package; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ChatUtils { public static final int MAX_CHAT_WIDTH = 300; /** * Get the pixel width of the given character in the Minecraft font, excluding * the space between characters and drop shadow. Handles alphanumerics and most * common english punctuation. */ public static int pixelWidth(char c) { if(Character.isUpperCase(c)) { return c == 'I' ? 3 : 5; } else if(Character.isDigit(c)) { return 5; } else if(Character.isLowerCase(c)) { switch(c) { case 'i': return 1; case 'l': return 2; case 't': return 3; case 'f': case 'k': return 4; default: return 5; } } else { switch(c) { case '!': case '.': case ',': case ';': case ':': case '|': return 1; case '\'': return 2; case '[': case ']': case ' ': return 3; case '*': case '(': case ')': case '{': case '}': case '<': case '>': return 4; case '@': return 6; default: return 5; } } } /** * A complete text formatting state, used by Parser */ private static class Format { public boolean obfuscated = false; public boolean bold = false; public boolean strikethrough = false; public boolean underline = false; public boolean italic = false; public ChatColor color; private Format(boolean obfuscated, boolean bold, boolean strikethrough, boolean underline, boolean italic, ChatColor color) { this.obfuscated = obfuscated; this.bold = bold; this.strikethrough = strikethrough; this.underline = underline; this.italic = italic; this.color = color; } private Format(Format format) { this(format.obfuscated, format.bold, format.strikethrough, format.underline, format.italic, format.color); } private Format() { } @Override public String toString() { String str = ""; if(this.color != null) { str += this.color; } if(this.obfuscated) { str += ChatColor.MAGIC; } if(this.bold) { str += ChatColor.BOLD; } if(this.strikethrough) { str += ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH; } if(this.underline) { str += ChatColor.UNDERLINE; } if(this.italic) { str += ChatColor.ITALIC; } return str; } } /** * Holds the state while parsing formatted text, while calculating * the pixel width at various points. */ private static class Parser { public final String text; public boolean formatting = false; // last char was § public int chars = 0; // consumed char count public int pixels = 0; // total pixel width of consumed chars public Format format; // formatting state at current pos public int charsVisible = 0; // char count at last visible char public int pixelsVisible = 0; // pixel width at last visible char public int charsWord = 0; // char count at last word ending public int pixelsWord = 0; // pixel width at last word ending public Format wordFormat; // formatting state at last word ending private Parser(String text) { this.text = text; this.format = new Format(); this.wordFormat = new Format(); } public boolean atEnd() { return this.chars == this.text.length(); } /** * Return the pixels that will be added to width if the given char is consumed next */ public int getAdvance(char c) { if(c == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR && this.chars < this.text.length() - 1) { return 0; } else { int width = pixelWidth(c); if(this.format.bold) { // Bold chars are one pixel wider width += 1; } if(this.chars != 0) { // If not the first char, add the gap between chars width += 1; } return width; } } /** * Return the number of pixels that will be added to width by the next char */ public int nextAdvance() { return this.getAdvance(this.text.charAt(this.chars)); } /** * Consume a character */ public void advance() { char c = this.text.charAt(this.chars++); if(this.formatting) { // Previous char was §, so this char will always be hidden switch(c) { case 'k': this.format.obfuscated = true; break; case 'l': this.format.bold = true; break; case 'm': this.format.strikethrough = true; break; case 'n': this.format.underline = true; break; case 'o': this.format.italic = true; break; default: this.format.color = ChatColor.getByChar(c); this.format.obfuscated = false; this.format.bold = false; this.format.strikethrough = false; this.format.underline = false; this.format.italic = false; break; case 'r': this.format.obfuscated = false; this.format.bold = false; this.format.strikethrough = false; this.format.underline = false; this.format.italic = false; this.format.color = null; break; } this.formatting = false; } else { if(c == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR && this.chars != this.text.length() - 1) { // If we encounter a § and it's not the last char in the string, // switch to the format state this.formatting = true; } else { // Otherwise, this char will be visible, so update the position // pointer and increment the width this.charsVisible = this.chars; this.pixelsVisible = this.pixels; if(this.chars == this.text.length() || Character.isWhitespace(this.text.charAt(this.chars))) { this.charsWord = this.chars; this.pixelsWord = this.pixels; this.wordFormat = new Format(this.format); } this.pixels += getAdvance(c); } } } /** * Consume the maximum characters that will increase the width by no more than the given amount */ public void advance(int width) { int startWidth = this.pixels; while(this.pixels + this.nextAdvance() <= startWidth + width) { this.advance(); if(this.atEnd()) { return; } } } /** * Consume the maximum words that will increase the width by no more than the given amount */ public void advanceWords(int width) { int startWidth = this.pixels; while(this.pixels + this.nextAdvance() <= startWidth + width) { this.advance(); if(this.atEnd()) { return; } } this.chars = this.charsWord; this.pixels = this.pixelsWord; this.format = new Format(this.wordFormat); } } /** * Get the pixel width of the given text in the Minecraft font, excluding the drop shadow. * Formatting codes are accounted for, and so is bold text. */ public static int pixelWidth(String text) { return pixelWidth(text, false); } public static int pixelWidth(String text, boolean bold) { Parser parser = new Parser(text); if(bold) parser.format.bold = true; while(!parser.atEnd()) { parser.advance(); } return parser.pixels; } /** * Return the length of the longest prefix of the given string that fits * within the