/* * This file is part of LanternServer, licensed under the MIT License (MIT). * * Copyright (c) LanternPowered <https://www.lanternpowered.org> * Copyright (c) SpongePowered <https://www.spongepowered.org> * Copyright (c) contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the Software), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package org.lanternpowered.server.data.util; import static org.spongepowered.api.data.DataQuery.of; import org.spongepowered.api.data.DataQuery; import org.spongepowered.api.util.annotation.NonnullByDefault; public final class DataQueries { private DataQueries() { } // General DataQueries public static final DataQuery UNSAFE_NBT = of("UnsafeData"); public static final DataQuery DATA_MANIPULATORS = of("Data"); public static final DataQuery DATA_CLASS = of("DataClass"); public static final DataQuery INTERNAL_DATA = of("ManipulatorData"); // Snapshots public static final DataQuery SNAPSHOT_WORLD_POSITION = of("Position"); // Blocks public static final DataQuery BLOCK_STATE = of("BlockState"); public static final DataQuery BLOCK_TYPE = of("BlockType"); public static final DataQuery BLOCK_STATE_UNSAFE_META = of("UnsafeMeta"); // Sponge data public static final DataQuery SPONGE_DATA = of("SpongeData"); // Extended sponge data - Only used to separate player data and player sponge data files public static final DataQuery EXTENDED_SPONGE_DATA = of("ExtendedSpongeData"); // Forge data public static final DataQuery FORGE_DATA = of("ForgeData"); // Custom data manipulators public static final DataQuery CUSTOM_MANIPULATORS = of("CustomManipulators"); // Potions public static final DataQuery POTION_TYPE = of("PotionType"); public static final DataQuery POTION_AMPLIFIER = of("Amplifier"); public static final DataQuery POTION_SHOWS_PARTICLES = of("ShowsParticles"); public static final DataQuery POTION_AMBIANCE = of("Ambiance"); public static final DataQuery POTION_DURATION = of("Duration"); // TileEntity public static final DataQuery X_POS = of("x"); public static final DataQuery Y_POS = of("y"); public static final DataQuery Z_POS = of("z"); public static final DataQuery W_POS = of("w"); // Java API Queries for DataTranslators public static final DataQuery LOCAL_TIME_HOUR = of("LocalTimeHour"); public static final DataQuery LOCAL_TIME_MINUTE = of("LocalTimeMinute"); public static final DataQuery LOCAL_TIME_SECOND = of("LocalTimeSecond"); public static final DataQuery LOCAL_TIME_NANO = of("LocalTimeNano"); public static final DataQuery LOCAL_DATE_YEAR = of("LocalDateYear"); public static final DataQuery LOCAL_DATE_MONTH = of("LocalDateMonth"); public static final DataQuery LOCAL_DATE_DAY = of("LocalDateDay"); public static final DataQuery ZONE_TIME_ID = of("ZoneDateTimeId"); // Particle Effects public static final DataQuery PARTICLE_TYPE = of("Type"); public static final DataQuery PARTICLE_OPTIONS = of("Options"); public static final DataQuery PARTICLE_OPTION_KEY = of("Option"); public static final DataQuery PARTICLE_OPTION_VALUE = of("Value"); // Firework Effects public static final DataQuery FIREWORK_SHAPE = of("Type"); public static final DataQuery FIREWORK_COLORS = of("Colors"); public static final DataQuery FIREWORK_FADE_COLORS = of("Fades"); public static final DataQuery FIREWORK_TRAILS = of("Trails"); public static final DataQuery FIREWORK_FLICKERS = of("Flickers"); }