package cofh.api.item; import java.util.Set; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; public interface IAugmentItem { /** * Get the augmentation level for a given Augment and Augment Type. * * @param stack * ItemStack representing the Augment. * @param type * String containing the Augment type name. * @return The Augment level of the stack for the requested type - 0 if it does not affect that attribute. */ int getAugmentLevel(ItemStack stack, String type); /** * Get the Augment Types for a given Augment. Set ensure that there are no duplicates. * * @param stack * ItemStack representing the Augment. * @return Set of the Augmentation Types. Should return an empty set if there are none (but this would be really stupid to make). DO NOT RETURN NULL. */ Set<String> getAugmentTypes(ItemStack stack); }