package crazypants.enderio.config; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration; import com.enderio.core.common.event.ConfigFileChangedEvent; import com.enderio.core.common.vecmath.VecmathUtil; import cpw.mods.fml.client.event.ConfigChangedEvent.OnConfigChangedEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLPreInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.gameevent.PlayerEvent.PlayerLoggedInEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; import cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.Side; import crazypants.enderio.EnderIO; import crazypants.enderio.Log; import; public final class Config { public static class Section { public final String name; public final String lang; public Section(String name, String lang) { = name; this.lang = lang; register(); } private void register() { sections.add(this); } public String lc() { return name.toLowerCase(Locale.US); } } public static final List<Section> sections; static { sections = new ArrayList<Section>(); } public static Configuration config; public static final Section sectionPower = new Section("Power Settings", "power"); public static final Section sectionRecipe = new Section("Recipe Settings", "recipe"); public static final Section sectionItems = new Section("Item Enabling", "item"); public static final Section sectionEfficiency = new Section("Efficiency Settings", "efficiency"); public static final Section sectionPersonal = new Section("Personal Settings", "personal"); public static final Section sectionAnchor = new Section("Anchor Settings", "anchor"); public static final Section sectionStaff = new Section("Staff Settings", "staff"); public static final Section sectionDarkSteel = new Section("Dark Steel", "darksteel"); public static final Section sectionFarm = new Section("Farm Settings", "farm"); public static final Section sectionAesthetic = new Section("Aesthetic Settings", "aesthetic"); public static final Section sectionAdvanced = new Section("Advanced Settings", "advanced"); public static final Section sectionMagnet = new Section("Magnet Settings", "magnet"); public static final Section sectionFluid = new Section("Fluid Settings", "fluid"); public static final Section sectionSpawner = new Section("PoweredSpawner Settings", "spawner"); public static final Section sectionKiller = new Section("Killer Joe Settings", "killerjoe"); public static final Section sectionSoulBinder = new Section("Soul Binder Settings", "soulBinder"); public static final Section sectionAttractor = new Section("Mob Attractor Settings", "attractor"); public static final Section sectionLootConfig = new Section("Loot Config", "lootconfig"); public static final Section sectionMobConfig = new Section("Mob Config", "mobconfig"); public static final Section sectionRailConfig = new Section("Rail", "railconfig"); public static final Section sectionEnchantments = new Section("Enchantments", "enchantments"); public static final Section sectionWeather = new Section("Weather", "weather"); public static final Section sectionTelepad = new Section("Telepad", "telepad"); public static final Section sectionInventoryPanel = new Section("InventoryPanel", "inventorypanel"); public static final Section sectionMisc = new Section("Misc", "misc"); public static final double DEFAULT_CONDUIT_SCALE = 0.6; public static boolean reinforcedObsidianEnabled = true; public static boolean reinforcedObsidianUseDarkSteelBlocks = false; public static boolean useAlternateBinderRecipe = false; public static boolean useAlternateTesseractModel = false; public static boolean photovoltaicCellEnabled = true; public static boolean reservoirEnabled = true; public static double conduitScale = DEFAULT_CONDUIT_SCALE; public static int numConduitsPerRecipe = 8; public static boolean transceiverEnabled = true; public static double transceiverEnergyLoss = 0.1; public static int transceiverUpkeepCostRF = 10; public static int transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF = 100; public static int transceiverMaxIoRF = 20480; public static boolean transceiverUseEasyRecipe = false; public static File configDirectory; public static boolean useHardRecipes = false; public static boolean addPeacefulRecipes = false; public static boolean allowExternalTickSpeedup = true; public static boolean crateSyntheticRecipes = true; public static boolean useSteelInChassi = false; public static boolean detailedPowerTrackingEnabled = false; public static boolean useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench = true; public static boolean useSneakRightClickYetaWrench = false; public static int yetaWrenchOverlayMode = 0; public static boolean itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance = false; public static int enderFluidConduitExtractRate = 200; public static int enderFluidConduitMaxIoRate = 800; public static int advancedFluidConduitExtractRate = 100; public static int advancedFluidConduitMaxIoRate = 400; public static int fluidConduitExtractRate = 50; public static int fluidConduitMaxIoRate = 200; public static int gasConduitExtractRate = 200; public static int gasConduitMaxIoRate = 800; public static boolean updateLightingWhenHidingFacades = false; public static boolean travelAnchorEnabled = true; public static int travelAnchorMaxDistance = 48; public static int travelAnchorCooldown = 0; public static boolean travelAnchorSneak = true; public static boolean travelAnchorSkipWarning = true; public static int travelStaffMaxDistance = 128; public static float travelStaffPowerPerBlockRF = 250; public static int travelStaffMaxBlinkDistance = 16; public static int travelStaffBlinkPauseTicks = 10; public static boolean travelStaffEnabled = true; public static boolean travelStaffBlinkEnabled = true; public static boolean travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled = true; public static boolean travelStaffBlinkThroughClearBlocksEnabled = true; public static boolean travelStaffBlinkThroughUnbreakableBlocksEnabled = false; public static String[] travelStaffBlinkBlackList = new String[] { "minecraft:bedrock", "Thaumcraft:blockWarded" }; public static float travelAnchorZoomScale = 0.2f; public static int enderIoRange = 8; public static boolean enderIoMeAccessEnabled = true; public static double[] darkSteelPowerDamgeAbsorptionRatios = {0.5, 0.6, 0.75, 0.95}; public static int darkSteelPowerStorageBase = 100000; public static int darkSteelPowerStorageLevelOne = 150000; public static int darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo = 250000; public static int darkSteelPowerStorageLevelThree = 1000000; public static float darkSteelSpeedOneWalkModifier = 0.1f; public static float darkSteelSpeedTwoWalkMultiplier = 0.2f; public static float darkSteelSpeedThreeWalkMultiplier = 0.3f; public static float darkSteelSpeedOneSprintModifier = 0.1f; public static float darkSteelSpeedTwoSprintMultiplier = 0.3f; public static float darkSteelSpeedThreeSprintMultiplier = 0.5f; public static int darkSteelSpeedOneCost = 10; public static int darkSteelSpeedTwoCost = 15; public static int darkSteelSpeedThreeCost = 20; public static double darkSteelBootsJumpModifier = 1.5; public static int darkSteelJumpOneCost = 10; public static int darkSteelJumpTwoCost = 15; public static int darkSteelJumpThreeCost = 20; public static boolean slotZeroPlacesEight = true; public static int darkSteelWalkPowerCost = darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo / 3000; public static int darkSteelSprintPowerCost = darkSteelWalkPowerCost * 4; public static boolean darkSteelDrainPowerFromInventory = false; public static int darkSteelBootsJumpPowerCost = 150; public static int darkSteelFallDistanceCost = 75; public static float darkSteelSwordWitherSkullChance = 0.05f; public static float darkSteelSwordWitherSkullLootingModifier = 0.05f; public static float darkSteelSwordSkullChance = 0.1f; public static float darkSteelSwordSkullLootingModifier = 0.075f; public static float vanillaSwordSkullLootingModifier = 0.05f; public static float vanillaSwordSkullChance = 0.05f; public static float ticCleaverSkullDropChance = 0.1f; public static float ticBeheadingSkullModifier = 0.075f; public static float fakePlayerSkullChance = 0.5f; public static int darkSteelSwordPowerUsePerHit = 750; public static double darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChance = 1; public static double darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChancePerLooting = 0.5; public static int darkSteelPickEffeciencyObsidian = 50; public static int darkSteelPickPowerUseObsidian = 10000; public static float darkSteelPickApplyObsidianEffeciencyAtHardess = 40; public static int darkSteelPickPowerUsePerDamagePoint = 750; public static float darkSteelPickEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered = 2; public static boolean darkSteelPickMinesTiCArdite = true; public static int darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePoint = 750; public static int darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePointMultiHarvest = 1500; public static float darkSteelAxeEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered = 2; public static float darkSteelAxeSpeedPenaltyMultiHarvest = 4; public static int darkSteelShearsDurabilityFactor = 5; public static int darkSteelShearsPowerUsePerDamagePoint = 250; public static float darkSteelShearsEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered = 2.0f; public static int darkSteelShearsBlockAreaBoostWhenPowered = 2; public static float darkSteelShearsEntityAreaBoostWhenPowered = 3.0f; public static int darkSteelUpgradeVibrantCost = 10; public static int darkSteelUpgradePowerOneCost = 10; public static int darkSteelUpgradePowerTwoCost = 15; public static int darkSteelUpgradePowerThreeCost = 20; public static int darkSteelGliderCost = 10; public static double darkSteelGliderHorizontalSpeed = 0.03; public static double darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeed = -0.05; public static double darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeedSprinting = -0.15; public static int darkSteelGogglesOfRevealingCost = 10; public static int darkSteelApiaristArmorCost = 10; public static int darkSteelSwimCost = 10; public static int darkSteelNightVisionCost = 10; public static int darkSteelSoundLocatorCost = 10; public static int darkSteelSoundLocatorRange = 40; public static int darkSteelSoundLocatorLifespan = 40; public static int darkSteelTravelCost = 30; public static int darkSteelSpoonCost = 10; public static int darkSteelSolarOneGen = 10; public static int darkSteelSolarOneCost = 15; public static int darkSteelSolarTwoGen = 40; public static int darkSteelSolarTwoCost = 30; public static boolean darkSteelSolarChargeOthers = true; public static float darkSteelAnvilDamageChance = 0.024f; public static float darkSteelLadderSpeedBoost = 0.06f; public static int hootchPowerPerCycleRF = 60; public static int hootchPowerTotalBurnTime = 6000; public static int rocketFuelPowerPerCycleRF = 160; public static int rocketFuelPowerTotalBurnTime = 7000; public static int fireWaterPowerPerCycleRF = 80; public static int fireWaterPowerTotalBurnTime = 15000; public static int vatPowerUserPerTickRF = 20; public static int maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF = 10; public static int maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF = 40; public static int zombieGeneratorRfPerTick = 80; public static int zombieGeneratorTicksPerBucketFuel = 10000; public