package games.strategy.triplea.delegate; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import games.strategy.engine.delegate.IDelegateBridge; import games.strategy.engine.random.IRandomStats.DiceType; import games.strategy.sound.SoundPath; import games.strategy.triplea.Constants; import games.strategy.triplea.MapSupport; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.AbstractTriggerAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.ICondition; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.PlayerAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TerritoryAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.attachments.TriggerAttachment; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.dataObjects.TechResults; import games.strategy.triplea.delegate.remote.ITechDelegate; import games.strategy.triplea.formatter.MyFormatter; import games.strategy.triplea.player.ITripleAPlayer; import games.strategy.util.CompositeMatchAnd; import games.strategy.util.CompositeMatchOr; import games.strategy.util.IntegerMap; import games.strategy.util.Match; import games.strategy.util.Util; /** * Logic for dealing with player tech rolls. This class requires the * TechActivationDelegate which actually activates the tech. */ @MapSupport public class TechnologyDelegate extends BaseTripleADelegate implements ITechDelegate { private int m_techCost; private HashMap<PlayerID, Collection<TechAdvance>> m_techs; private TechnologyFrontier m_techCategory; private boolean m_needToInitialize = true; /** Creates new TechnolgoyDelegate. */ public TechnologyDelegate() {} @Override public void initialize(final String name, final String displayName) { super.initialize(name, displayName); m_techs = new HashMap<>(); m_techCost = -1; } /** * Called before the delegate will run, AND before "start" is called. */ @Override public void setDelegateBridgeAndPlayer(final IDelegateBridge iDelegateBridge) { super.setDelegateBridgeAndPlayer(new GameDelegateBridge(iDelegateBridge)); } /** * Called before the delegate will run. */ @Override public void start() { super.start(); if (!m_needToInitialize) { return; } if (games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getTriggers(getData())) { // First set up a match for what we want to have fire as a default in this delegate. List out as a composite match // OR. // use 'null, null' because this is the Default firing location for any trigger that does NOT have 'when' set. final Match<TriggerAttachment> technologyDelegateTriggerMatch = new CompositeMatchAnd<>( AbstractTriggerAttachment.availableUses, AbstractTriggerAttachment.whenOrDefaultMatch(null, null), new CompositeMatchOr<TriggerAttachment>(TriggerAttachment.techAvailableMatch())); // get all possible triggers based on this match. final HashSet<TriggerAttachment> toFirePossible = TriggerAttachment.collectForAllTriggersMatching( new HashSet<>(Collections.singleton(m_player)), technologyDelegateTriggerMatch, m_bridge); if (!toFirePossible.isEmpty()) { // get all conditions possibly needed by these triggers, and then test them. final HashMap<ICondition, Boolean> testedConditions = TriggerAttachment.collectTestsForAllTriggers(toFirePossible, m_bridge); // get all triggers that are satisfied based on the tested conditions. final List<TriggerAttachment> toFireTestedAndSatisfied = Match.getMatches(toFirePossible, AbstractTriggerAttachment.isSatisfiedMatch(testedConditions)); // now list out individual types to fire, once for each of the matches above. TriggerAttachment.triggerAvailableTechChange(new HashSet<>(toFireTestedAndSatisfied), m_bridge, null, null, true, true, true, true); } } m_needToInitialize = false; } @Override public void end() { super.end(); m_needToInitialize = true; } @Override public Serializable saveState() { final TechnologyExtendedDelegateState state = new TechnologyExtendedDelegateState(); state.superState = super.saveState(); state.m_needToInitialize = m_needToInitialize; state.m_techs = m_techs; return state; } @Override public void loadState(final Serializable state) { final TechnologyExtendedDelegateState s = (TechnologyExtendedDelegateState) state; super.loadState(s.superState); m_needToInitialize = s.m_needToInitialize; m_techs = s.m_techs; } @Override public boolean delegateCurrentlyRequiresUserInput() { if (!games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getTechDevelopment(getData())) { return false; } if (!TerritoryAttachment.doWeHaveEnoughCapitalsToProduce(m_player, getData())) { return false; } if (games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V3TechModel(getData())) { final Resource techtokens = getData().getResourceList().getResource(Constants.TECH_TOKENS); if (techtokens != null) { final int techTokens = m_player.getResources().getQuantity(techtokens); if (techTokens > 0) { return true; } } } final int techCost = TechTracker.getTechCost(m_player); int money = m_player.getResources().getQuantity(Constants.PUS); if (money < techCost) { final PlayerAttachment pa = PlayerAttachment.get(m_player); if (pa == null) { return false; } final Collection<PlayerID> helpPay = pa.getHelpPayTechCost(); if (helpPay == null || helpPay.