package thaumcraft.api.wands; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation; /** * * @author Azanor * * This class is used to keep the material information for the various rods. * It is also used to generate the wand recipes ingame. * */ public class StaffRod extends WandRod { boolean runes=false; public StaffRod(String tag, int capacity, ItemStack item, int craftCost) { super(tag+"_staff", capacity, item, craftCost); this.texture = new ResourceLocation("thaumcraft","textures/models/wand_rod_"+tag+".png"); } public StaffRod(String tag, int capacity, ItemStack item, int craftCost, IWandRodOnUpdate onUpdate, ResourceLocation texture) { super(tag+"_staff", capacity, item, craftCost, onUpdate, texture); } public StaffRod(String tag, int capacity, ItemStack item, int craftCost, IWandRodOnUpdate onUpdate) { super(tag+"_staff", capacity, item, craftCost, onUpdate); this.texture = new ResourceLocation("thaumcraft","textures/models/wand_rod_"+tag+".png"); } public StaffRod(String tag, int capacity, ItemStack item, int craftCost, ResourceLocation texture) { super(tag+"_staff", capacity, item, craftCost, texture); } public boolean hasRunes() { return runes; } public void setRunes(boolean hasRunes) { this.runes = hasRunes; } }