package tc.oc.commons.bukkit.inventory; import java.util.EnumMap; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import; import; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.EquipmentSlot; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.PlayerInventory; import tc.oc.commons.bukkit.item.ItemUtils; import tc.oc.commons.core.util.Streams; /** * Derived from the names found in {@link net.minecraft.server.CommandReplaceItem}. * If we ever implement applying kits to other types of inventories, this should be * expanded to include those slot names as well. */ public abstract class Slot<I extends Inventory, H extends InventoryHolder> { static { all = new HashSet<>(); byKey = new HashMap<>(); byIndex = HashBasedTable.create(); byInventoryType = ImmutableMap.<Class<? extends Inventory>, Class<? extends Slot>>builder() .put(PlayerInventory.class, Player.class) .put(Inventory.class, Container.class) .build(); Container.init(); Player.init(); EnderChest.init(); } private static final Set<Slot> all; private static final Map<String, Slot> byKey; private static final Table<Class<? extends Slot>, Integer, Slot> byIndex; private static final Map<Class<? extends Inventory>, Class<? extends Slot>> byInventoryType; /** * Convert a Mojang slot name (used by /replaceitem) to a {@link Slot} object. * The "slot." at the beginning of the name is optional. * Returns null if the name is invalid. */ public static @Nullable Slot forKey(String key) { if(key.startsWith("slot.")) { key = key.substring("slot.".length()); } return byKey.get(key); } public static @Nullable <S extends Slot> S forIndex(Class<S> type, int index) { return (S) byIndex.get(type, index); } public static @Nullable <S extends Slot> S atPosition(Class<S> type, int column, int row) { return forIndex(type, row * 9 + column); } public static <I extends Inventory> Class<? extends Slot<I, ?>> typeForInventory(Class<I> inv) { for(Map.Entry<Class<? extends Inventory>, Class<? extends Slot>> entry : byInventoryType.entrySet()) { if(entry.getKey().isAssignableFrom(inv)) { return (Class<? extends Slot<I, ?>>) entry.getValue(); } } throw new IllegalStateException("Weird inventory type " + inv); } public static <I extends Inventory> Stream<? extends Slot<I, ?>> forInventory(Class<I> invType) { return Streams.instancesOf(, typeForInventory(invType)); } public static @Nullable <I extends Inventory> Slot<I, ?> forInventoryIndex(Class<I> inv, int index) { return forIndex(typeForInventory(inv), index); } public static @Nullable Slot<?, ?> forViewIndex(InventoryView view, int rawIndex) { final int cookedIndex = view.convertSlot(rawIndex); return forInventoryIndex((rawIndex == cookedIndex ? view.getTopInventory() : view.getBottomInventory()).getClass(), cookedIndex); } private final @Nullable String key; private final int index; // -1 = no slot Slot(Class<? extends Slot> type, @Nullable String key, int index) { this.key = key; this.index = index; all.add(this); if(key != null) { byKey.put(key, this); } if(index >= 0) { byIndex.put(type, index, this); } } @Override public String toString() { return key != null ? getKey() : super.toString(); } /** * @return the name of this slot, as used by the /replaceitem command */ public @Nullable String getKey() { return key == null ? null : "slot." + key; } public boolean hasIndex() { return index >= 0; } /** * @return a slot index that can be passed to {@link Inventory#getItem} et al. */ public int getIndex() { if(!hasIndex()) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Slot " + this + " has no index"); } return index; } public int getColumn() { return getIndex() % 9; } public int getRow() { return getIndex() / 9; } public int maxStackSize() { return 64; } public int maxStackSize(Material material) { return Math.min(maxStackSize(), material.getMaxStackSize()); } public int maxStackSize(ItemStack item) { return maxStackSize(item.getType()); } public int maxTransferrableIn(ItemStack source) { return Math.min(source.getAmount(), maxStackSize(source)); } public int maxTransferrableIn(ItemStack source, I inv) { final ItemStack dest = getItem(inv); if(ItemUtils.isNothing(dest)) { return maxTransferrableIn(source); } else if(dest.isSimilar(source)) { return Math.min(source.getAmount(), Math.max(0, maxStackSize(dest) - dest.getAmount())); } else { return 0; } } public boolean isEquipment() { return false; } public EquipmentSlot toEquipmentSlot() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Slot " + this + " is not an equipment slot"); } public I getInventory(H holder) { return (I) holder.getInventory(); } protected static @Nullable ItemStack airToNull(ItemStack stack) { return stack == null || stack.getType() == Material.AIR ? null : stack; } public @Nullable ItemStack getItem(H holder) { return getItem(getInventory(holder)); } public Optional<ItemStack> item(H holder) { return Optional.ofNullable(getItem(holder)); } public void putItem(H holder, ItemStack stack) { putItem(getInventory(holder), stack); } /** * @return the item in this slot of the given holder's inventory, or null if the slot is empty. * This will never return a stack of {@link Material#AIR}. */ public @Nullable ItemStack getItem(I inv) { return airToNull(inv.getItem(getIndex())); } public Optional<ItemStack> item(I inv) { return Optional.ofNullable(getItem(inv)); } public int amount(I inv) { return ItemUtils.amount(getItem(inv)); } public boolean isEmpty(I inv) { return amount(inv) == 0; } /** * Put the given stack in this slot of the given holder's inventory. */ public void putItem(I inv, ItemStack stack) { inv.setItem(getIndex(), airToNull(stack)); } public