package appeng.api.definitions; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import; /** * Interface to compare a definition with an itemstack or a block * * @author thatsIch * @version rv2 * @since rv2 */ public interface IComparableDefinition { /** * Compare {@link ItemStack} with this * * @param comparableStack compared item * * @return true if the item stack is a matching item. */ boolean isSameAs( ItemStack comparableStack ); /** * Compare Block with world. * * @param world world of block * @param x x pos of block * @param y y pos of block * @param z z pos of block * * @return if the block is placed in the world at the specific location. * * @deprecated moved to {@link IBlockDefinition}. Is removed in the next major release rv3 */ @Deprecated boolean isSameAs( IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z ); }