package tc.oc.pgm.mutation.command; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.*; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.nick.IdentityProvider; import; import tc.oc.minecraft.scheduler.SyncExecutor; import; import; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.core.commands.Commands; import tc.oc.commons.core.commands.NestedCommands; import tc.oc.commons.core.formatting.StringUtils; import tc.oc.commons.core.random.RandomUtils; import tc.oc.pgm.commands.CommandUtils; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import tc.oc.pgm.mutation.Mutation; import tc.oc.pgm.mutation.MutationMatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.mutation.MutationQueue; import static tc.oc.commons.bukkit.commands.CommandUtils.newCommandException; /** * Commands for {@link MutationMatchModule}. */ public class MutationCommands implements NestedCommands { public static final String PERMISSION_SET = "mutation.set"; public static final String PERMISSION_LIST = "mutation.list"; public static class Parent implements Commands { @Command( aliases = {"mutation", "mutations", "mutate", "mt"}, desc = "Commands to manage match mutations.", usage = "<list|enable|disable>", min = 1, max = -1 ) @NestedCommand(value = MutationCommands.class, executeBody = true) public void mutate(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException {} } private final SyncExecutor syncExecutor; private final Audiences audiences; private final MutationQueue mutationQueue; private final IdentityProvider identityProvider; @Inject MutationCommands(SyncExecutor syncExecutor, Audiences audiences, MutationQueue mutationQueue, IdentityProvider identityProvider) { this.syncExecutor = syncExecutor; this.audiences = audiences; this.mutationQueue = mutationQueue; this.identityProvider = identityProvider; } @Command( aliases = {"enable", "e"}, desc = "Adds a mutation to the upcoming match." + "You can use '?' as a wildcard or " + "'*' to use all.", usage = "<mutation|?|*>", flags = "q", min = 1, max = 1 ) @CommandPermissions(PERMISSION_SET) public void enable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException, SuggestException { set(args, sender, true); } @Command( aliases = {"disable", "d"}, desc = "Remove a mutation to the upcoming match." + "You can use '?' as a wildcard or " + "'*' to use all.", usage = "<mutation|?|*>", flags = "q", min = 1, max = 1 ) @CommandPermissions(PERMISSION_SET) public void disable(CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException, SuggestException { set(args, sender, false); } @Command( aliases = {"list"}, desc = "List all the mutations options." + "Use '-q' to see queued mutations.", usage = "[page]", flags = "q", min = 0, max = 1 ) @CommandPermissions(PERMISSION_LIST) public void list(final CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException { MutationMatchModule module = verify(sender); final boolean queued = args.hasFlag('q'); final Collection<Mutation> active = queued ? mutationQueue.mutations() : module.mutationsActive(); new Paginator<Mutation>(Mutation.values().length / 2) { @Override protected BaseComponent title() { return new TranslatableComponent(queued ? "command.mutation.list.queued" : "command.mutation.list.current"); } @Override protected BaseComponent entry(Mutation entry, int index) { return new Component(new BaseComponent[] {entry.getComponent(active.contains(entry) ? ChatColor.AQUA : ChatColor.GRAY)}) .extra(new Component(" (", ChatColor.WHITE).extra(new TranslatableComponent(entry.getDescription())).extra(")")); } }.display(sender, Sets.newHashSet(Mutation.values()), args.getInteger(0, 1)); } public MutationMatchModule verify(CommandSender sender) throws CommandException { return CommandUtils.getMatchModule(MutationMatchModule.class, sender); } public void set(CommandContext args, final CommandSender sender, final boolean value) throws CommandException, SuggestException { final MutationMatchModule module = verify(sender); final Match match = module.getMatch(); String action = args.getString(0); boolean queued = args.hasFlag('q') || match.isFinished(); // Mutations that *will* be added or removed final Collection<Mutation> mutations = new HashSet<>(); // Mutations that *are allowed* to be added or removed final Collection<Mutation> availableMutations = Sets.newHashSet(Mutation.values()); final Collection<Mutation> queue = queued ? mutationQueue.mutations() : module.mutationsActive(); if(value) availableMutations.removeAll(queue); else availableMutations.retainAll(queue); // Check if all mutations have been enabled/disabled if((queue.size() == Mutation.values().length && value) || (queue.isEmpty() && !value)) { throw newCommandException(sender, new TranslatableComponent(value ? "command.mutation.error.enabled.all" : "command.mutation.error.disabled.all")); } // Suggest mutations for the user to choose final SuggestionContext context = args.getSuggestionContext(); if(context != null) { context.suggestArgument(0, StringUtils.complete(context.getPrefix(), ->; } // Get which action the user wants to preform switch (action) { case "*": mutations.addAll(availableMutations); break; case "?": mutations.add(Iterables.get(availableMutations, RandomUtils.safeNextInt(match.getRandom(), availableMutations.size()))); break; default: Mutation query = StringUtils.bestFuzzyMatch(action, Sets.newHashSet(Mutation.values()), 0.9); if(query == null) { throw newCommandException(sender, new TranslatableComponent("command.mutation.error.find", action)); } else if(value == queue.contains(query)) { throw newCommandException(sender, new TranslatableComponent(value ? "command.mutation.error.enabled" : "command.mutation.error.disabled", query.getComponent(ChatColor.RED))); } else { mutations.add(query); } } Audience origin = audiences.get(sender); Audience all = audiences.localServer(); String message = message(!queued, value, mutations.size() == 1); ListComponent changed = new ListComponent(Collections2.transform(mutations, Mutation.toComponent(ChatColor.AQUA))); if(queued) { // Send the queued changes off to the api syncExecutor.callback( value ? mutationQueue.mergeAll(mutations) : mutationQueue.removeAll(mutations), result -> { origin.sendMessage(new Component(new TranslatableComponent(message, changed), ChatColor.WHITE)); } ); } else { // Make the changes immediately for(Mutation mutation : mutations) { try { module.register(mutation, value); module.mutate(mutation); } catch(Throwable t) { module.register(mutation, !value); origin.sendMessage( new WarningComponent( "command.mutation.error.mutate", mutation.getComponent(ChatColor.RED) ) ); module.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to enable/disable mutation", t); return; } } PlayerComponent player = new PlayerComponent(identityProvider.currentIdentity(sender)); all.sendMessage(new Component(new TranslatableComponent(message, player, changed))); } } public String message(boolean now, boolean enable, boolean singular) { if(now) { if(enable) { return singular ? "" : ""; } else { return singular ? "" : ""; } } else { if(enable) { return singular ? "command.mutation.enable.later.singular" : "command.mutation.enable.later.plural"; } else { return singular ? "command.mutation.disable.later.singular" : "command.mutation.disable.later.plural"; } } } }