static int stirlingGeneratorBaseRfPerTick = 20; public static float stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT1 = 1f; public static float stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT2 = 2f; public static float stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT3 = 4f; public static float stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT1 = 1f / 2f; public static float stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT2 = 1f / 1.5f; public static float stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT3 = 1f / 1.5f; public static boolean combustionGeneratorUseOpaqueModel = true; public static boolean addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers = true; public static boolean addFurnaceFuelTootip = true; public static boolean addDurabilityTootip = true; public static int farmContinuousEnergyUseRF = 40; public static int farmActionEnergyUseRF = 500; public static int farmAxeActionEnergyUseRF = 1000; public static int farmBonemealActionEnergyUseRF = 160; public static int farmBonemealTryEnergyUseRF = 80; public static int farmDefaultSize = 3; public static int farmBonusSize = 2; public static boolean farmAxeDamageOnLeafBreak = false; public static float farmToolTakeDamageChance = 1; public static boolean disableFarmNotification = false; public static boolean farmEssenceBerriesEnabled = true; public static boolean farmManaBeansEnabled = false; public static boolean farmHarvestJungleWhenCocoa = false; public static String[] hoeStrings = new String[] { "minecraft:wooden_hoe", "minecraft:stone_hoe", "minecraft:iron_hoe", "minecraft:diamond_hoe", "minecraft:golden_hoe", "MekanismTools:ObsidianHoe", "MekanismTools:LapisLazuliHoe", "MekanismTools:OsmiumHoe", "MekanismTools:BronzeHoe", "MekanismTools:GlowstoneHoe", "MekanismTools:SteelHoe", "Steamcraft:hoeBrass", "Steamcraft:hoeGildedGold", "Railcraft:tool.steel.hoe", "TConstruct:mattock", "appliedenergistics2:item.ToolCertusQuartzHoe", "appliedenergistics2:item.ToolNetherQuartzHoe", "ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.hoeruby", "ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.hoesapphire", "ProjRed|Exploration:projectred.exploration.hoeperidot", "magicalcrops:magicalcrops_AccioHoe", "magicalcrops:magicalcrops_CrucioHoe", "magicalcrops:magicalcrops_ImperioHoe", // disabled as it is currently not unbreaking as advertised "magicalcrops:magicalcrops_ZivicioHoe", "magicalcrops:magicalcropsarmor_AccioHoe", "magicalcrops:magicalcropsarmor_CrucioHoe", "magicalcrops:magicalcropsarmor_ImperioHoe", "BiomesOPlenty:hoeAmethyst", "BiomesOPlenty:hoeMud", "Eln:Eln.Copper Hoe", "Thaumcraft:ItemHoeThaumium", "Thaumcraft:ItemHoeElemental", "Thaumcraft:ItemHoeVoid", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeInvar", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeCopper", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeBronze", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeSilver", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeElectrum", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeTin", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeLead", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoeNickel", "ThermalFoundation:tool.hoePlatinum", "TwilightForest:item.steeleafHoe", "TwilightForest:item.ironwoodHoe", "IC2:itemToolBronzeHoe" }; public static List<ItemStack> farmHoes = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); public static int farmSaplingReserveAmount = 8; public static int magnetPowerUsePerSecondRF = 1; public static int magnetPowerCapacityRF = 100000; public static int magnetRange = 5; public static String[] magnetBlacklist = new String[] { "appliedenergistics2:item.ItemCrystalSeed", "Botania:livingrock", "Botania:manaTablet" }; public static int magnetMaxItems = 20; public static boolean magnetAllowInMainInventory = false; public static boolean magnetAllowInBaublesSlot = true; public static boolean magnetAllowDeactivatedInBaublesSlot = false; public static boolean magnetAllowPowerExtraction = false; public static String magnetBaublesType = "AMULET"; public static boolean useCombustionGenModel = false; public static int crafterRfPerCraft = 2500; public static int capacitorBankMaxIoRF = 5000; public static int capacitorBankMaxStorageRF = 5000000; public static int capacitorBankTierOneMaxIoRF = 1000; public static int capacitorBankTierOneMaxStorageRF = 1000000; public static int capacitorBankTierTwoMaxIoRF = 5000; public static int capacitorBankTierTwoMaxStorageRF = 5000000; public static int capacitorBankTierThreeMaxIoRF = 25000; public static int capacitorBankTierThreeMaxStorageRF = 25000000; public static int poweredSpawnerMinDelayTicks = 200; public static int poweredSpawnerMaxDelayTicks = 800; public static int poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF = 160; public static int poweredSpawnerLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF = 500; public static int poweredSpawnerLevelThreePowerPerTickRF = 1500; public static int poweredSpawnerMaxPlayerDistance = 0; public static int poweredSpawnerDespawnTimeSeconds = 120; public static int poweredSpawnerSpawnCount = 4; public static int poweredSpawnerSpawnRange = 4; public static int poweredSpawnerMaxNearbyEntities = 6; public static int poweredSpawnerMaxSpawnTries = 3; public static boolean poweredSpawnerUseVanillaSpawChecks = false; public static double brokenSpawnerDropChance = 1; public static String[] brokenSpawnerToolBlacklist = new String[] { "RotaryCraft:rotarycraft_item_bedpick" }; public static int powerSpawnerAddSpawnerCost = 30; public static int painterEnergyPerTaskRF = 2000; public static int vacuumChestRange = 6; public static boolean useModMetals = true; public static int wirelessChargerRange = 24; public static long nutrientFoodBoostDelay = 400; public static int enchanterBaseLevelCost = 4; public static boolean machineSoundsEnabled = true; public static float machineSoundVolume = 1.0f; public static int killerJoeNutrientUsePerAttackMb = 5; public static double killerJoeAttackHeight = 2; public static double killerJoeAttackWidth = 2; public static double killerJoeAttackLength = 4; public static double killerJoeHooverXpWidth = 5; public static double killerJoeHooverXpLength = 10; public static int killerJoeMaxXpLevel = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static boolean killerJoeMustSee = false; public static boolean killerPvPoffDisablesSwing = false; public static boolean killerPvPoffIsIgnored = false; public static boolean allowTileEntitiesAsPaintSource = true; public static boolean isGasConduitEnabled = true; public static boolean enableMEConduits = true; public static boolean enableOCConduits = true; public static boolean enableOCConduitsAnimatedTexture = true; public static String[] soulVesselBlackList = new String[0]; public static boolean soulVesselCapturesBosses = false; public static int soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF = 500; public static int soulBinderLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF = 1000; public static int soulBinderLevelThreePowerPerTickRF = 2000; public static int soulBinderBrokenSpawnerRF = 2500000; public static int soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels = 15; public static int soulBinderReanimationRF = 100000; public static int soulBinderReanimationLevels = 10; public static int soulBinderEnderCystalRF = 100000; public static int soulBinderEnderCystalLevels = 10; public static int soulBinderAttractorCystalRF = 100000; public static int soulBinderAttractorCystalLevels = 10; public static int soulBinderEnderRailRF = 100000; public static int soulBinderEnderRailLevels = 10; public static int soulBinderMaxXpLevel = 40; public static boolean powerConduitCanDifferentTiersConnect = false; public static int powerConduitTierOneRF = 640; public static int powerConduitTierTwoRF = 5120; public static int powerConduitTierThreeRF = 20480; public static boolean powerConduitOutputMJ = true; public static int sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF = 80; public static int sliceAndSpliceLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF = 160; public static int sliceAndSpliceLevelThreePowerPerTickRF = 320; public static boolean soulBinderRequiresEndermanSkull = true; public static int attractorRangeLevelOne = 16; public static int attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne = 20; public static int attractorRangeLevelTwo = 32; public static int attractorPowerPerTickLevelTwo = 40; public static int attractorRangeLevelThree = 64; public static int attractorPowerPerTickLevelThree = 80; public static int spawnGuardRangeLevelOne = 64; public static int spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne = 80; public static int spawnGuardRangeLevelTwo = 96; public static int spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelTwo = 300; public static int spawnGuardRangeLevelThree = 160; public static int spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelThree = 800; public static boolean spawnGuardStopAllSlimesDebug = false; public static boolean spawnGuardStopAllSquidSpawning = false; public static int weatherObeliskClearFluid = 2000; public static int weatherObeliskRainFluid = 500; public static int weatherObeliskThunderFluid = 1000; //Loot Defaults public static boolean lootDarkSteel = true; public static boolean lootItemConduitProbe = true; public static boolean lootQuartz = true; public static boolean lootNetherWart = true; public static boolean lootEnderPearl = true; public static boolean lootElectricSteel = true; public static boolean lootRedstoneAlloy = true; public static boolean lootPhasedIron = true; public static boolean lootPhasedGold = true; public static boolean lootTravelStaff = true; public static boolean lootTheEnder = true; public static boolean lootDarkSteelBoots = true; public static boolean dumpMobNames = false; public static boolean enderRailEnabled = true; public static int enderRailPowerRequireCrossDimensions = 10000; public static int enderRailPowerRequiredPerBlock = 10; public static boolean enderRailCapSameDimensionPowerAtCrossDimensionCost = true; public static int enderRailTicksBeforeForceSpawningLinkedCarts = 60; public static boolean enderRailTeleportPlayers = false; public static int xpObeliskMaxXpLevel = Integer.MAX_VALUE; public static String xpJuiceName = "xpjuice"; public static boolean clearGlassSameTexture = false; public static boolean clearGlassConnectToFusedQuartz = false; public static int enchantmentSoulBoundId = -1; public static int enchantmentSoulBoundWeight = 1; public static boolean enchantmentSoulBoundEnabled = true; public static boolean replaceWitherSkeletons = true; public static boolean enableWaterFromBottles = true; public static boolean telepadLockDimension = true; public static boolean telepadLockCoords = true; public static int telepadPowerCoefficient = 100000; public static int telepadPowerInterdimensional = 100000; public static int telepadPowerPerTickRF = 1000; public static int telepadPowerStorageRF = 100000; public static boolean inventoryPanelFree = false;; public static float inventoryPanelPowerPerMB = 800.0f; public static float inventoryPanelScanCostPerSlot = 0.1f; public static float inventoryPanelExtractCostPerItem = 12.0f; public static float inventoryPanelExtractCostPerOperation = 32.0f; public static void load(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { