int i = 0; i < val1.length; i++) { rVal[i] = (val1[i] + val2[i]) % max; } return rVal; } // the remote players who involved in rolling the dice // dice are rolled securly between us and her private final PlayerID m_remotePlayer; private final IGame m_game; public CryptoRandomSource(final PlayerID remotePlayer, final IGame game) { m_remotePlayer = remotePlayer; m_game = game; } /** * All delegates should use random data that comes from both players so that * neither player cheats. */ @Override public int getRandom(final int max, final String annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { return getRandom(max, 1, annotation)[0]; } /** * Delegates should not use random data that comes from any other source. */ @Override public int[] getRandom(final int max, final int count, final String annotation) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException { if (count <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid count:" + count); } final Vault vault = m_game.getVault(); // generate numbers locally, and put them in the vault final int[] localRandom = m_plainRandom.getRandom(max, count, annotation); // lock it so the client knows that its there, but cant read it final VaultID localID = vault.lock(intsToBytes(localRandom)); // ask the remote to generate numbers final IRemoteRandom remote = (IRemoteRandom) (m_game.getRemoteMessenger().getRemote(ServerGame.getRemoteRandomName(m_remotePlayer))); final Object clientRandom = remote.generate(max, count, annotation, localID); if (!(clientRandom instanceof int[])) { // Let the error be thrown System.out.println("Client remote random generated: " + clientRandom + ". Asked for: " + count + "x" + max + " for " + annotation); } final int[] remoteNumbers = (int[]) clientRandom; // unlock ours, tell the client he can verify vault.unlock(localID); remote.verifyNumbers(); // finally, we join the two together to get the real value return xor(localRandom, remoteNumbers, max); } }