package crazypants.enderio.machine.crusher; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.xml.sax.Attributes; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import crazypants.enderio.Log; import crazypants.enderio.machine.recipe.CustomTagHandler; import crazypants.enderio.machine.recipe.RecipeConfigParser; import crazypants.enderio.machine.recipe.RecipeInput; public class GrindingBallTagHandler implements CustomTagHandler { private static final String ELEMENT_ROOT = "grindingBalls"; private static final String BALL_ROOT = "grindingBall"; private static final String EXCLUDES_ROOT = "excludes"; private static final String AT_ID = "id"; private static final String AT_REMOVE = "remove"; private static final String AT_GM = "grindingMultiplier"; private static final String AT_PM = "powerMultiplier"; private static final String AT_CM = "chanceMultiplier"; private static final String AT_DMJ = "durationRF"; Map<String, GrindingBall> balls = new HashMap<String, GrindingBall>(); List<RecipeInput> excludes = new ArrayList<RecipeInput>(); boolean processStack = false; boolean processExclude = false; private String id; private float gm; private float pm; private float cm; private int drf; @Override public boolean startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { if(ELEMENT_ROOT.equals(localName)) { return true; } if(BALL_ROOT.equals(localName)) { id = RecipeConfigParser.getStringValue(AT_ID, attributes, null); if(id == null) { Log.warn("GrindingBallTagHandler: grinding ball specified without the '" + AT_ID + "' attribute. It will be ignored."); processStack = false; return true; } boolean remove = RecipeConfigParser.getBooleanValue(AT_REMOVE, attributes, false); if(remove) { GrindingBall res = balls.remove(id); if(res == null) { Log.warn("User config requested removal of grinding ball with id: " + id + " but it was not found."); } else {"Removed grinding ball with id=" + id + " due to user config."); } processStack = false; return true; } gm = RecipeConfigParser.getFloatValue(AT_GM, attributes, 1); cm = RecipeConfigParser.getFloatValue(AT_CM, attributes, 1); pm = RecipeConfigParser.getFloatValue(AT_PM, attributes, 1); drf = RecipeConfigParser.getIntValue(AT_DMJ, attributes, 24000); processStack = true; return true; } if(EXCLUDES_ROOT.equals(localName)) { processExclude = true; return true; } if(processStack && RecipeConfigParser.ELEMENT_ITEM_STACK.equals(localName)) { RecipeInput ri = RecipeConfigParser.getItemStack(attributes); if(ri != null) { GrindingBall gb = new GrindingBall(ri, gm, cm, pm, drf); balls.put(id, gb); } } if(processExclude && RecipeConfigParser.ELEMENT_ITEM_STACK.equals(localName)) { RecipeInput ri = RecipeConfigParser.getItemStack(attributes); if(ri != null) { boolean remove = RecipeConfigParser.getBooleanValue(AT_REMOVE, attributes, false); if(remove) { excludes.remove(ri);"Removed grinding ball exclude for " + ri.getInput().getDisplayName() + " due to user config."); } else { excludes.add(ri); } } } return false; } @Override public boolean endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { if(ELEMENT_ROOT.equals(localName) || BALL_ROOT.equals(localName) || EXCLUDES_ROOT.equals(localName)) { processStack = false; processExclude = false; return true; } return false; } @Override public void configProcessed() { } }