package thaumcraft.api.aspects; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import net.minecraft.tileentity.TileEntity; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLLog; public class AspectSourceHelper { static Method drainEssentia; static Method findEssentia; /** * This method is what is used to drain essentia from jars and other sources for things like * infusion crafting or powering the arcane furnace. A record of possible sources are kept track of * and refreshed as needed around the calling tile entity. This also renders the essentia trail particles. * Only 1 essentia is drained at a time * @param tile the tile entity that is draining the essentia * @param aspect the aspect that you are looking for * @param direction the direction from which you wish to drain. Forgedirection.Unknown simply seeks in all directions. * @param range how many blocks you wish to search for essentia sources. * @return boolean returns true if essentia was found and removed from a source. */ public static boolean drainEssentia(TileEntity tile, Aspect aspect, ForgeDirection direction, int range) { try { if(drainEssentia == null) { Class fake = Class.forName(""); drainEssentia = fake.getMethod("drainEssentia", TileEntity.class, Aspect.class, ForgeDirection.class, int.class); } return (Boolean) drainEssentia.invoke(null, tile, aspect, direction, range); } catch(Exception ex) { FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke method drainEssentia"); } return false; } /** * This method returns if there is any essentia of the passed type that can be drained. It in no way checks how * much there is, only if an essentia container nearby contains at least 1 point worth. * @param tile the tile entity that is checking the essentia * @param aspect the aspect that you are looking for * @param direction the direction from which you wish to drain. Forgedirection.Unknown simply seeks in all directions. * @param range how many blocks you wish to search for essentia sources. * @return boolean returns true if essentia was found and removed from a source. */ public static boolean findEssentia(TileEntity tile, Aspect aspect, ForgeDirection direction, int range) { try { if(findEssentia == null) { Class fake = Class.forName(""); findEssentia = fake.getMethod("findEssentia", TileEntity.class, Aspect.class, ForgeDirection.class, int.class); } return (Boolean) findEssentia.invoke(null, tile, aspect, direction, range); } catch(Exception ex) { FMLLog.warning("[Thaumcraft API] Could not invoke method findEssentia"); } return false; } }