PacketHandler.INSTANCE.registerMessage(PacketConfigSync.class, PacketConfigSync.class, PacketHandler.nextID(), Side.CLIENT); FMLCommonHandler.instance().bus().register(new Config()); configDirectory = new File(event.getModConfigurationDirectory(), EnderIO.DOMAIN); if(!configDirectory.exists()) { configDirectory.mkdir(); } File configFile = new File(configDirectory, "EnderIO.cfg"); config = new Configuration(configFile); syncConfig(false); } public static void syncConfig(boolean load) { try { if (load) { config.load(); } Config.processConfig(config); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("EnderIO has a problem loading it's configuration"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(config.hasChanged()) {; } } } @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigChanged(OnConfigChangedEvent event) { if (event.modID.equals(EnderIO.MODID)) {"Updating config..."); syncConfig(false); init(); postInit(); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onConfigFileChanged(ConfigFileChangedEvent event) { if (event.modID.equals(EnderIO.MODID)) {"Updating config..."); syncConfig(true); event.setSuccessful(); init(); postInit(); } } @SubscribeEvent public void onPlayerLoggon(PlayerLoggedInEvent evt) { PacketHandler.INSTANCE.sendTo(new PacketConfigSync(), (EntityPlayerMP) evt.player); } public static void processConfig(Configuration config) { capacitorBankMaxIoRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankMaxIoRF", capacitorBankMaxIoRF, "The maximum IO for a single capacitor in RF/t") .getInt(capacitorBankMaxIoRF); capacitorBankMaxStorageRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankMaxStorageRF", capacitorBankMaxStorageRF, "The maximum storage for a single capacitor in RF") .getInt(capacitorBankMaxStorageRF); capacitorBankTierOneMaxIoRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankTierOneMaxIoRF", capacitorBankTierOneMaxIoRF, "The maximum IO for a single tier one capacitor in RF/t") .getInt(capacitorBankTierOneMaxIoRF); capacitorBankTierOneMaxStorageRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankTierOneMaxStorageRF", capacitorBankTierOneMaxStorageRF, "The maximum storage for a single tier one capacitor in RF") .getInt(capacitorBankTierOneMaxStorageRF); capacitorBankTierTwoMaxIoRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankTierTwoMaxIoRF", capacitorBankTierTwoMaxIoRF, "The maximum IO for a single tier two capacitor in RF/t") .getInt(capacitorBankTierTwoMaxIoRF); capacitorBankTierTwoMaxStorageRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankTierTwoMaxStorageRF", capacitorBankTierTwoMaxStorageRF, "The maximum storage for a single tier two capacitor in RF") .getInt(capacitorBankTierTwoMaxStorageRF); capacitorBankTierThreeMaxIoRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankTierThreeMaxIoRF", capacitorBankTierThreeMaxIoRF, "The maximum IO for a single tier three capacitor in RF/t") .getInt(capacitorBankTierThreeMaxIoRF); capacitorBankTierThreeMaxStorageRF = config.get(, "capacitorBankTierThreeMaxStorageRF", capacitorBankTierThreeMaxStorageRF, "The maximum storage for a single tier three capacitor in RF") .getInt(capacitorBankTierThreeMaxStorageRF); powerConduitTierOneRF = config.get(, "powerConduitTierOneRF", powerConduitTierOneRF, "The maximum IO for the tier 1 power conduit") .getInt(powerConduitTierOneRF); powerConduitTierTwoRF = config.get(, "powerConduitTierTwoRF", powerConduitTierTwoRF, "The maximum IO for the tier 2 power conduit") .getInt(powerConduitTierTwoRF); powerConduitTierThreeRF = config.get(, "powerConduitTierThreeRF", powerConduitTierThreeRF, "The maximum IO for the tier 3 power conduit") .getInt(powerConduitTierThreeRF); powerConduitCanDifferentTiersConnect = config .getBoolean("powerConduitCanDifferentTiersConnect",, powerConduitCanDifferentTiersConnect, "If set to false power conduits of different tiers cannot be connected. in this case a block such as a cap. bank is needed to bridge different tiered networks"); powerConduitOutputMJ = config.getBoolean("powerConduitOutputMJ",, powerConduitOutputMJ, "When set to true power conduits will output MJ if RF is not supported"); painterEnergyPerTaskRF = config.get(, "painterEnergyPerTaskRF", painterEnergyPerTaskRF, "The total amount of RF required to paint one block") .getInt(painterEnergyPerTaskRF); useHardRecipes = config.get(, "useHardRecipes", useHardRecipes, "When enabled machines cost significantly more.") .getBoolean(useHardRecipes); addPeacefulRecipes = config.get(, "addPeacefulRecipes", addPeacefulRecipes, "When enabled peaceful recipes are added for soulbinder based crafting components.") .getBoolean(addPeacefulRecipes); soulBinderRequiresEndermanSkull = config.getBoolean("soulBinderRequiresEndermanSkull",, soulBinderRequiresEndermanSkull, "When true the Soul Binder requires an Enderman Skull to craft"); allowTileEntitiesAsPaintSource = config.get(, "allowTileEntitiesAsPaintSource", allowTileEntitiesAsPaintSource, "When enabled blocks with tile entities (e.g. machines) can be used as paint targets.") .getBoolean(allowTileEntitiesAsPaintSource); useSteelInChassi = config.get(, "useSteelInChassi", useSteelInChassi, "When enabled machine chassis will require steel instead of iron.") .getBoolean(useSteelInChassi); numConduitsPerRecipe = config.get(, "numConduitsPerRecipe", numConduitsPerRecipe, "The number of conduits crafted per recipe.").getInt(numConduitsPerRecipe); transceiverUseEasyRecipe= config.get(, "transceiverUseEasyRecipe", transceiverUseEasyRecipe, "When enabled the dim trans. will use a cheaper recipe") .getBoolean(useHardRecipes); crateSyntheticRecipes = config .get(, "crateSyntheticRecipes", crateSyntheticRecipes, "Automatically create alloy smelter recipes with double and triple inputs and different slot allocations (1+1+1, 2+1, 1+2, 3 and 2) for single-input recipes.") .getBoolean(crateSyntheticRecipes); allowExternalTickSpeedup = config.get(, "allowExternalTickSpeedup", allowExternalTickSpeedup, "Allows machines to run faster if another mod speeds up the tickrate. Running at higher tickrates is " + "unsupported. Disable this if you run into any kind of problem.") .getBoolean(allowExternalTickSpeedup); enchanterBaseLevelCost = config.get(, "enchanterBaseLevelCost", enchanterBaseLevelCost, "Base level cost added to all recipes in the enchanter.").getInt(enchanterBaseLevelCost); photovoltaicCellEnabled = config.get(, "photovoltaicCellEnabled", photovoltaicCellEnabled, "If set to false: Photovoltaic Cells will not be craftable.") .getBoolean(photovoltaicCellEnabled); reservoirEnabled= config.get(, "reservoirEnabled", reservoirEnabled, "If set to false reservoirs will not be craftable.") .getBoolean(reservoirEnabled); transceiverEnabled = config.get(, "transceiverEnabled", transceiverEnabled, "If set to false: Dimensional Transceivers will not be craftable.") .getBoolean(transceiverEnabled); maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF = config.get(, "maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF", maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF, "Maximum output in RF/t of the Photovoltaic Panels.").getInt(maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF); maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF = config.get(, "maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF", maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF, "Maximum output in RF/t of the Advanced Photovoltaic Panels.").getInt(maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF); useAlternateBinderRecipe = config.get(, "useAlternateBinderRecipe", false, "Create conduit binder in crafting table instead of furnace") .getBoolean(useAlternateBinderRecipe); conduitScale = config.get(, "conduitScale", DEFAULT_CONDUIT_SCALE, "Valid values are between 0-1, smallest conduits at 0, largest at 1.\n" + "In SMP, all clients must be using the same value as the server.").getDouble(DEFAULT_CONDUIT_SCALE); conduitScale = VecmathUtil.clamp(conduitScale, 0, 1); wirelessChargerRange = config.get(, "wirelessChargerRange", wirelessChargerRange, "The range of the wireless charger").getInt(wirelessChargerRange); fluidConduitExtractRate = config.get(, "fluidConduitExtractRate", fluidConduitExtractRate, "Number of millibuckets per tick extracted by a fluid conduits auto extracting").getInt(fluidConduitExtractRate); fluidConduitMaxIoRate = config.get(, "fluidConduitMaxIoRate", fluidConduitMaxIoRate, "Number of millibuckets per tick that can pass through a single connection to a fluid conduit.").getInt(fluidConduitMaxIoRate); advancedFluidConduitExtractRate = config.get(, "advancedFluidConduitExtractRate", advancedFluidConduitExtractRate, "Number of millibuckets per tick extracted by pressurized fluid conduits auto extracting").getInt(advancedFluidConduitExtractRate); advancedFluidConduitMaxIoRate = config.get(, "advancedFluidConduitMaxIoRate", advancedFluidConduitMaxIoRate, "Number of millibuckets per tick that can pass through a single connection to an pressurized fluid conduit.").getInt(advancedFluidConduitMaxIoRate); enderFluidConduitExtractRate = config.get(, "enderFluidConduitExtractRate", enderFluidConduitExtractRate, "Number of millibuckets per tick extracted by ender fluid conduits auto extracting").getInt(enderFluidConduitExtractRate); enderFluidConduitMaxIoRate = config.get(, "enderFluidConduitMaxIoRate", enderFluidConduitMaxIoRate, "Number of millibuckets per tick that can pass through a single connection to an ender fluid conduit.").getInt(enderFluidConduitMaxIoRate); gasConduitExtractRate = config.get(, "gasConduitExtractRate", gasConduitExtractRate, "Amount of gas per tick extracted by gas conduits auto extracting").getInt(gasConduitExtractRate); gasConduitMaxIoRate = config.get(, "gasConduitMaxIoRate", gasConduitMaxIoRate, "Amount of gas per tick that can pass through a single connection to a gas conduit.").getInt(gasConduitMaxIoRate); useAlternateTesseractModel = config.get(, "useAlternateTransceiverModel", useAlternateTesseractModel, "Use TheKazador's alternative model for the Dimensional Transceiver") .getBoolean(false); transceiverEnergyLoss = config.get(, "transceiverEnergyLoss", transceiverEnergyLoss, "Amount of energy lost when transfered by Dimensional Transceiver; 0 is no loss, 1 is 100% loss").getDouble(transceiverEnergyLoss); transceiverUpkeepCostRF = config.get(, "transceiverUpkeepCostRF", transceiverUpkeepCostRF, "Number of RF/t required to keep a Dimensional Transceiver connection open").getInt(transceiverUpkeepCostRF); transceiverMaxIoRF = config.get(, "transceiverMaxIoRF", transceiverMaxIoRF, "Maximum RF/t sent and received by a Dimensional Transceiver per tick. Input and output limits are not cumulative").getInt(transceiverMaxIoRF); transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF = config.get(, "transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF", transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF, "The cost in RF of transporting a bucket of fluid via a Dimensional Transceiver.").getInt(transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF); vatPowerUserPerTickRF = config.get(, "vatPowerUserPerTickRF", vatPowerUserPerTickRF, "Power use (RF/t) used by the vat.").getInt(vatPowerUserPerTickRF); detailedPowerTrackingEnabled = config .get(, "perInterfacePowerTrackingEnabled", detailedPowerTrackingEnabled, "Enable per tick sampling on individual power inputs and outputs. This allows slightly more detailed messages from the RF Reader but has a negative impact on