package tc.oc.commons.bukkit.logging; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import tc.oc.commons.core.logging.Logging; /** * A {@link LogRecord} with extra formatting features used by {@link ChatLogHandler} */ public class ChatLogRecord extends LogRecord { public ChatLogRecord(Level level, String msg) { super(level, msg); } /** * Return a colorful error message using legacy formatting codes */ public String getLegacyFormattedMessage() { return ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "[" + Logging.levelColor(getLevel()) + Logging.levelAbbrev(getLevel()) + ChatColor.DARK_GRAY + "] " + ChatColor.GRAY + getMessage(); } /** * Returns true when it is not necessary to show a stack trace * for any throwable that might be in the record. */ public boolean suppressStackTrace() { return false; } }