package tc.oc.pgm.features; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Provider; import; import; import; import; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Element; import tc.oc.commons.core.reflect.Types; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.AmbiguousElementException; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Ranges; import tc.oc.pgm.utils.XMLUtils; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.InvalidXMLException; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.Node; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.UnrecognizedXMLException; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.parser.ElementParser; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.parser.Parser; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.parser.PrimitiveParser; import tc.oc.pgm.xml.validate.Validation; import static; import static tc.oc.commons.core.exception.LambdaExceptionUtils.*; import static; /** * Parses references and definitions for feature {@link T}. * * Other classes that want to parse {@link T}s should inject this class and use the {@link #property} * methods (in most cases), or possibly the {@link #parseReference} methods (for irregular reference syntax). * They can also just inject {@link ElementParser} or {@link Parser}, which are linked to this class. * {@link #parseElement(Element)} and {@link #parse(Node)} will handle references or definitions. * * This class depends on the {@link FeatureDefinitionParser} for {@link T}. * It handles registration of definitions and references with the {@link FeatureDefinitionContext}. * * A {@link FeatureDefinitionParser} implementation can safely depend on its own {@link FeatureParser} * if it needs to recursively parse its own type. * * A specialized {@link FeatureParser} for {@link T} can be bound using {@link FeatureBinder#bindParser()}. * Otherwise, {@link FeatureParser} itself will get a JIT binding, if anything depends on it. * * @see FeatureDefinitionParser * * TODO: Extract the property stuff and integrate it with {@link} */ public class FeatureParser<T extends FeatureDefinition> extends PrimitiveParser<T> implements ElementParser<T> { protected final TypeToken<T> featureTypeToken; protected final Class<T> featureType; protected final String featureName; @Inject protected FeatureDefinitionContext features; @Inject protected Provider<FeatureDefinitionParser<T>> definitionParser; // Provider to avoid circular deps protected FeatureParser() { this(null); } @Inject public FeatureParser(@Nullable TypeLiteral<T> type) { this.featureTypeToken = type != null ? Types.toToken(type) : new TypeToken<T>(getClass()){}; this.featureType = (Class<T>) featureTypeToken.getRawType(); this.featureName = FeatureDefinition.getFeatureName(featureType); } @Override public TypeToken<T> paramToken() { return featureTypeToken; } /** * Default property name for {@link T} */ public String propertyName() { return featureName; } /** * The name of the ID attribute on definitions and references for {@link T}. */ public String idAttributeName() { return "id"; } /** * A transformation to apply to all parsed IDs before storing them or looking them up. */ public String mangleId(String unmangled) { return unmangled; } /** * Parse the given {@link Element} as a {@link T} of some kind (reference or definition). */ @Override public T parseElement(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { if(isReference(el)) { return parseReferenceElement(el); } else { return parseDefinition(el); } } @Override public T parseInternal(Node node) throws InvalidXMLException { if(node.isElement()) { return parseElement(node.asElement()); } else { return parseReference(node); } } @Override protected T parseInternal(Node node, String text) throws FormatException, InvalidXMLException { if(node.isElement()) { // Assume that we will never need to parse an element with split content return parseElement(node.asElement()); } else { return parseReference(node, text); } } /** * Can the given element be ignored when parsing child elements? * * This prevents an "unrecognized element" error from being thrown. * It can be used to ignore other valid elements that are mixed in * with filters. */ protected boolean canIgnore(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return false; } public boolean isDefinition(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return definitionParser.get().isDefinition(el); } /** * Can the given {@link Element} be parsed as a reference? */ public boolean isReference(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return el.getContent().isEmpty() && el.getAttributes().size() == 1 && el.getAttributes().get(0).getName().equals(idAttributeName()) && ("ref".equals(el.getName()) || propertyName().equals(el.getName())); } /** * Can the given {@link Element} be