server performance.") .getBoolean(detailedPowerTrackingEnabled); useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench = config.get(, "useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench", useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench, "If true, shift-mouse wheel will change the conduit display mode when the YetaWrench is equipped.") .getBoolean(useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench); useSneakRightClickYetaWrench = config.get(, "useSneakRightClickYetaWrench", useSneakRightClickYetaWrench, "If true, shift-clicking the YetaWrench on a null or non wrenchable object will change the conduit display mode.").getBoolean( useSneakRightClickYetaWrench); yetaWrenchOverlayMode = config.getInt("yetaWrenchOverlayMode",, yetaWrenchOverlayMode, 0, 2, "What kind of overlay to use when holding the yeta wrench\n\n" + "0 - Sideways scrolling in ceter of screen\n" + "1 - Vertical icon bar in bottom right\n" + "2 - Old-style group of icons in bottom right"); machineSoundsEnabled = config.get(, "useMachineSounds", machineSoundsEnabled, "If true, machines will make sounds.").getBoolean( machineSoundsEnabled); machineSoundVolume = (float) config.get(, "machineSoundVolume", machineSoundVolume, "Volume of machine sounds.").getDouble( machineSoundVolume); itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance = config.get(, "itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance", itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance, "If true, " + "'line of sight' distance rather than conduit path distance is used to calculate priorities.") .getBoolean(itemConduitUsePhyscialDistance); vacuumChestRange = config.get(, "vacumChestRange", vacuumChestRange, "The range of the vacuum chest").getInt(vacuumChestRange); reinforcedObsidianEnabled = config.get(, "reinforcedObsidianEnabled", reinforcedObsidianEnabled, "When set to false reinforced obsidian is not craftable.").getBoolean(reinforcedObsidianEnabled); reinforcedObsidianUseDarkSteelBlocks = config.get(, "reinforcedObsidianUseDarkSteelBlocks", reinforcedObsidianUseDarkSteelBlocks, "When set to true four dark steel blocks are required instead of ingots when making reinforced obsidian.").getBoolean(reinforcedObsidianUseDarkSteelBlocks); travelAnchorEnabled = config.get(, "travelAnchorEnabled", travelAnchorEnabled, "When set to false: the travel anchor will not be craftable.").getBoolean(travelAnchorEnabled); travelAnchorMaxDistance = config.get(, "travelAnchorMaxDistance", travelAnchorMaxDistance, "Maximum number of blocks that can be traveled from one travel anchor to another.").getInt(travelAnchorMaxDistance); travelAnchorCooldown = config.get(, "travelAnchorCooldown", travelAnchorCooldown, "Number of ticks cooldown between activations (1 sec = 20 ticks)").getInt(travelAnchorCooldown); travelAnchorSneak = config.get(, "travelAnchorSneak", travelAnchorSneak, "Add sneak as an option to activate travel anchors").getBoolean(travelAnchorSneak); travelAnchorSkipWarning = config.get(, "travelAnchorSkipWarning", travelAnchorSkipWarning, "Travel Anchors send a chat warning when skipping inaccessible anchors").getBoolean(travelAnchorSkipWarning); travelStaffMaxDistance = config.get(, "travelStaffMaxDistance", travelStaffMaxDistance, "Maximum number of blocks that can be traveled using the Staff of Traveling.").getInt(travelStaffMaxDistance); travelStaffPowerPerBlockRF = (float) config.get(, "travelStaffPowerPerBlockRF", travelStaffPowerPerBlockRF, "Number of RF required per block traveled using the Staff of Traveling.").getDouble(travelStaffPowerPerBlockRF); travelStaffMaxBlinkDistance = config.get(, "travelStaffMaxBlinkDistance", travelStaffMaxBlinkDistance, "Max number of blocks teleported when shift clicking the staff.").getInt(travelStaffMaxBlinkDistance); travelStaffBlinkPauseTicks = config.get(, "travelStaffBlinkPauseTicks", travelStaffBlinkPauseTicks, "Minimum number of ticks between 'blinks'. Values of 10 or less allow a limited sort of flight.").getInt(travelStaffBlinkPauseTicks); travelStaffEnabled = config.get(, "travelStaffEnabled", travelAnchorEnabled, "If set to false: the travel staff will not be craftable.").getBoolean(travelStaffEnabled); travelStaffBlinkEnabled = config.get(, "travelStaffBlinkEnabled", travelStaffBlinkEnabled, "If set to false: the travel staff can not be used to shift-right click teleport, or blink.").getBoolean(travelStaffBlinkEnabled); travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled = config.get(, "travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled", travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled, "If set to false: the travel staff can be used to blink through any block.").getBoolean(travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled); travelStaffBlinkThroughClearBlocksEnabled = config .get(, "travelStaffBlinkThroughClearBlocksEnabled", travelStaffBlinkThroughClearBlocksEnabled, "If travelStaffBlinkThroughSolidBlocksEnabled is set to false and this is true: the travel " + "staff can only be used to blink through transparent or partial blocks (e.g. torches). " + "If both are false: only air blocks may be teleported through.") .getBoolean(travelStaffBlinkThroughClearBlocksEnabled); travelStaffBlinkThroughUnbreakableBlocksEnabled = config.get(, "travelStaffBlinkThroughUnbreakableBlocksEnabled", travelStaffBlinkThroughUnbreakableBlocksEnabled, "Allows the travel staff to blink through unbreakable blocks such as warded blocks and bedrock.") .getBoolean(); travelStaffBlinkBlackList = config.getStringList("travelStaffBlinkBlackList",, travelStaffBlinkBlackList, "Lists the blocks that cannot be teleported through in the form 'modID:blockName'"); travelAnchorZoomScale = config.getFloat("travelAnchorZoomScale",, travelAnchorZoomScale, 0, 1, "Set the max zoomed size of a travel anchor as an aprox. percentage of screen height"); enderIoRange = config.get(, "enderIoRange", enderIoRange, "Range accessible (in blocks) when using the Ender IO.").getInt(enderIoRange); enderIoMeAccessEnabled = config.get(, "enderIoMeAccessEnabled", enderIoMeAccessEnabled, "If false: you will not be able to access a ME access or crafting terminal using the Ender IO.").getBoolean(enderIoMeAccessEnabled); updateLightingWhenHidingFacades = config.get(, "updateLightingWhenHidingFacades", updateLightingWhenHidingFacades, "When true: correct lighting is recalculated (client side) for conduit bundles when transitioning to" + " from being hidden behind a facade. This produces " + "better quality rendering but can result in frame stutters when switching to/from a wrench.") .getBoolean(updateLightingWhenHidingFacades); darkSteelPowerDamgeAbsorptionRatios = config .get(, "darkSteelPowerDamgeAbsorptionRatios", darkSteelPowerDamgeAbsorptionRatios, "A list of the amount of durability damage absorbed when items are powered. In order of upgrade level. 1=100% so items take no durability damage when powered.") .getDoubleList(); darkSteelPowerStorageBase = config.get(, "darkSteelPowerStorageBase", darkSteelPowerStorageBase, "Base amount of power stored by dark steel items.").getInt(darkSteelPowerStorageBase); darkSteelPowerStorageLevelOne = config.get(, "darkSteelPowerStorageLevelOne", darkSteelPowerStorageLevelOne, "Amount of power stored by dark steel items with a level 1 upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelPowerStorageLevelOne); darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo = config.get(, "darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo", darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo, "Amount of power stored by dark steel items with a level 2 upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelPowerStorageLevelTwo); darkSteelPowerStorageLevelThree = config.get(, "darkSteelPowerStorageLevelThree", darkSteelPowerStorageLevelThree, "Amount of power stored by dark steel items with a level 3 upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelPowerStorageLevelThree); darkSteelUpgradeVibrantCost = config.get(, "darkSteelUpgradeVibrantCost", darkSteelUpgradeVibrantCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Empowered.").getInt(darkSteelUpgradeVibrantCost); darkSteelUpgradePowerOneCost = config.get(, "darkSteelUpgradePowerOneCost", darkSteelUpgradePowerOneCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Power 1.").getInt(darkSteelUpgradePowerOneCost); darkSteelUpgradePowerTwoCost = config.get(, "darkSteelUpgradePowerTwoCost", darkSteelUpgradePowerTwoCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Power 2.").getInt(darkSteelUpgradePowerTwoCost); darkSteelUpgradePowerThreeCost = config.get(, "darkSteelUpgradePowerThreeCost", darkSteelUpgradePowerThreeCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Power 3' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelUpgradePowerThreeCost); darkSteelJumpOneCost = config.get(, "darkSteelJumpOneCost", darkSteelJumpOneCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Jump 1' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelJumpOneCost); darkSteelJumpTwoCost = config.get(, "darkSteelJumpTwoCost", darkSteelJumpTwoCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Jump 2' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelJumpTwoCost); darkSteelJumpThreeCost = config.get(, "darkSteelJumpThreeCost", darkSteelJumpThreeCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Jump 3' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelJumpThreeCost); darkSteelSpeedOneCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedOneCost", darkSteelSpeedOneCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Speed 1' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSpeedOneCost); darkSteelSpeedTwoCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedTwoCost", darkSteelSpeedTwoCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Speed 2' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSpeedTwoCost); darkSteelSpeedThreeCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedThreeCost", darkSteelSpeedThreeCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Speed 3' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSpeedThreeCost); slotZeroPlacesEight = config.get(, "shouldSlotZeroWrap", slotZeroPlacesEight, "Should the dark steel placement, when in the first (0th) slot, place the item in the last slot. If false, will place what's in the second slot.").getBoolean(); darkSteelSpeedOneWalkModifier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedOneWalkModifier", darkSteelSpeedOneWalkModifier, "Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.").getDouble(darkSteelSpeedOneWalkModifier); darkSteelSpeedTwoWalkMultiplier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedTwoWalkMultiplier", darkSteelSpeedTwoWalkMultiplier, "Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.").getDouble(darkSteelSpeedTwoWalkMultiplier); darkSteelSpeedThreeWalkMultiplier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedThreeWalkMultiplier", darkSteelSpeedThreeWalkMultiplier, "Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.").getDouble(darkSteelSpeedThreeWalkMultiplier); darkSteelSpeedOneSprintModifier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedOneSprintModifier", darkSteelSpeedOneSprintModifier, "Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.").getDouble(darkSteelSpeedOneSprintModifier); darkSteelSpeedTwoSprintMultiplier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedTwoSprintMultiplier", darkSteelSpeedTwoSprintMultiplier, "Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.").getDouble(darkSteelSpeedTwoSprintMultiplier); darkSteelSpeedThreeSprintMultiplier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSpeedThreeSprintMultiplier", darkSteelSpeedThreeSprintMultiplier, "Speed