package; import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import net.minecraft.entity.player.InventoryPlayer; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.inventory.Slot; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import com.enderio.core.client.gui.widget.GhostBackgroundItemSlot; import com.enderio.core.client.gui.widget.GhostSlot; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import crazypants.enderio.config.Config; import crazypants.enderio.item.darksteel.DarkSteelItems; import; import crazypants.enderio.machine.gui.AbstractMachineContainer; public class FarmStationContainer extends AbstractMachineContainer<TileFarmStation> { // TODO: This is a mess. Someone should make some nice, hand-selected lists of // what to put in here. static private final Item[] slotItems1 = { Items.wooden_hoe, Items.stone_hoe, Items.iron_hoe, Items.golden_hoe, Items.diamond_hoe }; static private final List<ItemStack> slotItemsStacks1 = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); static { for (Item item : slotItems1) { slotItemsStacks1.add(new ItemStack(item)); } slotItemsStacks1.addAll(Config.farmHoes); } static private final Item[] slotItems2 = { Items.wooden_axe, Items.stone_axe, Items.iron_axe, Items.golden_axe, Items.diamond_axe, DarkSteelItems.itemDarkSteelAxe }; static private final Item[] slotItems3 = RubberTreeFarmerIC2.treeTap != null ? new Item[] { Items.shears, DarkSteelItems.itemDarkSteelShears, GameRegistry.findItem("IC2", "itemTreetap") } : new Item[] { Items.shears, DarkSteelItems.itemDarkSteelShears }; static public final List<ItemStack> slotItemsSeeds = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); static { slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Items.wheat_seeds)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.carrots)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.potatoes)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.red_mushroom)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.brown_mushroom)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.nether_wart)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.sapling)); slotItemsSeeds.add(new ItemStack(Items.reeds)); } static public final List<ItemStack> slotItemsProduce = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); static { slotItemsProduce.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.log, 1, 0)); slotItemsProduce.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.wheat)); slotItemsProduce.add(new ItemStack(Blocks.leaves, 1, 0)); slotItemsProduce.add(new ItemStack(; } static public final List<ItemStack> slotItemsFertilizer = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); static { slotItemsFertilizer.add(new ItemStack(Items.dye, 1, 15)); } static private final Random rand = new Random(); private static final int ROW_TOOLS = 19; private static final int ROW_IO = 44; private static final int COL_TOOLS = 44; private static final int COL_INPUT = 53; private static final int COL_FERTILIZER = 116; private static final int COL_OUTPUT = 107; private static final int SLOT_SIZE = 18; private static final int ONE = 0 * SLOT_SIZE; private static final int TWO = 1 * SLOT_SIZE; private static final int THREE = 2 * SLOT_SIZE; private static final Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(COL_TOOLS + ONE, ROW_TOOLS), new Point(COL_TOOLS + TWO, ROW_TOOLS), new Point(COL_TOOLS + THREE, ROW_TOOLS), new Point(COL_FERTILIZER + ONE, ROW_TOOLS), new Point(COL_FERTILIZER + TWO, ROW_TOOLS), new Point(COL_INPUT + ONE, ROW_IO + ONE), new Point(COL_INPUT + TWO, ROW_IO + ONE), new Point(COL_INPUT + ONE, ROW_IO + TWO), new Point(COL_INPUT + TWO, ROW_IO + TWO), new Point(COL_OUTPUT + ONE, ROW_IO + ONE), new Point(COL_OUTPUT + TWO, ROW_IO + ONE), new Point(COL_OUTPUT + THREE, ROW_IO + ONE), new Point(COL_OUTPUT + ONE, ROW_IO + TWO), new Point(COL_OUTPUT + TWO, ROW_IO + TWO), new Point(COL_OUTPUT + THREE, ROW_IO + TWO), }; public FarmStationContainer(InventoryPlayer inventory, TileFarmStation te) { super(inventory, te); } @Override protected void addMachineSlots(InventoryPlayer playerInv) { int i=0; for(Point p : points) { final int slot = i; i++; addSlotToContainer(new Slot(getInv(), slot, p.x, p.y) { @Override public boolean isItemValid(ItemStack itemStack) { return getInv().isItemValidForSlot(slot, itemStack); } @Override public int getSlotStackLimit() { return ((TileFarmStation)getInv()).getInventoryStackLimit(slot); } }); } } private static void clean(List list) { Iterator iterator = list.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Object o =; if (o == null || (o instanceof ItemStack && ((ItemStack) o).getItem() == null)) { iterator.remove(); } } } public void createGhostSlots(List<GhostSlot> slots) { clean(slotItemsStacks1); clean(slotItemsFertilizer); clean(slotItemsSeeds); clean(slotItemsProduce); slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItemsStacks1.get(rand.nextInt(slotItemsStacks1.size())), points[0].x, points[0].y)); slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItems2[rand.nextInt(slotItems2.length)], points[1].x, points[1].y)); slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItems3[rand.nextInt(slotItems3.length)], points[2].x, points[2].y)); slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItemsFertilizer.get(rand.nextInt(slotItemsFertilizer.size())), points[3].x, points[3].y)); slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItemsFertilizer.get(rand.nextInt(slotItemsFertilizer.size())), points[4].x, points[4].y)); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItemsSeeds.get(rand.nextInt(slotItemsSeeds.size())), points[5 + i].x, points[5 + i].y)); } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { slots.add(new GhostBackgroundItemSlot(slotItemsProduce.get(rand.nextInt(slotItemsProduce.size())), points[9 + i].x, points[9 + i].y)); } } @Override public Point getPlayerInventoryOffset() { return new Point(8,87); } @Override public Point getUpgradeOffset() { return new Point(12,63); } }