package tc.oc.pgm.start; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import; import org.bukkit.boss.BarColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import java.time.Duration; import; import tc.oc.pgm.bossbar.BossBarMatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.countdowns.MatchCountdown; import tc.oc.pgm.countdowns.SingleCountdownContext; import tc.oc.pgm.cycle.CycleMatchModule; import; import; import; import; import tc.oc.pgm.match.Match; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchModule; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchScope; import tc.oc.pgm.match.MatchState; import tc.oc.pgm.restart.RestartListener; import static; @ListenerScope(MatchScope.LOADED) public class StartMatchModule extends MatchModule implements Listener { class UnreadyTimeout extends MatchCountdown { public UnreadyTimeout(Match match) { super(match); } @Override public BaseComponent barText(Player viewer) { checkState(!unreadyReasons.isEmpty()); return new Component(unreadyReasons.iterator().next().getReason(), ChatColor.RED); } @Override public BarColor barColor(Player viewer) { return BarColor.RED; } @Override public void onEnd(Duration total) { super.onEnd(total); getMatch().needMatchModule(CycleMatchModule.class).cycleNow(); } } protected final Set<UnreadyReason> unreadyReasons = new HashSet<>(); protected final BossBarMatchModule bbmm; protected final StartConfig config; protected boolean autoStart; // Initialized from config, but is mutable @Inject StartMatchModule(StartConfig config, BossBarMatchModule bbmm) { this.config = config; this.bbmm = bbmm; this.autoStart = this.config.autoStart(); } @Override public void load() { update(); } @EventHandler public void onCommit(MatchPreCommitEvent event) { unreadyReasons.clear(); } private SingleCountdownContext cc() { return getMatch().countdowns(); } /** * If true, the match start countdown will automatically start when conditions allow it */ public boolean isAutoStart() { return autoStart; } /** * Enable/disable auto-start and return true if the setting was changed */ public boolean setAutoStart(boolean autoStart) { if(this.autoStart != autoStart) { this.autoStart = autoStart; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get all {@link UnreadyReason}s currently preventing the match from starting. * If forceStart is true, only return the reasons that prevent the match from * being force started. */ public Collection<UnreadyReason> getUnreadyReasons(boolean forceStart) { if(forceStart) { List<UnreadyReason> reasons = new ArrayList<>(unreadyReasons.size()); for(UnreadyReason reason : unreadyReasons) { if(!reason.canForceStart()) reasons.add(reason); } return reasons; } else { return unreadyReasons; } } /** * Add the given unready reason, replacing any existing reasons of the same type */ public void addUnreadyReason(UnreadyReason newReason) { addUnreadyReason(newReason.getClass(), newReason); } /** * Atomically replace all unready reasons of the given type with one other reason */ public void addUnreadyReason(Class<? extends UnreadyReason> oldReasonType, UnreadyReason newReason) { if(getMatch().isCommitted()) return; boolean removed = removeUnreadyReasonsNoUpdate(oldReasonType); boolean added = addUnreadyReasonNoUpdate(newReason); if(removed || added) update(); } /** * Withdraw all unready reasons of the given type */ public void removeUnreadyReason(Class<? extends UnreadyReason> reasonType) { if(getMatch().isCommitted()) return; if(removeUnreadyReasonsNoUpdate(reasonType)) { update(); } } private boolean addUnreadyReasonNoUpdate(UnreadyReason reason) { if(unreadyReasons.add(reason)) { logger.fine("Added " + reason); return true; } return false; } private boolean removeUnreadyReasonsNoUpdate(Class<? extends UnreadyReason> reasonType) { boolean removed = false; for(Iterator<UnreadyReason> iterator = unreadyReasons.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { UnreadyReason reason =; if(reasonType.isInstance(reason)) { iterator.remove(); removed = true; logger.fine("Removed " + reason); } } return removed; } public boolean canStart(boolean force) { if(!getMatch().canTransitionTo(MatchState.Running)) return false; if(!force && (cc().getCountdown() instanceof RestartListener.RestartCountdown || cc().getCountdown() instanceof CycleMatchModule.CycleCountdown)) return false; for(UnreadyReason reason : unreadyReasons) { if(!force || !reason.canForceStart()) return false; } return true; } public boolean canHuddle() { return getMatch().canBeIn(MatchState.Huddle); } /** * Force the countdown to start with default duration if at all possible */ public boolean forceStartCountdown() { return forceStartCountdown(null, null); } /** * Force the countdown to start with the given duration if at all possible */ public boolean forceStartCountdown(@Nullable Duration duration, @Nullable Duration huddle) { return canStart(true) && startCountdown(duration, huddle, true); } public boolean forceHuddleCountdown(@Nullable Duration duration) { if(canHuddle()) { if(duration == null) duration = config.huddle(); cc().start(new HuddleCountdown(getMatch()), duration); return true; } return false; } /** * Start the countdown with default duration if auto-start is enabled, * and there are no soft {@link UnreadyReason}s preventing it. */ public boolean autoStartCountdown() { return isAutoStart() && canStart(false) && startCountdown(null, null, false); } public boolean restartUnreadyTimeout() { if(cc().getCountdown() instanceof UnreadyTimeout) { startUnreadyTimeout(); return true; } return false; } private boolean startCountdown(@Nullable Duration duration, @Nullable Duration huddle, boolean force) { if(duration == null) duration = config.countdown(); if(huddle == null) huddle = config.huddle(); logger.fine("Starting countdown"); cc().start(new StartCountdown(getMatch(), force, huddle), duration); return true; } private boolean cancelCountdown() { if(cc().cancelAll(StartCountdown.class)) { logger.fine("Cancelled countdown"); return true; } return false; } private void startUnreadyTimeout() { if(cc().getCountdown() == null || cc().getCountdown() instanceof UnreadyTimeout) { final Duration duration = config.timeout(); logger.fine("Starting unready timeout with duration " + duration); cc().start(new UnreadyTimeout(getMatch()), duration); } } private void cancelUnreadyTimeout() { if(cc().cancelAll(UnreadyTimeout.class)) { logger.fine("Cancelled unready timeout"); } } private void update() { if(getMatch().isCommitted()) return; final StartCountdown countdown = cc().getCountdown(StartCountdown.class); final boolean ready = canStart(countdown != null && countdown.isForced()); final boolean empty = getMatch().getPlayers().isEmpty(); if(countdown == null && ready && isAutoStart()) { startCountdown(null, null, false); } else if(countdown != null && !ready) { cancelCountdown(); } final UnreadyTimeout timeout = cc().getCountdown(UnreadyTimeout.class); if(timeout == null) { if(!ready && !empty) { startUnreadyTimeout(); } } else if(ready || empty) { cancelUnreadyTimeout(); } else { bbmm.render(timeout); } } @EventHandler public void onJoin(PlayerJoinMatchEvent event) { if(getMatch().getPlayers().size() == 1) { update(); } } @EventHandler public void onLeave(PlayerLeaveMatchEvent event) { if(getMatch().getPlayers().isEmpty()) { update(); } } }