package li.cil.oc.api; import li.cil.oc.api.manual.ContentProvider; import li.cil.oc.api.manual.ImageProvider; import li.cil.oc.api.manual.ImageRenderer; import li.cil.oc.api.manual.PathProvider; import li.cil.oc.api.manual.TabIconRenderer; import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos; import; /** * This API allows interfacing with the in-game manual of OpenComputers. * <p/> * It allows opening the manual at a desired specific page, as well as * registering custom tabs and content callback handlers. * <p/> * Note: this is a <em>client side only</em> API. It will do nothing on * dedicated servers (i.e. <tt>API.manual</tt> will be <tt>null</tt>). */ public class Manual { /** * Register a tab to be displayed next to the manual. * <p/> * These are intended to link to index pages, and for the time being there * a relatively low number of tabs that can be displayed, so I'd ask you to * only register as many tabs as actually, technically *needed*. Which will * usually be one, for your main index page. * * @param renderer the renderer used to render the icon on your tab. * @param tooltip the unlocalized tooltip of the tab, or <tt>null</tt>. * @param path the path to the page to open when the tab is clicked. */ public static void addTab(TabIconRenderer renderer, String tooltip, String path) { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.addTab(renderer, tooltip, path); } /** * Register a path provider. * <p/> * Path providers are used to find documentation entries for item stacks * and blocks in the world. * * @param provider the provider to register. */ public static void addProvider(PathProvider provider) { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.addProvider(provider); } /** * Register a content provider. * <p/> * Content providers are used to resolve paths to page content, if the * standard system (using Minecraft's resource loading facilities) fails. * <p/> * This can be useful for providing dynamic content, for example. * * @param provider the provider to register. */ public static void addProvider(ContentProvider provider) { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.addProvider(provider); } /** * Register an image provider. * <p/> * Image providers are used to render custom content in a page. These are * selected via the standard image tag of Markdown, based on the prefix of * the image URL, i.e. <tt>![tooltip](prefix:data)</tt> will select the * image provider registered for the prefix <tt>prefix</tt>, and pass to * it the argument <tt>data</tt>, then use the returned renderer to draw * an element in the place of the tag. The provided prefix is expected to * be <em>without</em> the colon (<tt>:</tt>). * <p/> * Custom providers are only selected if a prefix is matched, otherwise * it'll treat it as a relative path to an image to load via Minecraft's * resource providing facilities, and display that. * * @param prefix the prefix on which to use the provider. * @param provider the provider to register. */ public static void addProvider(String prefix, ImageProvider provider) { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.addProvider(prefix, provider); } /** * Get the image renderer for the specified image path. * <p/> * This will look for {@link ImageProvider}s registered for a prefix in the * specified path. If there is no match, or the matched content provider * does not provide a renderer, this will return <tt>null</tt>. * * @param path the path to the image to get the renderer for. * @return the custom renderer for that path. */ public static ImageRenderer imageFor(String path) { if (API.manual != null) return API.manual.imageFor(path); return null; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // /** * Look up the documentation path for the specified item stack. * * @param stack the stack to find the documentation path for. * @return the path to the page, <tt>null</tt> if none is known. */ public static String pathFor(ItemStack stack) { if (API.manual != null) return API.manual.pathFor(stack); return null; } /** * Look up the documentation for the specified block in the world. * * @param world the world containing the block. * @param pos the position of the block. * @return the path to the page, <tt>null</tt> if none is known. */ public static String pathFor(World world, BlockPos pos) { if (API.manual != null) return API.manual.pathFor(world, pos); return null; } /** * Get the content of the documentation page at the specified location. * * @param path the path of the page to get the content of. * @return the content of the page, or <tt>null</tt> if none exists. */ public static Iterable<String> contentFor(String path) { if (API.manual != null) return API.manual.contentFor(path); return null; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // /** * Open the manual for the specified player. * <p/> * If you wish to display a specific page, call {@link #navigate(String)} * after this function returns, with the path to the page to show. * * @param player the player to open the manual for. */ public static void openFor(EntityPlayer player) { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.openFor(player); } /** * Reset the history of the manual. */ public static void reset() { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.reset(); } /** * Navigate to a page in the manual. * * @param path the path to navigate to. */ public static void navigate(String path) { if (API.manual != null) API.manual.navigate(path); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // private Manual() { } }