modifier applied when walking in the Dark Steel Boots with Speed I.").getDouble(darkSteelSpeedThreeSprintMultiplier); darkSteelBootsJumpModifier = config.get(, "darkSteelBootsJumpModifier", darkSteelBootsJumpModifier, "Jump height modifier applied when jumping with Dark Steel Boots equipped").getDouble(darkSteelBootsJumpModifier); darkSteelPowerStorageBase = config.get(, "darkSteelPowerStorage", darkSteelPowerStorageBase, "Amount of power stored (RF) per crystal in the armor items recipe.").getInt(darkSteelPowerStorageBase); darkSteelWalkPowerCost = config.get(, "darkSteelWalkPowerCost", darkSteelWalkPowerCost, "Amount of power stored (RF) per block walked when wearing the dark steel boots.").getInt(darkSteelWalkPowerCost); darkSteelSprintPowerCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSprintPowerCost", darkSteelWalkPowerCost, "Amount of power stored (RF) per block walked when wearing the dark steel boots.").getInt(darkSteelSprintPowerCost); darkSteelDrainPowerFromInventory = config.get(, "darkSteelDrainPowerFromInventory", darkSteelDrainPowerFromInventory, "If true, dark steel armor will drain power stored (RF) in power containers in the players inventory.").getBoolean(darkSteelDrainPowerFromInventory); darkSteelBootsJumpPowerCost = config.get(, "darkSteelBootsJumpPowerCost", darkSteelBootsJumpPowerCost, "Base amount of power used per jump (RF) dark steel boots. The second jump in a 'double jump' uses 2x this etc").getInt(darkSteelBootsJumpPowerCost); darkSteelFallDistanceCost = config.get(, "darkSteelFallDistanceCost", darkSteelFallDistanceCost, "Amount of power used (RF) per block height of fall distance damage negated.").getInt(darkSteelFallDistanceCost); darkSteelSwimCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSwimCost", darkSteelSwimCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Swim' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSwimCost); darkSteelNightVisionCost = config.get(, "darkSteelNightVisionCost", darkSteelNightVisionCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Night Vision' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelNightVisionCost); darkSteelGliderCost = config.get(, "darkSteelGliderCost", darkSteelGliderCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Glider' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelGliderCost); darkSteelGliderHorizontalSpeed = config.get(, "darkSteelGliderHorizontalSpeed", darkSteelGliderHorizontalSpeed, "Horizontal movement speed modifier when gliding.").getDouble(darkSteelGliderHorizontalSpeed); darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeed = config.get(, "darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeed", darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeed, "Rate of altitude loss when gliding.").getDouble(darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeed); darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeedSprinting = config.get(, "darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeedSprinting", darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeedSprinting, "Rate of altitude loss when sprinting and gliding.").getDouble(darkSteelGliderVerticalSpeedSprinting); darkSteelSoundLocatorCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSoundLocatorCost", darkSteelSoundLocatorCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Sound Locator' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSoundLocatorCost); darkSteelSoundLocatorRange = config.get(, "darkSteelSoundLocatorRange", darkSteelSoundLocatorRange, "Range of the 'Sound Locator' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSoundLocatorRange); darkSteelSoundLocatorLifespan = config.get(, "darkSteelSoundLocatorLifespan", darkSteelSoundLocatorLifespan, "Number of ticks the 'Sound Locator' icons are displayed for.").getInt(darkSteelSoundLocatorLifespan); darkSteelGogglesOfRevealingCost= config.get(, "darkSteelGogglesOfRevealingCost", darkSteelGogglesOfRevealingCost, "Number of levels required for the Goggles of Revealing upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelGogglesOfRevealingCost); darkSteelApiaristArmorCost= config.get(, "darkSteelApiaristArmorCost", darkSteelApiaristArmorCost, "Number of levels required for the Apiarist Armor upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelApiaristArmorCost); darkSteelTravelCost = config.get(, "darkSteelTravelCost", darkSteelTravelCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Travel' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelTravelCost); darkSteelSpoonCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSpoonCost", darkSteelSpoonCost, "Number of levels required for the 'Spoon' upgrade.").getInt(darkSteelSpoonCost); darkSteelSolarOneCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSolarOneCost", darkSteelSolarOneCost, "Cost in XP levels of the Solar I upgrade.").getInt(); darkSteelSolarOneGen = config.get(, "darkSteelSolarOneGen", darkSteelSolarOneGen, "RF per SECOND generated by the Solar I upgrade. Split between all equipped DS armors.").getInt(); darkSteelSolarTwoCost = config.get(, "darkSteelSolarTwoCost", darkSteelSolarTwoCost, "Cost in XP levels of the Solar II upgrade.").getInt(); darkSteelSolarTwoGen = config.get(, "darkSteelSolarTwoGen", darkSteelSolarTwoGen, "RF per SECOND generated by the Solar II upgrade. Split between all equipped DS armors.").getInt(); darkSteelSolarChargeOthers = config.get(, "darkSteelSolarChargeOthers", darkSteelSolarChargeOthers, "If enabled allows the solar upgrade to charge non-darksteel armors that the player is wearing.").getBoolean(); darkSteelSwordSkullChance = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSwordSkullChance", darkSteelSwordSkullChance, "The base chance that a skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( darkSteelSwordSkullChance); darkSteelSwordSkullLootingModifier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSwordSkullLootingModifier", darkSteelSwordSkullLootingModifier, "The chance per looting level that a skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( darkSteelSwordSkullLootingModifier); darkSteelSwordWitherSkullChance = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSwordWitherSkullChance", darkSteelSwordWitherSkullChance, "The base chance that a wither skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( darkSteelSwordWitherSkullChance); darkSteelSwordWitherSkullLootingModifier = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelSwordWitherSkullLootingModifie", darkSteelSwordWitherSkullLootingModifier, "The chance per looting level that a wither skull will be dropped when using a powered dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( darkSteelSwordWitherSkullLootingModifier); vanillaSwordSkullChance = (float) config.get(, "vanillaSwordSkullChance", vanillaSwordSkullChance, "The base chance that a skull will be dropped when using a non dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( vanillaSwordSkullChance); vanillaSwordSkullLootingModifier = (float) config.get(, "vanillaSwordSkullLootingModifier", vanillaSwordSkullLootingModifier, "The chance per looting level that a skull will be dropped when using a non-dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( vanillaSwordSkullLootingModifier); ticCleaverSkullDropChance = (float) config.get(, "ticCleaverSkullDropChance", ticCleaverSkullDropChance, "The base chance that an Enderman Skull will be dropped when using TiC Cleaver").getDouble( ticCleaverSkullDropChance); ticBeheadingSkullModifier = (float) config.get(, "ticBeheadingSkullModifier", ticBeheadingSkullModifier, "The chance per level of Beheading that a skull will be dropped when using a TiC weapon").getDouble( ticBeheadingSkullModifier); fakePlayerSkullChance = (float) config .get(, "fakePlayerSkullChance", fakePlayerSkullChance, "The ratio of skull drops when a mob is killed by a 'FakePlayer', such as Killer Joe. When set to 0 no skulls will drop, at 1 the rate of skull drops is not modified") .getDouble( fakePlayerSkullChance); darkSteelSwordPowerUsePerHit = config.get(, "darkSteelSwordPowerUsePerHit", darkSteelSwordPowerUsePerHit, "The amount of power (RF) used per hit.").getInt(darkSteelSwordPowerUsePerHit); darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChance = config.get(, "darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChance", darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChance, "The chance that an ender pearl will be dropped when using a dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)").getDouble( darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChance); darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChancePerLooting = config.get(, "darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChancePerLooting", darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChancePerLooting, "The chance for each looting level that an additional ender pearl will be dropped when using a dark steel sword (0 = no chance, 1 = 100% chance)") .getDouble( darkSteelSwordEnderPearlDropChancePerLooting); darkSteelPickPowerUseObsidian = config.get(, "darkSteelPickPowerUseObsidian", darkSteelPickPowerUseObsidian, "The amount of power (RF) used to break an obsidian block.").getInt(darkSteelPickPowerUseObsidian); darkSteelPickEffeciencyObsidian = config.get(, "darkSteelPickEffeciencyObsidian", darkSteelPickEffeciencyObsidian, "The efficiency when breaking obsidian with a powered Dark Pickaxe.").getInt(darkSteelPickEffeciencyObsidian); darkSteelPickApplyObsidianEffeciencyAtHardess = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelPickApplyObsidianEffeciencyAtHardess", darkSteelPickApplyObsidianEffeciencyAtHardess, "If set to a value > 0, the obsidian speed and power use will be used for all blocks with hardness >= to this value.").getDouble( darkSteelPickApplyObsidianEffeciencyAtHardess); darkSteelPickPowerUsePerDamagePoint = config.get(, "darkSteelPickPowerUsePerDamagePoint", darkSteelPickPowerUsePerDamagePoint, "Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided.").getInt(darkSteelPickPowerUsePerDamagePoint); darkSteelPickEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelPickEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered", darkSteelPickEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered, "The increase in efficiency when powered.").getDouble(darkSteelPickEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered); darkSteelPickMinesTiCArdite = config.getBoolean("darkSteelPickMinesTiCArdite",, darkSteelPickMinesTiCArdite, "When true the dark steel pick will be able to mine TiC Ardite and Cobalt"); darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePoint = config.get(, "darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePoint", darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePoint, "Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided.").getInt(darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePoint); darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePointMultiHarvest = config.get(, "darkSteelPickAxeUsePerDamagePointMultiHarvest", darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePointMultiHarvest, "Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided