package tc.oc.commons.core.util; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.BiFunction; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import; import; import; public class MapUtils { private MapUtils() {} public static <K, V> void putAbsent(Map<K, V> dest, Map<K, V> src) { for(Map.Entry<K, V> entry : src.entrySet()) { if(!dest.containsKey(entry.getKey())) { dest.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } public static <K, V> void putAll(Map<K, V> dest, Collection<K> src, V value) { for(K k : src) { dest.put(k, value); } } public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> merge(Map<K, V> dest, Map<K, V> src) { ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder.putAll(src); for(Map.Entry<K, V> entry : dest.entrySet()) { if(!src.containsKey(entry.getKey())) builder.put(entry); } return; } public static <K, V> ImmutableMap<K, V> merge(Map<K, V> dest, K key, V value) { ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); builder.put(key, value); for(Map.Entry<K, V> entry : dest.entrySet()) { if(!key.equals(entry.getKey())) builder.put(entry); } return; } public static <K, V> Multimap<K, V> combine(Iterable<Multimap<K, V>> maps) { Multimap<K, V> singleton = null; ImmutableMultimap.Builder<K, V> builder = null; for(Multimap<K, V> map : maps) { if(!map.isEmpty()) { if(singleton == null) { singleton = map; } else { if(builder == null) { builder = ImmutableMultimap.builder(); } builder.putAll(singleton); builder.putAll(map); } } } if(builder != null) { return; } else if(singleton != null) { return singleton; } else { return ImmutableMultimap.of(); } } public static <K, V> Multimap<K, V> combine(Multimap<K, V>... maps) { return combine(Arrays.asList(maps)); } public static <K, V, R> Stream<R> mapEntries(Map<K, V> map, BiFunction<K, V, R> mapper) { Stream.Builder<R> builder = Stream.builder(); map.forEach((k, v) -> builder.add(mapper.apply(k, v))); return; } public static <K, V, R> Stream<R> mapEntries(Multimap<K, V> map, BiFunction<K, V, R> mapper) { Stream.Builder<R> builder = Stream.builder(); map.entries().forEach(e -> builder.add(mapper.apply(e.getKey(), e.getValue()))); return; } public static <K1, V, K2> Map<K2, V> transformKeys(Map<K1, V> map, Function<K1, K2> keyMapper) { final ImmutableMap.Builder<K2, V> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); map.forEach((k, v) -> builder.put(keyMapper.apply(k), v)); return; } public static <K1, V, K2> Map<K2, V> transformKeys(Map<K1, V> map, BiFunction<K1, V, K2> keyMapper) { final ImmutableMap.Builder<K2, V> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); map.forEach((k, v) -> builder.put(keyMapper.apply(k, v), v)); return; } public static <K, V1, V2> Map<K, V2> transformValues(Map<K, V1> map, Function<V1, V2> valueMapper) { final ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V2> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); map.forEach((k, v) -> builder.put(k, valueMapper.apply(v))); return; } public static <K, V1, V2> Map<K, V2> transformValues(Map<K, V1> map, BiFunction<K, V1, V2> valueMapper) { final ImmutableMap.Builder<K, V2> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); map.forEach((k, v) -> builder.put(k, valueMapper.apply(k, v))); return; } public static <K, V> Optional<V> value(Map<K, V> map, K key) { return Optional.ofNullable(map.get(key)); } public static <R, C, V> Optional<V> value(Table<R, C, V> table, R rowKey, C columnKey) { return Optional.ofNullable(table.get(rowKey, columnKey)); } public static <K, V> Optional<V> ifPresent(Map<K, V> map, K key, Consumer<V> consumer) { final Optional<V> value = value(map, key); value.ifPresent(consumer); return value; } /** * Alternative to {@link #computeIfAbsent(Map, Object, Supplier)} that takes a * {@link Supplier} instead of a {@link Function}. Usually, the caller already has * the key, since they just passed it to this method, and having to declare a * duplicate key variable for the lambda is just annoying. */ public static <K, V> V computeIfAbsent(Map<K, V> map, K key, Supplier<V> computer) { return computeIfAbsent(map, key, key0 -> computer.get()); } /** * A version of {@link Map#computeIfAbsent(Object, Function)} that allows you to * safely access the map from inside the compute function. Some of the specialized * implementations of the original method in the JDK (e.g. the one in * {@link java.util.HashMap}) can put the map in an illegal state if you try to * do that. */ public static <K, V> V computeIfAbsent(Map<K, V> map, K key, Function<K, V> computer) { V value = map.get(key); if(value == null) { value = computer.apply(key); if(value != null) { map.put(key, value); } } return value; } public static <K, V> void forEach(Multimap<K, V> multimap, BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> consumer) { multimap.asMap().forEach((key, values) -> values.forEach(value -> consumer.accept(key, value))); } public static <K, V> void forEachWithIndex(Map<K, V> map, int start, IndexedBiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> consumer) { final Counter index = new Counter(start); map.forEach((k, v) -> consumer.accept(k, v,; } public static <K, V> void forEachWithIndex(Map<K, V> map, IndexedBiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> consumer) { forEachWithIndex(map, 0, consumer); } public static <K, V> void forEachWithIndex(Multimap<K, V> multimap, int start, IndexedBiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> consumer) { final Counter index = new Counter(start); forEach(multimap, (k, v) -> consumer.accept(k, v,; } public static <K, V> void forEachWithIndex(Multimap<K, V> multimap, IndexedBiConsumer<? super K, ? super V> consumer) { forEachWithIndex(multimap, 0, consumer); } }