package mods.immibis.microblocks.api; import mods.immibis.core.api.multipart.ICoverableTile; /** * A multipart tile that is compatible with microblocks. * Only tile entities should implement this. */ public interface IMicroblockSupporterTile extends ICoverableTile { /** * Returns true if the tile is "in the way" of this part and will prevent it being placed. * @param type The type of part being placed. * @param pos The position the part is being placed in. * @return False to prevent part placement, otherwise true. */ public boolean isPlacementBlocked(PartType<?> type, EnumPosition pos); @Override public IMicroblockCoverSystem getCoverSystem(); /** * Called after microblocks are added or removed. * * You should probably at least call World.markBlockForUpdate and world.notifyBlocksOfNeighborChange. */ public void onMicroblocksChanged(); }