when shift-harvesting multiple logs").getInt(darkSteelAxePowerUsePerDamagePointMultiHarvest); darkSteelAxeSpeedPenaltyMultiHarvest = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelAxeSpeedPenaltyMultiHarvest", darkSteelAxeSpeedPenaltyMultiHarvest, "How much slower shift-harvesting logs is.").getDouble(darkSteelAxeSpeedPenaltyMultiHarvest); darkSteelAxeEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelAxeEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered", darkSteelAxeEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered, "The increase in efficiency when powered.").getDouble(darkSteelAxeEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered); darkSteelShearsDurabilityFactor = config.get(, "darkSteelShearsDurabilityFactor", darkSteelShearsDurabilityFactor, "How much more durable as vanilla shears they are.").getInt(darkSteelShearsDurabilityFactor); darkSteelShearsPowerUsePerDamagePoint = config.get(, "darkSteelShearsPowerUsePerDamagePoint", darkSteelShearsPowerUsePerDamagePoint, "Power use (RF) per damage/durability point avoided.").getInt(darkSteelShearsPowerUsePerDamagePoint); darkSteelShearsEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelShearsEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered", darkSteelShearsEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered, "The increase in efficiency when powered.").getDouble(darkSteelShearsEffeciencyBoostWhenPowered); darkSteelShearsBlockAreaBoostWhenPowered = config.get(, "darkSteelShearsBlockAreaBoostWhenPowered", darkSteelShearsBlockAreaBoostWhenPowered, "The increase in effected area (radius) when powered and used on blocks.").getInt(darkSteelShearsBlockAreaBoostWhenPowered); darkSteelShearsEntityAreaBoostWhenPowered = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelShearsEntityAreaBoostWhenPowered", darkSteelShearsEntityAreaBoostWhenPowered, "The increase in effected area (radius) when powered and used on sheep.").getDouble(darkSteelShearsEntityAreaBoostWhenPowered); darkSteelAnvilDamageChance = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelAnvilDamageChance", darkSteelAnvilDamageChance, "Chance that the dark steel anvil will take damage after repairing something.").getDouble(); darkSteelLadderSpeedBoost = (float) config.get(, "darkSteelLadderSpeedBoost", darkSteelLadderSpeedBoost, "Speed boost, in blocks per tick, that the DS ladder gives over the vanilla ladder.").getDouble(); hootchPowerPerCycleRF = config.get(, "hootchPowerPerCycleRF", hootchPowerPerCycleRF, "The amount of power generated per BC engine cycle. Examples: BC Oil = 30, BC Fuel = 60").getInt(hootchPowerPerCycleRF); hootchPowerTotalBurnTime = config.get(, "hootchPowerTotalBurnTime", hootchPowerTotalBurnTime, "The total burn time. Examples: BC Oil = 5000, BC Fuel = 25000").getInt(hootchPowerTotalBurnTime); rocketFuelPowerPerCycleRF = config.get(, "rocketFuelPowerPerCycleRF", rocketFuelPowerPerCycleRF, "The amount of power generated per BC engine cycle. Examples: BC Oil = 3, BC Fuel = 6").getInt(rocketFuelPowerPerCycleRF); rocketFuelPowerTotalBurnTime = config.get(, "rocketFuelPowerTotalBurnTime", rocketFuelPowerTotalBurnTime, "The total burn time. Examples: BC Oil = 5000, BC Fuel = 25000").getInt(rocketFuelPowerTotalBurnTime); fireWaterPowerPerCycleRF = config.get(, "fireWaterPowerPerCycleRF", fireWaterPowerPerCycleRF, "The amount of power generated per BC engine cycle. Examples: BC Oil = 30, BC Fuel = 60").getInt(fireWaterPowerPerCycleRF); fireWaterPowerTotalBurnTime = config.get(, "fireWaterPowerTotalBurnTime", fireWaterPowerTotalBurnTime, "The total burn time. Examples: BC Oil = 5000, BC Fuel = 25000").getInt(fireWaterPowerTotalBurnTime); zombieGeneratorRfPerTick = config.get(, "zombieGeneratorRfPerTick", zombieGeneratorRfPerTick, "The amount of power generated per tick.").getInt(zombieGeneratorRfPerTick); zombieGeneratorTicksPerBucketFuel = config.get(, "zombieGeneratorTicksPerMbFuel", zombieGeneratorTicksPerBucketFuel, "The number of ticks one bucket of fuel lasts.").getInt(zombieGeneratorTicksPerBucketFuel); stirlingGeneratorBaseRfPerTick = config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorBaseRfPerTick", stirlingGeneratorBaseRfPerTick, "The amount of power generated per tick.").getInt(stirlingGeneratorBaseRfPerTick); stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT1 = (float) config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT1", stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT1, "Energy multiplier for the Stirling Generator, Tier 1 machine").getDouble(); stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT2 = (float) config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT2", stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT2, "Energy multiplier for the Stirling Generator, Tier 2 machine").getDouble(); stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT3 = (float) config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT3", stirlingGeneratorEnergyMultiplierT3, "Energy multiplier for the Stirling Generator, Tier 3 machine").getDouble(); stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT1 = (float) config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT1", stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT1, "Burn time multiplier for the Stirling Generator, Tier 1 machine").getDouble(); stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT2 = (float) config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT2", stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT2, "Burn time multiplier for the Stirling Generator, Tier 2 machine").getDouble(); stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT3 = (float) config.get(, "stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT3", stirlingGeneratorBurnTimeMultiplierT3, "Burn time multiplier for the Stirling Generator, Tier 3 machine").getDouble(); addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers = config.get(, "addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers", addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers, "If true, the RF/t and burn time of the fuel will be displayed in all tooltips for fluid containers with fuel.").getBoolean( addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers); addDurabilityTootip = config.get(, "addDurabilityTootip", addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers, "If true, adds durability tooltips to tools and armor").getBoolean( addDurabilityTootip); addFurnaceFuelTootip = config.get(, "addFurnaceFuelTootip", addFuelTooltipsToAllFluidContainers, "If true, adds burn duration tooltips to furnace fuels").getBoolean(addFurnaceFuelTootip); farmContinuousEnergyUseRF = config.get(, "farmContinuousEnergyUseRF", farmContinuousEnergyUseRF, "The amount of power used by a farm per tick ").getInt(farmContinuousEnergyUseRF); farmActionEnergyUseRF = config.get(, "farmActionEnergyUseRF", farmActionEnergyUseRF, "The amount of power used by a farm per action (eg plant, till, harvest) ").getInt(farmActionEnergyUseRF); farmAxeActionEnergyUseRF = config.get(, "farmAxeActionEnergyUseRF", farmAxeActionEnergyUseRF, "The amount of power used by a farm per wood block 'chopped'").getInt(farmAxeActionEnergyUseRF); farmBonemealActionEnergyUseRF = config.get(, "farmBonemealActionEnergyUseRF", farmBonemealActionEnergyUseRF, "The amount of power used by a farm per bone meal used").getInt(farmBonemealActionEnergyUseRF); farmBonemealTryEnergyUseRF = config.get(, "farmBonemealTryEnergyUseRF", farmBonemealTryEnergyUseRF, "The amount of power used by a farm per bone meal try").getInt(farmBonemealTryEnergyUseRF); farmDefaultSize = config.get(, "farmDefaultSize", farmDefaultSize, "The number of blocks a farm will extend from its center").getInt(farmDefaultSize); farmBonusSize = config.get(, "farmBonusSize", farmBonusSize, "The extra number of blocks a farm will extend from its center per upgrade").getInt(farmBonusSize); farmAxeDamageOnLeafBreak = config.get(, "farmAxeDamageOnLeafBreak", farmAxeDamageOnLeafBreak, "Should axes in a farm take damage when breaking leaves?").getBoolean(farmAxeDamageOnLeafBreak); farmToolTakeDamageChance = (float) config.get(, "farmToolTakeDamageChance", farmToolTakeDamageChance, "The chance that a tool in the farm will take damage.").getDouble(farmToolTakeDamageChance); disableFarmNotification = config.get(, "disableFarmNotifications", disableFarmNotification, "Disable the notification text above the farm block.").getBoolean(); farmEssenceBerriesEnabled = config.get(, "farmEssenceBerriesEnabled", farmEssenceBerriesEnabled, "This setting controls whether essence berry bushes from TiC can be harvested by the farm.").getBoolean(); farmManaBeansEnabled = config.get(, "farmManaBeansEnabled", farmManaBeansEnabled, "This setting controls whether mana beans from Thaumcraft can be harvested by the farm.").getBoolean(); farmHarvestJungleWhenCocoa = config.get(, "farmHarvestJungleWhenCocoa", farmHarvestJungleWhenCocoa, "If this is enabled the farm will harvest jungle wood even if it has cocoa beans in its inventory.").getBoolean(); hoeStrings = config.get(, "farmHoes", hoeStrings, "Use this to specify items that can be hoes in the farming station. Use the registry name (eg. modid:name).").getStringList(); farmSaplingReserveAmount = config.get(, "farmSaplingReserveAmount", farmSaplingReserveAmount, "The amount of saplings the farm has to have in reserve to switch to shearing all leaves. If there are less " + "saplings in store, it will only shear part the leaves and break the others for spalings. Set this to 0 to " + "always shear all leaves.").getInt(farmSaplingReserveAmount); combustionGeneratorUseOpaqueModel = config.get(, "combustionGeneratorUseOpaqueModel", combustionGeneratorUseOpaqueModel, "If set to true: fluid will not be shown in combustion generator tanks. Improves FPS. ").getBoolean(combustionGeneratorUseOpaqueModel); magnetPowerUsePerSecondRF = config.get(, "magnetPowerUsePerTickRF", magnetPowerUsePerSecondRF, "The amount of RF power used per tick when the magnet is active").getInt(magnetPowerUsePerSecondRF); magnetPowerCapacityRF = config.get(, "magnetPowerCapacityRF", magnetPowerCapacityRF, "Amount of RF power stored in a fully charged magnet").getInt(magnetPowerCapacityRF); magnetRange = config.get(, "magnetRange", magnetRange, "Range of the magnet in blocks.").getInt(magnetRange); magnetMaxItems = config.get(, "magnetMaxItems", magnetMaxItems, "Maximum number of items the magnet can effect at a time. (-1 for unlimited)").getInt(magnetMaxItems); magnetBlacklist = config.getStringList("magnetBlacklist",, magnetBlacklist, "These items will not be picked up by the magnet."); magnetAllowInMainInventory = config.get(, "magnetAllowInMainInventory", magnetAllowInMainInventory, "If true the magnet will also work in the main inventory, not just the hotbar").getBoolean(magnetAllowInMainInventory); magnetAllowInBaublesSlot = config.get(, "magnetAllowInBaublesSlot", magnetAllowInBaublesSlot, "If true the magnet can be put into the 'amulet' Baubles slot (requires Baubles to be installed)").getBoolean(magnetAllowInBaublesSlot); magnetAllowDeactivatedInBaublesSlot = config.get(, "magnetAllowDeactivatedInBaublesSlot", magnetAllowDeactivatedInBaublesSlot, "If true the magnet can be put into the 'amulet' Baubles slot even if switched off (requires Baubles to be installed and magnetAllowInBaublesSlot to be