package crazypants.enderio.conduit.item; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory; import net.minecraft.inventory.ISidedInventory; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntityChest; import net.minecraft.util.StatCollector; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import com.enderio.core.common.util.BlockCoord; import com.enderio.core.common.util.InventoryWrapper; import com.enderio.core.common.util.ItemUtil; import com.enderio.core.common.util.RoundRobinIterator; import crazypants.enderio.conduit.ConnectionMode; import crazypants.enderio.conduit.item.filter.IItemFilter; import crazypants.enderio.config.Config; import crazypants.enderio.machine.invpanel.TileInventoryPanel; public class NetworkedInventory { private ISidedInventory inv; IItemConduit con; ForgeDirection conDir; BlockCoord location; int inventorySide; List<Target> sendPriority = new ArrayList<Target>(); RoundRobinIterator<Target> rrIter = new RoundRobinIterator<Target>(sendPriority); private int extractFromSlot = -1; int tickDeficit; //work around for a vanilla chest changing into a double chest without doing unneeded checks all the time boolean recheckInv = false; //Hack for TiC crafting station not working correctly when setting output slot to null boolean ticHack = false; boolean inventoryPanel = false; World world; ItemConduitNetwork network; NetworkedInventory(ItemConduitNetwork network, IInventory inv, IItemConduit con, ForgeDirection conDir, BlockCoord location) { = network; inventorySide = conDir.getOpposite().ordinal(); this.con = con; this.conDir = conDir; this.location = location; world = con.getBundle().getWorld(); TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(location.x, location.y, location.z); if(te.getClass().getName().equals("")) { ticHack = true; } else if(te.getClass().getName().contains("cpw.mods.ironchest")) { recheckInv = true; } else if(te instanceof TileEntityChest) { recheckInv = true; } else if(te instanceof TileInventoryPanel) { inventoryPanel = true; } updateInventory(); } public boolean hasTarget(IItemConduit conduit, ForgeDirection dir) { for (Target t : sendPriority) { if(t.inv.con == conduit && t.inv.conDir == dir) { return true; } } return false; } boolean canExtract() { ConnectionMode mode = con.getConnectionMode(conDir); return mode == ConnectionMode.INPUT || mode == ConnectionMode.IN_OUT; } boolean canInsert() { if(inventoryPanel) { return false; } ConnectionMode mode = con.getConnectionMode(conDir); return mode == ConnectionMode.OUTPUT || mode == ConnectionMode.IN_OUT; } boolean isInventoryPanel() { return inventoryPanel; } boolean isSticky() { return con.getOutputFilter(conDir) != null && con.getOutputFilter(conDir).isValid() && con.getOutputFilter(conDir).isSticky(); } int getPriority() { return con.getOutputPriority(conDir); } public void onTick() { if(tickDeficit > 0 || !canExtract() || !con.isExtractionRedstoneConditionMet(conDir)) { //do nothing } else { transferItems(); } tickDeficit--; if(tickDeficit < -1) { //Sleep for a second before checking again. tickDeficit = 20; } } private boolean canExtractThisTick(long tick) { if(!con.isExtractionRedstoneConditionMet(conDir)) { return false; } return true; } private int nextSlot(int numSlots) { ++extractFromSlot; if(extractFromSlot >= numSlots || extractFromSlot < 0) { extractFromSlot = 0; } return extractFromSlot; } private void setNextStartingSlot(int slot) { extractFromSlot = slot; extractFromSlot--; } private boolean transferItems() { if(recheckInv) { updateInventory(); } int[] slotIndices = getInventory().getAccessibleSlotsFromSide(inventorySide); if(slotIndices == null) { return false; } int numSlots = slotIndices.length; ItemStack extractItem = null; int maxExtracted = con.getMaximumExtracted(conDir); int slot = -1; int slotChecksPerTick = Math.min(numSlots, ItemConduitNetwork.MAX_SLOT_CHECK_PER_TICK); for (int i = 0; i < slotChecksPerTick; i++) { int index = nextSlot(numSlots); slot = slotIndices[index]; ItemStack item = getInventory().getStackInSlot(slot); if(canExtractItem(item)) { extractItem = item.copy(); if(getInventory().canExtractItem(slot, extractItem, inventorySide)) { if(doTransfer(extractItem, slot, maxExtracted)) { setNextStartingSlot(slot); return true; } } } } return false; } private boolean canExtractItem(ItemStack itemStack) { if(itemStack == null) { return false; } IItemFilter filter = con.getInputFilter(conDir); if(filter == null) { return true; } return filter.doesItemPassFilter(this, itemStack); } private boolean doTransfer(ItemStack extractedItem, int slot, int maxExtract) { if(extractedItem == null || extractedItem.getItem() == null) { return false; } ItemStack toExtract = extractedItem.copy(); toExtract.stackSize = Math.min(maxExtract, toExtract.stackSize); int numInserted = insertIntoTargets(toExtract); if(numInserted <= 0) { return false; } itemExtracted(slot, numInserted); return true; } public void itemExtracted(int slot, int numInserted) { ItemStack curStack = getInventory().getStackInSlot(slot); if(curStack != null) { if(ticHack) { getInventory().decrStackSize(slot, numInserted); getInventory().markDirty(); } else { curStack = curStack.copy(); curStack.stackSize -= numInserted; if(curStack.stackSize > 0) { getInventory().setInventorySlotContents(slot, curStack); getInventory().markDirty(); } else { getInventory().setInventorySlotContents(slot, null); getInventory().markDirty(); } } } con.itemsExtracted(numInserted, slot); tickDeficit = Math.round(numInserted * con.getTickTimePerItem(conDir)); } int insertIntoTargets(ItemStack toExtract) { if(toExtract == null) { return 0; } int totalToInsert = toExtract.stackSize; int leftToInsert = totalToInsert; boolean matchedStickyInput = false; Iterable<Target> targets = getTargetIterator(); //for (Target target : sendPriority) { for (Target target : targets) { if(target.stickyInput && !matchedStickyInput) { IItemFilter of = target.inv.con.getOutputFilter(target.inv.conDir); matchedStickyInput = of != null && of.isValid() && of.doesItemPassFilter(this, toExtract); } if(target.stickyInput || !matchedStickyInput) { if(target.inv.recheckInv) { target.inv.updateInventory(); } int inserted = target.inv.insertItem(toExtract); if(inserted > 0) { toExtract.stackSize -= inserted; leftToInsert -= inserted; } if(leftToInsert <= 0) { return totalToInsert; } } } return totalToInsert - leftToInsert; } private Iterable<Target> getTargetIterator() { if(con.isRoundRobinEnabled(conDir)) { return rrIter; } return sendPriority; } public final void updateInventory() { TileEntity te = world.getTileEntity(location.x, location.y, location.z); if(te instanceof ISidedInventory) { inv = (ISidedInventory) te; } else if(te instanceof IInventory) { inv = new InventoryWrapper((IInventory) te); } } private int insertItem(ItemStack item) { if(!canInsert() || item == null) { return 0; } IItemFilter filter = con.getOutputFilter(conDir); if(filter != null) { if(!filter.doesItemPassFilter(this, item)) { return 0; } } return ItemUtil.doInsertItem(getInventory(), item, ForgeDirection.values()[inventorySide]); } void updateInsertOrder() { sendPriority.clear(); if(!canExtract()) { return; } List<Target> result = new ArrayList<NetworkedInventory.Target>(); for (NetworkedInventory other : network.inventories) { if((con.isSelfFeedEnabled(conDir) || (other != this)) && other.canInsert() && con.getInputColor(conDir) == other.con.getOutputColor(other.conDir)) { if(Config.itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance) { sendPriority.add(new Target(other, distanceTo(other), other.isSticky(), other.getPriority())); } else { result.add(new Target(other, 9999999, other.isSticky(), other.getPriority())); } } } if(Config.itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance) { Collections.sort(sendPriority); } else { if(!result.isEmpty()) { Map<BlockCoord, Integer> visited = new HashMap<BlockCoord, Integer>(); List<BlockCoord> steps = new ArrayList<BlockCoord>(); steps.add(con.getLocation()); calculateDistances(result, visited, steps, 0); sendPriority.addAll(result); Collections.sort(sendPriority); } } } private void calculateDistances(List<Target> targets, Map<BlockCoord, Integer> visited, List<BlockCoord> steps, int distance) { if(steps == null || steps.isEmpty()) { return; } ArrayList<BlockCoord> nextSteps = new ArrayList<BlockCoord>(); for (BlockCoord bc : steps) { IItemConduit con = network.conMap.get(bc); if(con != null) { for (ForgeDirection dir : con.getExternalConnections()) { Target target = getTarget(targets, con, dir); if(target != null && target.distance > distance) { target.distance = distance; } } if(!visited.containsKey(bc)) { visited.put(bc, distance); } else { int prevDist = visited.get(bc); if(prevDist <= distance) { continue; } visited.put(bc, distance); } for (ForgeDirection dir : con.getConduitConnections()) { nextSteps.add(bc.getLocation(dir)); } } } calculateDistances(targets, visited, nextSteps, distance + 1); } private Target getTarget(List<Target> targets, IItemConduit con, ForgeDirection dir) { if(targets == null || con == null || con.getLocation() == null) { return null; } for (Target target : targets) { BlockCoord targetConLoc = null; if(target != null && target.inv != null && target.inv.con != null) { targetConLoc = target.inv.con.getLocation(); } if(targetConLoc != null && target.inv.conDir == dir && targetConLoc.equals(con.getLocation())) { return target; } } return null; } private int distanceTo(NetworkedInventory other) { return con.getLocation().getDistSq(other.con.getLocation()); } public ISidedInventory getInventory() { return inv; } public ISidedInventory getInventoryRecheck() { if(recheckInv) { updateInventory(); } return inv; } public int getInventorySide() { return inventorySide; } public void setInventorySide(int inventorySide) { this.inventorySide = inventorySide; } public String getLocalizedInventoryName() { String inventoryName = getInventory().getInventoryName(); if(inventoryName == null) { return "null"; } else { // don't use Lang.localize as that passes the localized string to // String.format which might crash when it contains formatting specifiers return StatCollector.translateToLocal(inventoryName); } } static class Target implements Comparable<Target> { NetworkedInventory inv; int distance; boolean stickyInput; int priority; Target(NetworkedInventory inv, int distance, boolean stickyInput, int priority) { this.inv = inv; this.distance = distance; this.stickyInput = stickyInput; this.priority = priority; } @Override public int compareTo(Target o) { if(stickyInput && !o.stickyInput) { return -1; } if(!stickyInput && o.stickyInput) { return 1; } if(priority != o.priority) { return, priority); } return, o.distance); } } }