package crazypants.enderio.machine.recipe; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import com.enderio.core.common.util.Util; import crazypants.enderio.Log; import crazypants.enderio.config.Config; import crazypants.enderio.machine.MachineRecipeInput; public class ManyToOneRecipeManager { private final List<IManyToOneRecipe> recipes = new ArrayList<IManyToOneRecipe>(); private final String coreFileName; private final String customFileName; private final String managerName; public ManyToOneRecipeManager(String coreFileName, String custonFileName, String managerName) { this.coreFileName = coreFileName; this.customFileName = custonFileName; this.managerName = managerName; } public void loadRecipesFromConfig() { CustomTagHandler tagHandler = createCustomTagHandler(); RecipeConfig config = RecipeConfig.loadRecipeConfig(coreFileName, customFileName, tagHandler); if(config != null) { processConfig(config); if(tagHandler != null) { tagHandler.configProcessed(); } } else { Log.error("Could not load recipes for " + managerName + "."); } } protected CustomTagHandler createCustomTagHandler() { return null; } public void addCustomRecipes(String xmlDef) { RecipeConfig config; CustomTagHandler tagHandler = createCustomTagHandler(); try { config = RecipeConfigParser.parse(xmlDef, tagHandler); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Error parsing custom xml for " + managerName ); return; } if(config == null) { Log.error("Could not process custom XML " + managerName); return; } processConfig(config); if(tagHandler != null) { tagHandler.configProcessed(); } } public List<IManyToOneRecipe> getRecipes() { return recipes; } private void processConfig(RecipeConfig config) { if(config.isDumpItemRegistery()) { Util.dumpModObjects(new File(Config.configDirectory, "modObjectsRegistery.txt")); } if(config.isDumpOreDictionary()) { Util.dumpOreNames(new File(Config.configDirectory, "oreDictionaryRegistery.txt")); } List<Recipe> newRecipes = config.getRecipes(false);"Found " + newRecipes.size() + " valid " + managerName + " recipes in config."); for (Recipe rec : newRecipes) { if (Config.crateSyntheticRecipes // && rec.getInputs().length == 1 && !rec.getInputs()[0].isFluid() && rec.getInputs()[0].getInput().stackSize <= 21 && rec.getOutputs().length == 1 && !rec.getOutputs()[0].isFluid() // && rec.getOutputs()[0].getOutput().stackSize <= 21) { IRecipe dupe = getRecipeForInputs(rec.getInputStacks()); if (dupe != null) { // do it here because we will add "dupes" and the check need to be // done on the supplied recipe---which is added last Log.warn("The supplied recipe " + rec + " for " + managerName + " may be a duplicate to: " + dupe); } int er = rec.getEnergyRequired(); RecipeBonusType bns = rec.getBonusType(); RecipeOutput out = rec.getOutputs()[0]; RecipeInput in = rec.getInputs()[0]; RecipeInput in2 = in.copy(); in2.getInput().stackSize *= 2; RecipeOutput out2 = new RecipeOutput(out.getOutput(), out.getChance(), out.getExperiance()); out2.getOutput().stackSize *= 2; RecipeInput in3 = in.copy(); in3.getInput().stackSize *= 3; RecipeOutput out3 = new RecipeOutput(out.getOutput(), out.getChance(), out.getExperiance()); out3.getOutput().stackSize *= 3; recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(new Recipe(out3, er * 3, bns, new RecipeInput[] { in.copy(), in.copy(), in.copy() }))); recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(new Recipe(out3, er * 3, bns, new RecipeInput[] { in.copy(), in2.copy() }))); recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(new Recipe(out3, er * 3, bns, new RecipeInput[] { in2.copy(), in.copy() }))); recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(new Recipe(out2, er * 2, bns, new RecipeInput[] { in.copy(), in.copy() }))); recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(new Recipe(out3, er * 3, bns, new RecipeInput[] { in3.copy() }))); recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(new Recipe(out2, er * 2, bns, new RecipeInput[] { in2.copy() }))); recipes.add(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(rec));"Created 6 synthetic recipes for " + in.getInput() + " => " + out.getOutput()); } else { addRecipe(new BasicManyToOneRecipe(rec)); } }"Finished processing " + managerName + " recipes. " + recipes.size() + " recipes avaliable."); } public void addRecipe(IManyToOneRecipe recipe) { if(recipe == null) { Log.debug("Could not add invalid recipe: " + recipe + " for " + managerName ); return; } IRecipe rec = getRecipeForInputs(recipe.getInputStacks()); if(rec != null) { Log.warn("The supplied recipe " + recipe + " for " + managerName + " may be a duplicate to: " + rec); } recipes.add(recipe); } private IRecipe getRecipeForInputs(List<ItemStack> inputs) { MachineRecipeInput[] ins = new MachineRecipeInput[inputs.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { ins[i] = new MachineRecipeInput(-1, inputs.get(i)); } return getRecipeForInputs(ins); } public IRecipe getRecipeForInputs(MachineRecipeInput[] inputs) { for (IManyToOneRecipe rec : recipes) { if(rec.isInputForRecipe(inputs)) { return rec; } } return null; } public boolean isValidInput(MachineRecipeInput input) { if(input == null || input.item == null) { return false; } for (IManyToOneRecipe recipe : recipes) { for (RecipeInput ri : recipe.getInputs()) { if(ri.isInput(input.item) && (ri.getSlotNumber() == -1 || input.slotNumber == ri.getSlotNumber())) { return true; } } } return false; } public boolean isValidRecipeComponents(ItemStack[] inputs) { if(inputs == null || inputs.length == 0) { return false; } for (IManyToOneRecipe recipe : recipes) { if(recipe.isValidRecipeComponents(inputs)) { return true; } } return false; } public float getExperianceForOutput(ItemStack output) { for (IManyToOneRecipe recipe : recipes) { if(recipe.getOutput().getItem() == output.getItem() && recipe.getOutput().getItemDamage() == output.getItemDamage()) { return recipe.getOutputs()[0].getExperiance(); } } return 0; } }