package; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.nick.Identity; import; /** * Subclass of {@link TextComponent} used to display user-entered text. * * Current features: * - Autolinking * * Also stores the {@link Identity} of the author, but we currently don't * use that for anything. * * TODO: Possible future features include linking/decorating player names, * masking offensive language, markdown formatting. */ public class UserTextComponent extends TextComponent { // Source: private static final Pattern URL = Pattern.compile("(?:^|[\\W])(https?://|www\\.)" + "(([\\w\\-]+\\.)+?([\\w\\-.~]+/?)*" + "[\\p{Alnum}.,%_=?&#\\-+()\\[\\]\\*$~@!:/{};']*)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.MULTILINE | Pattern.DOTALL); final Optional<Identity> author; final Component rendered = new Component(); public UserTextComponent(Optional<Identity> author, String text) { super(text); = author; final Matcher matcher = URL.matcher(text); int textStart = 0; while(matcher.find()) { final int linkStart = matcher.start(1); final int linkEnd = matcher.end(); if(linkStart > textStart) { rendered.extra(text.substring(textStart, linkStart)); } final String link = text.substring(linkStart, linkEnd); final String url = link.startsWith("http") ? link : "http://" + link; rendered.extra(new Component(link, ChatColor.BLUE, ChatColor.UNDERLINE).clickEvent(ClickEvent.Action.OPEN_URL, url)); textStart = linkEnd; } if(textStart < text.length()) { rendered.extra(text.substring(textStart)); } } public UserTextComponent(Identity author, String text) { this(Optional.of(author), text); } public UserTextComponent(String text) { this(Optional.empty(), text); } }