package buildcraft.api.core; import java.util.Map; import; import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property; /** Use this to access the various config options. It is recommended that you use this as opposed to the variables in * the mod, as users may only install the modules that they want, and not the one you may have refereed to. */ @Deprecated public final class ConfigAccessor { public enum EMod { CORE, BUILDERS, ENERGY, FACTORY, ROBITICS, SILICON, TRANSPORT } private static Map<EMod, IBuildCraftMod> mods = Maps.newHashMap(); private ConfigAccessor() {} public static Property getOption(EMod mod, String name) { if (mods.containsKey(mod)) { return mods.get(mod).getOption(name); } else { return null; } } public static boolean getBoolean(EMod mod, String name, boolean defaultBoolean) { Property prop = getOption(mod, name); if (prop == null) { return defaultBoolean; } else { return prop.getBoolean(defaultBoolean); } } /** WARNING: INTERNAL USE ONLY! */ public static void addMod(EMod mod, IBuildCraftMod actual) { mods.put(mod, actual); } }