package crazypants.enderio.conduit.gas; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import mekanism.api.gas.Gas; import mekanism.api.gas.GasStack; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.IIconRegister; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.IIcon; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.ForgeDirection; import com.enderio.core.client.render.IconUtil; import com.enderio.core.common.util.BlockCoord; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Optional.Method; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.SideOnly; import crazypants.enderio.EnderIO; import crazypants.enderio.conduit.AbstractConduitNetwork; import crazypants.enderio.conduit.ConnectionMode; import crazypants.enderio.conduit.IConduit; import crazypants.enderio.conduit.geom.CollidableComponent; import crazypants.enderio.config.Config; public class GasConduit extends AbstractGasTankConduit { public static final int CONDUIT_VOLUME = 1000; public static final String ICON_KEY = "enderio:gasConduit"; public static final String ICON_CORE_KEY = "enderio:gasConduitCore"; public static final String ICON_EXTRACT_KEY = "enderio:gasConduitInput"; public static final String ICON_INSERT_KEY = "enderio:gasConduitOutput"; public static final String ICON_EMPTY_EDGE = "enderio:gasConduitEdge"; static final Map<String, IIcon> ICONS = new HashMap<String, IIcon>(); @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static void initIcons() { IconUtil.addIconProvider(new IconUtil.IIconProvider() { @Override public void registerIcons(IIconRegister register) { ICONS.put(ICON_KEY, register.registerIcon(ICON_KEY)); ICONS.put(ICON_CORE_KEY, register.registerIcon(ICON_CORE_KEY)); ICONS.put(ICON_EXTRACT_KEY, register.registerIcon(ICON_EXTRACT_KEY)); ICONS.put(ICON_INSERT_KEY, register.registerIcon(ICON_INSERT_KEY)); ICONS.put(ICON_EMPTY_EDGE, register.registerIcon(ICON_EMPTY_EDGE)); } @Override public int getTextureType() { return 0; } }); } private GasConduitNetwork network; private long ticksSinceFailedExtract = 0; public static final int MAX_EXTRACT_PER_TICK = Config.gasConduitExtractRate; public static final int MAX_IO_PER_TICK = Config.gasConduitMaxIoRate; public GasConduit() { updateTank(); } @Override public void updateEntity(World world) { super.updateEntity(world); if(world.isRemote) { return; } doExtract(); if(stateDirty) { getBundle().dirty(); stateDirty = false; } } private void doExtract() { BlockCoord loc = getLocation(); if(!hasConnectionMode(ConnectionMode.INPUT)) { return; } if(network == null) { return; } // assume failure, reset to 0 if we do extract ticksSinceFailedExtract++; if(ticksSinceFailedExtract > 25 && ticksSinceFailedExtract % 10 != 0) { // after 25 ticks of failing, only check every 10 ticks return; } Gas f = tank.getGas() == null ? null : tank.getGas().getGas(); for (ForgeDirection dir : externalConnections) { if(autoExtractForDir(dir)) { if(network.extractFrom(this, dir, MAX_EXTRACT_PER_TICK)) { ticksSinceFailedExtract = 0; } } } } @Override protected void updateTank() { tank.setCapacity(CONDUIT_VOLUME); if(network != null) { network.updateConduitVolumes(); } } @Override public ItemStack createItem() { return new ItemStack(EnderIO.itemGasConduit); } @Override public AbstractConduitNetwork<?, ?> getNetwork() { return network; } @Override public boolean setNetwork(AbstractConduitNetwork<?, ?> network) { if(network == null) { = null; return true; } if(!(network instanceof GasConduitNetwork)) { return false; } GasConduitNetwork n = (GasConduitNetwork) network; if(tank.getGas() == null) { tank.setGas(n.getGasType() == null ? null : n.getGasType().copy()); } else if(n.getGasType() == null) { n.setGasType(tank.getGas()); } else if(!tank.getGas().isGasEqual(n.getGasType())) { return false; } = n; return true; } @Override public boolean canConnectToConduit(ForgeDirection direction, IConduit con) { if(!super.canConnectToConduit(direction, con)) { return false; } if(!(con instanceof GasConduit)) { return false; } if(getGasType() != null && ((GasConduit) con).getGasType() == null) { return false; } return GasConduitNetwork.areGassCompatable(getGasType(), ((GasConduit) con).getGasType()); } @Override public void setConnectionMode(ForgeDirection dir, ConnectionMode mode) { super.setConnectionMode(dir, mode); refreshInputs(dir); } private void refreshInputs(ForgeDirection dir) { if(network == null) { return; } GasOutput lo = new GasOutput(getLocation().getLocation(dir), dir.getOpposite()); network.removeInput(lo); if(getConnectionMode(dir).acceptsOutput() && containsExternalConnection(dir)) { network.addInput(lo); } } @Override public void externalConnectionAdded(ForgeDirection fromDirection) { super.externalConnectionAdded(fromDirection); refreshInputs(fromDirection); } @Override public void externalConnectionRemoved(ForgeDirection fromDirection) { super.externalConnectionRemoved(fromDirection); refreshInputs(fromDirection); } @Override public IIcon getTextureForState(CollidableComponent component) { if(component.dir == ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN) { return ICONS.get(ICON_CORE_KEY); } return ICONS.get(ICON_KEY); } public IIcon getTextureForInputMode() { return ICONS.get(ICON_EXTRACT_KEY); } public IIcon getTextureForOutputMode() { return ICONS.get(ICON_INSERT_KEY); } public IIcon getNotSetEdgeTexture() { return ICONS.get(ICON_EMPTY_EDGE); } @Override public IIcon getTransmitionTextureForState(CollidableComponent component) { if(isActive() && tank.containsValidGas()) { return tank.getGas().getGas().getIcon(); } return null; } // ------------------------------------------- Gas API @Override @Deprecated @Method(modid = GasUtil.API_NAME) public int receiveGas(ForgeDirection side, GasStack stack) { return receiveGas(side, stack, true); } @Override @Method(modid = GasUtil.API_NAME) public int receiveGas(ForgeDirection side, GasStack stack, boolean doTransfer) { if(network == null || !getConnectionMode(side).acceptsInput()) { return 0; } return network.fill(side, stack, doTransfer); } @Override @Deprecated @Method(modid = GasUtil.API_NAME) public GasStack drawGas(ForgeDirection side, int amount) { return drawGas(side, amount, true); } @Override @Method(modid = GasUtil.API_NAME) public GasStack drawGas(ForgeDirection side, int amount, boolean doTransfer) { if(network == null || !getConnectionMode(side).acceptsOutput()) { return null; } return network.drain(side, amount, doTransfer); } @Override @Method(modid = GasUtil.API_NAME) public boolean canReceiveGas(ForgeDirection from, Gas gas) { if(network == null) { return false; } return getConnectionMode(from).acceptsInput() && GasConduitNetwork.areGassCompatable(getGasType(), new GasStack(gas, 0)); } @Override @Method(modid = GasUtil.API_NAME) public boolean canDrawGas(ForgeDirection from, Gas gas) { if(network == null) { return false; } return getConnectionMode(from).acceptsOutput() && GasConduitNetwork.areGassCompatable(getGasType(), new GasStack(gas, 0)); } @Override protected boolean canJoinNeighbour(IGasConduit n) { return n instanceof GasConduit; } @Override public AbstractGasTankConduitNetwork<? extends AbstractGasTankConduit> getTankNetwork() { return network; } }