parsed as a {@link T} of any kind? */ public boolean isParseable(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return isReference(el) || isDefinition(el); } /** * Like {@link FeatureParser#isParseable(Element)}, but throws an exception if the * element is unrecognized (and fails {@link FeatureParser#canIgnore(Element)}). * * This should be used to filter out ignored elements, in places * where unrecognized elements do not belong. */ public boolean isParseableChild(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { if(isParseable(el)) { return true; } else if(!canIgnore(el)) { throw new UnrecognizedXMLException(propertyName(), el); } else { return false; } } /** * Try to parse an ID applied to the given definition element, * or return empty if the definition is anonymous. */ public Optional<String> parseDefinitionId(Element el, T definition) throws InvalidXMLException { return Node.tryAttr(el, idAttributeName()) .map(Node::getValue); } /** * Do stuff to the given freshly parsed {@link T} definition, and return it. * * The base method stores it in the {@link FeatureDefinitionContext}. */ public T registerDefinition(Element el, Optional<String> mangledId, T definition) throws InvalidXMLException { return features.define(el, mangledId.orElse(null), paramClass(), definition); } /** * Parse the given definition element and register it. * * If an ID can be parsed, the definition will be registred under that ID. */ public T parseDefinition(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { final T definition = definitionParser.get().parseElement(el); return registerDefinition(el, parseDefinitionId(el, definition).map(this::mangleId), definition); } public T registerReference(Node node, String mangledId) throws InvalidXMLException { return features.reference(node, mangledId, paramClass()); } /** * Get a {@link T} reference with the given ID from the {@link FeatureDefinitionContext, * using the given {@link Node} as the source location. * * The {@link Node} can be anything, it is only used for error reporting. */ public T parseReference(Node node, String id) throws InvalidXMLException { return registerReference(node, mangleId(id)); } /** * Call {@link #parseReference(Node, String)} with the node value as the ID. */ public T parseReference(Node node) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseReference(node, node.getValueNormalize()); } /** * Parse the given {@link Element} as a standalone {@link T} reference. */ public T parseReferenceElement(Element el) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseReference(Node.fromRequiredAttr(el, idAttributeName())); } /** * Return all children of the given {@link Element} that pass * {@link #isParseableChild(Element)}. */ public Stream<Element> parseableChildren(Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException { return parent.getChildren() .stream() .filter(rethrowPredicate(this::isParseableChild)); } /** * Parse a single, unique child {@link Element} using {@link #parseElement(Element)}. * * An exception is thrown if the given element has multiple children, or no children, * or a single child that is not parseable. */ public T parseChild(Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException { final Optional<T> feature = parseOptionalChild(parent); if(feature.isPresent()) return feature.get(); throw new InvalidXMLException("Missing " + propertyName(), parent); } /** * If the given {@link Element} has a single child element, parse it using {@link #parseElement(Element)}. * * An exception is thrown if the given element has multiple children. */ public Optional<T> parseOptionalChild(Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException { try { return parseableChildren(parent).collect(zeroOrOne()) .map(rethrowFunction(this::parseElement)); } catch(AmbiguousElementException e) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Expected a single " + propertyName() + ", not multiple", parent); } } /** * Parse all child {@link Element}s of the given parent using {@link #parseElement(Element)}, * and return them as an ordered {@link Stream}. */ public Stream<T> parseChildren(Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseableChildren(parent).map(rethrowFunction(this::parseElement)); } public List<T> parseChildList(Element parent, Range<Integer> count) throws InvalidXMLException { final List<T> list = parseChildren(parent).collect(Collectors.toList()); if(count.contains(list.size())) return list; final Optional<Integer> min = Ranges.minimum(count), max = Ranges.maximum(count); if(!max.isPresent()) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Expected " + min.get() + " or more child elements", parent); } else if(!min.isPresent()) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Expected no more than " + max.get() + " child elements", parent); } else