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (final PlayerID p : helpPay) { money += p.getResources().getQuantity(Constants.PUS); } if (money < techCost) { return false; } } return true; } public Map<PlayerID, Collection<TechAdvance>> getAdvances() { return m_techs; } private boolean isWW2V2() { return games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V2(getData()); } private boolean isWW2V3TechModel() { return games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getWW2V3TechModel(getData()); } private boolean isSelectableTechRoll() { return games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getSelectableTechRoll(getData()); } private boolean isLL_TECH_ONLY() { return games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getLL_TECH_ONLY(getData()); } @Override public TechResults rollTech(final int techRolls, final TechnologyFrontier techToRollFor, final int newTokens, final IntegerMap<PlayerID> whoPaysHowMuch) { int rollCount = techRolls; if (isWW2V3TechModel()) { rollCount = newTokens; } final boolean canPay = checkEnoughMoney(rollCount, whoPaysHowMuch); if (!canPay) { return new TechResults("Not enough money to pay for that many tech rolls."); } chargeForTechRolls(rollCount, whoPaysHowMuch); int m_currTokens = 0; if (isWW2V3TechModel()) { m_currTokens = m_player.getResources().getQuantity(Constants.TECH_TOKENS); } final GameData data = getData(); if (getAvailableTechs(m_player, data).isEmpty()) { if (isWW2V3TechModel()) { final Resource techTokens = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.TECH_TOKENS); final String transcriptText = m_player.getName() + " No more available tech advances."; m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText); final Change removeTokens = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), techTokens, -m_currTokens); m_bridge.addChange(removeTokens); } return new TechResults("No more available tech advances."); } final String annotation = m_player.getName() + " rolling for tech."; int[] random; int techHits = 0; int remainder = 0; final int diceSides = data.getDiceSides(); if (BaseEditDelegate.getEditMode(data)) { final ITripleAPlayer tripleaPlayer = getRemotePlayer(); random = tripleaPlayer.selectFixedDice(techRolls, diceSides, true, annotation, diceSides); techHits = getTechHits(random); } else if (isLL_TECH_ONLY()) { techHits = techRolls / diceSides; remainder = techRolls % diceSides; if (remainder > 0) { random = m_bridge.getRandom(diceSides, 1, m_player, DiceType.TECH, annotation); if (random[0] + 1 <= remainder) { techHits++; } } else { random = m_bridge.getRandom(diceSides, 1, m_player, DiceType.TECH, annotation); remainder = diceSides; } } else { random = m_bridge.getRandom(diceSides, techRolls, m_player, DiceType.TECH, annotation); techHits = getTechHits(random); } final boolean isRevisedModel = isWW2V2() || (isSelectableTechRoll() && !isWW2V3TechModel()); final String directedTechInfo = isRevisedModel ? " for " + techToRollFor.getTechs().get(0) : ""; final DiceRoll renderDice = (isLL_TECH_ONLY() ? new DiceRoll(random, techHits, remainder, false) : new DiceRoll(random, techHits, diceSides - 1, true)); m_bridge.getHistoryWriter() .startEvent( m_player.getName() + (random.length > 1 ? " roll " : " rolls : ") + MyFormatter.asDice(random) + directedTechInfo + " and gets " + techHits + " " + MyFormatter.pluralize("hit", techHits), renderDice); if (isWW2V3TechModel() && (techHits > 0 || games.strategy.triplea.Properties.getRemoveAllTechTokensAtEndOfTurn(data))) { m_techCategory = techToRollFor; // remove all the tokens final Resource techTokens = data.getResourceList().getResource(Constants.TECH_TOKENS); final String transcriptText = m_player.getName() + " removing all Technology Tokens after " + (techHits > 0 ? "successful" : "unsuccessful") + " research."; m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText); final Change removeTokens = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), techTokens, -m_currTokens); m_bridge.addChange(removeTokens); } Collection<TechAdvance> advances; if (isRevisedModel) { if (techHits > 0) { advances = Collections.singletonList(techToRollFor.getTechs().get(0)); } else { advances = Collections.emptyList(); } } else { advances = getTechAdvances(techHits); } // Put in techs so they can be activated later. m_techs.put(m_player, advances); final List<String> advancesAsString = new ArrayList<>(); final Iterator<TechAdvance> iter = advances.iterator(); int count = advances.size(); final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final TechAdvance advance =; text.append(advance.getName()); count--; advancesAsString.add(advance.getName()); if (count > 1) { text.append(", "); } if (count == 1) { text.append(" and "); } } final String transcriptText = m_player.getName() + " discover " + text.toString(); if (advances.size() > 0) { m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText); // play a sound getSoundChannel().playSoundForAll(SoundPath.CLIP_TECHNOLOGY_SUCCESSFUL, m_player); } else { getSoundChannel().playSoundForAll(SoundPath.CLIP_TECHNOLOGY_FAILURE, m_player); } return new TechResults(random, remainder, techHits, advancesAsString, m_player); } boolean