static class Container extends Slot<Inventory, InventoryHolder> { static void init() { for(int i = 0; i < 54; i++) { new Container("container." + i, i); } } public static @Nullable Container forIndex(int index) { return forIndex(Container.class, index); } Container(String key, int index) { super(Container.class, key, index); } } public static abstract class Player extends Slot<PlayerInventory, org.bukkit.entity.Player> { static void init() { Storage.init(); Equipment.init(); Cursor.init(); } public static Stream<Player> player() { return Streams.concat(,, Stream.of(Cursor.cursor())); } Player(String key, int index) { super(Player.class, key, index); } public static @Nullable Player forIndex(int index) { return forIndex(Player.class, index); } @Override public @Nullable ItemStack getItem(PlayerInventory inv) { return isEquipment() ? airToNull(inv.getItem(toEquipmentSlot())) : super.getItem(inv); } @Override public void putItem(PlayerInventory inv, ItemStack stack) { if(isEquipment()) { inv.setItem(toEquipmentSlot(), stack); } else { super.putItem(inv, stack); } } } public static class Storage extends Player { static void init() { Hotbar.init(); Pockets.init(); } public static Stream<? extends Storage> storage() { return Stream.concat(Hotbar.hotbar(), Pockets.pockets()); } Storage(String key, int index) { super(key, index); } } // TODO: make row/column correct for Hotbar and Pockets public static class Hotbar extends Storage { static void init() { hotbar = new Hotbar[9]; for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { hotbar[i] = new Hotbar("hotbar." + i, i); } } private static Hotbar[] hotbar; public static Stream<? extends Hotbar> hotbar() { return Stream.of(hotbar); } public static Hotbar forPosition(int pos) { return (Hotbar) forIndex(pos); } protected Hotbar(String key, int index) { super(key, index); } } public static class Pockets extends Storage { static void init() { pockets = new Pockets[27]; for(int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { pockets[i] = new Pockets("inventory." + i, 9 + i); } MainHand.init(); } private static Pockets[] pockets; public static Stream<? extends Pockets> pockets() { return Stream.of(pockets); } protected Pockets(String key, int index) { super(key, index); } } public abstract static class Equipment extends Player { static void init() { OffHand.init(); Armor.init(); } public static Stream<? extends Equipment> equipment() { return Stream.concat(Stream.of(OffHand.offHand()), Armor.armor()); } private final EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot; Equipment(String key, int index, EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) { super(key, index); this.equipmentSlot = equipmentSlot; } @Override public int maxStackSize() { return 1; } @Override public boolean isEquipment() { return true; } @Override public EquipmentSlot toEquipmentSlot() { return equipmentSlot; } } public static class MainHand extends Hotbar { static void init() { mainHand = new MainHand(); } private static MainHand mainHand; public static MainHand mainHand() { return mainHand; } MainHand() { super("weapon.mainhand", -1); } @Override public boolean isEquipment() { return true; } @Override public EquipmentSlot toEquipmentSlot() { return EquipmentSlot.HAND; } } public static class OffHand extends Equipment { static void init() { offHand = new OffHand(); } private static OffHand offHand; public static OffHand offHand() { return offHand; } protected OffHand() { super("weapon.offhand", 40, EquipmentSlot.OFF_HAND); } } public static class Armor extends Equipment { static void init() { new Armor("armor.feet", EquipmentSlot.FEET, ArmorType.BOOTS); new Armor("armor.legs", EquipmentSlot.LEGS, ArmorType.LEGGINGS); new Armor("armor.chest", EquipmentSlot.CHEST, ArmorType.CHESTPLATE); new Armor("armor.head", EquipmentSlot.HEAD, ArmorType.HELMET); } private static final Map<ArmorType, Armor> byArmorType = new EnumMap<>(ArmorType.class); public static Stream<? extends Armor> armor() { return byArmorType.values().stream(); } private final ArmorType armorType; Armor(String key, EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot, ArmorType armorType) { super(key, armorType.inventorySlot(), equipmentSlot); this.armorType = armorType; byArmorType.put(armorType, this); } public ArmorType getArmorType() { return armorType; } public static Armor forType(ArmorType armorType) { return byArmorType.get(armorType); } } public static class EnderChest extends Slot<Inventory, org.bukkit.entity.Player> { static void init() { for(int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { new EnderChest("enderchest." + i, i); } } EnderChest(String key, int index) { super(EnderChest.class, key, index); } @Override public Inventory getInventory(org.bukkit.entity.Player holder) { return holder.getEnderChest(); } } public static class Cursor extends Player { static void init() { cursor = new Cursor(); } private static Cursor cursor; public static Cursor cursor() { return cursor; } Cursor() { super(null, -1); } @Override public String toString() { return "cursor"; } @Override public @Nullable ItemStack getItem(org.bukkit.entity.Player holder) { return airToNull(holder.getItemOnCursor()); } @Override public void putItem(org.bukkit.entity.Player holder, @Nullable ItemStack stack) { holder.setItemOnCursor(stack); } @Override public @Nullable ItemStack getItem(PlayerInventory inv) { return getItem((org.bukkit.entity.Player) inv.getHolder()); } @Override public void putItem(PlayerInventory inv, ItemStack stack) { putItem((org.bukkit.entity.Player) inv.getHolder(), stack); } } }