if(min.equals(max)) { throw new InvalidXMLException("Expected exactly " + min.get() + " child elements", parent); } else { throw new InvalidXMLException("Expected between " + min.get() + " and " + max.get() + " child elements", parent); } } /** * Parse all child {@link Element}s of the given parent using {@link #parseElement(Element)}, * and return them as {@link List} in order of appearance. */ public List<T> parseChildList(Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseChildren(parent).collect(toList()); } public T parseReferenceOrChild(Element parent) throws InvalidXMLException { return parseReferenceOrChild(parent, propertyName()); } public T parseReferenceOrChild(Element parent, String name) throws InvalidXMLException { return Node.tryAttr(parent, name) .map(rethrowFunction(this::parseReference)) .orElseGet(rethrowSupplier(() -> parseChild(parent))); } public T parseProperty(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return property(el, name).alias(aliases).required(); } public Optional<T> parseOptionalProperty(Element el, String name, String... aliases) throws InvalidXMLException { return property(el, name).alias(aliases).optional(); } public <S extends PropertyBuilder<S>> PropertyBuilder<S> property(Element element) { return property(element, propertyName()); } public <S extends PropertyBuilder<S>> PropertyBuilder<S> property(Element element, String name) { return new PropertyBuilder<>(element, name); } public class PropertyBuilder<Self extends PropertyBuilder<Self>> { protected final Element element; protected final String name; protected final Set<String> names = new HashSet<>(); protected final List<Validation<? super T>> validations = new ArrayList<>(); public PropertyBuilder(Element element, String name) { this.element = element; = name; this.names.add(name); } /** * Called after each T is parsed */ protected T postParse(T feature, @Nullable Node node) throws InvalidXMLException { features.validate(feature, node, validations); return feature; } /** * Parse the entire property from the parent element. If there are no property nodes * present, Optional.empty() is returned. If a list is returned, that means some * nodes are present, though they may be empty. */ protected Optional<List<T>> parseParent() throws InvalidXMLException { final ImmutableList.Builder<T> results = ImmutableList.builder(); boolean present = false; if(parseAttributes(results)) present = true; if(parseChildren(results)) present = true; return present ? Optional.of( : Optional.empty(); } protected boolean parseAttributes(ImmutableList.Builder<T> results) throws InvalidXMLException { boolean present = false; for(Attribute attr : XMLUtils.getAttributes(element, names)) { present = true; parseAttribute(results, attr); } return present; } protected void parseAttribute(ImmutableList.Builder<T> results, Attribute attr) throws InvalidXMLException { final Node node = new Node(attr); results.add(postParse(parseReference(node), node)); } protected boolean parseChildren(ImmutableList.Builder<T> results) throws InvalidXMLException { boolean present = false; for(Element child : XMLUtils.getChildren(element, names)) { present = true; parseChild(results, child); } return present; } protected void parseChild(ImmutableList.Builder<T> results, Element child) throws InvalidXMLException { final Node node = new Node(child); parseableChildren(child).forEach(rethrowConsumer(el -> results.add(postParse(parseElement(el), node)))); } protected Self self() { return (Self) this; } public Self alias(String... aliases) { names.addAll(Arrays.asList(aliases)); return self(); } public Self validate(Validation<? super T> validation) { validations.add(validation); return self(); } public Optional<List<T>> optionalMulti() throws InvalidXMLException { return parseParent(); } public List<T> multi() throws InvalidXMLException { return optionalMulti().orElseThrow(() -> new InvalidXMLException("Missing " + featureName + " property '" + name + "'", element)); } public Optional<T> optional() throws InvalidXMLException { return optionalMulti().map(rethrowFunction(features -> { switch(features.size()) { case 0: throw new InvalidXMLException("Missing " + featureName + " value for '" + name + "' property", element); case 1: return features.get(0); default: throw new InvalidXMLException("Conflicting " + featureName + " values for '" + name + "' property", element); } })); } public T optional(@Nullable T def) throws InvalidXMLException { return optional().orElse(def); } public T optionalGet(Supplier<T> def) throws InvalidXMLException { return optional().orElseGet(def); } public T required() throws InvalidXMLException { final Optional<T> feature = optional(); if(feature.isPresent()) return feature.get(); throw new InvalidXMLException("Missing " + featureName + " property '" + name + "'", element); } } }