package tc.oc.commons.core.util; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A {@link SetMultimap} with type keys that supports lookups based on type bounds. * * Keys are {@link TypeToken}s for types that extend {@link K} i.e. {@code TypeToken<? extends K>}. * Wherever {@link Class}es are accepted as keys, they are converted to the equivalent {@link TypeToken}. * * Note that unlike most map collections, the key type parameter is not the type of the keys, * but rather a bound for the keys, which are types themselves. * * There is no required relationship between the types of keys and values. */ public class TypeMap<K, V> extends ForwardingSetMultimap<TypeToken<? extends K>, V> implements MultimapHelper<TypeToken<? extends K>, V> { public static <K, V> TypeMap<K, V> create() { return new TypeMap<>(HashMultimap.create()); } public static <K, V> TypeMap<K, V> wrap(SetMultimap<TypeToken<? extends K>, V> map) { return new TypeMap<>(map); } private final SetMultimap<TypeToken<? extends K>, V> map; public TypeMap(SetMultimap<TypeToken<? extends K>, V> map) { = map; } public TypeMap(Map<TypeToken<? extends K>, ? extends Collection<V>> map, Supplier<Set<V>> supplier) { this(Multimaps.newSetMultimap((Map) map, supplier::get)); } @Override protected SetMultimap<TypeToken<? extends K>, V> delegate() { return map; } public boolean put(Class<? extends K> key, V value) { return super.put(TypeToken.of(key), value); } /** * Return all keys within the given bounds */ public Set<TypeToken<? extends K>> keysAssignableTo(TypeToken<? extends K> bounds) { return Sets.filter(keySet(), bounds::isAssignableFrom); } /** * Return all keys that bound the given type */ public Set<TypeToken<? extends K>> keysAssignableFrom(TypeToken<? extends K> type) { return Sets.filter(keySet(), bounds -> bounds.isAssignableFrom(type)); } public Set<TypeToken<? extends K>> keysAssignableTo(Class<? extends K> bounds) { return keysAssignableTo(TypeToken.of(bounds)); } public Set<TypeToken<? extends K>> keysAssignableFrom(Class<? extends K> type) { return keysAssignableFrom(TypeToken.of(type)); } /** * Return all values assigned to keys within the given bounds */ public Set<V> allAssignableTo(TypeToken<? extends K> bounds) { return new SupersetView(Iterables.transform(keysAssignableTo(bounds), this::get)); } /** * Return all values assigned to keys that bound the given type */ public Set<V> allAssignableFrom(TypeToken<? extends K> type) { return new SupersetView(Iterables.transform(keysAssignableFrom(type), this::get)); } /** * Return all values assigned to keys within the given bounds */ public Set<V> allAssignableTo(Class<? extends K> bounds) { return allAssignableTo(TypeToken.of(bounds)); } /** * Return all values assigned to keys that bound the given type */ public Set<V> allAssignableFrom(Class<? extends K> type) { return allAssignableFrom(TypeToken.of(type)); } /** * Return a single value assigned to a key within the given bounds * @throws NoSuchElementException if no such value exists * @throws AmbiguousElementException if multiple such values exist */ public V oneAssignableTo(TypeToken<? extends K> bounds) { try { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(allAssignableTo(bounds)); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new AmbiguousElementException(); } } /** * Return a single value assigned to a key that bounds the given type * @throws NoSuchElementException if no such value exists * @throws AmbiguousElementException if multiple such values exist */ public V oneAssignableFrom(TypeToken<? extends K> type) { try { return Iterables.getOnlyElement(allAssignableFrom(type)); } catch(IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new AmbiguousElementException(); } } public V oneAssignableTo(Class<? extends K> bounds) { return oneAssignableTo(TypeToken.of(bounds)); } public V oneAssignableFrom(Class<? extends K> bounds) { return oneAssignableFrom(TypeToken.of(bounds)); } }