on)").getBoolean(magnetAllowDeactivatedInBaublesSlot); magnetAllowPowerExtraction = config.get(, "magnetAllowPowerExtraction", magnetAllowPowerExtraction, "If true the magnet can be used as a battery.").getBoolean(magnetAllowPowerExtraction); magnetBaublesType = config.get(, "magnetBaublesType", magnetBaublesType, "The BaublesType the magnet should be, 'AMULET', 'RING' or 'BELT' (requires Baubles to be installed and magnetAllowInBaublesSlot to be on)").getString(); useCombustionGenModel = config.get(, "useCombustionGenModel", useCombustionGenModel, "If set to true: WIP Combustion Generator model will be used").getBoolean(useCombustionGenModel); crafterRfPerCraft = config.get("AutoCrafter Settings", "crafterRfPerCraft", crafterRfPerCraft, "RF used per autocrafted recipe").getInt(crafterRfPerCraft); poweredSpawnerMinDelayTicks = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerMinDelayTicks", poweredSpawnerMinDelayTicks, "Min tick delay between spawns for a non-upgraded spawner").getInt(poweredSpawnerMinDelayTicks); poweredSpawnerMaxDelayTicks = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerMaxDelayTicks", poweredSpawnerMaxDelayTicks, "Min tick delay between spawns for a non-upgraded spawner").getInt(poweredSpawnerMaxDelayTicks); poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF", poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF, "RF per tick for a level 1 (non-upgraded) spawner. See PoweredSpanerConfig_Core.json for mob type multipliers").getInt(poweredSpawnerLevelOnePowerPerTickRF); poweredSpawnerLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF", poweredSpawnerLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF, "RF per tick for a level 2 spawner").getInt(poweredSpawnerLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF); poweredSpawnerLevelThreePowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerLevelThreePowerPerTickRF", poweredSpawnerLevelThreePowerPerTickRF, "RF per tick for a level 3 spawner").getInt(poweredSpawnerLevelThreePowerPerTickRF); poweredSpawnerMaxPlayerDistance = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerMaxPlayerDistance", poweredSpawnerMaxPlayerDistance, "Max distance of the closest player for the spawner to be active. A zero value will remove the player check").getInt(poweredSpawnerMaxPlayerDistance); poweredSpawnerDespawnTimeSeconds = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerDespawnTimeSeconds" , poweredSpawnerDespawnTimeSeconds, "Number of seconds in which spawned entities are protected from despawning").getInt(poweredSpawnerDespawnTimeSeconds); poweredSpawnerSpawnCount = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerSpawnCount" , poweredSpawnerSpawnCount, "Number of entities to spawn each time").getInt(poweredSpawnerSpawnCount); poweredSpawnerSpawnRange = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerSpawnRange" , poweredSpawnerSpawnRange, "Spawning range in X/Z").getInt(poweredSpawnerSpawnRange); poweredSpawnerMaxNearbyEntities = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerMaxNearbyEntities" , poweredSpawnerMaxNearbyEntities, "Max number of entities in the nearby area until no more are spawned. A zero value will remove this check").getInt(poweredSpawnerMaxNearbyEntities); poweredSpawnerMaxSpawnTries = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerMaxSpawnTries" , poweredSpawnerMaxSpawnTries, "Number of tries to find a suitable spawning location").getInt(poweredSpawnerMaxSpawnTries); poweredSpawnerUseVanillaSpawChecks = config.get(, "poweredSpawnerUseVanillaSpawChecks", poweredSpawnerUseVanillaSpawChecks, "If true, regular spawn checks such as lighting level and dimension will be made before spawning mobs").getBoolean(poweredSpawnerUseVanillaSpawChecks); brokenSpawnerDropChance = (float) config.get(, "brokenSpawnerDropChance", brokenSpawnerDropChance, "The chance a broken spawner will be dropped when a spawner is broken. 1 = 100% chance, 0 = 0% chance").getDouble(brokenSpawnerDropChance); brokenSpawnerToolBlacklist = config.getStringList("brokenSpawnerToolBlacklist",, brokenSpawnerToolBlacklist, "When a spawner is broken with these tools they will not drop a broken spawner"); powerSpawnerAddSpawnerCost = config.get(, "powerSpawnerAddSpawnerCost", powerSpawnerAddSpawnerCost, "The number of levels it costs to add a broken spawner").getInt(powerSpawnerAddSpawnerCost); useModMetals = config.get(, "useModMetals", useModMetals, "If true copper and tin will be used in recipes when registered in the ore dictionary").getBoolean(useModMetals); nutrientFoodBoostDelay = config.get(, "nutrientFluidFoodBoostDelay", nutrientFoodBoostDelay, "The delay in ticks between when nutrient distillation boosts your food value.").getInt((int) nutrientFoodBoostDelay); killerJoeNutrientUsePerAttackMb = config.get(, "killerJoeNutrientUsePerAttackMb", killerJoeNutrientUsePerAttackMb, "The number of millibuckets of nutrient fluid used per attack.").getInt(killerJoeNutrientUsePerAttackMb); killerJoeAttackHeight = config.get(, "killerJoeAttackHeight", killerJoeAttackHeight, "The reach of attacks above and bellow Joe.").getDouble(killerJoeAttackHeight); killerJoeAttackWidth = config.get(, "killerJoeAttackWidth", killerJoeAttackWidth, "The reach of attacks to each side of Joe.").getDouble(killerJoeAttackWidth); killerJoeAttackLength = config.get(, "killerJoeAttackLength", killerJoeAttackLength, "The reach of attacks in front of Joe.").getDouble(killerJoeAttackLength); killerJoeHooverXpLength = config.get(, "killerJoeHooverXpLength", killerJoeHooverXpLength, "The distance from which XP will be gathered to each side of Joe.").getDouble(killerJoeHooverXpLength); killerJoeHooverXpWidth = config.get(, "killerJoeHooverXpWidth", killerJoeHooverXpWidth, "The distance from which XP will be gathered in front of Joe.").getDouble(killerJoeHooverXpWidth); killerJoeMaxXpLevel = config.get(, "killerJoeMaxXpLevel", killerJoeMaxXpLevel, "Maximum level of XP the killer joe can contain.").getInt(); killerJoeMustSee = config.get(, "killerJoeMustSee", killerJoeMustSee, "Set whether the Killer Joe can attack through blocks.").getBoolean(); killerPvPoffDisablesSwing = config .get(, "killerPvPoffDisablesSwing", killerPvPoffDisablesSwing, "Set whether the Killer Joe swings even if PvP is off (that swing will do nothing unless killerPvPoffIsIgnored is enabled).") .getBoolean(); killerPvPoffIsIgnored = config .get(, "killerPvPoffIsIgnored", killerPvPoffIsIgnored, "Set whether the Killer Joe ignores PvP settings and always hits players (killerPvPoffDisablesSwing must be off for this to work).") .getBoolean(); // Add deprecated comment config.getString("isGasConduitEnabled",, "auto", "Deprecated option. Use boolean \"gasConduitsEnabled\" below."); isGasConduitEnabled = config.getBoolean("gasConduitEnabled",, isGasConduitEnabled, "If true, gas conduits will be enabled if the Mekanism Gas API is found. False to forcibly disable."); enableMEConduits = config.getBoolean("enableMEConduits",, enableMEConduits, "Allows ME conduits. Only has an effect with AE2 installed."); enableOCConduits = config.getBoolean("enableOCConduits",, enableOCConduits, "Allows OC conduits. Only has an effect with OpenComputers installed."); enableOCConduitsAnimatedTexture = config.getBoolean("enableOCConduitsAnimatedTexture",, enableOCConduitsAnimatedTexture, "Use the animated texture for OC conduits."); soulVesselBlackList = config.getStringList("soulVesselBlackList",, soulVesselBlackList, "Entities listed here will can not be captured in a Soul Vial"); soulVesselCapturesBosses = config.getBoolean("soulVesselCapturesBosses",, soulVesselCapturesBosses, "When set to false, any mob with a 'boss bar' won't be able to be captured in the Soul Vial"); soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF", soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by an unupgraded soul binder.").getInt(soulBinderLevelOnePowerPerTickRF); soulBinderLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "soulBinderLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF", soulBinderLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by a soul binder with a double layer capacitor upgrade.").getInt(soulBinderLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF); soulBinderLevelThreePowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "soulBinderLevelThreePowerPerTickRF", soulBinderLevelThreePowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by a soul binder with an octadic capacitor upgrade.").getInt(soulBinderLevelThreePowerPerTickRF); soulBinderBrokenSpawnerRF = config.get(, "soulBinderBrokenSpawnerRF", soulBinderBrokenSpawnerRF, "The number of RF required to change the type of a broken spawner.").getInt(soulBinderBrokenSpawnerRF); soulBinderReanimationRF = config.get(, "soulBinderReanimationRF", soulBinderReanimationRF, "The number of RF required to to re-animated a mob head.").getInt(soulBinderReanimationRF); soulBinderEnderCystalRF = config.get(, "soulBinderEnderCystalRF", soulBinderEnderCystalRF, "The number of RF required to create an ender crystal.").getInt(soulBinderEnderCystalRF); soulBinderAttractorCystalRF = config.get(, "soulBinderAttractorCystalRF", soulBinderAttractorCystalRF, "The number of RF required to create an attractor crystal.").getInt(soulBinderAttractorCystalRF); soulBinderEnderRailRF = config.get(, "soulBinderEnderRailRF", soulBinderEnderRailRF, "The number of RF required to create an ender rail.").getInt(soulBinderEnderRailRF); soulBinderAttractorCystalLevels = config.get(, "soulBinderAttractorCystalLevels", soulBinderAttractorCystalLevels, "The number of levels required to create an attractor crystal.").getInt(soulBinderAttractorCystalLevels); soulBinderEnderCystalLevels = config.get(, "soulBinderEnderCystalLevels", soulBinderEnderCystalLevels, "The number of levels required to create an ender crystal.").getInt(soulBinderEnderCystalLevels); soulBinderReanimationLevels = config.get(, "soulBinderReanimationLevels", soulBinderReanimationLevels, "The number of levels required to re-animate a mob head.").getInt(soulBinderReanimationLevels); soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels = config.get(, "soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels", soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels, "The number of levels required to change the type of a broken spawner.").getInt(soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels); soulBinderEnderRailLevels = config.get(, "soulBinderEnderRailLevels", soulBinderEnderRailLevels, "The number of levels required to create an ender rail.").getInt(soulBinderEnderRailLevels); soulBinderMaxXpLevel = config.get(, "soulBinderMaxXPLevel", soulBinderMaxXpLevel, "Maximum level of XP the soul binder can contain.").getInt(); sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF", sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by an unupgraded Slice'N'Splice").getInt(sliceAndSpliceLevelOnePowerPerTickRF); sliceAndSpliceLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "sliceAndSpliceLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF", sliceAndSpliceLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by a Slice'N'Splice with a double layer capacitor upgrade.").getInt(sliceAndSpliceLevelTwoPowerPerTickRF); sliceAndSpliceLevelThreePowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "sliceAndSpliceLevelThreePowerPerTickRF", sliceAndSpliceLevelThreePowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by a Slice'N'Splice