checkEnoughMoney(final int rolls, final IntegerMap<PlayerID> whoPaysHowMuch) { final Resource PUs = getData().getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS); final int cost = rolls * getTechCost(); if (whoPaysHowMuch == null || whoPaysHowMuch.isEmpty()) { final int has = m_bridge.getPlayerID().getResources().getQuantity(PUs); return has >= cost; } else { int runningTotal = 0; for (final Entry<PlayerID, Integer> entry : whoPaysHowMuch.entrySet()) { final int has = entry.getKey().getResources().getQuantity(PUs); final int paying = entry.getValue(); if (paying > has) { return false; } runningTotal += paying; } return runningTotal >= cost; } } private void chargeForTechRolls(final int rolls, final IntegerMap<PlayerID> whoPaysHowMuch) { final Resource PUs = getData().getResourceList().getResource(Constants.PUS); int cost = rolls * getTechCost(); if (whoPaysHowMuch == null || whoPaysHowMuch.isEmpty()) { final String transcriptText = m_bridge.getPlayerID().getName() + " spend " + cost + " on tech rolls"; m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText); final Change charge = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), PUs, -cost); m_bridge.addChange(charge); } else { for (final Entry<PlayerID, Integer> entry : whoPaysHowMuch.entrySet()) { final PlayerID p = entry.getKey(); final int pays = Math.min(cost, entry.getValue()); if (pays <= 0) { continue; } cost -= pays; final String transcriptText = p.getName() + " spend " + pays + " on tech rolls"; m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent(transcriptText); final Change charge = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(p, PUs, -pays); m_bridge.addChange(charge); } } if (isWW2V3TechModel()) { final Resource tokens = getData().getResourceList().getResource(Constants.TECH_TOKENS); final Change newTokens = ChangeFactory.changeResourcesChange(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), tokens, rolls); m_bridge.addChange(newTokens); } } private int getTechHits(final int[] random) { int count = 0; for (final int element : random) { if (element == getData().getDiceSides() - 1) { count++; } } return count; } private Collection<TechAdvance> getTechAdvances(int hits) { List<TechAdvance> available = new ArrayList<>(); if (hits > 0 && isWW2V3TechModel()) { available = getAvailableAdvancesForCategory(m_techCategory); hits = 1; } else { available = getAvailableAdvances(); } if (available.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (hits >= available.size()) { return available; } if (hits == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final Collection<TechAdvance> newAdvances = new ArrayList<>(hits); final String annotation = m_player.getName() + " rolling to see what tech advances are aquired"; int[] random; if (isSelectableTechRoll() || BaseEditDelegate.getEditMode(getData())) { final ITripleAPlayer tripleaPlayer = getRemotePlayer(); random = tripleaPlayer.selectFixedDice(hits, 0, true, annotation, available.size()); } else { random = new int[hits]; final List<Integer> rolled = new ArrayList<>(); // generating discrete rolls. messy, can't think of a more elegant way // hits guaranteed to be less than available at this point. for (int i = 0; i < hits; i++) { int roll = m_bridge.getRandom(available.size() - i, null, DiceType.ENGINE, annotation); for (final int r : rolled) { if (roll >= r) { roll++; } } random[i] = roll; rolled.add(roll); } } final List<Integer> rolled = new ArrayList<>(); for (final int element : random) { final int index = element; // check in case of dice chooser. if (!rolled.contains(index) && index < available.size()) { newAdvances.add(available.get(index)); rolled.add(index); } } m_bridge.getHistoryWriter().startEvent("Rolls to resolve tech hits:" + MyFormatter.asDice(random)); return newAdvances; } private List<TechAdvance> getAvailableAdvances() { return getAvailableTechs(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), getData()); } public static List<TechAdvance> getAvailableTechs(final PlayerID player, final GameData data) { final Collection<TechAdvance> currentAdvances = TechTracker.getCurrentTechAdvances(player, data); final Collection<TechAdvance> allAdvances = TechAdvance.getTechAdvances(data, player); return Util.difference(allAdvances, currentAdvances); } private List<TechAdvance> getAvailableAdvancesForCategory(final TechnologyFrontier techCategory) { // Collection<TechAdvance> allAdvances = TechAdvance.getTechAdvances(m_data, techCategory); final Collection<TechAdvance> playersAdvances = TechTracker.getCurrentTechAdvances(m_bridge.getPlayerID(), getData()); final List<TechAdvance> available = Util.difference(techCategory.getTechs(), playersAdvances); return available; } public int getTechCost() { m_techCost = TechTracker.getTechCost(m_player); return m_techCost; } @Override public Class<ITechDelegate> getRemoteType() { return ITechDelegate.class; } } class TechnologyExtendedDelegateState implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1375328472343199099L; Serializable superState; // add other variables here: public boolean m_needToInitialize; public HashMap<PlayerID, Collection<TechAdvance>> m_techs; }