package; import java.util.List; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityItem; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import com.enderio.core.common.util.BlockCoord; import crazypants.enderio.config.Config; import; public class NaturaBerryFarmer extends PickableFarmer { public NaturaBerryFarmer(Block plantedBlock, int plantedBlockMeta, int grownBlockMeta, ItemStack seeds) { super(plantedBlock, plantedBlockMeta, grownBlockMeta, seeds); } @Override public IHarvestResult harvestBlock(TileFarmStation farm, BlockCoord bc, Block block, int meta) { if(block != getPlantedBlock()) { return null; } if(!farm.hasHoe()) { farm.setNotification(TileFarmStation.NOTIFICATION_NO_HOE); return null; } IHarvestResult res = new HarvestResult(); BlockCoord checkBlock = bc; for (int i = 0; i < 5 && farm.hasHoe(); i++) { meta = farm.getBlockMeta(checkBlock); block = farm.getBlock(checkBlock); if(super.canHarvest(farm, bc, block, meta)) { // redundant check because our canHarvest checks all 5 blocks so a bush may be invalid in the stack of 5 IHarvestResult blockRes = super.harvestBlock(farm, checkBlock, block, meta); if(blockRes != null) { res.getHarvestedBlocks().add(checkBlock); List<EntityItem> addToDrops = blockRes.getDrops(); for (EntityItem stack : addToDrops) { res.getDrops().add(stack); } } } checkBlock = checkBlock.getLocation(ForgeDirection.UP); } if(res.getHarvestedBlocks().isEmpty()) { return null; } return res; } @Override public boolean canHarvest(TileFarmStation farm, BlockCoord bc, Block block, int meta) { if(!Config.farmEssenceBerriesEnabled && "tile.ore.berries.two".equals(block.getUnlocalizedName()) && meta == grownBlockMeta) { return false; } BlockCoord checkBlock = bc; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { meta = farm.getBlockMeta(checkBlock); block = checkBlock.getBlock(farm.getWorldObj()); if(super.canHarvest(farm, checkBlock, block, meta)) { return true; } checkBlock = checkBlock.getLocation(ForgeDirection.UP); } return false; } }