with an octadic capacitor upgrade.").getInt(sliceAndSpliceLevelThreePowerPerTickRF); attractorRangeLevelOne = config.get(, "attractorRangeLevelOne", attractorRangeLevelOne, "The range of the mob attractor with no upgrades").getInt(attractorRangeLevelOne); attractorRangeLevelTwo = config.get(, "attractorRangeLevelTwo", attractorRangeLevelTwo, "The range of the mob attractor with a double layer capacitor upgrade").getInt(attractorRangeLevelTwo); attractorRangeLevelThree = config.get(, "attractorRangeLevelThree", attractorRangeLevelThree, "The range of the mob attractor with an octadic capacitor upgrade").getInt(attractorRangeLevelThree); attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne = config.get(, "attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne", attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne, "The RF/t power use of a levele 1 mob attractor").getInt(attractorPowerPerTickLevelOne); attractorPowerPerTickLevelTwo = config.get(, "attractorPowerPerTickLevelTwo", attractorPowerPerTickLevelTwo, "The RF/t power use of a levele 2 mob attractor").getInt(attractorPowerPerTickLevelTwo); attractorPowerPerTickLevelThree = config.get(, "attractorPowerPerTickLevelThree", attractorPowerPerTickLevelThree, "The RF/t power use of a levele 3 mob attractor").getInt(attractorPowerPerTickLevelThree); spawnGuardRangeLevelOne = config.get(, "spawnGuardRangeLevelOne", spawnGuardRangeLevelOne, "The range of the spawn guard with no upgrades").getInt(spawnGuardRangeLevelOne); spawnGuardRangeLevelTwo = config.get(, "spawnGuardRangeLevelTwo", spawnGuardRangeLevelTwo, "The range of the spawn guard with a double layer capacitor upgrade").getInt(spawnGuardRangeLevelTwo); spawnGuardRangeLevelThree = config.get(, "spawnGuardRangeLevelThree", spawnGuardRangeLevelThree, "The range of the spawn guard with an octadic capacitor upgrade").getInt(spawnGuardRangeLevelThree); spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne = config.get(, "spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne", spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne, "The RF/t power use of a levele 1 spawn guard").getInt(spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelOne); spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelTwo = config.get(, "spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelTwo", spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelTwo, "The RF/t power use of a levele 2 spawn guard").getInt(spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelTwo); spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelThree = config.get(, "spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelThree", spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelThree, "The RF/t power use of a levele 3 spawn guard").getInt(spawnGuardPowerPerTickLevelThree); spawnGuardStopAllSlimesDebug = config.getBoolean("spawnGuardStopAllSlimesDebug",, spawnGuardStopAllSlimesDebug, "When true slimes wont be allowed to spawn at all. Only added to aid testing in super flat worlds."); spawnGuardStopAllSquidSpawning = config.getBoolean("spawnGuardStopAllSquidSpawning",, spawnGuardStopAllSquidSpawning, "When true no squid will be spawned."); weatherObeliskClearFluid = config.get(, "weatherObeliskClearFluid", weatherObeliskClearFluid, "The fluid required (in mB) to set the world to clear weather").getInt(); weatherObeliskRainFluid = config.get(, "weatherObeliskRainFluid", weatherObeliskRainFluid, "The fluid required (in mB) to set the world to rainy weather").getInt(); weatherObeliskThunderFluid = config.get(, "weatherObeliskThunderFluid", weatherObeliskThunderFluid, "The fluid required (in mB) to set the world to thundering weather").getInt(); // Loot Config lootDarkSteel = config.getBoolean("lootDarkSteel",, lootDarkSteel, "Adds Darksteel Ingots to loot tables"); lootItemConduitProbe = config.getBoolean("lootItemConduitProbe",, lootItemConduitProbe, "Adds ItemConduitProbe to loot tables"); lootQuartz = config.getBoolean("lootQuartz",, lootQuartz, "Adds quartz to loot tables"); lootNetherWart = config.getBoolean("lootNetherWart",, lootNetherWart, "Adds nether wart to loot tables"); lootEnderPearl = config.getBoolean("lootEnderPearl",, lootEnderPearl, "Adds ender pearls to loot tables"); lootElectricSteel = config.getBoolean("lootElectricSteel",, lootElectricSteel, "Adds Electric Steel Ingots to loot tables"); lootRedstoneAlloy = config.getBoolean("lootRedstoneAlloy",, lootRedstoneAlloy, "Adds Redstone Alloy Ingots to loot tables"); lootPhasedIron = config.getBoolean("lootPhasedIron",, lootPhasedIron, "Adds Phased Iron Ingots to loot tables"); lootPhasedGold = config.getBoolean("lootPhasedGold",, lootPhasedGold, "Adds Phased Gold Ingots to loot tables"); lootTravelStaff = config.getBoolean("lootTravelStaff",, lootTravelStaff, "Adds Travel Staff to loot tables"); lootTheEnder = config.getBoolean("lootTheEnder",, lootTheEnder, "Adds The Ender to loot tables"); lootDarkSteelBoots = config.getBoolean("lootDarkSteelBoots",, lootDarkSteelBoots, "Adds Darksteel Boots to loot tables"); enderRailEnabled = config.getBoolean("enderRailEnabled",, enderRailEnabled, "Whether Ender Rails are enabled"); enderRailPowerRequireCrossDimensions = config.get(, "enderRailPowerRequireCrossDimensions", enderRailPowerRequireCrossDimensions, "The amount of power required to transport a cart across dimensions").getInt(enderRailPowerRequireCrossDimensions); enderRailPowerRequiredPerBlock = config.get(, "enderRailPowerRequiredPerBlock", enderRailPowerRequiredPerBlock, "The amount of power required to teleport a cart per block in the same dimension").getInt(enderRailPowerRequiredPerBlock); enderRailCapSameDimensionPowerAtCrossDimensionCost = config.getBoolean("enderRailCapSameDimensionPowerAtCrossDimensionCost",, enderRailCapSameDimensionPowerAtCrossDimensionCost, "When set to true the RF cost of sending a cart within the same dimension will be capped to the cross dimension cost"); enderRailTicksBeforeForceSpawningLinkedCarts = config.get(, "enderRailTicksBeforeForceSpawningLinkedCarts", enderRailTicksBeforeForceSpawningLinkedCarts, "The number of ticks to wait for the track to clear before force spawning the next cart in a (RailCraft) linked set").getInt(enderRailTicksBeforeForceSpawningLinkedCarts); enderRailTeleportPlayers = config.getBoolean("enderRailTeleportPlayers",, enderRailTeleportPlayers, "If true player in minecarts will be teleported. WARN: WIP, seems to cause a memory leak."); dumpMobNames = config.getBoolean("dumpMobNames",, dumpMobNames, "When set to true a list of all registered mobs will be dumped to config/enderio/mobTypes.txt The names are in the format required by EIOs mob blacklists."); xpObeliskMaxXpLevel = config.get(, "xpObeliskMaxXpLevel", xpObeliskMaxXpLevel, "Maximum level of XP the xp obelisk can contain.").getInt(); xpJuiceName = config.getString("xpJuiceName",, xpJuiceName, "Id of liquid XP fluid (WARNING: only for users who know what they are doing - changing this id can break worlds) - this should match with OpenBlocks when installed"); clearGlassSameTexture = config.getBoolean("clearGlassSameTexture",, clearGlassSameTexture, "If true, quite clear glass will use the fused quartz border texture for the block instead of the white border."); clearGlassConnectToFusedQuartz = config.getBoolean("clearGlassConnectToFusedQuartz",, clearGlassConnectToFusedQuartz, "If true, quite clear glass will connect textures with fused quartz."); enchantmentSoulBoundEnabled = config.getBoolean("enchantmentSoulBoundEnabled",, enchantmentSoulBoundEnabled, "If false the soul bound enchantment will not be available"); enchantmentSoulBoundId = config.get(, "enchantmentSoulBoundId", enchantmentSoulBoundId, "The id of the enchantment. If set to -1 the lowest unassigned id will be used.").getInt(enchantmentSoulBoundId); enchantmentSoulBoundWeight = config.get(, "enchantmentSoulBoundWeight", enchantmentSoulBoundWeight, "The chance of getting this enchantment in the enchantment table").getInt(enchantmentSoulBoundWeight); replaceWitherSkeletons = config.get(, "replaceWitherSkeletons", replaceWitherSkeletons, "Separates wither and normal skeletons into different entities, enables the powered spawner to treat them differently [EXPERIMENTAL - MAY CAUSE ISSUES WITH OTHER MODS]").getBoolean(); enableWaterFromBottles = config .get(, "enableWaterFromBottles", enableWaterFromBottles, "Enables emptying vanilla water bottles without breaking the bottle. In combination with a water source block this allows duping of water without cost.") .getBoolean(); telepadLockDimension = config.get(, "lockDimension", telepadLockDimension, "If true, the dimension cannot be set via the GUI, the coord selector must be used.").getBoolean(); telepadLockCoords = config.get(, "lockCoords", telepadLockCoords, "If true, the coordinates cannot be set via the GUI, the coord selector must be used.").getBoolean(); telepadPowerCoefficient = config.get(, "powerCoefficient", telepadPowerCoefficient, "Power for a teleport is calculated by the formula:\npower = [this value] * ln(0.005*distance + 1)").getInt(); telepadPowerInterdimensional = config.get(, "powerInterdimensional", telepadPowerInterdimensional, "The amount of RF required for an interdimensional teleport.").getInt(); telepadPowerPerTickRF = config.get(, "telepadPowerPerTickRF", telepadPowerPerTickRF, "The number of RF/t consumed by a telepad.").getInt(); telepadPowerStorageRF = config.get(, "telepadPowerStorageRF", telepadPowerStorageRF, "The amount of RF a telepad can store.").getInt(); inventoryPanelFree = config.getBoolean("inventoryPanelFree",, inventoryPanelFree, "If true, the inv panel will not accept fluids and will be active permanently."); inventoryPanelPowerPerMB = config.getFloat("powerPerMB",, inventoryPanelPowerPerMB, 1.0f, 10000.0f, "Internal power generated per mB. The default of 800/mB matches the RF generation of the Zombie generator. A panel tries to refill only once every second - setting this value too low slows down the scanning speed."); inventoryPanelScanCostPerSlot = config.getFloat("scanCostPerSlot",, inventoryPanelScanCostPerSlot, 0.0f, 10.0f, "Internal power used for scanning a slot"); inventoryPanelExtractCostPerItem = config.getFloat("extractCostPerItem",, inventoryPanelExtractCostPerItem, 0.0f, 10.0f, "Internal power used per item extracted (not a stack of items)"); inventoryPanelExtractCostPerOperation = config.getFloat("extractCostPerOperation",, inventoryPanelExtractCostPerOperation, 0.0f, 10000.0f, "Internal power used per extract operation (independent of stack size)"); } public static void checkYetaAccess() { if(!useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench && !useSneakRightClickYetaWrench) { Log.warn("Both useSneakMouseWheelYetaWrench and useSneakRightClickYetaWrench are set to false. Enabling right click."); useSneakRightClickYetaWrench = true; } } public static void init() { } public static void postInit() { for (String s : hoeStrings) { ItemStack hoe = getStackForString(s); if(hoe != null) { farmHoes.add(hoe); } } } public static ItemStack getStackForString(String s) { String[] nameAndMeta = s.split(";"); int meta = nameAndMeta.length == 1 ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(nameAndMeta[1]); String[] data = nameAndMeta[0].split(":"); ItemStack stack = GameRegistry.findItemStack(data[0], data[1], 1); if(stack == null) { return null; } stack.setItemDamage(meta); return stack; } private Config() { } }