given pixel width when rendered in the Minecraft font. If * the prefix is shorter than the entire string, then it is guaranteed to * end with a visible character, and not any formatting character. */ public static int longestPrefix(String text, int maxWidth) { int pos = 0; Parser parser = new Parser(text); while(parser.pixels < maxWidth) { if(parser.atEnd()) { return text.length(); } pos = parser.charsVisible; parser.advance(); } return pos; } /** * Return the length of the longest prefix of the given string that ends * on a word boundary and fits within the given pixel width when rendered * in the Minecraft font. If the prefix is shorter than the entire string, * then it is guaranteed to end with a visible character, and not any * formatting character. */ public static int longestWordPrefix(String text, int maxWidth) { int pos = 0; Parser parser = new Parser(text); while(parser.pixels < maxWidth) { if(parser.atEnd()) { return text.length(); } pos = parser.charsWord; parser.advance(); } return pos; } public static final int SPACE_PIXEL_WIDTH = pixelWidth(' '); /** * Return a horizontal line spanning the width of the chat window * @param lineColor color of the line * @param width width of the line in pixels * @return the line as a string */ public static String horizontalLine(ChatColor lineColor, int width) { return lineColor.toString() + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + Strings.repeat(" ", (width + 1) / (SPACE_PIXEL_WIDTH + 1)); } /** * Return some text centered in a horizontal line spanning the chat window * @param text the text to center in the line (can contain formatting codes) * @param lineColor the color of the line * @param width width of the line in pixels * @return the heading as a string */ public static String horizontalLineHeading(String text, ChatColor lineColor, int width) { text = ChatColor.RESET + " " + text + ChatColor.RESET + " "; int textWidth = pixelWidth(text); int spaceCount = Math.max(0, ((width - textWidth) / 2 + 1) / (SPACE_PIXEL_WIDTH + 1)); return lineColor.toString() + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + Strings.repeat(" ", spaceCount) + text + lineColor.toString() + ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH + Strings.repeat(" ", spaceCount); } public static List<String> wordWrap(String text, int width) { ArrayList<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(); return wordWrap(text, width, lines); } /** * Word-wrap the given text to the given pixel width. Output is appended to the * given String list, which is also returned. Formatting codes are correctly * handled and propagated across lines. * * @param text to wrap * @param width pixel width of the chat window * @param lines list of lines to append the wrapped text to * @return lines */ public static List<String> wordWrap(String text, int width, List<String> lines) { Parser parser = new Parser(text); Format format = null; int lineStart = 0; while(!parser.atEnd()) { parser.advanceWords(width); if(parser.chars == lineStart) { parser.advance(width); if(parser.chars == lineStart) { parser.advance(); } } if(format == null) { lines.add(text.substring(lineStart, parser.chars)); } else { lines.add(format.toString() + text.substring(lineStart, parser.chars)); } lineStart = parser.chars; format = new Format(parser.format); } return lines; } /** * Underlines a specific string maintaining colors. * * @param str The string to underline. * @return The underlined string. */ public static String underline(String str) { return applyFormat(ChatColor.UNDERLINE, str); } /** * Makes a string bolded, maintaining all colors. * * @param str The string to be bolded. * @return The bolded string. */ public static String bold(String str) { return applyFormat(ChatColor.BOLD, str); } /** * Italicizes a string, maintaining all previous colors. * * @param str The string to be italicized. * @return The intaliciezd string. */ public static String italicize(String str) { return applyFormat(ChatColor.ITALIC, str); } /** * Strikes out a string, keeping all previous colors. * * @param str The string to strike out. * @return The striked-out string. */ public static String strikethrough(String str) { return applyFormat(ChatColor.STRIKETHROUGH, str); } /** * Replaces all instances of one color in "str" from `from` to `to`. * @param str The base string. * @param from The base ChatColor. * @param to The ChatColor to replace to. * * @return The replaced String. */ public static String replaceColorCodes(String str, ChatColor from, ChatColor to) { return str.replaceAll(from.toString(), to.toString()); } public static boolean isFormat(ChatColor color) { switch(color) { case BOLD: case ITALIC: case UNDERLINE: case STRIKETHROUGH: case MAGIC: return true; default: return false; } } /** * Apply formatting to an entire string that may contain other color codes * * @param format The format to apply * @param text The string to apply the format to * * @return New string with the format applied */ private static String applyFormat(ChatColor format, String text) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); boolean escaped = false; // previous char was the escape char boolean needsFormat = true; // format has been reset and needs to be re-applied for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) { char c = text.charAt(i); if(escaped) { escaped = false; ChatColor color = ChatColor.getByChar(c); needsFormat = color == null || !isFormat(color); } else if(c == ChatColor.COLOR_CHAR) { escaped = true; } else if(needsFormat) { needsFormat = false; buffer.append(format); } buffer.append(c); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Make text really small (only works on numbers right now) */ public static String tiny(String text) { char[] chars = text.toCharArray(); for(int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { switch(chars[i]) { case '.': chars[i] = '\u2024'; break; default: chars[i] = (char) (chars[i] - '0' + '\u2080'); break; } } return String.valueOf(chars); } public static net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor convert(Enum<?> color) { return net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor.valueOf(; } }